Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3963 The combination of swords! Killing is rampant!

"court death!"

Seeing that Mr. Qingyan actually dared to stop in front of him, and ignored him, chatting with others, the six-winged demon emperor Phileus suddenly became angry.

But it's just a sun wheel, it can be destroyed with your hands!

In an instant, billowing demonic energy raged around Philius, sweeping away.

As the saying goes, the nights are long and the dreams are many. He has no more patience to waste time anymore.

Today, Yu Bingqing's life must be taken, otherwise, in the future, the human race will have another ninth-level broken warrior, and the consequences will be endless!

"Hey, your anger is too strong, I'm afraid you might get burned."

Mr. Qingyan did not confront Naphilius head-on, but used his physical skills to retreat behind Immortal Emperor Feng Yang, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng Yang, please lead the attack, and I will assist you from the side!"


The corners of Immortal Emperor Feng Yang's mouth twitched slightly. This old boy made Philius angry, but he ran away!

What the hell am I going to do to block Phileus’ attack!

Just when Immortal Emperor Feng Yang was hesitating, Mr. Qingyan had already taken out the golden needles, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen golden needles sank into the back of Immortal Emperor Feng Yang.

It was actually the method of pricking the acupuncture points with golden needles that stimulated the potential of Immortal Emperor Feng Yang.

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly. He felt a majestic mana surge from his dantian like a living spring, pouring into his limbs and bones in an instant.

Under the blessing of that huge magic power, his realm was pushed to the peak of the sun.

Even though it was not as broken as half a step, it was still capable of fighting against Phileus.

"Brother Feng Yang, come on, if it doesn't work, I'll give you a few more injections!"

Mr. Qingyan cheered and cheered behind Immortal Emperor Feng Yang. Immortal Emperor Feng Yang felt a black eye, but he could only bite the bullet and attack Felius.

With Mr. Qingyan assisting him from behind, he would not be defeated for a moment.

But I'm afraid it won't be delayed for too long.

As for the fortress barrier, those giant void beasts once again launched a fierce offensive towards the barrier.

The situation of the entire Wangshu Fortress is still precarious.

Ling Feng took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible. His eyes fell on the wound on Prince Su's chest, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

The demonic energy in Prince Su's body has invaded his limbs and bones.

Originally, with his level, he could suppress the erosion of this evil spirit.

However, in order to defend the Wangshu Fortress, Prince Su had to go head-to-head with Phileus and other half-step strong men even if he was seriously injured.

Every fight caused the demonic energy in his body to explode again and again.

Being able to hold on until now is all due to his strong willpower.

"Your Majesty, I'm offended!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his hand to tear open Prince Su's upper body robe.

Being corroded by the demonic energy, almost half of his body had turned purple-black, and streams of extremely foul-smelling dark green blood flowed out from the wounds.

Prince Su, however, remained silent and said with a wry smile: "Little friend Shuihan, don't worry about me. I'm afraid my injuries are hopeless! You and Bingqing are leaving quickly. There is no need to catch up here." There are endless possibilities for you!"

After saying that, he coughed violently again.

The fortress boundary was in danger, and countless soldiers were killed or injured. Even the demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng was uncertain about his life or death at this moment.

In this battle, Wangshu Fortress was completely defeated!

He tightened his fists, and then, he actually wanted to push Ling Feng away, burn his life essence again, and kill Phileus.

"Your Majesty, please believe me!"

There was a hint of determination in Ling Feng's eyes, "I can treat your injury!"


Not far away, the six-winged demon emperor was fighting with Immortal Emperor Feng Yang. When he heard Ling Feng's words, he couldn't help but sneered, "Is this demonic energy something that a mere immortal like you can resolve? It's just a fool's errand!"

"Oh? Really? I will resolve it for you!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately pressed his right hand directly on Prince Su's chest. The laws of chaos in his body were operating, and the demonic energy was directly sucked into his body.

These demonic energies were a fatal threat to Prince Su, but they were excellent "nourishment" for Ling Feng.

In particular, Philius possesses the bloodline power of the Gruando family, which can be of great benefit to the evolution of his Eye of the Void.

"Boy, are you crazy! Stop it!"

Prince Su's expression changed and he wanted to stop Ling Feng.

He has been attacked by demonic energy, and there is no cure. This kid actually uses this method. Not only can he not save himself, but he may even take his life.

"Your Majesty, believe me!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Prince Su and laughed loudly: "I am a devouring body, even the devil's energy can be devoured!"

His remarks also "learned" from Yu Jingyuan's ability.

Since Yu Jingyuan can rely on his "devouring body" to use demonic energy openly.

So, why can't I do it?

In the world, is he, Yu Jingyuan, the only one allowed to possess the devouring body?

Although his Chaos Body is a hundred times more powerful than the Devouring Body, in a sense, there are indeed similarities.

As long as you hide it carefully and disguise yourself as a devouring body, it will be more than enough.

Not only that, he deliberately said that he was a "devouring body" in front of everyone, so that he could be more justified when using demonic energy in the future.


Prince Su's eyelids twitched, but he was still slightly worried.

Even though it is a devouring body, it is the demonic energy that can break a strong person in half a step.

How could a little immortal like him be able to devour it?

However, what shocked Prince Su was that the demonic energy in his body swept wildly towards "Shui Han" at a rapid speed.

However, Shui Han's expression did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

It was like a bottomless pit, he would absorb as much demonic energy as he could in his body.

He had also heard about Yu Jingyuan's swallowing body, and Shui Han's "devouring body" seemed to be even more heaven-defying than Yu Jingyuan's.

As the demonic energy in the body was sucked away, the powerful magic power in Prince Su's body began to operate on its own. The flesh and blood squirmed at the wound and healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, it was broken in half a step, and its vitality was far beyond the comparison of ordinary immortal emperors.

After a while, the black energy on his face receded, and the demonic energy in his body was completely wiped out.

On the other hand, Ling Feng was not only not weak at all, but his aura had also strengthened a bit.

Sure enough, he not only swallowed Phileus's demonic energy, but also transformed it into his own mana for his own use!

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Feilius stared at Ling Feng and Prince Su in great shock. How overbearing was his demonic energy, that it could even devour that little Immortal Master?

"Nothing is impossible! Just die!"

All the demonic energy in Prince Nasu's body disappeared. He swung the long sword in his hand and his aura climbed to its peak again.

The sword glowed, and in the next moment, Prince Su transformed into a golden god of war and killed him.

Before leaving, Ling Feng also gave him a pill. Although it was not as domineering as the Wild Dragon Violent Pill, it could increase Prince Su's mana several times in a short period of time.

After all, he had been severely injured before. Although he seemed to be back to his peak, he was actually weak in energy and blood, but he was at the end of his strength.

Ling Feng's elixir was enough to suppress the six-winged demon emperor Philius in a short period of time.

"Damn it!"

Phileus cursed loudly, and seeing Prince Su rejoining the battle circle, he quickly withdrew a few dream bodies and guarded them by his side.

Facing Prince Su, he didn't dare to be careless.

After all, Prince Su's domineering sword was enough to pose a fatal threat to him.

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang was refreshed. With the addition of Prince Su, his pressure was greatly reduced, and he was able to fully utilize his speed advantage and was no longer restricted everywhere.

As for Mr. Qingyan, he was happy to watch the show and did not take any action.

However, his eyes glanced at Ling Feng from time to time, and he murmured to himself, "Is it really just a devouring body? There are really many secrets hidden in this kid!"

After Ling Feng helped Prince Na Su resolve the demonic energy in his body, he immediately flew back to Yu Bingqing's side.

At this moment, Yu Bingqing was still struggling with those giant beasts in the void.

However, under the command of Naphilius, most of the void beasts were desperately attacking the fortress barrier, leaving only two void beasts with the strongest defense, which turned into two barriers and blocked the fortress. In front of Yu Bingqing.

In this way, Yu Bingqing could only watch as those giant void beasts crazily collided with the barrier. The Immortal Emperor Supreme Beings who maintained the barrier were already extremely weak, and at this moment, they were falling down one after another.

The fortress boundary is already in danger.

Once the barrier is broken, even if Prince Su and the others can defeat Phileus, under the influence of the light red blood moon, the magma erupting from the ground will instantly swallow up the entire fortress without the protection of the barrier.

The fortress that the human monks had worked so hard to build would be destroyed in one day.

"How's it going?"

Ling Feng flew down next to Yu Bingqing and asked in a deep voice.

Yu Bingqing shook his head and bit his silver teeth, "These guys are rough-skinned and thick-flesh, especially the two in front. They turned into copper walls and iron walls. They blocked the other giant void beasts and I couldn't attack them at all. If this continues, the result will be The world can’t hold on for much longer.”

Looking at the Immortal Emperors on the tower who vomited blood and fell to the ground, Yu Bingqing was extremely anxious, but could not do anything at all.

"You possess the power of blood from the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon. Now that you have broken through the Immortal Emperor, you will definitely be able to break through the defenses of these beasts!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yu Bingqing and said in a deep voice: "Bingqing, do you still remember the farmer's three punches I taught you?"

Yu Bingqing was stunned for a moment, then blinked and nodded: "Yeah, but I've tried it. Even if I use the force-generating techniques you taught me, it's still not enough."

"Now, I'll teach you the art of killing swordsmanship again!"

The power that is most consistent with the power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon is undoubtedly the power of killing.

After the words fell, Ling Feng condensed a long sword with black ice and threw it into Yu Bingqing's hand. Then, he sacrificed the ice knife transformed from Shi Fang Destruction and said in a deep voice: "Feel my sword intention and combine it with the one in your body." The essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon are fused together!”


Yu Bingqing nodded heavily, holding a sword in one hand and standing side by side with Ling Feng.

The next moment, a breeze surged around the two of them. Together with Lingfeng's sword intent, Yu Bingqing felt as if a Shura purgatory appeared in front of her.

The sky is filled with blood, staining the sky!

"Be careful and feel the power of killing!"

Ling Feng's voice penetrated the sky, like a thunder, exploding in Yu Bingqing's ears.

If he could not control the law of killing, Yu Bingqing would never be able to completely integrate with the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Dragon in his body.

And now is the best opportunity.

Yu Bingqing nodded numbly, and the next moment, the breeze around the two of them turned into a storm and swept away.

In the storm, Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing's movements were uniform and seemed to be completely synchronized.

However, one person has a knife in his hand, and another person has a sword in his hand.

Although the swords are different, the fierce killing intention is the same.

However, the sword intention is strong and the sword intention is gentle.

In a sense, the fusion of the power of yin and yang elevates the power of killing to another higher level.

In an instant, blood and light intertwined, and the two storms merged together and turned into a tornado of thousands of feet.

Countless sword lights and sword shadows burst out from the storm.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody tornado slammed into the barrier transformed by the two giant void beasts.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In just one moment, tens of thousands of swords, qi, and daggers collided, and the barrier was broken down in an instant.

In a high-pitched roar, a giant void beast was cut into countless pieces in an instant.


Blood rain poured down, and the storm rolled up again!

There was another wailing sound, and the second giant void beast also disappeared into ashes and turned into nothingness under the bloody storm.

For a moment, the Immortal Emperors and Supreme Beings on the city tower breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps, there is still hope for the fortress barrier!

Prince Su and others also showed expressions of ecstasy.

This is undoubtedly a miracle, and they have witnessed this miracle with their own eyes!

The morale of the entire human camp and the soldiers of the entire army was greatly boosted by the screams of the giant void beast, and was raised to an unparalleled level.

"Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess! She, she killed two giant void beasts again!"

"There is still hope for our Wangshu Fortress, and we can still win!"


"Kill these devil bastards!"


The next moment, the storm dissipated, and two figures emerged from the storm.

Still standing side by side, the sword in Ling Feng's hand and the sword in Yu Bingqing's hand were matched together, making it a perfect match!

Yu Bingqing's beautiful eyes also flashed with disbelief, "Is this really my power?"

Before that, Yu Bingqing tried her best, but was unable to break through the barriers formed by the two giant void beasts.

But now, I just feel Ling Feng's will and swing the sword with him.

The results were completely different.

Even she couldn't believe the destructive power erupted from her sword edge.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Yes, this is your power, I just help you to bring it into play."

In fact, this is not just the essence and blood power of the Blood Hell Dragon in Yu Bingqing's body.

On that day, Ling Feng refined the blood of killing and obtained the incomparably vast and majestic spiritual inheritance of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, which made the origin of his soul almost as strong as the Broken Immortal Emperor.

What Yu Bingqing got was the few remaining essence and blood powers in the Blood Hell Tianlong's body.

And when the blood of killing is combined with the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, it can be regarded as the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, a truly complete inheritance.

"Again! Let's do it again!"

Yu Bingqing's beautiful eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and just now when their swords were united, the two of them seemed to be connected.

This feeling fascinated her.

Ling Feng looked at the giant void beasts in front of him who were frantically attacking the fortress barrier. Without any hesitation, he nodded heavily.

"bring it on!"

In an instant, the sword light and sword light spurted out again, and the bloody storm completely enveloped the two figures.

The second time the swords were combined, the power actually increased a lot again.

The next moment, the violent bloody tornado turned into the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon and rushed directly into the giant beast in the void.

Use the body of the ancestral dragon to suppress the demons!

In this battle, the names of "Shui Han" and Yu Bingqing should have resounded throughout the battlefield outside the territory.

There is no doubt that this battle can be called the God of War!

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