Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3965 The demon army retreated!

"Boy, you deserve to die! Damn it!"

The six-winged demon emperor Philius stared at Ling Feng with his blood-red eyes, wishing to tear him into pieces!

In the Great Yu Immortal Courtyard, it was enough that a monster appeared that caused the colossal statue of the gods, but now an alchemist who defied the heavens appeared inexplicably.

He was obviously just a mere immortal, but he was actually able to refine hundreds of thousands or millions of pills in an instant!

The morale of the human soldiers who had received the supply of elixirs was greatly boosted, and they had restored the originally decadent situation.

"I'm going to tear you apart!"

The six purple wings on the back of the Six-Winged Demon Emperor flapped wildly, and his whole body turned into a black storm and rushed towards Ling Feng.

"Don't even think about it!"

Prince Su and Immortal Emperor Feng Yang looked at each other and took action at the same time.

In an instant, the sword light and the spear light intertwined, and actually crushed the dream body of Phileus into pieces.


In an instant, the body of the Six-Winged Demon Emperor was pierced by Prince Su's sword light, and his body turned into a rain of blood that exploded in the air.

However, the next moment, a black shadow swept out from the blood mist and continued to shoot towards Ling Feng.


The eyelids of Prince Su and Immortal Emperor Feng Yang jumped at the same time.

They never expected that the mighty Demon Emperor would use such despicable means to sneak attack an Immortal Lord.

"Boy, I want you to die!"

The anger in Phileus's chest had reached an all-out level.

If we say that the appearance of Yu Bingqing earlier only eased the pace of the demon army's attack on Wangshu Fortress.

But Ling Feng's pills caused a huge reversal in the entire battle.

If this son is not eliminated, every war in the future will mean that the human army will be fully supplied.

In this case, no matter how hard we attack, it will probably be useless.

If Wangshu Fortress cannot be captured for a long time, then the Guranduo clan may lose to the Bennett clan and the Hilgay clan and become vassals from now on.

This is something he never wants to see.

Yu Bingqing's growth still needs time, but this little immortal ant can already affect the battle situation.

He must die!

"Little friend Shuihan!"

Mr. Qingyan, who was closest to Ling Feng, also changed his expression. Just when he was about to take action, he saw Ling Feng smile coldly, and a thousand-foot-long ghost and god appeared behind him.

The ghost and god's body is also covered with a layer of armor that shines with chaotic light!

Suddenly it is the symbol of the soul's origin reaching the Hongmeng transformation!

No wonder!

Mr. Qingyan's eyes narrowed and he was finally relieved.

No wonder this kid is able to refine elixirs to such an exaggerated level. In a sense, the origin of his soul is comparable to that of the Broken Level.

"You want to kill me!"

Ling Feng's eyes burst out with extremely cold murderous intent.

"Ghosts and gods - shocking calamity!"

In an instant, an extremely astonishing purple beam of light burst out from the eyes of the ghost figure behind Ling Feng.

In order to break through the blockade of Prince Su and the others, Philius gave up his body and attacked with his soul.

If it were an ordinary immortal, ten thousand times would not be enough to kill him.

But for Ling Feng, it was exactly what he wanted.

Between the lightning and flint, ghosts and gods burst out with shocking calamity, directly piercing through Phileus's soul.


Phileus let out a hysterical roar, "Boy, remember, this matter is not over yet!"

Intense purple light illuminates the sky.

Almost everyone suffered a brief bout of blindness.

Only high-level Immortal Emperors such as Prince Rusu could see the figure of Phileus instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness under the shocking attack of ghosts and gods.

However, his aura did not completely dissipate, but turned into a wisp of smoke and escaped.

He is worthy of being a half-step broken level expert, but he still has many unknown ways to save his life.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang tightened his grip on his spear and chased after him.

At this moment, it is the best time to kill the Six-Winged Demon Emperor.

As for Prince Su, his figure paused in mid-air, tightly holding the wound on his chest, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although Philius was injured, the elixir Ling Feng gave him before had expired.

He has also reached his limit and is already at the end of his strength.

With the defeat of Phileus, all the giant beasts of the void returned to the depths of the void.

The demon army was in chaos and was completely defeated.

"Soldiers, it's time to counterattack, kill!"

High in the sky, Ling Feng roared loudly, his majestic figure rising like an unparalleled god of war!

In an instant, all the soldiers of the Dayu Immortal Court and the Xantian Feng Clan immediately raised their arms and roared wildly. They all waved their own weapons and magic weapons, frantically displayed magical and secret techniques, and launched a frantic bombardment against the demon army.

"It's so strong, that senior brother actually defeated the commander of the demon clan!"

"That's my uncle, uncle!"

At some point, Yu Qiubai also blended into the battlefield and howled loudly.

It's a pity that his voice was completely drowned by the sound of the human army.

"Haha, you devil bastards, go to hell!"


For a time, the human soldiers were all full of energy and fought towards the fleeing demon army.

On the other hand, the demon army was like a bereaved dog, scurrying about with its head in its arms, constantly letting out heart-piercing screams. On the huge plain outside Wangshu Fortress, large swaths of demon cannon fodder corpses fell, piling up like mountains.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The demon commanders roared and ordered the lower demons to cut off their cannon fodder. Now, they could only consider retaining the elites of the higher demons and evacuating.

The powerful Demon Emperors looked at each other one by one, gave up on their fighting opponents, and retreated violently.

"Want to run?"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang swiped his spear, and in an instant, a large area of ​​violent energy swept out.

All of a sudden, pieces of demonic creatures turned into minced meat.

Under Immortal Emperor Feng Yang's spear, four or five powerful Demon Emperors were unable to dodge and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Immediately afterwards, he was directly detained by the Immortal Emperor who swarmed up and became a prisoner.


Those demon emperors were quite stubborn. After realizing that they had no way to escape, they actually exploded their original demon elixir, catching them off guard and injuring many immortal emperors.

In the end, the coalition forces of Xantian Feng Clan and Dayu Xianting failed to capture any Immortal Emperor alive.

The counterattack fight lasted for more than half an hour.

In the end, all the demon armies retreated outside the Soul Burial Canyon, and the human coalition finally stopped pursuing them.

The back of the Soul Burial Canyon is completely the domain of the demons, and human monks cannot easily set foot in it.

However, this is enough.

The human race has won a great victory, and the crisis in Wangshu Fortress has been resolved.

After the battle between the demons, a large number of high-level demons were lost, and even the six-winged demon emperor Philius suffered heavy losses.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that we will not be able to gather the army again to attack Wangshu Fortress.

"Okay, don't chase the poor bandits."

Prince Su jumped up, transformed into a golden war god, and said loudly to everyone: "All the disciples of Dayu Immortal Court immediately retreated to Wangshu Fortress to recuperate. In addition..."

He looked at Immortal Emperor Feng Yang and said in a deep voice: "General Feng Yang, I must thank my colleagues from the Xantian Feng Clan for helping me this time!"

"Your Majesty, your words are serious. Our two clans are allies. We should help each other on this battlefield."

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang smiled faintly. This time he defeated the demon clan, which was also a great relief for Immortal Emperor Feng Yang.

After all, before this, the battle with the demon army was not as enjoyable as it is today. It was simply a feeling of elation.

"Even so, it is a great kindness for General Feng Yang to send troops to assist! If the war here slows down a bit, I will definitely go to Dingfeng Fortress to express my gratitude in person!"

"Hahaha, Your Majesty the Prince is so polite!"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang laughed a few times without making any polite remarks.

"And the biggest contributor to this battle!"

Prince Su's eyes were directly locked on Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing.

In fact, Yu Bingqing's achievements are still far behind Ling Feng's.

Although it was Yu Bingqing who brought back the reinforcements from the Xuantian Feng Clan, it was actually Ling Feng's suggestion that he directly abandoned the Xuntianshan Clan and went to Dingfeng Fortress to ask for reinforcements.

Otherwise, without the reinforcements from the Xuantian Feng Clan arriving in time, Wangshu Fortress would have been breached long ago.

In addition, Ling Feng also brought Prince Su back from the edge of life and death, and also released a rain of elixirs to save countless soldiers from the poison of the magic mist.

Finally, he used the secret method of the soul to severely damage the origin of Phileus' soul.

Each of these is a huge contribution that is enough to be named the God of War!

However, considering the face of the royal family, it is not too much to put Yu Bingqing in the same position as him.

After pondering for a moment, he said loudly: "The biggest contributors to this battle are the eldest princess Yu Bingqing and this little friend Shui Han!"

As soon as the words fell, an extremely fanatical voice suddenly broke out among the soldiers.

"Eldest Princess! Eldest Princess!——"

"Shuihan! Shuihan!——"

All the disciples raised their arms and looked at Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing with admiration in their eyes.


With a flash of red light, Yu Bingqing's figure appeared next to Ling Feng. She held Ling Feng's arm excitedly and said with great excitement: "We did it, we really did it!"


Perhaps because of excitement, or perhaps because of excitement, he did not break away from Yu Bingqing's hand, but smiled and nodded towards her.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Yu Bingqing stood up on her tiptoes and kissed her directly.

For a moment, Ling Feng stood there dumbly, his face getting hot.

This this……

His mind went blank. What happened just now?

He didn't expect that Yu Bingqing would take such initiative, and in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers!

After a long time, the lips parted.

"This is the kiss of victory!"

Yu Bingqing's pretty face blushed slightly, she blinked her eyes, bit her silver teeth gently, and then she actually flew away as if running away.

I didn't feel it during the kiss, but after the kiss, I felt a little shy.

Ling Feng pursed his lips lightly, and the faint fragrance of Yu Bingqing still remained on them.

"A kiss of victory..."

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. It must be because the women of their royal family have so many tricks!

"This brat!"

In the distance, Prince Su was a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene just now.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, muttering secretly in his heart: If it is this boy, he is worthy of Bingqing! After this battle, it should be a piece of cake to grant him the title of God of War.

"You are truly a young hero!"

Immortal Emperor Feng Yang couldn't help but sigh, "When I was young, I wasn't as proud as him!"


Mr. Qingyan also stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Young is good!"

Not long after, under the command of Prince Su, the army returned to Wangshu Fortress.

At this moment, outside the boundaries of the fortress, countless corpses, whether demons or humans, almost filled the entire huge plain.

They piled up into mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

"These corpses must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise, the flesh and blood will be corroded by the demonic energy, and sooner or later countless demonic creatures will breed."

Mr. Qingyan frowned when he saw the corpses on the ground.

Doctors treat illnesses and save lives.

After this battle, the demons suffered millions of casualties, and the human soldiers also suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Even an Immortal Emperor-level doctor like him cannot save so many people in a lifetime.


Prince Su sighed softly and nodded, "It's just that the corpses of our human soldiers are mixed with those demonic creatures. It will take some time to process them!"

His eyes swept towards the corpses lying on the ground, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Every human soldier who died on the battlefield is a hero of our human race, defending this fortress and guarding the peace of the fairyland. Their corpses cannot be confused with the demons."

In fact, burning all the corpses with a fire is the fastest and easiest solution, but if you do this, it will probably chill the hearts of the soldiers.

"General Huang..."

Prince Su looked at a deep pit on the tower.

That was the place where Huang Shicheng, the demon-suppressing general, was finally knocked down by those giant void beasts.

He forcibly sacrificed and refined the Demon-Slaying Blood Spirit Formation, turning himself into a Shura Blood Demon.

Even if he was not severely injured by the giant beast of the void, he would definitely die after the battle.

He also saw the bloodshed and sacrifice of these generals.

The victory in this battle does not belong to any one individual, it should belong to every soldier who fought bravely to kill the enemy.

The next moment, the fortress gate opened.

Du Zhongwei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, walked out slowly, dragging his tired and weak body.

"Your Majesty."

Du Zhongwei excitedly stepped forward to carry Prince Su's luggage.

"You are still injured, so there is no need to be polite."

Prince Su shook his head and sighed. In fact, his injuries were not light.


At this moment, from behind the crowd, a chubby fat man squeezed through the crowd and ran out, "Where is my old man? Why didn't he come out together? I haven't seen him before!"

This fat man is naturally Fatty Huang Huang Yuan.

Also squeezed out with him was Yu Qiubai.

Before Ling Feng arrived, he placed them behind the Xantian Wind Clan's reinforcements. Once they were relatively safe, he also wanted them to experience fighting and temper themselves.

Fortunately, these two guys are still alive.

The yellow fat man's eyes looked around, "Where is my father? That is, the Demon-Suppressing General. Why haven't you seen him?"

"General Huang..."

Du Zhongwei clenched his fists and his voice was choked with sobs, but he couldn't bear to say any more.

For a moment, Fatty Huang's heart thumped, and he had a bad premonition.

"He...what happened to him?"


Prince Su sighed softly, and for the first time, he stepped forward and patted Huang Yuan on the back, "Huang Xian's nephew, your father... is a hero! A true hero!"

"He...where is he?"

Huang Yuan's eyes turned red, he clenched his fists, and became a little excited, "Where is he? I want to see him! Take me to see him!"

Du Zhongwei took a deep look at Fatty Huang, shook his head and let out a long sigh, "Nephew Huang Xian, you'd better not see your father again. His appearance... he has already..."

Although Huang Shicheng still had his last breath, it was just this breath.

Moreover, affected by the blood of the demons, although he has been relieved of the incarnation of the Shura Blood Demon, he has also become a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

Rather than seeing him like this, it would be better to leave the last beautiful image in my heart.

"take me!!!"

Fatty Huang's eyes flashed with an extremely determined look, and he almost shouted.

Even though the opponent was the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, he, who had always been timid and afraid of getting into trouble, actually dared to make such a mistake.

"Take him."

Prince Su sighed softly, "I, too, will go with you. A hero, no matter what he becomes, should be respected by everyone!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then stepped forward and patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder, saying in a deep voice: "Fatty, don't get too excited yet. Maybe General Huang can still be saved!"


For a moment, Fatty Huang seemed to be grasping at straws, grabbing Ling Feng's arm tightly, "Boss Shui Han, you... you must save my father!"

"Don't worry, I will try my best to help. Also, Mr. Qingyan, he is also the best doctor!"

Ling Feng nodded heavily. Even so, he was not a god after all.

I can only do my best and obey fate, that's all.

"It seems like I'm going to have to go through this as well."

Mr. Qingyan nodded slightly, but he also understood Huang Shicheng's situation.

I'm afraid that even if he takes action, he will be unable to save the day...

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