Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3971 Star Core Prototype!

Three days passed by in a flash.

In the commander's tent, Prince Su had just concluded a meeting with the generals of Wangshu Fortress regarding the deployment of defenses and the repair of fortifications.

After all the generals left, Yu Bingqing walked in and walked towards Prince Su angrily, quite intent on launching an army to accuse him.


Prince Su coughed a few times, then quickly straightened his face and put on a serious look, "It's Bingqing, what's wrong? Do you want to see me for anything?"


Yu Bingqing snorted, gritted her silver teeth, and said slightly angrily: "It's been three days, Shui Han...he's in the space-time fault, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"You ask me, who should I ask..."

Prince Su felt helpless for a while, "That kid is probably gifted and wants to experience the time and space gap for a while longer. Three days is actually quite normal."

"Who says it's normal? Most people should be out in three hours!"

Yu Bingqing's eyes widened, "He has been here for three days!"

"The boy's soul is comparable to the broken level. It's normal to stay there for a longer time."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You, this is called caring and chaos. In fact, the longer you stay here, the greater the benefits you will get."

"I'm afraid..."

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth, "I'm afraid that he will directly trigger the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe on the other side of the space-time fault. By then, no one will be able to help him, wouldn't it..."

"no no……"

Prince Su quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "The space-time fault does not have the conditions to bring about a thunder catastrophe. Even if he really breaks through, he will have to return to Wangshu Fortress to trigger the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe. Don't worry, I have already taken care of him. He has arranged it. You are so busy worrying about your lover, but you forget that I, the emperor's uncle, have never been reliable in handling affairs!"

When Yu Bingqing heard the word "lover", a blush appeared on her face, "Where... there is no such thing!"


Prince Su couldn't help laughing when he saw Yu Bingqing's shy posture, "Isn't it written on your face?"

Yu Bingqing quickly raised her hands to hold her cheeks, which were indeed slightly hot.

Looking back on the past, I have played tricks on countless men, making them dream about me, but they couldn't get it.

Nowadays, she can be so worried and confused about a man.

"Okay, okay, I still have many things to deal with."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled, "By the way, General Huang, his son Huang Yuan, should have sent him to the capital of King Yu."


Yu Bingqing nodded and said warmly: "We set out two days ago. With General Huang's current situation, it is obviously not appropriate to stay on the battlefield outside the territory. As for Huang Yuan, he should stay in the capital to accompany General Huang."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Prince Su squinted his eyes and smiled, "Didn't you notice that there is something more in that boy's eyes? I guess that Huang Yuan will definitely come back."

"That's impossible, right? That fat man is greedy for life and afraid of death. If he gets such an opportunity to go back, is he still willing to come back?"

Yu Bingqing looked unbelieving, "Uncle Emperor, you are going to guess wrong this time."

"This ginger is still hot after all! Bingqing, do you dare to make a bet with me?" Prince Su said with a smile.

"Just bet!"

Yu Bingqing pursed her lips and said, "Uncle Emperor, tell me, how do you want to bet?"

"Just bet your life on it."

Prince Su suddenly looked solemn, "Do you know that many people in the royal capital are concerned about your identity as the eldest princess? And your royal brother has told me about it in private several times."

"Hmph!" When Yu Bingqing heard this, her brows suddenly furrowed, "Who wants the emperor to meddle in his own business? I don't have enough in the three palaces and six courtyards, so you come to meddle in my affairs. It's really unnecessary!"

"That's it."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled, "Originally I was thinking that if you lose the bet, I will ask Emperor Yu to be a great matchmaker and recommend a young talent!"

"Qing... young talent?"

Yu Bingqing's eyelids twitched, and then she shook her head, "I don't want it!"

"You don't want anyone with the surname Shui or Han?" Prince Su said with a smile: "It seems that this king is also superfluous."

"Shuihan? Who...who said no more!"

When Yu Bingqing heard Shui Han, she quickly changed her words, "I...I didn't say anything..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Prince Su suddenly laughed from ear to ear, "You girl, you are really in trouble!"

At the same time, Ling Feng was deep in the space-time fault, no, it should be said, inside the broken star core, suffering "torture".

However, from the moment he was instantly evaporated and wiped out by the power of the broken star core, up to this moment, Ling Feng has been able to resist the terrifying destructive power.

And his body surface was already covered with the marks of broken holy marks.

However, Ling Feng was currently concentrating on stimulating his Chaos Dantian and frantically absorbing the power of the starry sky from the broken star core, so he had not noticed these situations yet.

He had even forgotten time and space, and there was only one thought in his mind.

That is the power of breaking that must be mastered.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Feng's body stopped disintegrating.

And the sleeping "huge beast" in front of him seemed to have some kind of wonderful resonance with himself.

He slowly opened his eyes, and it seemed that he had become somewhat accustomed to the energy burst outside the Broken Star Core.

At this moment, there were two choices before Ling Feng.

Right now, his gains are actually quite high.

Even if he is willing, he can easily trigger his Immortal Emperor's catastrophe by returning to the outside world at this moment.

He could feel the surging energy in his body.

The powerful foundation of the Anti-Immortal Seizing Heaven Pill was almost bursting out of his Heavenly Spirit Cap.

He could leave directly and choose to be promoted to Immortal Emperor.

Another option is to continue going deep into the Broken Star Core.

Although his body, after this time of tempering, has reached a level that even Ling Feng cannot estimate.

But he always felt that deep in the Broken Star Core, there seemed to be a power calling him.

Is this the kind of "resonance" I felt before?

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and suddenly, the sea of ​​​​spirit "buzzed".

In his vast spiritual perception, he really noticed that there seemed to be something extraordinary deep in the Broken Star Core.

If we say that the periphery of this broken star core is filled with the power of the star core that is constantly collapsing and disintegrating.

And deep in the Broken Star Core, that thing felt like an embryo to Ling Feng.

It was born out of this broken star core, but it draws energy crazily from the matrix of the broken star core.

It is reborn from destruction, and blooms with new vitality in the midst of fragmentation.

what is that?

Ling Feng has been completely attracted by the light deep in the star core.

Unconsciously, it flew towards it.

"Hey, hey, hey, wake up!"

The voice of a bitch came again in his mind, "Boy Lingfeng, that is the prototype of a star core! It is a 'young' star core that is about to create and evolve a new time and space! The power it contains is not a broken star. The nuclear power can be compared. Are you looking for death by rushing over like this?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, his body stagnant for a moment, and then he shook his head, "Since the prototype of the star core is being born, it must be more precious than the broken star core! I must get this thing!"

The bitch was so frightened by Ling Feng's words, "Otherwise, you should release this beast first and then go! No, no, no, it won't be able to withstand the energy impact of this damn place if you release it. Damn it, I The mythical beast is going to be killed by you!"

"Do not worry!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I won't seek death!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng activated the majestic power of the divine soul. Countless majestic powers of divine consciousness immediately turned into spider threads and spread toward the space and time deep in the star core fragments.


Just when the power of his consciousness was about to reach the edge of the prototype of the star core, a huge roar, earth-shaking, suddenly vibrated in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

In the depths of the star core fragments, there seemed to be extremely terrifying energy torrents roaring and rioting, rushing and flowing in a very mysterious law.

Even though there are still countless layers of time and space, Ling Feng can still feel the terrifying power.

It seems that it has sensed the "spying" of another spiritual thought on itself, and the will of the prototype of the star core is making instinctive rejection and resistance.

What the bitch said is indeed true. Even if it is just a prototype, the energy contained in it is much more terrifying than the broken star core!

In an instant!

Endless winds and space-time storms filled the entire space. The deeper Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts went deeper, the more raging the space-time storm he felt became.

Even Ling Feng's majestic and vast spiritual thoughts seemed to be completely destroyed in the storm of space and time.

"Damn it, with my divine will, I can't go any deeper!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly. At this moment, he no longer had any interest in the broken star core fragments.

All attention was attracted by this star core prototype.

The last time, Yu Bingqing's Immortal Emperor's catastrophe was already so terrifying, and his own Immortal Emperor's catastrophe may be even more outrageous.

The last time he resisted the colossus of the gods, he almost died, and his own catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor, who knows what kind of "demons" would be summoned.

This star core prototype will be my greatest reliance against the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe!

No matter what, you have to get this!

He took a deep breath and used the ghosts and gods again. The chaotic light flickered, and the source of the soul at the Hongmeng level exploded to the limit.

Immediately afterwards, he actually took out another Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pill and threw it directly into his mouth.

Although the Anti-Immortal Seizing Heaven Pill is a pill used to weaken realm barriers, it contains the powerful beast soul will belonging to the enlightened beast.

It can also, in a certain sense, increase the origin of Ling Feng's soul.

In short, it’s only a moment that can last!

Ling Feng is now determined to capture the prototype star core, no matter the cost!


The sea of ​​spirit trembled again. In an instant, the power of his consciousness changed from "spider threads" to "tentacles", frantically descending into the depths of time and space.

This is a contest of wills!

The prototype of the star core, to put it bluntly, is just an inexperienced "baby". Ling Feng still doesn't believe it. He can't even handle a "baby"!


Ling Feng's power of consciousness shuttled through the raging time and space storm.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, with a roar, Ling Feng's mental power seemed to have finally penetrated a space barrier and entered another completely different time and space.

That is, the nascent realm that belongs to the prototype of the star core!

And at this moment, a strong feeling of fatigue came from my mind.

It was like countless steel needles were piercing through his mind at the same time, causing him to gasp in pain.

The resistance of the star core prototype exceeded Ling Feng's expectations.

Fortunately, Ling Feng is also a ruthless person.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly, "Baby, you can't run away!"

In the competition just now, Ling Feng's power of consciousness had already passed through the space-time barrier associated with the prototype of the star core.

The current prototype of the star core is like a lychee that has had its hard shell peeled off, waiting to be picked by oneself!

The strange thing is that the star core prototype also seems to be curious about this ray of divine thought that has broken into its own world.

Ling Feng was not in a hurry to take action, he just cautiously approached the prototype of the star core with his spiritual thoughts.

He tried his best to keep his emotions calm, for fear that any slight change would cause rejection of the prototype of the star core.

What surprised Ling Feng was that the closer the spiritual tentacles transformed by the power of his consciousness became to the prototype of the star core, the more relaxed he became.

The power of consciousness that Ling Feng consumed when he passed through the barrier outside was actually replenished bit by bit by the prototype of the star core.

It is indeed a treasure!

Ling Feng was even more ecstatic.

"Close! Getting closer!"

Ling Feng felt excited. At this time, he became more cautious.

He held his breath and concentrated, all his spiritual thoughts were immersed in it, and began to wrap up the prototype of the star core like peeling off a cocoon.

Time passed bit by bit in this boring and tasteless exploration.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have lost their temper and directly try to devour the prototype of the star core.

But Ling Feng knew very well what kind of terrifying energy was hidden in this seemingly harmless prototype of a star core.

Maybe now it is still looking at its spiritual thoughts curiously, but at the next moment, if it senses any ray of malice, it may explode immediately.

When the time comes, you will definitely have to pay a heavy price.

At this moment, Ling Feng is like a "weird uncle" who wants to coax a child. He will never show any fangs until he succeeds!

And this is destined to be a long and lasting process.

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

I don't know how much time passed, but Ling Feng felt that the resonance between himself and the prototype of the star core became clearer and more consistent.

What surprised Ling Feng even more was that the prototype of the star core was actually very close to his own power of chaos.

This gave Ling Feng even more hope.

As long as he incorporates this star core prototype into his chaotic dantian, it means that he has directly transformed into a humanoid star core!

At that time, it will be almost impossible for a power below the crushing level to hurt you at all.

There is hope for surviving the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor safely!



Ling Feng took a deep breath. He must not expose his "wolf ambition" at this critical moment.

The prototype of the star core must be appeased first, and then...

Eat it in one bite!

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