Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3972 Lord Shenglin!

In a blink of an eye, it was already the tenth day that Ling Feng entered the space-time fault.

Finally, even Prince Su couldn't hold himself back any longer.

It stands to reason that no matter how extreme the "water cold" is, ten days is a bit too exaggerated.

We can't really be in the space-time gap. What happened?

But generally speaking, as long as you don't stupidly rush directly into the depths of the space-time fault, face the star core fragments directly, and just observe and comprehend the evolution and destruction of the star core fragments from a distance, there should be no danger.

According to Prince Su's understanding, unless he lost his mind, it would be impossible for an Immortal Master alone to dare to challenge the "divine power" of the Shattered Star Core.

The major fortresses on the outer battlefield have been built for so many years, and countless geniuses have entered the space-time gap to comprehend.

There has never been such a life-threatening existence.

But no matter how you look at it, ten days seems a bit unbelievably long.

During this period of time, the walls of Wangshu Fortress have been repaired, and the barrier has been completely restored with the joint efforts of a group of formation masters and the Immortal Emperor Supreme Being.

As for Immortal Emperor Feng Yang of the Xantian Feng Clan, he has also returned to Dingfeng Fortress.

However, Mr. Qingyan did not leave with Immortal Emperor Feng Yang.

Prince Su did not neglect this immortal emperor-level doctor. His willingness to stay was naturally a good thing for Wangshu Fortress.

As for the capital of Dayu, a new batch of new troops were also deployed and put into Wangshu Fortress.

Although most of the army of half a million people are newly recruited, their personal combat qualities have been strictly controlled.

With a little practice, it should grow quickly.

In recent days, although the demons have not invaded on a large scale, they still often send cannon fodder of low-level demons to harass.

It's just right for training new recruits.

Within the handsome tent.

Prince Su looked at the sand table in front of him and frowned.

"It's strange. I don't know what the devil's plan is. In the past few days, they have frequently sent out cannon fodder to harass them. It's no different from sending them to death."

"I guess I want to test the situation inside our fortress."

Du Zhongwei has been guarding the Wangshu Fortress for many years and can be described as experienced and seasoned.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "According to the information shared by Dingfeng Fortress, the three forces within the demon clan seem to have reached some kind of agreement. Whichever party takes the lead in conquering a human fortress can control the other two clans. , to become the true master of the demon clan.”

After a pause, Du Zhongwei continued: "The ones who attacked our Wangshu Fortress were the Gulanduo clan, the oldest and most profound among the high-level demon clans. The last time they attacked Wangshu Fortress, they gathered five The army of one million people suffered heavy losses and returned in defeat. It was obvious that they were ridiculed by the other two tribes. Now, they also want to test the situation of Wangshu Fortress again to determine the timing of the next attack. "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Prince Su shook his head and said in a deep voice: "If you really test the situation of Wangshu Fortress, what is the use of sending those cannon fodder? It is just giving our recruits a chance to practice in actual combat. I think that the demon clan I’m afraid there is another reason for doing this.”

For a moment, all the commanders and princes present frowned and thought hard.

Indeed, the various strange movements of the demon clan in the past few days are really too weird.

"Anyway, it's better to be careful."

Prince Su took a deep breath and said slowly: "If there are demons harassing you again, just use heavy artillery to bombard them, and don't send troops out to avoid being plotted by the demons."


Du Zhongwei felt a little pained, "If we only use cannons to deal with low-level demons, the inventory at Wangshu Fortress may be... not enough! Even if we don't use the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, other shells , is also a scarce resource!”

"If it's not enough, adjust it again!"

Prince Su looked stern, "Right now, there is nothing more important than guarding Wangshu Fortress. There is no need to save military expenses or anything like that! I will personally apply to Emperor Yu to allocate supplies to the frontline battlefield! There is also Tiangong Zaosi Bian, after raising those blacksmith masters and inscription masters for so many years, it’s time to come up with something decent!”

Du Zhongwei secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. After all, he was Prince Su, and his status as a royal was a good thing.

If it were him, he wouldn't dare to be as tough as Prince Su when asking for military supplies.

During this period, among other major fortresses on the battlefield outside the territory.

A large number of new troops have also been welcomed one after another.

During this period, it was not just Wangshu Fortress that suffered an unprecedentedly severe battle.

Other major fortresses have also encountered relatively difficult problems to varying degrees.

The only one that is relatively safe is probably the Fortress of the Dead, which belongs to the Xuntian Lei Clan.

This fortress is located in the hinterland of the human camp, far away from the front line.

In a sense, all strategic materials that enter the battlefield outside the territory, especially large weapons such as the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, will first enter the Fortress of the Dead, be registered, and then uniformly allocated and deployed by the Fortress of the Dead.

The headquarters of the War Alliance, which is responsible for the promotion and unified management of the God of War, is also located in the Fortress of the Dead.

As long as it is a general who has achieved major achievements, or a war god who has made new achievements, his achievements will be reported to the Alliance of Conquest, and will only be approved after a series of investigations and reviews by the Alliance of Expeditions.

In the battle of Wangshu Fortress, many people have made great contributions. Their achievements and merits should have been sent to the expedition alliance at this moment, waiting for approval.

On this day, an "uninvited guest" arrived in the military supply warehouse of the Soul Fortress.

This uninvited guest was the Yulong Emperor of Tianzhi.

It turned out that after Yulong Emperor arrived at the battlefield outside the domain, the first step was to check the material allocation records of the Soul Fortress.

After all, every Shenwu Demon Killing Cannon, after being sent to the battlefield outside the domain, must first enter the inventory of the Soul Fortress, register, and then be transported to the major fortresses on the front line.

Although the current situation is that someone should have used the raw materials purchased from Tiangong Zaosi to create a replica of the Shenwu Demon Killing Cannon.

However, the inscription crystal source needed to activate the Shenwu Demon Killing Cannon must be obtained in the battlefield outside the domain.

Among them, the most likely place to get the inscription crystal source is undoubtedly the Soul Fortress.

In the past few days, after thoroughly checking all the input and deployment information about the Divine Martial Demon-Slaying Cannons in the Fortress of the Dead Souls over the years, Emperor Yulong finally visited the warehouse in person to find out the truth.

Accompanying Emperor Yulong were Emperor Nulei of the Thunder Clan, a commander stationed in the Fortress of the Dead Souls, and representatives sent by the Expedition Alliance.

Emperor Yulong was determined to thoroughly investigate the source of the Divine Martial Demon-Slaying Cannons that attacked the Jieying Zun Lingzhou that day, find out the person behind the scenes, and avenge his disciple (Jieying Zun).

Therefore, he did not care about giving face to the high-level officials of the Thunder Clan and insisted on a thorough investigation.

Unfortunately, at the funeral of the three Tianzhi Zun that day, Emperor Yiting personally expressed his position and allowed Tianzhi to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the Fortress of the Dead Souls.

With the "imperial edict" from Emperor Yi Ting, even the commander-in-chief of the Dead Soul Fortress dared not interfere, and could only let Emperor Yu Long conduct the inspection.

After all, if the matter is not thoroughly investigated, the blame will always be borne by their Xuntian Lei Clan.

It's not a big deal after all!

"Fellow Daoist Yu Long, it's been many years since we last met, and you are still as elegant as ever!"

The representative sent by the Expedition Alliance was a middle-aged man with a long golden beard, who looked strong and had a pair of dragon horns on his forehead.

He was dressed in a golden robe, and followed by several followers, who also had some characteristics of the dragon clan.

Since the end of the ancient demon-killing war, the ten great ancestral dragons and the Tiandao clan have successively withdrawn from the stage of history.

Then, the Xuntian clan came to power, and the biggest threat to them was naturally the descendants with the blood of the ancestral dragons.

This branch is also collectively referred to as the descendants of the ancient monsters.

The most powerful among them is the dragon descendants of the Shenlong clan.

However, in a very short period of time, the Shenlong clan chose to betray all the other allies of the descendants of the ancient monsters and surrendered to the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Next, the descendants of the ancient monsters were suppressed and have been in decline since then.

And the Shenlong clan, because of the original choice, also became a very powerful subordinate under the command of the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

In other words, it became the exclusive lackey of the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

The Holy Dragon Corps composed of the Shenlong clan is also a major trump card under the Xuntian Lei clan.

This middle-aged man with a long golden beard is the commander of the Holy Dragon Corps and the patriarch of the Shenlong clan today.

At the same time, he is also an elder of the War Alliance, and has a distinguished position in the top ten seats in the War Alliance.

And all of this, of course, was exchanged by the old patriarch of the Shenlong clan in the past, who relied on betraying the descendants of the ancient monsters and "wagging his tail and begging" for the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Shenglin is the legitimate son of that old patriarch.

"It's Lord Shenglin! Long time no see!"

Immortal Emperor Yulong glanced at him and said politely.

Speaking of which, the Shenlong clan is actually the descendant of ancient monsters. Is it possible that Shenglin is the person behind the Monster Soul Palace?

The next moment, Immortal Emperor Yulong rejected this idea. The branches of the descendants of ancient monsters should hate the Shenlong clan to the core. How could they cooperate with them?

Without saying much, Yulong Xiandi turned to the leader of the Thunder Patrol Clan and urged: "Commander Qianmin, the key to your warehouse is really hard to find. It took you three days to find it!"


Commander Qianmin laughed, "It was also for the sake of safety. I assigned them to different generals. Unexpectedly, one of the generals went to Xingyuan Fortress for something. There is nothing we can do about it."

"Okay, let me and Brother Nulei take care of the next thing. Everyone is busy with work, so don't waste time here with me."

Yulong Xiandi said in a deep voice.

"It's okay. The commander-in-chief has given an order. Fellow Daoist Yulong must not be neglected. Besides, we sincerely hope that Fellow Daoist Yulong can find out the truth as soon as possible and clear our Thunder Patrol Clan's name."

Commander Qianmin said with a smile.

"Yes, yes..."

Shenglin also nodded with a smile, as if he had completely forgotten his origins and regarded himself as a member of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

However, judging from the attitude of Commander Qianmin and the Angry Thunder Immortal Emperor towards him, they obviously did not regard him as "one of their own".

Although Lord Shenglin's cultivation level has reached the Half-Step Broken Level, Commander Qianmin and the two Wheel Realm Immortal Emperors do not have much respect for him.

In the final analysis, Commander Qianmin and the Angry Thunder Immortal Emperor are both direct descendants of the Xuntian Lei Clan. And Shenglin is just a vassal of the Xuntian Lei Clan.

No matter how strong your dog is, it is still just a dog.

At the same time, deep in the space-time fault of Wangshu Fortress.

Ling Feng felt the "heartbeat" of the prototype star core, which seemed to have completely integrated with himself.

Under Ling Feng's very patient comfort, the power of Ling Feng's consciousness actually coexisted peacefully with the star core prototype within the nascent realm of the star core prototype.

Although the Star Core prototype still seems to be wary of Ling Feng, it is no longer repulsive.

Even more so, because Ling Feng integrated his power of chaos into the tentacles transformed by the power of divine consciousness, the star core prototype began to mistakenly think that Ling Feng's divine thoughts were also part of itself.

This is exactly the result Ling Feng needs!

After all, the prototype of the star core seems to be close at hand.

In fact, this space is its nascent realm. There are countless barriers and shackles hidden in it, which restrain Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts and prevent him from getting any closer to the prototype of the star core.

Ling Feng could only release the power of chaos, attracting the prototype of the star core to completely let down its guard and "throw itself into the trap" little by little.

But Ling Feng didn't expect that the star core prototype was quite vigilant.

Ling Feng was patient. Anyway, the origin of his soul was nourished by the prototype of the star core. This process was not painful for him. On the contrary, the origin of his soul seemed to have improved.

As time passed little by little, deep in the space-time fault, Ling Feng's sitting body suddenly trembled slightly.


For ten days, in the space-time gap under Wangshu Fortress, Ling Feng felt a trace of ecstasy in his heart.

It was worth noting that he had been patiently working with the star core prototype for so long, and the little thing finally emerged from his "turtle shell"!

It seemed that it was finally unable to resist the temptation of the power of chaos released by Ling Feng. It actually jumped out of the protective barrier of the nascent realm and started to contact Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts.

At this moment, Ling Feng could even "see" clearly that the prototype of the star core was actually a dark golden ball of light, like a ball of amber solidified by black ice, spinning at high speed under his nose. .

It was about the size of a fist, surrounded by a special halo. The area covered by the halo seemed to have turned into a state of nothingness.

And in that halo, there seemed to be no stacking of space, no passage of time, only a chaotic nothingness.

The surging starry sky energy escapes from the void.

Just like a big Yangtze River, it flows endlessly, so there is no need to worry about it running out.

This power of the starry sky is purer and more extreme than what Ling Feng absorbed from the broken star core before.

It is young and full of vitality, unlike the broken star core, which is gradually declining.


The next moment, Ling Feng's mind felt slightly dizzy.

At such a close distance, the energy escaping from the prototype of the star core was so intense that Ling Feng couldn't absorb it at all, which was a bit too high.

If this can be swallowed directly into one's Dantian, then that's okay!

Ling Feng looked excited. Every moment, every minute, every second, he could feel the explosive space-time energy escaping from the prototype of the star core, and continuously seeping into it along the tentacles of his spiritual consciousness. In the origin of one’s own soul.

This is not only the growth of the power of spiritual consciousness, but also the intense time and space energy that has begun to make Ling Feng's soul begin to faintly change.

Hongmeng transfer?

Ling Feng even suspected that if he could refine and devour the prototype of this star core, the origin of his soul would be promoted to the last of the nine heavenly soul revolutions, the immortal revolution!

By that time, it will not only be comparable to the broken level consciousness.

It was crushed and broken into pieces!

Fortunately, fortunately, the origin of Ling Feng's soul was enough to defy the heavens, and he was able to discover the prototype of this star core in the broken star core.

Otherwise, if someone else had discovered this object, they would have dispatched the Broken Powers long ago to forcefully extract the object. How could Ling Feng still get it?

Such heaven-defying things cannot be compared to fragments of star cores that have long been shattered and withered.

"God is really helping me, haha!"

Ling Feng was very excited. Ten days of hard work were finally not in vain.

Ling Feng forcibly suppressed his excitement. The more it reached this juncture, the more he had to keep a calm head. He must not let the duck that was about to reach his mouth fly away!

"come on!"

Ling Feng stretched out his spiritual thoughts and retreated little by little.

The prototype of the star core was attracted by Ling Feng's power of chaos, and bit by bit it emerged from its nascent realm.

As long as Ling Feng can guide it completely away from the area where the broken star core is located, everything will fall into place!

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