Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3969 Uncle Emperor!

"Your Majesty the Queen, if what Feilius said is true, that human being named Shuihan will probably become the biggest obstacle for our people to capture Wangshu Fortress!"

Above the main hall, the senior elders of the Gulando clan also frowned deeply.

Obviously, a "devouring body" that is completely immune to demonic energy and can absorb and refine the demonic energy of the half-step Broken Level Demon Emperor has given these clan elders a sense of crisis.

What's more, the other party is also a top alchemist.

In the battlefield outside the territory, the biggest advantage of the demons is not the almost endless cannon fodder of the low-level demons, but the unusual lack of spiritual energy in the world on this battlefield.

Human monks simply cannot restore their cultivation by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The longer the battle drags on, the better it will be for the demons.

Especially for ordinary Immortal Lords, whether they can get enough supplies on the frontal battlefield of the Immortal Lord level is a crucial factor that determines the outcome.

If Shui Han rains "elixir rain" on the battlefield in every subsequent battle, the numerical advantage will be gone.

"This son must be killed as soon as possible, and he must not be allowed to grow up!"

"What Elder Luo De said is absolutely true. He is only at the Immortal Lord level, but it is so difficult. If he waits for him to break through to the Immortal Emperor... it is simply unimaginable!"

Another elder also frowned and said, "Maybe it's another monster that attracts the giant statue of the gods!"

Such a monster has already appeared in Dayu Immortal Court. If another one appears, it will definitely be another huge threat to the demon clan.

"Your Majesty the Queen, please make a decision quickly!"

An old man in gray robe said in a deep voice: "The Hilga family and the Bannick family have also launched the final stage of attack on their targets. In terms of time, we cannot afford to waste any time!"

But it turns out that when the three top demon clans were making a bet, Keveli chose the Dingfeng Fortress closest to the Soul Burial Canyon.

In a sense, this can be said to be a top pick.

After all, it will take a lot of time for the other two tribes to mobilize their armies, and they may also encounter various obstacles from the human garrison.

The reason why a blockade will be opened on the side of Dingfeng Fortress is that in a sense, this is actually a transportation line for the demon army.

While they mobilized the elites of the demon clan to the hinterland of the human area, they also collected the demon clan's evil creatures and expanded their troops.

When the troops are completely assembled, the final general attack will be launched.

The reason why Dingfeng Fortress sent out a scout team to investigate was because it noticed various unusual behaviors of the demons.

Although the blockade they opened has effectively isolated the connections between the major fortresses, it also poses great risks to themselves.

With the demon forces so dispersed, once the major human fortresses launch a joint offensive, these demon armies stationed at the blockade will definitely be wiped out immediately.

Having said that, as far as the Gulando clan is concerned, they have no such problem in transporting troops.

With their backs to the Soul Burial Canyon, they could directly assemble an army to attack Wangshu Fortress. This advantage was not available to the other two tribes who had drawn other fortresses.

However, the development of things still exceeded the expectations of the Gulanduo family.

They also did not expect that the resistance from Wangshu Fortress would be so strong.

And in the final general offensive battle where five million troops are assembled, variables like "water cold" will appear again.

Keveli took a deep breath and slowly looked at Phileus with a pair of cold eyes.

"Philius, although your defeat in this battle is excusable, a defeat is a defeat and must be severely punished by military orders. Are you convinced?"

"Subordinate...I'm convinced..."

Phileus knelt on the ground, lowered his head, trembling in the face of Keveli's royal aura.

"However, we, the Gulando clan, are currently employing people. Let's note the punishment for now. I can give you a chance to make up for your mistakes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen! Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen!"

Phileus immediately breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't die, he could say anything.


Hussein on the side just snorted and didn't say much.

Naturally, he would have no objection to the Queen's decision.

"As for that Shui Han..."

Keveli frowned slightly, but unfortunately, as a broken level, she could not easily appear on the battlefield.

Although the two races of immortals and demons have been in constant war for tens of millions of years, there are also some unspoken rules that each of them has defaulted to.

That is, once the Broken Level powerhouse appears on the battlefield, it means that the top masters of the seven major forces will appear on the battlefield.

Among them, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was also included!

No matter how the immortal and demon clans view the merits and demerits of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, there is no doubt that he is the pinnacle of the Immortal Emperors of this era and the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm who cannot be ignored.

It is also the first nine-star war god in the history of the human race since the war on the outer battlefield began.

When Immortal Emperor Yi Ting appears on this battlefield, it means that the war between the immortal and demon clans will escalate in an all-round way and develop into an epochal battle comparable to the battle between ancient demons!

This level of war is easily unbearable by both the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm.

Therefore, the top combat power that has appeared on the battlefield so far is Half-Step Broken.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I believe that it will be difficult for us to gather our troops for the next round of offensive in a short period of time, but that Shui Han must be eliminated!"

Philius finally managed to save a small life, and quickly made a plan: "In this case, it is better to send out a few dark shadow killers. With their abilities, they can avoid the half-step broken perception of Wangshu Fortress. Assassinate that boy silently!"

"This is a good suggestion."

A clan elder also nodded in agreement, "The Dark Shadow Killers specialize in assassination. They are an extremely sharp knife under my Grando clan. Now is the time to use them."

Kvelli's eyes narrowed, she pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, "Then send out three Dark Shadow Killers."


Philius's eyes lit up, "Although that boy has some tricks, he is just an Immortal Lord. Three Dark Shadow Killers are more than enough!"

"I hope so."

A strange color flashed in Keweili's eyes, and she thought to herself: Ling Feng, if it's really you, don't be killed!

At the same time, Ling Feng, who was far away in Wangshu Fortress, did not know that he was about to face a well-planned assassination.

At this moment, Ling Feng had been taken alone by Prince Su to the depths of Wangshu Fortress, to the depths of an underground palace.

According to Prince Su, there is a space-time fault connected under the underground palace.

And within the fault, there will be an opportunity to obtain the power of the star core belonging to the shattered plane.


Prince Su in front suddenly stopped, turned to look at Ling Feng, and pointed at a "pool" in front of him where the tide of time and space escaped.

What is inside the pool is not actually water, but highly concentrated space-time tides that have liquefied into the form of water.

This tidal liquid is extremely viscous, so it can seal the space-time fault and prevent it from further expanding and then eroding the outside space.

"Shuihan, this is where the biggest secret of Wangshu Fortress is hidden, the space-time fault!"

Prince Su said solemnly: "You can just jump down and pass through this layer of tidal liquid to enter the fault."

"I understand, thank you, Your Majesty the Prince, for your guidance."

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Prince Su.

"Are you still calling me Prince?"

Prince Su smiled ambiguously, "You can also call me Uncle, just like Bingqing."

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng suddenly coughed a few times. It was over. He couldn't explain it now.

However, if a man can stretch and bend, why not just call him an imperial uncle without losing money?

"Uncle Emperor..."

Ling Feng bravely shouted, and Prince Su burst out laughing, "Good boy, from now on, you are one of your own!"


Ling Feng took a deep breath, struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "Uncle Emperor, there is something that I should have told you a long time ago!"

"Say it."

"That's Du Yutang from the Great Sima Mansion..."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, feeling a little guilty and said: "That guy was killed by me."


The next moment, Prince Su's eyelids twitched. This boy really didn't regard himself as an outsider!

Such breaking news right from the start?

In fact, both Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang came back with Yu Bingqing, but Du Yutang from Da Sima Mansion was missing.

He had already felt strange.

However, I had been busy dealing with the fortress affairs before, so I didn't have time to ask.

Fortunately now, it turned out that he was dead, and he died in the hands of his "niece-in-law".

"Uncle Emperor, please listen to me first."

Ling Feng immediately told Prince Su everything that had happened before, "You can ask Her Royal Highness the Princess, or you can ask Brother Qi and Brother Wang. What I said is absolutely not false or exaggerated."

After hearing this, Prince Su nodded slightly, "No need, I can trust you. In this matter, Du Yutang is indeed too despicable and shameless, and he deserves to die. I will make the decision for you! Even if Da Sima personally intervenes, , I will definitely support you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

With Prince Su as his backing, Ling Feng felt relieved.

Although he was not afraid of revenge from Da Sima Mansion, he was on the battlefield after all.

If someone really stabbed you in the back, it would actually be quite troublesome.

In particular, Du Zhongwei, the governor of Wangshu Fortress, was also a member of the Du family.

"You kid, if you have something to do, you call me uncle, and if you don't have anything, you become the prince?"

Prince Su rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, and Ling Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, I was so quick to speak! Thank you, uncle!"

"Hahaha! You kid!"

Prince Su smiled and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder. He really regarded Ling Feng as his own nephew.

"Go and feel it!"

Prince Su stopped laughing and returned to his serious and serious look, "Your current physical strength and soul source are already comparable to the Immortal Emperor level, but you are missing some of the final insights. The Immortal Lord is at the peak of his level. Everyone’s understanding of how to take a step into the Starry Realm and break through to the Moon Wheel Realm is completely different.”

"The stars fall and the moon rises."

Prince Su said in a deep voice: "These star core fragments contain the so-called evolution of the heaven and earth in the starry sky planes, the stars nurturing and evolving, until they decay and wither. It should be helpful to you."


Ling Feng nodded, and immediately, as Prince Su said, he jumped directly into the "pool" formed by the tidal liquid.

The tidal liquid is extremely viscous, and there seems to be a huge buoyancy force that hinders your body from sinking into it.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and turned the power of his mind into a sharp sword, directly breaking through the obstacles.

The next moment, Ling Feng felt his whole body relax, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

In the blink of an eye, everything outside had completely disappeared.

All around, there seemed to be a chaotic starry sky.

This is what Prince Su calls the "space-time gap."

"This kid was able to break through the tidal liquid so quickly. I thought he would ask me for help."

Prince Su stood there, shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but sigh, "There are really talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for thousands of years. No wonder, Bingqing, that girl, has always been arrogant, but in the end she was betrayed by this boy Conquered.”

After a pause, Prince Su continued to murmur to himself: "Well, just stay here to gain some insights. If you can break through the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, that would be great."

Within Wangshu Fortress, there are so many powerful Immortal Emperors here, and with him as the protector of the Prince, they should be able to withstand his Immortal Emperor catastrophe.

Of course, Prince Su didn't think that Ling Feng could also trigger the giant statue of the gods.

Immortal Emperor catastrophes of that level are really rare. If two of them appear at once, the world of Immortal Realm will really change.

The next moment, Prince Su's figure flashed and disappeared into the underground palace. He just told the guards in front of the door to keep a good watch and not allow outsiders to enter.

Deep in the space-time fault.

At this moment, Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged in a chaotic and void space, feeling that the origin of his soul was radiating away bit by bit, seeming to be integrated with the entire space-time gap.

He could see that in the infinite distance, there seemed to be a little bit of new starlight, which seemed to be within reach, but in fact, it was all out of reach.


Without warning, there was a "buzzing" tremor in Ling Feng's spiritual sea. In his perception, the entire space-time fault was radiating a golden color, almost condensed into a substantial light, that dazzling light. The light almost caused the origin of his soul to tingle and shrink slightly.

"What a magical power, are they star core fragments?"

In the perception of the origin of his soul, Ling Feng felt that his consciousness was like an ant, lying on a huge transparent light film. Under the light film, there was a vast, majestic and dazzling golden light.

He could imagine the power that was destroying the world and surging like a river under the light film, but he could never touch it. It was hazy and he could only collect the energy escaping from it bit by bit.

A plane of time and space will eventually decline and be destroyed in the endless river of time, but the power of the star core that remains in it is still so terrifying!

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart.

In his mind, he recalled what Prince Su told him.

What is the realm of stars?

What is the Moon Wheel Realm?

The stars are falling and the moon is rising.

What does it mean?

Feeling the lingering light emitted from the star core fragments deep in the space-time fault, Ling Feng seemed to have some realization.

And then, another bold idea came to Ling Feng's mind.

"It would be great if we could penetrate that golden light film, penetrate deep into the galaxy fragments, and directly extract the power of the stars inside."

If Prince Su found out about his idea, he would probably turn pale with fright on the spot.

Even though it is just a broken star core, it was once the existence that gave birth to and evolved a space-time plane.

The remaining power is not something that a mere Immortal Lord can control.

Not to mention the Immortal Lord, even he must carefully extract every bit of power bit by bit across the distance in time and space, in the faults, and use it for enlightenment.

This is not an improvement in realm or an increase in strength.

That is a kind of experience gained from understanding the evolution of stars in the world.

In his opinion, Ling Feng's idea was unrealistic.

Once you get close to the star core fragments, you can understand how naive Ling Feng's idea is.

"Boy Ling Feng, you really dare to think!"

And just as Ling Feng said these words, the voice of a bitch rang in his mind, "That's a star core fragment! Do you know what a star core is? And it went in to absorb it directly. If it weren't for the protection of the space-time film, Even if you are hundreds of millions of miles away, you will probably be burned to ashes right now. "

"Such an exaggeration..."

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

"Exaggeration? You kid, you don't know how high the sky is!"

The bitch snorted, "Stop your stupid thoughts, let alone you. Even the Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm does not dare to directly absorb the power of the stars inside. It must go through the space-time membrane, bit by bit, to Only the Broken Level can barely control the power of the Broken Star Core by absorbing a little bit of energy. However, this kind of power is of little significance to the Broken Level. Really understand the way stars evolve, and don’t seek death!”

What Jian Lu said was eloquent. Ling Feng knew that at least 90% of what Jian Lu said was correct.

His bloodline carries many memories that even he himself doesn't know about.

The information about the star core fragments should also come from this memory.

However, Ling Feng is a person who never looks back until he hits the wall.

“How will you know if you don’t try!”

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "I have a body of chaos and can absorb any energy. I would be a fool to leave this kind of treasure and not absorb it!"


The bitch was so angry that he couldn't help but run out to remind this kid.

What Ling Feng has decided may not be changed easily.

The figure flashed, and the next moment, Ling Feng flew directly towards the area where the star core fragments were located in his mental perception.

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