Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3960 The Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation!

"You demon clan boys, let me kill you!"

The six-winged demon spread its huge wings and instantly turned into a black storm, shooting towards Wangshu Fortress.

His target is Prince Su, who possesses half a broken level strength.

As long as Prince Su is killed, then the Wangshu Fortress will naturally be demoralized and defeated without a fight.

Prince Su obviously had the same idea.

Under the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, the only way to defeat the demon army is to kill the demon leader.

"Aolong Po!"

With a sweep of the sword, a golden light turned into a giant dragon and rose into the sky, spiraling towards the demon legion led by the six-winged demon.


The six-winged demon shouted violently, and then a dark red spear appeared in his hand, and blood flashed above the tip of the spear.

It is also a rare magic weapon!

At his order, the demon elites who followed him and broke through the outer defense line immediately spread out with their wings and attacked the human monks around them.

These demons are all powerful men above the Demon Lord.

And many of them at the four-wing level have reached the Demon Emperor level.

The black wings passed by, causing blood to rain all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Emperor-level Supreme Beings on the city tower finally took action and fought against those powerful Demon Emperors.

The golden sword in Prince Su's hand created a storm of sword energy, and under the violent rain of swords that filled the sky, Prince Su pointed his sword directly at the forehead of the six-winged demon, and the figure suddenly disappeared on the spot!

A thousand miles seems like an instant!

The six-winged demon only felt that an extremely fierce murderous aura was locking him, and there was no way to escape or hide!

"What a half-step!"

A sinister smile appeared on the face of the six-winged demon, "Give me your name. I, Phileus, will not kill the unknown!"

"You do not deserve!"

The answer to the six-winged demon Phileus was a roar that shook the nine heavens.

Immediately afterwards, the sword energy burst out, and Prince Su's sword light flashed and passed through Phileus.


Time and space seemed to freeze, and Phileus' head was penetrated by sword energy in the midst of lightning and flint.


On top of the city tower, Du Zhongwei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, the demon-suppressing general, and others all looked into the sky in astonishment.

The aura of the six-winged demon emperor was probably shattered in half a step.

Could it be that he was instantly killed by Prince Su with a sword?

Even Prince Su himself had an unreal feeling in his heart.

However, the sword he just struck directly penetrated the Six-Winged Demon Emperor's head. This was definitely a fatal injury!

However, the next moment, the six-winged demon emperor Phileus's head, which had been smashed to pieces, quickly recovered.

In the blink of an eye, he recovered completely without any scars.

"It's really rude to kill him as soon as he comes up!"

The six wings behind Philius flapped gently, with a touch of amusement and teasing on his face, "Your swordsmanship is very powerful, but what you killed was just one of my dream bodies! By the way, I There are enough eighteen dream bodies. As for the power and effects of this dream body, you can fully appreciate it."

As he spoke, Phileus narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. Prince Su felt a sharp murderous aura coming from behind. He quickly drew his sword back to defend and slashed hard with the sword.


A crack seemed to be cut into the void, and the dream body dissipated, followed by several more cunning and fierce attacks.

Prince Su finally realized that the so-called dream body was probably a special power that was invisible even to the flesh.

Under the control of Phileus, they can attack without anyone noticing.

Moreover, not only that, when the main body is fatally injured, the dream body can also automatically replace the main body's injuries.

To completely kill Phileus means that all his dream bodies must be destroyed at the same time.

However, he couldn't even see those dream bodies, so how could they eliminate them.

Only when Mengshen launched an attack could he sense the fluctuations in power and be able to react and resist the attack.

In other words, when facing Phileus, even if he is as strong as Prince Su, he can only be beaten passively.

Once a flaw is exposed and those dream bodies find an opportunity to take advantage of it, I am afraid that they will immediately fall into a desperate situation.

"Damn it!"

Prince Su clenched the long sword in his hand tightly. If he were a person with a strong enough soul, he might be able to sense the existence of those dream bodies!

Inexplicably, the figure of "Shui Han" appeared in his mind, and he immediately shook his head and sighed.

It's a pity that this son has probably already died.


Phileus laughed ferociously and raised a finger lightly.

Every time he waved his fingertips, Mengshen quietly launched an attack, and Prince Su seemed to be fighting the air. This feeling made Prince Su's lungs explode with anger.

But it happened that he couldn't break through the blockade of those dream bodies.

In other words, from the beginning, Phileus deliberately pretended to be hit by Prince Su, just to make him fall into the "trap" of the dream body.

"Watch how your subordinates fall in front of you one by one!"

Phileus looked relaxed and content.

Behind him, the four-winged demon emperors and the giant void beasts had begun to erupt with terrifying power.

Under the overwhelming numbers, the defenders of Wangshu Fortress were obviously becoming more and more strenuous.

Once the defenders on the front line fall, they will be eaten up by countless demons.

And the barrier of the fortress began to have cracks under the crazy attacks of those giant void beasts.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before Wangshu Fortress is breached!

"Prince Su is also trapped!"

The demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng clenched his weapon, his eyes full of determination.

He was ready to defend this fortress with blood.

"Grand Governor, it seems that we can only use this last resort!"

Huang Shicheng took a deep breath and looked at Du Zhongwei beside him.

Du Zhongwei sighed and nodded with the same solemn expression, "Yes, we have reached the final desperate situation. Since the completion of Wangshu Fortress, I have never thought that there will be a day when this formation will be used. ”

"Now, it's time to activate the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation!"

Huang Shicheng took a deep breath and said, "Grand Governor, let me preside over the formation."


Du Zhongwei clenched his fists, "You should know the price of doing this!"

"It's just draining the blood and soul from the whole body."

Huang Shicheng shook his head and smiled, "If the city is destroyed today, you will die sooner or later. It is better to use up this body of energy and blood to kill more demons!"

From the moment he heard that Huang Yuan followed Ling Feng and the others to break through the blockade, he believed that his son was in danger.

From then on, he was considered carefree.

What does it matter if you risk your life?


Du Zhongwei looked up to the sky and laughed, "Brother Huang, I am not as good as you! No matter what, if the city is destroyed, on the road to hell, brother, I will be with you soon!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Huang Shicheng also laughed loudly, but his laughter could not conceal his desolation and solemnity.

The next moment, streaks of blood shot into the sky.

Huang Shicheng's figure was seen slowly floating up.

The bloody light beams intertwined and finally converged on Huang Shicheng's body.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of all the monks on the tower began to radiate blood.

Then, even the fighting defenders and the demon army began to feel that about 20% of the energy and blood in their bodies was gathering in the direction of Huang Shicheng.

Once the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation is launched, it will plunder all the energy and blood power of all creatures in the entire battlefield.

Finally, under the blessing of the great formation, he transformed into the Shura Blood Demon.

This is an evil formation that uses demons to control demons. Not only will it plunder the blood of all creatures on both sides of the enemy without distinction, but after transforming into the Shura Blood Demon, this power can only last for an hour at most.

After an hour, the power will burn out, and the person in charge of the formation will surely die.

In addition, the eighteen powerful Immortal Emperors responsible for assisting in the formation will also suffer huge backlash, and will fall into an extremely weak and unable to move state for at least ten days.

Such a price is undoubtedly very terrifying.

But right now, it seems that Wangshu Fortress has no other choice.


The void trembled.

Huang Shicheng's body gathered countless energy and blood and began to expand crazily.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a Shura Blood Demon over a hundred feet tall!

Then, countless bone spurs spread out from his body, and the majestic power of Qi and blood condensed into eighteen huge long knives, suspended behind his back.

All around him, endless demonic flames burned!

At this moment, Huang Shicheng became more like a demon than a demon, and when he opened his bloody pupils, he let out a low and painful roar.


With a loud shout, eighteen bloody magic knives shot out from behind Huang Shicheng.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of terrifying explosions shattered the sky.

Those sword lights penetrated the huge bodies of the giant void beasts.

Just heard a wailing sound, and then there was a loud "bang" sound, one after another.

The giant bodies collapsed suddenly.

The giant void beast comparable to the level of the Demon Emperor was killed instantly by Shura Blood Demon's blood knife.


Prince Su sighed. Although Huang Shicheng killed three giant void beasts in one move after transforming into Shura Blood Demon, he knew very well what Huang Shicheng would have to pay.

And what will the Immortal Emperors who assisted him in opening the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation pay for.

An hour!

After an hour of eruption, they will all become flesh and blood that can be slaughtered by others, without any resistance.

In order to defend this fortress made with blood, everyone has put their lives on the line and risked everything.

Prince Su's eyes were red, and he shouted violently. He no longer cared about the threat of those dream bodies, and roared towards Philius.

At this moment, only by killing Philius quickly can Wangshu Fortress gain a chance of survival.


Phileus smiled coldly, "Under the blockade of my dream body, you managed to break through. Just wait to be torn into pieces by the dream body!"

"Get out of my way!"

The sword in Prince Su's hand roared like a dragon. With the violent sword energy, he actually gave up all defenses and launched a fierce attack on Phileus.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Mengshen's attacks left deep wounds on his body, but the edge of the sword in Prince Su's hand did not change at all, firmly locking on Phileus's vitals.

"Madman! What a madman!"

Philius's eyes widened, he didn't expect that the other party would adopt such a desperate strategy.

Moreover, his speed is too fast!

It was so fast that he could hardly lock on!

"One sword can separate the world!"

Prince Su's figure turned into lightning and thunder, and there seemed to be a thunder at the tip of the sword, bursting through the void, shooting away, and piercing Phileus' right eye.

Phileus was shocked and turned pale. He quickly raised his palm and grabbed the thunder.

However, at the next moment, Prince Su's sword edge had already broken through the many obstructions of the dream body and stabbed directly towards him.

His body was also penetrated by countless sharp claws, but his sword edge was not hindered at all. It was precise and sharp, destroying everything.

"When you release all your dream bodies to attack me, it is also the best time for me to attack you!"

Prince Su shouted loudly, blood rained all over his body, and the sword light penetrated directly from the front of Phileus.

"Don't even think about it!"

Phileus gritted his teeth and raised his hand to push the sword's edge down hard.


The sword blade pierced Phileus's cheek, almost cutting off half of his face.

Phileus struck out with a fierce palm, knocking Prince Su away, and at the same time flapped his six wings and retreated quickly.

His palms pressed tightly against the pierced cheek, and crimson blood flowed freely.

He let out an extremely painful roar, but fortunately, his eyes were not pierced, otherwise, his strength would be greatly reduced.

As a high-level demon of the Gruando clan, most of his power comes from those eyes of the void.

Once his eyes are destroyed, it means that his promotion path will be completely ruined.

"Human, you deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

Philius's face became ferocious and twisted, his eyes widened, and he stared at Prince Su.

At this moment, he no longer meant any joking, but was filled with endless anger and murderous intent. If he wanted to kill the guy in front of him who disfigured him, he would have to cut him into pieces to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

Prince Su swept the edge of his sword, shook off the blood on the blade, held the hilt of the sword, and coughed out several mouthfuls of blood.

In fact, with such a strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries, the injuries he just suffered were much more serious than Phileus.

But at least it proves one thing: his dream body cannot always replace the injuries suffered by his main body.

As long as you are fast enough and arrive quickly, the other party will not be able to react at all.

This is his chance!

"Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation!"

Thousands of miles away from the battlefield, on a vast spaceship, Immortal Emperor Feng Yang looked at a pillar of blood rising into the sky in the distance, his eyes condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, Wangshu Fortress has actually been activated. It seems that the situation of the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation is already very critical.”

In fact, every fortress is equipped with a demon-killing blood spirit formation. As one of the generals of Dingfeng Fortress, he is naturally familiar with this formation.

No one would use this formation unless absolutely necessary.

Once the formation is launched, it means that this will be the final desperate counterattack.

"how so!"

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists. Although they had rushed back to Wangshu Fortress as soon as possible, they were still a little slow.

"Senior Feng Yang, we can't delay any longer, we must rush on at full speed!!"

Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth and said, "I beg you! Senior!"


Immortal Emperor Feng Yang sighed softly, "That's it, that's it!"

He clenched his fists and immediately gave orders, abandoning all defensive formations and accelerating with all his strength!

"Your Highness the Princess, I have ordered the fleet to move forward at full speed. We will reach Wangshu Fortress within an hour at most!"

"Is there another hour left?"

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists tightly, her eyes flashing with extreme anxiety, "Uncle Emperor, you must persist! I will be back with reinforcements right away!"

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