Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3967 A record that no one can break!

Outside the underground chamber.

After waiting for about half an hour, Prince Su and his party comforted Fatty Huang a few more words, and immediately left the secret room, only instructing the guards to report any news immediately.

After all, the war has just ended, and there are still many matters that need to be dealt with within Wangshu Fortress.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Prince Su and Governor Du Zhongwei and others to wait here all the time.

Especially the time for Ling Feng's treatment was indeed too long.

In addition, Prince Su's own injuries were not serious. Although he had been treated by Ling Feng before, his current condition was actually not much better.

Soon, all the Immortal Emperors had basically left, leaving only Mr. Qingyan waiting here.

He originally came with Ling Feng to seek advice from him on alchemy and medicine.

Now, he also wanted to see how Huang Shicheng and Ling Feng created miracles when he was completely helpless.

As for Fatty Huang, he had been waiting in front of the door. His whole body looked like wood, squatting on a stone pier not far from the underground secret room, his expression full of solemnity.

"Second cousin, you have to believe my uncle. His words can definitely cure the general!"

At this time, Yu Qiubai was quite loyal and kept waiting outside with Fatty Huang.

Although he always calls Fatty Huang his second cousin, the relationship between the two is actually more like that of brothers.

Fatty Huang just squatted on the spot, staring at the locked door of the underground secret room, not letting go of any movement.

He still couldn't believe that his father, the all-powerful general, would leave like this.

He is the demon-suppressing general!

"Qiu Bai, Huang Yuan, how is the situation inside?"

At this moment, Yu Bingqing's figure appeared outside the underground secret room.

"Your Highness the Princess!"

The guards and the array masters who were busy on the side quickly saluted Yu Bingqing.

At this moment, Yu Bingqing had finished freshening up. After a fierce battle, her whole body was covered in blood, like a bloody rose.

Now, after putting on a long snow-white dress, she looks as beautiful as an orchid in an empty valley, as beautiful and moving as she does.

"Royal Aunt."

Yu Qiubai followed the sound and saw that Yu Bingqing was coming. He quickly stood up to greet him. However, when he heard Yu Bingqing's words, he couldn't help but look back at Fatty Huang, and then sighed.

"Hey, there's still no news, and so is this guy. He seems to have lost his soul."

Yu Qiubai shook his head and sighed: "On weekdays, my second cousin keeps telling me how bad General Huang treats him. I can't tell that the relationship between father and son is actually good."

Yu Bingqing rolled her eyes at him angrily, "You must have said bad things about Brother Huang in my ears."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Qiubai coughed quickly and changed the subject: "Auntie! We are talking about General Huang!"

Yu Bingqing was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. She walked lightly to Fatty Huang and opened her mouth to comfort him, but she didn't know where to start.

When Huang Shicheng was seriously injured and his life was in danger, he also took action to help him resolve the crisis.

Yu Bingqing still remembers this kindness in her heart.

"Huang Yuan, General Ji Ren has his own destiny. He will be fine for sure. Besides, don't you believe in Shui Han's medical skills?"

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and comforted her warmly.

If in normal times, Yu Bingqing could speak so softly to Huang Yuan, the fat man would probably have jumped up with joy.

But at this moment, there seemed to be nothing else in Fatty Huang's eyes except the door to the underground secret room.

But Mr. Qingyan couldn't help but ask: "Her Royal Highness the Princess seems to know little friend Shui Han very well. I just heard that little friend Yu Qiubai kept calling him uncle. I didn't expect that little friend Shui Han is also the consort of Yu Xianting."


Yu Bingqing blushed and quickly shook her head, wanting to deny it. When the words came to her lips, she changed her words and said, "Not yet."

"Oh, I got it."

Mr. Qingyan narrowed his eyes and smiled. The two of them had kissed directly in front of so many soldiers before.

In fact, there is no need to say more about their relationship.


At this moment, the heavy iron door of the underground chamber slowly rose.

In an instant, Fatty Huang's whole body became tense and his body bounced up. His reaction was actually much faster than that of Yu Bingqing, the Immortal Emperor.

As the door opened, no demonic energy escaped from inside.

Compared with the previous scene where the door was filled with darkness and mist, it was completely different.

Then, Ling Feng walked out slowly from the door.

"How about it!"

Fatty Huang stepped forward and rushed in front of Ling Feng, "Boss Shui Han, my father -"


Ling Feng took a deep look at Huang Yuan, pondered for a moment, and then nodded and said, "I guess I'm alive."

"Great! Great!"

When Fatty Huang heard this, tears filled his eyes immediately, and he burst into tears with excitement, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Fatty Huang choked and rushed into the underground secret room. He wanted to see his father, the old father who had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

People always learn to cherish something after losing it, and at this moment, he really had too much to say in his heart.

"Very good!"

Yu Bingqing also showed a look of joy. General Huang could survive, which was a worry for her.

"Shui Han, you are such a..."

Yu Bingqing blinked and stared at Ling Feng, and for a moment she didn't know how to describe her evaluation of Ling Feng.



That is no longer enough to evaluate Ling Feng.

"What a little monster!"

Mr. Qingyan walked forward with a wry smile, "Little friend Shui Han, you can actually save General Huang from a situation like that! I admire him, I admire him!"

As he said this, Mr. Qingyan actually held up his hands and bowed to Ling Feng.

"Sir, you are serious!"

Ling Feng quickly stretched out his hand to support Mr. Qingyan and sighed softly: "I have saved him, but I have not completely saved him."

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Ling Feng.

"You'll find out soon."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. At this moment, Fatty Huang's voice came from the secret room, "Dad, I am Huang Yuan, don't recognize me anymore?"

"Bah! What's yellow, round, yellow and square? I still have a yellow cat and a yellow dog!"

Then, Huang Shicheng's voice came, but the tone was a little strange.

Unexpectedly, mixed with a little bit, the sound of milk is milk!

"I don't know you, you stinky bastard, big fat pig, why do you think you're your father? I'm only eight years old! Where did you get your son from?"


For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, and General Huang's face filled with vicissitudes of time appeared in their minds.

What the hell is this eight years old?

"The process of awakening the origin of General Huang's soul, except for some minor problems."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly: "General Huang now basically only retains the memories from before he was eight years old. And his cultivation base has basically lost 99%. In addition to his physical body, he is still at the Immortal Emperor level. , I’m afraid all other powers have been basically lost.”


Yu Bingqing gritted her silver teeth. Even Ling Feng could only do this.

"To be able to recover like this is already a miracle."

Mr. Qingyan said solemnly: "If it were me, I could only cure his physical body and turn him into an empty shell without a soul. But you, this kid, can actually help him awaken a ray of spiritual wisdom! "

"It's a pity that we still couldn't help him fully recover."

Ling Feng sighed, he had tried his best, but it could only go so far.

As for whether General Huang will still have a chance to retrieve his lost memory in the future, it depends on the subsequent fate.

"Dad, I'm Huang Yuan, take a closer look!"

Fatty Huang's voice was a little excited, but unfortunately, Huang Shicheng didn't recognize this big boy at all.

"Bah, bah, bah, I don't want you to be my son!"

Huang Shicheng said, and actually made a face at Fatty Huang, turned around and patted his butt, "Humph, come after me. If you catch me, I will be your father!"

After that, he started running.

"You... damn it, don't run away!"

"Haha, you can't catch me, you can't catch me!"

Then, I saw Huang Shicheng running in front, and Fatty Huang chasing after him.

The identities of the father and son seem to have been reversed.

"I didn't expect that General Huang had such a side when he was a child..."

Yu Bingqing couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly. Although General Huang looked quite "innocent and cute" now, he just couldn't bear to look at that old face with such cuteness!

"This might not be a bad idea."

Yu Qiubai squinted his eyes and smiled, "General Huang has been guarding the battlefields outside the territory. He never accompanied his second cousin when he was a child. Now, it can be regarded as another kind of childhood companionship."


Ling Feng looked at Huang Shicheng and Huang Yuan. At least at the moment, they looked quite happy.

at the same time.

Far away in the royal capital of Dayu Immortal Court.

Moreover, it has been more than half a month since the Immortal Emperor Nu Lei of Xuntian Lei Clan and Immortal Emperor Yu Long of Tianzhi arrived in the royal capital.

In order to investigate the clues about the Shenwu demon-slaying cannons that attacked the Tianzhi spirit boat that day, Immortal Emperor Yulong, in addition to closely investigating the situation of Tiangong Zaosi every day these days, also followed the instructions from the Lu Following the clues revealed by the chief engineer, I actually got some valuable information.

In the mineral veins under Tiangong Zaosi, almost all the chief engineers have a small ledger in their hands, recording the status of Tanmo ore in the mineral veins.

Most of these seemingly leftover ores actually contain highly precise materials. After being refined, they can be used to forge military-grade Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons.

Of course, these chief engineers may not have the guts to embezzle such a large amount of ore.

Moreover, over time, the number of ore resources that have been occupied has become quite huge.

Behind them, there is naturally a huge network.

Of course, this is not what Immortal Emperor Yutaki needs to investigate. He only needs to find the buyers they deal with from the small account books of the chief engineers.

It is impossible for ordinary small buyers to forge more than a dozen Shenwu demon-slaying cannons with firepower that can destroy spirit boats.

After questioning most of the chief engineers in the past few days, Immortal Emperor Yulong finally grasped a very important clue.

In the past ten years, there has been a buyer who has frequently conducted transactions with the downlines of these chief engineers.

Among the Tiangong Manufacturing Company's mines, there are a total of seven chief engineers, and six of them named a big buyer at the same time, with almost the same characteristics.

Those are the goggles on your head!

Although the other party always wears a ferocious beast mask when trading, but from the sound of his voice, it seems that he is not very old and is a young man.

"Young man wearing goggles."

In the hotel, Immortal Emperor Yulong frowned deeply and spread out several portraits and placed them on the table.

Beside him, Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder was also looking at these portraits, and then said with a smile: "As expected of fellow Taoist Yu Long, you actually followed the clues and found important clues!"

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice: "This young man who deals with these chief workers' subordinates must be the person we are looking for. Such a huge amount of resources can be enough to create more than twenty divine weapons. The demon-killing cannon.”

"It's a pity that the clues came to an abrupt end here."

Immortal Emperor Yulong frowned, "Three years ago, this man with goggles seemed to have completely disappeared."

After a pause, Immortal Emperor Yulong continued: "He has been collecting these rare ore materials more than ten years ago. He has been laying out the plan for so long. I am afraid it is not just for the purpose of building a divine weapon and demon-slaying cannon to sneak attack on our world. It’s so simple. I’m afraid there’s a bigger conspiracy hidden in it.”

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder took a deep breath, and after a while, he nodded slightly, "If you say so, it's true. Of course, that man with goggles couldn't foresee that there would be such an opportunity to attack Tianzhi ten years later.

In other words, the purpose of their secret creation of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon was not to target you, Tianzhi, but they happened to have such an opportunity. "

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder frowned and said in a deep voice: "Their power, ambitions and plots to secretly support the Demon Soul Palace are probably quite large."

"Then how are we going to find this man in goggles?"

Ren Tianhen on the side couldn't help but ask.

"The clue has been broken."

Wan Jun shook his head, "This person acted very cautiously and disappeared for another three years. For such a long time, it is difficult for us to find any valuable clues to lock down this person's identity."

"Then we can only infer the opposite."

Immortal Emperor Yulong raised his hand and patted the portraits on the table, "Why do they want to help the Demon Soul Palace?"


Immortal Emperor Nu Lei gave a bitter smile, "It's time now, fellow Taoist Yulong, please stop showing off!"

"Then let me ask another question."

Immortal Emperor Yulong took a deep breath, "Ning Kun, the master of Demon Soul Palace, what is his identity?"

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder blinked, and before he could think about it, Wan Jun and Ren Tianhen blurted out almost at the same time, "Descendants of the Ancient Demon!"

"Yes, he is the descendant of the ancient demon."

Immortal Emperor Yulong nodded, looking at the two of them with a hint of approval.

These two people are not slow in thinking.

"Although the descendants of the ancient demon have been suppressed, it does not mean that their power has completely collapsed. On the contrary, in fact, there may still be a considerable power hidden among the descendants of the ancient demon."

"That's unlikely."

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder said solemnly: "The branches of the descendants of the ancient demons have long been scattered and disintegrated. When can such a force be gathered together?"

"What if someone has the courage and means to reunite the scattered forces?"

Immortal Emperor Yulong's eyes were fixed on Immortal Emperor Nu Lei, "Perhaps, the actions of the descendants of the ancient demon have long been beyond the control of the Five Directions Immortal Court."

"But which lineage can have such cohesion?"

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder frowned, "It's impossible no matter how you look at it. All the clan leaders of the ancient demon lineage are not good at each other, and they don't obey anyone. They have been a mess for a long time. If there really is something like this Tianjiao, who can command all the branches of the ancient demon, there is no way we can't miss him."

"So, a thorough investigation is needed."

Immortal Emperor Yutaki took a deep breath, "Moreover, this matter is very likely to be related to the battlefield outside the territory. After all, the raw materials for forging the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon may be purchased secretly, but the core craftsmanship can only be purchased in major fortresses. Obtain."

"You mean, the inscription crystal source that activates the core array of the cannon?"


Immortal Emperor Yulong nodded, "Inscription Crystal Source can only be controlled by the garrison commanders of major fortresses and at the general level. Although this person can forge the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, he does not have the Inscription Crystal Source. If it cannot exert its true power, there must be someone hiding in a certain fortress.”

"Then what happens next..."

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder's eyelids twitched, "Fellow Taoist Yulong, how are you preparing?"

"I have to go to the battlefield outside the territory."

Immortal Emperor Yulong took a deep breath and said, "Just in time, we will send several of the newly promoted Immortal Lords from Tianzhi to the battlefield outside the territory for some training."

"Hahaha, what Taoist Taoist Yu Long said is exactly what I want."

Immortal Emperor Furious Thunder laughed loudly, "I am also preparing to go to the battlefield outside the territory."

He looked at Wan Jun, with a hint of pride on his face.

With Wanjun's talent, he would definitely be able to obtain the title of God of War in the shortest possible time when he enters the battlefield outside the territory.

At most, I’m afraid it won’t last more than three to five years!

This must be a record that no one can break.

But as everyone knows, the person who created this record is probably someone else.

(PS: This is a big chapter of nearly 5,000 words. It’s the beginning of the month. Please give me a monthly pass or something~)

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