Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3964 Ling Feng’s true background!




At the same time, those giant void beasts, under the control of the Six-Winged Demon Emperor, were still frantically crashing into the barrier of the fortress.



With every violent collision, a new crack will appear in the barrier, spreading to the surrounding radiation.

The barrier of the barrier is like a broken egg shell, full of cracks, leaving only a thin film inside that has not completely cracked.

The Immortal Emperors headed by the Grand Governor Du Zhongwei saw that Yu Bingqing had broken through the fortress transformed by two giant void beasts.

But under such a violent and crazy attack by those giant void beasts, the pressure on the barrier side did not decrease at all.

"If this continues, the barrier will not be able to withstand many attacks!"

An Immortal Emperor suddenly spat out a mouthful of reverse blood.

The dozen Immortal Emperors on the city tower were seriously injured and fell to the ground one after another.

In the end, there were only three people left standing, including Du Zhongwei!

Du Zhongwei took a deep breath, stared at the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma transformed by Yu Bingqing and Ling Feng, clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said: "Keep on holding on, we still have hope!"

Having said that, burn the power of your life essence and blood again and stick to the enchantment circle!

"Yes, Grand Governor!"

The other two Immortal Emperors also frantically activated their natal essence.

Even if you persist until the last person, even if you persist until your last breath, never give up!


At this moment, the combination of swords and swords was completed!

The blood power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon in Yu Bingqing's body, combined with Ling Feng's killing blood, burst out with incomparable astonishing power.

After experiencing the first run-in, the second time they used swords and swords to join forces, the two people's cooperation became even more tacit and could be described as close.

Accompanied by a burst of extremely high-pitched dragon roars, the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma Prime roared and pounced on those giant beasts in the void.

Feeling that their lives were threatened, those giant void beasts finally gave up attacking the fortress boundary and instead surrounded the Blood Hell Dragon Dharma.


On top of the fortress tower, the hearts of the three remaining Immortal Emperors finally fell to the ground.

The fortress barrier is just one final collision away from being completely shattered.

At this moment, the situation was finally reversed!

"Cough cough cough..."

Du Zhongwei coughed violently, and then he felt like the world was spinning and he fell down heavily.

He had already reached his limit, and it was only through his tenacious willpower that he persisted until now.


The roar of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon is endless.

Ling Feng's sword and Yu Bingqing's sword seemed to turn into the claws of a divine dragon. Every attack could leave a deep scar on the bodies of those giant void beasts.


Blood rain poured down, almost extinguishing the hot magma on the ground.

Those giant beasts in the void roared in pain and unwillingness, wailing and staring at the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma.

Under the majestic will of the ancestral dragon, even these demon emperor-level void beasts can feel the trembling from their souls.

"Damn it, this giant beast of the void!"

Phileus watched the giant void beasts he summoned fall one after another, feeling his heart bleed.

Even the high-level demon royal family of the Gulando clan cannot summon powerful void beasts casually.

Especially this kind of demon emperor-level void beast, each one requires extremely huge resources to cultivate.

Losing so many giant void beasts all at once was undoubtedly a huge loss.

"It hurts, isn't it?"

The long sword in Prince Su's hand burst out with golden light, and he shouted loudly: "Then go down and accompany them!"

"Damn it!"

Philius summoned his dream body to force Prince Su back, but he couldn't prevent the spear of Immortal Emperor Feng Yang, who suddenly stabbed him from behind.

His speed is extremely fast.


The spear pierced the black wings on Phileus' back and penetrated from his chest.

Dark blood flowed down the tip of the gun.

"I want you to die!"

Philius glared at Immortal Emperor Feng Yang angrily, roared wildly, and a pair of sharp fangs extended from his mouth.

This is the true face of Phileus!

His scarlet eyes burst out with a terrifying murderous aura. Even Immortal Emperor Feng Yang was shuddering in his heart and quickly pulled back his strength to pull out his spear.

However, when he took back the spear, he found that the tip of his spear had corroded inside Phileus' body and turned into a bare iron rod.

The demonic energy in Phileus's body was indeed overbearing!

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Immortal Emperor Feng Yang's forehead, and he hurriedly deployed his body skills to retreat.

At the same time, Prince Su came again with his sword.

He was the one who led the frontal attack, using his swordsmanship to block Felius's actions and create a chance for Immortal Emperor Feng Yang to strike a fatal blow.

"Do you think it's over like this? You're so naive! You're so naive!"

In an instant, an extremely dense black mist erupted from Philius's body.

Wherever the black mist passed, there was no corrosion. Those immortal kings who were fighting fiercely with the demon army were turned into white bones in an instant.


Screams came one after another, and a famous soldier turned into bones.

Those soldiers who had not been corroded by the poisonous mist quickly divided most of their mana into protecting their bodies. As a result, they were naturally unable to fight with all their strength.

And those demonic creatures, under the influence of the black mist, began to mutate rapidly, becoming taller and more violent!

Among the five million demon army, there are fully four million low-level demon cannon fodder.

But under this black mist, the original cannon fodder burst out with astonishing combat power.

This is the magic mist that squeezes the potential in their bodies. Although it is enough to kill them afterwards, the low-level demons are just cannon fodder that can be discarded at any time.

Now is the time to let them play their best role.

It is precisely this that is ebbing and flowing. One side must always suppress and be vigilant about the magic mist, while the other side's strength increases dramatically under the magic mist.

At this moment, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the demon clan again, after finally fighting back the situation.

"not good!"

Mr. Qingyan's eyelids twitched wildly, "Once this magic mist is inhaled into the body, not even the Immortal Lord can resist it! That devil wants to annihilate our army on the frontal battlefield!"


Immortal Emperor Feng Yang suddenly frowned.

On the frontal battlefield, the main forces are still Immortal Lord and Immortal Lord.

Once all these combat forces are wiped out, what's the point of holding the Wangshu Fortress?

And so much human flesh and blood will surely nourish even more terrifying powerful demons!

Soon, the demon army was able to invade again.

When the time comes, the unguarded fortress will eventually be vulnerable.

What Immortal Emperor Feng Yang was worried about was that if the 300,000 reinforcements he brought were all wiped out in this battle, how would he explain it to the higher-ups in the clan?

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Phileus Jiejie laughed strangely, "So what if you can hold the barrier? I will make you human ants completely annihilated!"

Although the magic mist in his body has limited damage to the Immortal Emperor level, once the Immortal Lord and Immortal Lord are inhaled into the body, they are almost certain to die.

"Mr. Qingyan, what should we do now?"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang frowned and looked at Mr. Qingyan. He was a doctor and an alchemist, so he should have a way.

"It's not difficult to resolve this poisonous mist. All you have to do is take the poison-avoiding elixir I refined. But the problem is, I can't refine so many elixirs in a short period of time!"

Mr. Qingyan looked troubled. On the entire battlefield, the defenders of Wangshu Fortress, plus the reinforcements brought by Immortal Emperor Feng Yang, even though many people had died in the battle, there were still nearly 700,000 to 800,000 people.

I'm afraid there is no alchemy master in the world who would carry around 700,000 to 800,000 poison-avoiding pills with him.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

At this moment, Ling Feng's figure flashed and appeared from the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma Appearance.

Yu Bingqing has gradually mastered the blood essence power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, and coupled with the confrontation between the talents, he has completely defeated those giant void beasts.

Next, only Yu Bingqing is needed.

The most important thing right now is to save the hundreds of thousands of troops below!


Mr. Qingyan's eyelids twitched, "Little friend, what do you mean?"

"I will make the elixir on the spot and distribute the poison-avoiding elixir to every soldier!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said loudly.


Mr. Qingyan was shocked by Ling Feng's words, "Refining elixirs on site? Refining seven to eight million elixirs in one go?"

This guy's tone is too loud!

Although the poison-avoiding pill is not a high-level pill, even he can't hold on after seven or eight hundred thousand pills were refined.

Moreover, in terms of time, is it too late?

Even if there is enough time, where can we prepare so many materials?

"Your Majesty, don't let anyone disturb me!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and stared at Philius opposite.

"Do not worry!"

Prince Su glanced at his figure and stood directly in front of Ling Feng. His sword pointed directly at Felius and said in a cold voice: "You are responsible for refining the elixir. I can kill this devil myself!"

"Joke! Hahaha!"

Philius laughed crazily, "You're a humble human ant. He's not very capable, but his tone is quite impressive!"

Philius's face became even more ferocious, and the six wings behind his back flashed, wildly shooting the magic mist towards the main battlefield in front.

Prince Su frowned and fought with his sword, not only to block Phileus's actions, but also to prevent him from further spreading the magic mist.

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang sighed softly and took a deep look at Ling Feng. At this moment, on the front battlefield, the lives of all the soldiers of the clan depended on Ling Feng alone.

He replaced another spear, shouted loudly, and also killed Phileus.

With the cooperation of Prince Su, Phileus may be completely killed.

"Little friend, do you need any help?"

Mr. Qingyan stared at Ling Feng closely, "I still have a lot of medicinal materials here..."

"Sir, just lend me an alchemy furnace!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. His Jiuxiao Xuanhuang Cauldron exploded completely the last time he refined the Anti-Immortal Seizing Pill.

Now, we are in need of a suitable alchemy furnace.

After hearing this, Mr. Qingyan threw a pill furnace directly in front of Ling Feng without saying a word, "What do you think of this Haori Nine Yang Cauldron?"

"Just right!"

Ling Feng said, throwing the Haori Nine Sun Cauldron into the air.

Then, with a wave of his sleeve, countless medicinal materials shot out from the sleeve.

This cuff is connected to Ling Feng's Five Elements Heavenly Palace, where countless spiritual medicines are planted.

This is also Ling Feng's habit. Every time he gets a rare and precious medicinal material, he will plant it on a large scale in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

The most mysterious thing about the Five Elements Heavenly Palace is that no matter how rare and precious your natural treasure is, it can be raised, and the maturation time is greatly reduced.

For example, Ling Feng has already collected tens of thousands of tons of basic medicinal materials for refining poison-proof pills.

Not to mention hundreds of thousands of pills, even if it is to refine millions or tens of millions, it is more than enough.

This is Ling Feng's true foundation!

Then, while the dense medicinal materials poured into the pill furnace like a torrent, Ling Feng directly sacrificed his magnificent and vast divine consciousness power to completely cover the pill furnace.

Under his exquisite divine control, a dark green medicinal liquid torrent poured into the pill furnace.

On the other side, a torrent of pills condensed, "clattering" directly like a rainstorm, fell madly on all parts of the battlefield.

"Soldiers, this is the anti-poison pill that can restrain the magic fog. Pick it up and take it quickly to counterattack the demon army!"

Ling Feng's voice exploded in the air like thunder, spreading to every corner of the battlefield.

For a moment, all the soldiers could grab a handful of pills as dense as raindrops and stuff them directly into their mouths.

Sure enough, once the anti-poison pills were taken, the magic fog was useless and lost its effect.

"Great! The magic fog has lost its threat!"

"Damn it! It's time to counterattack!"


Countless soldiers cheered and roared excitedly, and the rainstorm transformed by the pills was still pouring madly.

Not only the anti-poison pills, but also the pills that restore mana and blood continued to pour down.

After a long and hard battle, those soldiers had already exhausted their blood and qi. Now that they were replenished with Lingfeng's elixir, their condition was restored to 70% or 80%.

For a time, the morale of the human race increased greatly, and they actually began to push the battle line outward by hundreds of feet!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Although Philius was under the joint siege of Prince Su and Emperor Feng Yang, he was almost angry to death when he saw this scene.

He did not hesitate to consume his own life magic pill elixir to create magic fog to sweep across the battlefield, but it was destroyed by a small immortal?


Prince Su and Emperor Feng Yang were overjoyed, and even felt that their mana was instantly restored several times, and their whole body was full of strength again.

"Is there... There is such an operation?"

Mr. Qingyan's eyes were about to pop out.

Could it be that this is the correct way for alchemists to use it on the battlefield?

But, with so many pills, how much money would it cost?

Everyone knows that alchemists are wealthy, but to be this wealthy is too exaggerated!

And the speed of alchemy is too terrifying!

This kid, his spiritual power is a bottomless pit, can it be exhausted?

Mr. Qingyan's worldview is about to collapse. Can all this really be done by a small immortal?

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