Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3959 Even if my blood stains the sky!

Extraterritorial battlefield.

The crimson blood moon has set, replaced by the light-colored moon, which is about to reach its first quarter.

The battlefield frozen by ice and snow once again turned into a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire.

The earth will crack again, and billowing demonic energy will escape from the scorching magma.

Countless low-level demonic creatures emerged from the magma.

This is also the best time for the demon army to attack the city on a large scale.


Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle pierced the sky.

Because the blockade has been destroyed, it will be very difficult for the demon army to rebuild the blockade in a short period of time.

The boundary-breaking shuttle traveled unimpeded and quickly passed through the original blockade.

At this moment, this area has been turned into ruins by the "destruction" of thunder and calamity. The mountains collapsed, and with the light red blood moon in the sky, purgatory-like magma swept everywhere.

Here, it is impossible to build a new pass.

"The light red blood moon has appeared. It seems that the demons have begun to attack at Wangshu Fortress."

Mr. Qingyan looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"I hope the reinforcements from Her Royal Highness the Princess can arrive in time."

Fatty Huang sighed softly and said in a deep voice.

Yu Qiubai clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "I hope General Meng can also move back the reinforcements smoothly!"

"I'm afraid it may be a little difficult for the Xantian Mountain Clan."

Fatty Huang shook his head and looked at Ling Feng, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating in the corner of Class A.

Ever since Mr. Qingyan started driving the boundary-breaking shuttle, Ling Feng had been meditating all the time.

He seemed to have sunk into some mysterious state, and his whole body was exuding a biting cold air.

This kind of cold air is not the law of ice.

In Mr. Qingyan's words, it was more like a killing spirit.

"When Boss Shui Han wakes up, his strength will probably be even greater."

Fatty Huang took a deep breath and murmured: "Maybe he will also break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop!"

"My aunt's catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor is enough to defy the heavens. I wonder what will happen to my uncle's catastrophe?"

Yu Qiubai couldn't help but mutter.

Mr. Qingyan just listened silently and drove the boundary-breaking shuttle at full speed to move forward.

They set off two full days later than the reinforcements sent by the Xuntian Wind Clan.

However, as the army marches, its speed will definitely be affected.

At the speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle, they would probably be a few hours behind by the time they arrived at Wangshu Fortress.

Within a few hours, the battle should not be over yet.

Swish, swish, swish!

In the sky, there was a dense mass of flying ships, covering the sky with clouds, heading westward.

On board this spaceship were the 300,000 reinforcements that Yu Bingqing brought back from the Xantian Wind Clan!

The leader of them is a general from Dingfeng Fortress named Feng Zhengyang, also known as Feng Yang Immortal Emperor.

This person's cultivation is as high as the eighth level of the Moon Wheel Realm, and his strength can be said to be quite strong.

And he personally led fifty powerful Immortal Emperors and an army of three hundred thousand to the Wangshu Fortress. This force should be enough to completely defeat the demon army.

At this moment, Yu Bingqing was standing on the deck of a giant spaceship at the front.

Not far behind her were Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang.

As Yu Bingqing's bodyguards, they naturally have to follow her to "protect" her at all times.

Although, with Yu Bingqing's current strength, I'm afraid it won't be their turn to protect him.

But being a follower is more than enough.

"The light red blood moon is rotating. I'm afraid a war has broken out over at Wangshu Fortress."

On the deck, a middle-aged man wearing silver armor took a deep breath, with a trace of solemnity on his brow.

This person is none other than Immortal Emperor Feng Yang.

"We are still nearly half a day away from Wangshu Fortress. Senior Feng, can you give me the order to continue speeding up the entire army!"

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and said solemnly: "We must arrive at Wangshu Fortress as soon as possible!"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang shook his head and sighed softly, "Your Highness, Princess, we are already moving very fast. If we continue to accelerate, the speed of consumption of immortal stones will be further accelerated. When the time comes, on the battlefield, our Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon will , I’m afraid there won’t be much immortal stone left to consume.”

After a pause, Immortal Emperor Feng Yang continued: "In addition, the airship also needs to consume a certain amount of energy to maintain the defensive barrier. If it travels at full speed, the defensive barrier will definitely be affected. Although it is unlikely, but here It is an extraterrestrial battlefield, and our army is likely to be attacked by other demon armies, so defensive barriers are also indispensable. "

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists. She knew very well that what Immortal Emperor Feng Yang said was absolutely correct.

But right now, the situation over at Wangshu Fortress is probably quite serious.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, outside the walls of Wangshu Fortress, smoke was already billowing.

The Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon continued to fire, blasting the already riddled wasteland outside into even more fragments.

Just as Yu Bingqing expected.

The demons have already launched an offensive.

Thousands of miles away, the sound of fighting still shocked people's hearts.

After a short recuperation, the demons have gathered more people. This round of offensive will only be more intense and more violent than the last time!

"Come on!"

"Kill out!"

"Kill these devil bastards to pieces!"

"Damn it, I can't kill them all! I can't kill them all!"

Countless humans and demons were entangled together and fighting madly. The violent power was raging throughout the space, and wherever it passed, the void seemed to collapse.

There were constant screams from human beings, and ferocious laughter from demons, which shook the sky.

On top of the fortress tower, Prince Su stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the battlefield ahead, his brows furrowed.

This time, the demons gathered a total of five million people, and nearly a hundred giant void beasts comparable to the Immortal Emperor level swept over them in a mighty force.

And the defenders of Wangshu Fortress plus the reinforcements from the Demon Suppressing Army only totaled no more than 800,000!

Although each of the demon-suppressing army is brave and skilled in fighting, it is difficult to smooth out such a huge disparity in strength.

"Reinforcements haven't arrived yet!"

Prince Su held a golden sword in his hand, his brows almost standing upright.

As for Du Zhongwei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he also had a frown on his face and his face was like frost.

"not yet."

There was a bit of trembling in the voice of the messenger behind him, and he could feel the terrifying chill radiating from the prince's whole body.

"The Xantian Mountain Clan is really hopeless!"

Prince Su grabbed a stone brick on the tower with his palm, and with a "click", the stone brick was crushed into pieces.

"However, all our hopes can only be placed on Shui Han and his team."

The demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng sighed softly and said slowly: "The five million demon army, even if four million of them are just low-level cannon fodder, but the remaining one million demon elites are not something we can resist. Not to mention, there are also troublesome void beasts in this army! This army of demons should be from the Gruando clan!"

"What a Gulando clan! Are we going to fight to the death this time?"

Prince Su snorted coldly, although the war between the immortal and demon clans has never stopped.

But a war on this scale has not happened for countless thousands of years.

Boom boom boom!

The Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon fired continuously, coupled with the heroic fighting of countless defenders.

However, those giant void beasts still passed through the heavy artillery screens and layers of blockades before reaching the city tower.

Their battle plan was still surprisingly similar to last time.

That is to first break through the barrier of Wangshu Fortress and completely destroy this fortress.

Once the fortress is destroyed, all the defenders in Wangshu Fortress will no longer have a place to stay.


A series of terrifying roars resounded through the sky.

Huge behemoths of the void have begun to frantically attack the barrier on the city tower.


The earth was crumbling for a while, and once the barrier was broken, the magma beneath Wangshu Fortress would quickly erupt.

Under the light of the light red blood moon, the ruthless magma will flow everywhere, and the entire fortress will cease to exist.

Prince Su snorted coldly and charged out with his sword.

"All Immortal Emperors, follow me into the formation! Kill!"

Prince Su could no longer hold back.

Instead of pinning your hopes on the Xantian Mountain Clan, it is better to believe in your own sword!

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind.

"Back! General Meng Chong is back!"

Prince Su's eyelids twitched and he looked at Huang Shicheng aside.

Huang Shicheng nodded, "Meng Chong is the elite of our demon-suppressing army, and he went to Quexie Fortress with Shui Han!"

"He's back, the reinforcements!"

Prince Su's eyes narrowed, as if he saw a glimmer of hope.

However, the next moment, the fantasy was completely shattered.

But they saw a messenger soldier, driving a man covered in blood, staggering up to the tower.

This person was none other than Meng Chong who went to Quexie Fortress to ask for help.

However, his journey was obviously not smooth.

"Meng Chong, why are you..."

Huang Shicheng's eyes narrowed and he frowned when he saw the scars all over Meng Chong's body, "What's going on?"

"There will be no reinforcements!"

Meng Chong plopped, knelt on the ground, and then burst into tears, "There will be no more reinforcements! Except for me, everyone in the team... is all dead! All of them are dead!"

Tears streamed down his face, and his body began to tremble with excitement.

"what happened!"

Huang Shicheng grabbed Meng Chong's shoulders, "You should make it clear!"

"General, after we risked our lives and rushed to the Quexie Fortress, no matter how hard we said it, the Xuantian Mountain Clan was unwilling to send out a single soldier, and even humiliated us in every possible way.

"Even though my subordinates endured the humiliation, knelt down and kowtowed, and presented all the treasures we asked for help, who would have thought that the people from the Xantian Mountain Clan robbed our treasures, but still refused to send troops. After they beat us up, all of them Throw it out. The subordinates could only take the brothers back, but encountered the wandering demons on the way. "

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "Several of the brothers were severely injured by people from the Xantian Mountain Clan, and were eaten alive by the demonic creatures in the end. In order to help their subordinates escape, all the brothers , all dead! They are all dead!"

Meng Chong's emotions collapsed again and he burst into tears.

"Xuntian Mountain Clan!"

Huang Shicheng clenched his fists tightly, trembling with anger.

Prince Su's eyes also burst out with fierce murderous intent.

Although I had long expected that the chances of the Xuntianshan Clan sending troops to rescue were low, I didn’t expect that they would actually add insult to injury like this!

"What about Shuihan! And where is Her Royal Highness the eldest princess!"

Huang Shicheng's heart trembled. He knew that his son had also set off with Shui Han and the others!

"Brother Shui Han is not with us. He previously thought that it was impossible for the Xuantian Mountain Clan to set out, so he took the eldest princess and the others, together with the scout team from the Xuantian Feng Clan, to prepare to break through the blockade and go to Dingfeng Fortress to ask for help. , but I don’t know what’s going on now!”

Meng Chong clenched his fists, "I should have listened to Brother Shui Han's words. Even if I can't get through and die in a head-on battle with the demons, it would be better than suffering all kinds of humiliation from the Xuantian Mountain Clan!"

"What? Just a few of them dare to break through the blockade?"

Huang Shicheng felt his mind go blank.

This is not much different from seeking death.

"That boy is indeed extraordinary, but..."

Prince Su shook his head and sighed, "It seems that there will indeed be no more reinforcements. We can only sink our boats and fight with our last resort!"

He clenched the sword in his hand and took one last look at the towering fortress behind him.

This is a pass that was forged with flesh and blood after spending the lives of countless immortal monks.

I'm afraid I can't hold on today!

But even if I die, I will fight with my sword!

I swear to live and die with Wangshu Fortress!


Amidst the roar, the first garrison guarding the outermost perimeter had been completely breached.

All the defenders were wiped out!

The next moment, countless low-level demons poured in like a tide.

Although they are just cannon fodder, they continue to devour flesh and blood and absorb evil energy on the battlefield.

Among the ten thousand, a few will continue to evolve and eventually become more powerful beings.

Prince Su's eyes flashed coldly, he raised his sword high and shouted: "All immortal emperors, follow me and kill!"

The hope of reinforcements was completely shattered.

The only thing they can do is to fight in a desperate situation, fighting for that impossible glimmer of hope until the last drop of blood is shed!

"Hahaha! Bathed in the Queen's supreme magic light, Wangshu Fortress, be destroyed today!"

Among the demon army, a six-winged demon was suspended in the sky above the army, looking far away in the direction of Wangshu Fortress. His cold and stern eyes were thousands of miles away, but he was looking at Prince Su.

They are all half-step broken warriors, and they are also the two peak warriors in this battle.

The moment their eyes met, it was like the collision of stars, and the heaven and earth trembled.

"Hmph, today, I took half a step!"

The six-winged demon spread its wings on its back, and then rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, countless two-winged and four-winged demon elites followed the six-winged demon and rushed out.

The demonic flames billowing wherever it passes are beyond the ability of ordinary human monks to resist.

"Even if the sky is stained with my blood! The mighty Jin Ge, the strong ambition! Kill!!!"

Prince Su swept the edge of his sword and charged towards the six-winged demon. His sword light erupted and turned into thousands of feet of golden light, spanning across the sky!

At the same time, he looked back at Huang Shicheng and said in a deep voice: "Du Zhongwei, Huang Shicheng! Those giant void beasts, as well as the fortress's barrier, are all left to you!"

"Subordinate, obey!"

Du and Huang both nodded heavily, their eyes bursting with endless fire.

In this battle, everyone must be prepared to die. Perhaps, annihilation of the entire army is their only outcome.

But, no matter what, those demons must pay an extremely heavy price!

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