Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3973 Prey and Hunter!

Under Ling Feng's repeated guidance, the prototype of the star core is gradually breaking away from its nascent realm and breaking away from the time and space lock of the broken star core.

If this trend is followed, it won't take long for Ling Feng to be confident that he will completely have this star core prototype in his pocket.

However, just at the moment when the prototype of the star core was about to break away from the broken star core, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the depths of the entire space-time fault.

It seemed to be an old beast, and it let out an extremely furious roar.


In an instant, Ling Feng felt a surging force, like a flash flood, blasting into his spiritual sea.

Ling Feng was shocked, and the next moment, he was bleeding from all seven holes, and there was also a sharp pain in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, in the blank space of consciousness, a huge thing condensed.

The behemoth had two horns on its head, and its body was covered in golden scales. Its divine light flashed, every detail was visible, and it exuded an incomparable terrifying power.

Its eyes were closed tightly, as if it were a dead thing, but the power around it was still extremely domineering, as if it could destroy the world.

That is, the will of Broken Star Core appears!

Come to think of it, Ling Feng's attempt to take away the prototype of the Star Core finally offended the Broken Star Core's will.

In a sense, the new prototype star core is this broken star core, another way of "reincarnation".

It is broken, decayed, and on the verge of destruction.

As for the star core prototype, it took who knows how many millions of years of cultivation before it "emerged" from the broken star core.

This is equivalent to the reverse scale of the Broken Star Core.

When it felt that the embryonic star core that it had worked so hard to "gestate" was about to be abducted by another force of will, the Broken Galaxy became completely furious.

It actually didn't hesitate to burn the last part of its life to kill this "shameless person" completely.


A burst of extremely violent roars erupted in Ling Feng's spiritual sea.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that his spirit seemed to be in a very exhausted state.

The whole person started to become drowsy.

so tired!

So tired!

Maybe it’s not bad to just keep sleeping like this!

Ling Feng's soul source showed no resistance at all and fell into a deep sleep little by little.

And once Ling Feng's spiritual will is completely lost, then any scorching energy storm deep in the crisis-filled star core fragments will be enough to destroy Ling Feng.

"Boy Ling Feng! Idiot! Idiot! Wake up quickly!"

At this moment, the voice of a bitch suddenly sounded in the back of his mind.

It was like a thunderbolt that exploded, causing Ling Feng to tremble all over and wake up suddenly.

And his body was actually falling into the scorching abyss of the Broken Star Core!

So suspenseful!

Ling Feng wiped a cold sweat. If he continued to play even half a step, he would be completely ruined!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng was frightened for a while, took a deep breath, and said quickly: "Bitch, thank you so much just now!"

"Hmph! I told you not to come down earlier. Everything would be in vain!"

The bitch rolled his eyes, "Even if you really find the prototype of the star core, it is impossible to take it away! You have learned just now, right? Even if the prototype of the star core has no resistance at all, but you want to take it away from the inside of the broken star core Taking away the prototype of the Star Core is tantamount to offending the Broken Star Core's reverse scale. Even if you have the soul source comparable to the Broken Star Core, you can't resist the willpower of the Broken Star Core!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Although he was extremely unwilling to give in, what the bitch said was true.

I almost succeeded just now.

But at the same time, it was almost over!

At this moment, the star core prototype has returned to the nascent realm.

This means that all the efforts he had spent a lot of time on were in vain in an instant.

This feeling of loss made Ling Feng feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Damn Broken Star Core!

Ling Feng was so angry that his teeth itched, and he said with hatred: "What on earth was that monster in my spiritual sea just now? Looking at it, it actually looks a bit like..."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and then slowly said: "Ancestral Dragon?"

"Humph, because it is the ancestral dragon!"

The bitch said angrily: "The star core fragment deep under the space-time fault is not ordinary! It seems to be born from the fusion of a wisp of the will power of the ancestral dragon! If this divine beast's observation is not bad, It should be Taishi Canglong!”

"The dragon of space and confinement, Taishi Canglong?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

The fate between myself and the ten great ancestral dragons is really close!

"The vast sea of ​​​​stars, endless planes, as long as they are born in this starry sky, even these star cores are controlled by Taishi Canglong. And this broken star core may be under the control of who knows how many millions Years ago, I was swept away by an idea from Taishi Canglong, and my own spiritual wisdom was born from then on, which condensed into a star core and evolved into a starry sky plane."

The bitch snorted softly and continued: "The will of the broken star core that has just been manifested is the Dharma of Taishi Canglong. It can be seen that it is not comparable to ordinary broken star cores. You are also lucky, this broken star core It has been broken for too long, and the remaining ancestral dragon's will is already very weak, so this divine beast can awaken you. Otherwise, the origin of your soul may have been completely imprisoned by the Taishi Canglong's confinement law. "


Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly glad in his heart.

The bitch took a deep breath and then persuaded: "Boy Lingfeng, you have already gained a lot of benefits here. It's time to withdraw. Otherwise, this beast doesn't want to die with you!"

"Bitch, you just said that the prototype of the star core was also born out of this broken galaxy?"

"Of course!" Bitch was a little strange, "What's wrong?"

"That means that the prototype of the star core also contains a wisp of Taishi Canglong's willpower?"

"Then what?"

"You can't miss it!" Ling Feng's eyes lit up, the power of the ancestral dragon!

He knew very well what Zulong's power meant.

"You idiot! Are you listening to this beast?"

The bitch almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He tried his best to think of a way to make Ling Feng retreat, but Ling Feng became even more energetic.

"You can hear it clearly!"

Ling Feng nodded, "Taishi Canglong, one of the ten ancestral dragons, has the power to control space and the law of imprisonment. How can we miss it?"


The bitch almost suffered internal injuries from holding it in. He groaned for a long time and was too lazy to talk to Ling Feng.

"Alright, you bitch, next time you help me be wary of the mental blow from the Shattered Star Core. As soon as it strikes, you wake me up immediately. I still don't believe it, how can the fat in my mouth escape?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at the embryonic star core.

So what if you shrink back, no big deal, you have to start over again!

As long as his power of chaos can induce the prototype star core to come out, he has a chance to capture it.

Gathering his mind, Ling Feng once again circulated the source of his soul, and his divine thoughts at the level of Hongmeng transformed into ghosts and gods. Ling Feng's divine thoughts were turned into tentacles, and they were once again swept towards the nascent realm of the prototype of the star core.

However, this time, the situation was completely different from before.

Broken Star Core obviously felt the huge threat from Ling Feng, and actually laid layers of space-time seals around the nascent domain of the embryonic Star Core, like a series of copper and iron walls.

With the power of Ling Feng's consciousness, it is obviously a hundred times more difficult than before to break through these obstacles and enter the nascent realm.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, his spiritual tentacles couldn't get in, no matter how great the "charm" of the power of chaos was, it would be completely in vain!

"You bitch, what can you do?"

Ling Feng frowned for a moment and could only ask Jie Donkey for help.

"Hmph, what can this divine beast do!" The bitch snorted, "Or else you rush directly into the nascent realm of the prototype star core and swallow it directly!"

"This might not be a bad idea."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "My power of consciousness cannot break through those time and space seals, but my fists cannot."

"You're crazy! This divine beast said it casually!"

The bitch was startled by Ling Feng's madman's words.

The physical body descended directly into the deepest part of the Broken Star Core, directly breaking into the nascent realm of the prototype Star Core.

Let alone a peak immortal in Lingfeng, even a half-step broken like Prince Su would probably be directly evaporated into mist and completely disappear from this world.

In this case, I'm afraid there won't even be a chance for blood rebirth.

"If I don't get it, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the great catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor!"

A look of determination flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Yu Bingqing's Immortal Emperor Tribulation almost cost him half his life, but he had to use Ajin's energy to survive it.

And his Immortal Emperor's catastrophe is probably even more terrifying than Yu Bingqing's God Colossus.

Without the blessing of this star core prototype, he would not be able to survive the Immortal Emperor's great catastrophe, and he would die anyway.

The bitch was so angry that he itched his teeth and yelled: "You kid! You are such a madman!"

"Not crazy, not live!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "My luck has always been good, bitch, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Bet on your sister!"

The bitch said angrily: "At worst, if we try harder, at the critical moment, this divine beast will borrow the power from Ajin's body again!"

"Okay, bitch, you're so generous!"

"You're so righteous, this beast doesn't want to be dragged down to death by you!"

The bitch cursed and said: "You really need to think carefully. After you get down there, there will be no turning back!"

"I thought clearly!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "You bitch, if you are really afraid, I can send the Five Elements Heavenly Palace out first!"


The bitch snorted coldly, "When have you ever been afraid of this divine beast? But if you..."

"Okay, let's get going!" Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and his figure turned into thunder, and he actually rushed towards the nascent realm of the prototype of the star core.

"Damn it, this beast hasn't finished speaking yet!"

The bitch howled loudly, "Why don't you insist on persisting? You don't play according to the routine!"

However, Ling Feng was already distracted and couldn't hear what Bitch said.


The next moment, with a roar, Ling Feng's third vertical pupil opened directly between his eyebrows, and then, covered with golden hair, he actually displayed his true form of chaos!

The two qi of immortals and demons are intertwined, and the Hunyuan Immortal Demonic Tribulation begins. The golden-haired giant ape instantly turns into a chaotic demon ape.

The killing mark also flashed between the eyebrows, and then, the divine pattern of heavenly control covered the whole body.

His Heavenly Holding Divine Curse has already broken through to the limit of the Nine Transformations Heavenly Marks, reaching the level of hundreds of divine marks.

Every step that follows is no joke. Once both body and soul are destroyed, there will be no chance of rebirth even with a drop of blood.

Ling Feng took out all the trump cards and secret techniques that could increase the strength of his physical body without hiding any secrets.

There was even a Mad Dragon Violent Pill under his tongue.

If something goes wrong, swallow the pill immediately.

Opportunity, only once!

Either seize the prototype of the star core and return with a full load.

Or, the body will die and the Tao will disappear, and you will perish!

This is undoubtedly a life-threatening gamble!


At this moment, Bitch suddenly exclaimed: "Boy Lingfeng, what's going on with those holy marks on your body?"

"Stigmata? What stigmata?"

"It turns out to be the Broken Stigmata!"

The bitch exclaimed again, "Wochao, there is hope! Maybe your kid will make it out alive! You can even condense the Broken Stigmata!"

Ling Feng's eyes were focused, and he couldn't think too much at this moment.

He clenched his fists, and the flames of swallowing fire rose up all over his body, turning into a giant dragon and wrapping around him.

In just an instant, Ling Feng directly broke through the outermost blockade of the Broken Star Core and faced the vast and terrifying will of the Broken Star Core.

"No matter what kind of resistance I encounter, today, I am determined to win!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and roared like a beast.

The next moment, Ling Feng punched out, directly shattering the space-time shackles in front of him.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Countless fragments of time and space, like sharp ice edges, directly pierced Ling Feng's body.

Ling Feng groaned, gritted his teeth and continued to punch.

Atami's divine power exploded, and every punch he punched almost shook the whole world to a rumble.

Just as Ling Feng expected, those space-time seals that could withstand Ling Feng's spiritual tentacles could not withstand his fist.

Of course, Ling Feng's body is also facing unprecedented challenges deep in this twisted space-time fault.

The deeper he went into the Broken Star Core, Ling Feng felt as if his body was about to be disintegrated and broken into pieces.

The chaotic stacking of countless space structures and the wanton sweep of space-time storms are enough to make the peak immortal king irrecoverable.

This was supposed to be a deserted land that even ordinary Immortal Emperor warriors could not break into.

But at this moment, Ling Feng came here in his physical body and forcibly resisted the terrifying power of time and space.


Finally, with another punch, Ling Feng broke the last space-time seal in front of him. He glanced at the broken star core provocatively, and then, with a loud shout, he crashed directly into the nascent realm of the embryonic star core. among.

Facing the sudden uninvited guest, the Star Core prototype obviously became very vigilant.

But Ling Feng released his own power of chaos immediately.

The familiar breath seemed to soothe the prototype of the star core very well.

Its hostility dissipated, replaced by a relatively gentle energy.

Then, an almost torrent of space-time energy came in, giving Ling Feng a very strange feeling.

On the one hand, behind him, the furious will of the Shattered Star Core sent a sticky, solidifying, tearing, violent force of time and space confinement, madly attacking him, making him feel as if his entire body was about to collapse at any moment.

On the other hand, under the influence of the space-time energy transmitted from the prototype of the star core, his physical body was further refined and became immortal!



Severe pain struck, and even with Ling Feng's willpower, he was shaking with pain and letting out hysterical howls.

Moreover, what is even more exaggerated is that under the influence of those two completely different energies, Ling Feng was surprised to find that his body was shrinking bit by bit!

Originally, Ling Feng had transformed into a Chaos Demon Ape, but at this moment he could no longer maintain it due to the severe pain.

And soon, that kind of power seemed to have "condensed" and "purified" Ling Feng's body, shrinking continuously.

The body is shrinking smaller and smaller, not only the height, but also the hands, feet, head, skeletal structure, everything is shrinking in equal proportions.

But his weight continued to increase and his density became larger and larger.

It was as if he had turned into a constantly collapsing star, becoming smaller and heavier.

"What's happening here?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he saw that his hands and feet were getting shorter and shorter. After a while, his height was almost less than one meter.

"It's over. I'm afraid your kid will be assimilated by this star core prototype!"

The stupid donkey exclaimed: "I thought you were the hunter, but I didn't expect that you are actually the prey. You want to eat this prototype star core. Little do you know, he also wants to escape from the confinement of this time and space and seize your body! Now! , it is transforming your body, trying to transform it into its own container!”


Ling Feng almost couldn't help but curse.

I thought that the prototype of Xinghe was just a simple novice, but I didn't expect that the simple person was himself!

"On the other side, the broken star core is afraid that the prototype of the star core will escape and will completely destroy your body. In short, you have no way out now."

The bitch said urgently: "Boy Lingfeng, you can only race with the prototype of the star core to see who can swallow whom first!"

The bitch hurriedly reminded: "Only if you devour him before it completely assimilates you, you may still have a chance to get out of here!"


Ling Feng made up his mind and swallowed the Crazy Dragon Violent Pill under his tongue. At the same time, he shouted at the donkey: "Donkey, double beast soul fusion!"

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