Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3968 Conquer the Alliance!

Foreign battlefield, Wangshu Fortress.

" this, General Huang?"

In the underground secret room, after learning that Huang Shicheng had been revived, Prince Su and others immediately put down their military affairs and rushed over as soon as possible.

However, when they saw Huang Shicheng actually riding on Fatty Huang's neck and shouting that he wanted to "ride the bull", they all rubbed their eyes in unison.

This scene is a bit too explosive.

This is not the same mature and prudent general who suppresses demons!

However, when Ling Feng explained the reason, everyone was relieved.

Although Huang Shicheng was indeed saved, he only had the mind of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Children at this age are the time to be naughty and mischievous.

I just didn't expect that the demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng actually had such a side when he was a child.

At this moment, Fatty Huang was extremely reluctant to let his old father ride on his neck, imitating the old scalper and howling "moo", which looked ridiculous.

"Brother Huang was trying to protect Wangshu Fortress, but he didn't expect that he would end up like this. Alas..."

Du Zhongwei sighed softly.

In fact, as the Grand Governor of Wangshu Fortress, facing such a desperate situation, he should be the first to stand up and preside over the demon-slaying blood spirit formation.

But Huang Shicheng was one step ahead.

It can be said that if it hadn't been for Huang Shicheng, it might have been him who had become like this.

"This is not a bad thing for him."

Prince Su took a deep breath, "Shicheng has been guarding the battlefield outside the territory for too long. As a general, his mission is to fight the demons endlessly on this battlefield. Perhaps, he You must be too tired already!”

As soon as these words came out, all the powerful Immortal Emperors present sighed and sighed.


So tired!

In this never-ending battle, who can not be tired?

"Give me the order."

Prince Su took a deep look at Huang Shicheng and said, "From now on, the demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng will be escorted back to the royal capital. He will retain all his positions and titles and stay in the general's mansion to recuperate. After he is completely recovered, he will take over military affairs again. "

In fact, given Huang Shicheng's condition, the chances of a complete recovery are quite slim.

Huang Shicheng has only a child-like mind left and has lost almost 99% of his cultivation. He is no longer suitable to stay in such a dangerous place on the battlefield outside the territory.

"As for the position of General of the Demon-Suppressing Army..."

Prince Su pondered for a moment and looked at Huang Yuan.

Originally, as the son of a great general, he was the most suitable person to take over the post of general.

It's a pity that this fat man is really useless. Although he has the cultivation level of a peak immortal, his realm is so vain that he may not even be able to defeat the stronger Open Heaven realm.

If it were a peak immortal like "Shui Han", he would have made arrangements directly without even thinking about it.

"The post of Demon-Suppressing General will be temporarily entrusted to me. We will make further arrangements until His Majesty, Emperor Yu, informs you."

He took a deep breath and continued: "Huang Yuan, you will temporarily take over your father's title and concurrently serve as the deputy general of the Demon Suppressing Army. Do you have any objections?"


Huang Yuan, carrying his old father on his back, took a deep breath and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Actually, Your Majesty, you don't have to consider me. I, Huang Yuan, have always had no ambitions and no ability. If I really want to take over my father's position, I'm afraid I will If you want to ruin the reputation of the Demon Suppressing Army, you would really be ashamed of my father."

Prince Su was immediately speechless.

Unexpectedly, although this fat man is useless, he is still quite self-aware.


Prince Su coughed a few times, and then said: "In addition, in terms of rewards for merit, General Huang was already a seven-star war god. Based on his achievements in this battle, he should be further awarded and promoted to eight stars. I will start to reward this time. The battle situation will be reported to the elders of the War Alliance, and after approval by the Alliance, the promotion can be completed. "

He looked at Huang Shicheng and said slowly: "It shouldn't be a big problem."

In fact, it is extremely difficult for gods of war above six stars to be promoted.

It can be said that there may be many seven-star war gods, but living war gods with seven-star or above levels are relatively rare.

Within the entire Wangshu Fortress, there are almost seven or eight seven-star war gods who are still alive, including Huang Shicheng, Du Zhongwei, and several other immortal emperors.

But the Eight-Star God of War is only Prince Su.

The number of nine-star war gods is even smaller. Over tens of thousands of years, less than ten people have received such an honor.

The first person among them is Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Ling Feng had heard some of this information from Empress Qingluo before.

However, the "battle alliance" mentioned by Prince Su made Ling Feng's eyes light up.

It seems that this should be a special organization dedicated to conferring the glory of the God of War.

"The ice is clear and the water is cold."

Prince Su said, looking at Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing again.

"Your contribution this time is not small, and you should be rewarded accordingly."

After a pause, Prince Su continued: "Based on merit, you can all be directly promoted to God of War, but not before that."

Prince Su stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Shui Han, I will now make you the commander of the Linzi Camp of the Demon Suppressing Army!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

Ling Feng quickly stepped forward and bowed to accept the reward.

According to Empress Qingluo, one must have an officer above the commander level to be eligible for the title of God of War.

Prince Su did this probably to give himself a reasonable identity.

The demon-suppressing army is divided into nine battalions in total, which coincides with the nine-character mantra of demon-suppressing: Lin, soldiers, fights, all, array, array, in, and front.

Among them, Linziying was the most powerful one.

In the previous battle, the soldiers of the Demon Suppression Army suffered heavy casualties, and even the commander died on the battlefield, unfortunately.

Ling Feng just filled this gap.

"Similarly, the two of you need to report the title of God of War to the Alliance of War. Once approved by the alliance elders, you will receive exclusive medals belonging to the God of War. From now on, your names will forever remain in the God of War monument of the Alliance of War. superior."


Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Finally, all the hard work was not in vain.

"Besides, Shuihan!"

Prince Su continued: "I sent you to Quexie Fortress to ask for reinforcements. Although you did not act in accordance with the military orders, you finally brought back the reinforcements from Dingfeng Fortress. The rewards promised before will be sent directly to your camp in the near future. Inside."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

Ling Feng felt happy again.

The reward for this mission seems to be the top-grade divine pill Tianxin Chalcedony Pill, plus fragments of the Great Dao Source Artifact, and a top-grade divine weapon!

It just so happens that they are all things that I need urgently now!

Not to mention the pills and the fragments of the Great Dao Source Artifact, Ling Feng now dares not use swordsmanship in order to hide his identity, so he can only transform Shi Fang Destruction into a sword for use.

But in the final analysis, he is still destroyed in all directions, and there is always the risk of being exposed.

If he could get a top-quality sword, he wouldn't need to use Destruction in All Directions instead.

"Also, the elixirs you distribute on the battlefield are all paid out of your own pocket. Dayu Xianting will not take advantage of you. I will also apply for additional cultivation resources to supply these elixirs to you."

Prince Su once again released a bombshell.

This wave of operations was completely unexpected even by Ling Feng.

Although he never thought about the batch of pills, Prince Su even compensated himself for this.

Good guy, Ling Feng even has the urge to be Prince Su's subordinate for the rest of his life.

He really is!

Ling Feng was almost moved to tears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

Ling Feng bowed to him again.

Prince Su raised his hand to support him and whispered: "Thank you for everything, it's all my family."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he saw Prince Su looking at him ambiguously, and then glanced at Yu Bingqing from time to time.

It seems that he has regarded himself as... his niece and son-in-law?

"The specific matters will be announced later at a formal military aircraft conference."

Prince Su said, stepped forward and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Little friend Shui Han, I can see that you have reached the point of breakthrough, and you are just missing that final kick. Now, I can give you a gift." A blessing."

Ling Feng immediately raised his eyes and stared at Prince Su, "What fortune?"

Although it was just one final kick, it was really not easy for Ling Feng.

He has swallowed several Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pills in a row, but his background is really too rich.

In contrast, Yu Bingqing only swallowed an Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pill, and with the stimulation of the powerful Demon Emperor, he broke through the realm barrier in one fell swoop.

"Do you know why we had to defend the fortress at all costs during the previous battle?"

Prince Su asked somewhat mysteriously.

"Isn't it to prevent the demons from crossing the defense line and attacking the fairyland?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he blurted out.

"This is just one of them."

Prince Su smiled lightly, "There is another one! In fact, there are huge secrets hidden in every fortress."


Ling Feng was slightly startled, "What secret?"

"Then let's start with the origin of the battlefield outside the territory."

Prince Su chuckled, "However, I will try to keep my story short."

But it turns out that the extraterrestrial battlefield was originally a special time and space formed by the fusion of countless fragments of the starry sky plane during the ancient demon-slaying war.

These shattered planes all hide a power that belongs to their own world.

The thing that carries the power of the world, or the power of the will of heaven and earth, is the legendary "star core".

As the plane collapsed, these star cores directly turned into countless fragments, scattered in the battlefield outside the territory.

Every place where a fortress is built is connected to a special space-time fault.

In this space-time gap, you can feel the power of the star core. If you are lucky, you may have a chance to absorb the energy of the star core fragments.

This energy can allow the Immortal Lord in the bottleneck period to break through the realm of Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.

This is also the reason why all the major forces will send their talented geniuses to outside battlefields for training after reaching the Immortal Realm.

However, if you want to enter this "space-time fault", you also need to obtain huge achievements.

It stands to reason that although Ling Feng has made great achievements, he cannot enter the space-time gap to practice before he is awarded the title of God of War.

But Ling Feng is now a "family member" of Dayu Xianting, so what if he opens a back door to his own family?

"Before the approval from the Alliance for War comes, you can go to the space-time fault to retreat for a few days. Maybe you will gain something."

Prince Su narrowed his eyes and smiled at Ling Feng, while Du Zhongwei and several other Immortal Emperors on the side did not say much.

Obviously, it was also acquiesced that Ling Feng could enter the space-time fault.

As for Yu Bingqing, she had already broken through to the Immortal Emperor realm, so there was no big need to go in together.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

Ling Feng couldn't count how many times he said thank you to Prince Su today.

This Prince Su is really closer than his own uncle!

Of course, he doesn't have any uncles.

And at the same time.

Behind the Soul Burial Canyon, there is a terrifying world filled with endless evil energy.

After a long period of war, the demon clan and the fairyland forces used this canyon as a boundary to divide the entire outer battlefield into two worlds.

Outside the canyon, there is already a desolate and decaying world, and there is almost no aura of heaven and earth in the air.

And inside the canyon, it is a place of despair comparable to the Demon Realm.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

In a huge black hall, a majestic and majestic aura sounded throughout the space.

A burly man, wearing heavy armor and with a pair of long black horns on his head, snorted and yelled: "Command an army of five million to attack Wangshu Fortress, and you can lose this way? Phileus, you What to eat? Five million! That’s five million buns, enough for the defeated soldiers in Wangshu Fortress to eat for several days and nights!

"Lord Hussein, this... this subordinate..."

In the hall, a black mist shivered in fear from the roar of this life, but it was Phileus who lost his body in the battle.

Now, he only has a bunch of demonic energy left, which contains the origin of his soul.

Before he could even reshape his body, he was already caught here and put on trial.

"What else do you have to say! You useless thing!"

Hussein's face turned red, and his muscles, as strong as iron towers, were knitted together in an exaggerated way.


At this moment, on the throne directly in front of the hall, a graceful and elegant woman wearing a red dress slowly spoke and stopped Hussein, who was about to go berserk.

This woman is none other than the returning queen of the Gulando clan, Keveli.

"Her Majesty the Queen..."

Hussein calmed down a little when he heard Keveli's voice. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "My subordinate proposed that Philius, a waste that damaged the glory of our Grando family, be directly punished." Executed!"

An army of five million cannot defeat the Wangshu Fortress, which has been conquered for several years and is depleted of troops and horses.

Apart from trash, there are no adjectives that can describe a thing like Phileus.

If this reaches the ears of the other two tribes, I don’t know how they will laugh.

"My subordinate has something to say!"

Phileus was really on the verge of tears. He had already grasped the situation and was sure of victory.

Who knew that reinforcements from the Xantian Feng Clan would appear on the way.

Just reinforcements, that's all.

He took out his own magic pill energy and wanted to kill and annihilate the defenders of Wangshu Fortress on the frontal battlefield.

Fortunately, another "perverted" alchemist appeared. With a wave of his hand, it rained alchemy from the sky.

It’s not that he is incompetent, it’s his opponent who is so unbelievable!

"Talk nonsense!"

Hussein was so angry that he jumped up and down, "Why do you have the nerve to speak? If I were you, I would have crashed into the abyss of purgatory and committed suicide by now!"


Kweli couldn't help but roll her eyes at the big man. Hussein's strength was beyond words, and he was also loyal to her. But with his temper, he was too impatient.

Hussein hurriedly coughed a few times, stepped aside, and calmed down a little.

"Philius, tell me."

Kavli looked at Phileus, "It's hard for me to imagine how you could lose this battle."

Five million troops were gathered, and the high-level demons of the Gruando clan were dispatched. Together with those giant void beasts of the Demon Emperor level, there were nearly twenty of them.

With such a lineup, how could he possibly be able to hold the Wangshu Fortress with just him?

"All of this is thanks to a boy at the peak of Immortal Lord level!"

The demonic energy gradually condensed, revealing the figure of Phileus.

He clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth with hatred, "It was that boy who caused my subordinates to fail in this battle!"

"The pinnacle Immortal?" Hussein's eyes widened, "You really have the nerve to say it! The majestic Demon Emperor was broken in half a step and defeated by an Immortal?"

"It's not that I can't beat him, it's just that kid, he's just too much of a hindrance!"

Philius gritted his teeth and said: "My subordinates finally managed to severely injure the enemy's half-step broken commander, but as soon as that kid came, he absorbed and refined all the original demonic energy of his subordinates..."

Philius talked about the various emergencies he encountered on the battlefield. For a moment, even Hussein, who was yelling at him, was stunned.

Is that boy named Shui Han really an Immortal Master?

But it was Keveli, with a strange look flashing in her beautiful eyes.

It can even absorb the half-broken original demonic energy. Is this really just an ordinary devouring body?

Or is it that it is actually the chaotic body of the Tiandao clan?

Thinking of the colossus of the gods a few days ago, Keveli had some faint guesses in her heart.

Could this Shui Han be that boy?

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