Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3974 Shadow Killing Formation!

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly,! Under the terrifying increase from the fusion of the Mad Dragon Violent Pill and the dual beast souls, Ling Feng felt that his body was stretched to bursting in an instant.

He looked up to the sky and roared, and his whole body was ignited with blazing flames.

Under the clear path of the Pure World Demon Dragon Dharma, they forcibly advanced against the violent offensive of the broken star core.

His body was forced into the nascent realm of the prototype of the star core and advanced several hundred feet!

The distance between it and the prototype of the star core is less than ten feet!


Nine feet!

Eight feet!

Five feet!

Three feet!

One foot!

Finally, Ling Feng's hand grasped the prototype of the star core.

Got it!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, but he suddenly discovered how the palm he saw in his sight became like this...


But it turned out that as Ling Feng kept getting closer to the prototype of the star core, his body had shrunk to less than half a meter!

Not even as good as a three-year-old!

I'm afraid that there is only one last step left, and Ling Feng will probably be directly assimilated into the state of a baby by the prototype of the star core.

Ling Feng was furious and shouted, "Come here!"

He grabbed the prototype of the star core with his young palm, and then without any care, he opened his mouth and stuffed the prototype of the star core into his mouth.

Want to take my body and refine it into a container?


I will swallow you first!

Ling Feng stuffed the prototype star core into his mouth, but almost choked to death because his body became smaller.

The next moment, the prototype of the star core was directly sucked into the dantian space by Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the power of chaos circulated, forcibly suppressing the will of the prototype star core, completely suppressing it in the "ocean" of the power of chaos.

After doing all this, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

My life is saved.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

After the star core prototype entered Ling Feng's chaotic dantian, it actually began to try to swallow Ling Feng's chaotic power.

In an instant, a terrifying devouring power came from the dantian, which began to eat away at the energy and blood in Ling Feng's limbs and bones.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng's body, which had stopped shrinking, actually shrank further, and the speed became even more exaggerated!

Even the broken holy marks covering Ling Feng's body were actually drawn into his dantian.

"Damn it, is it trying to eat me from the inside?"

Ling Feng was very anxious, he didn't expect that the resistance of the prototype of the Star Core could be so tenacious.

"Then let him swallow it!"

The bitch gritted his teeth and said, "I still don't believe this divine beast, it can swallow up Ajin's energy!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he could only say sorry to Ah Jin in his heart, and then began to use the secret technique of dual beast soul fusion to crazily mobilize the energy contained in Ah Jin's body.

As expected, the star core prototype was open to all comers and was not picky at all. Immediately afterwards, it began to crazily eat away at Ajin's majestic spiritual power.

Time passed bit by bit.

It seems that because the spiritual power in Ajin's body and the speed at which the star core prototype devoured the spiritual power have reached a certain balance, Ling Feng's body no longer shrinks.

An hour...

Two hours...

The prototype of the star core was devoured for nearly three hours, and finally it could no longer be absorbed.

It was like an inflated balloon, hanging in Ling Feng's chaotic dantian, motionless, as if falling into a deep sleep.

And the broken sacred marks that had been absorbed by it actually gathered near Ling Feng's belly button like a seal.

This seal not only sealed the prototype of the star core, but also sealed Ling Feng's mana, his blood, and Ajin's terrifying spiritual power.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

What state do you think you are in now?

It seems that there is not even a little bit of mana left in his body.

Moreover, he has turned into a "toddler" who is only over half a meter tall.


Just after the crisis passed, the voice of a bitch laughing crazily came from his mind, "Boy Lingfeng, why have you become such a little brat? Hahaha!"

"What a laugh!"

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, "This damn star core prototype has turned me into this, how can I see anyone?"

Originally, with Ling Feng's body training skills, even if he became like this, he could transfer energy and blood and change his body shape at will.

But now it's good, his mana, energy and blood are all sealed in his dantian.

Apart from the origin of the broken soul, no other power can be used at all.

However, what is certain is that his current body, despite its young and tender appearance, is actually comparable to half-broken, or even directly broken!

"It's okay, it's okay, haven't you heard that saying, concentration is the essence!"

The bitch smiled mischievously: "Now that all the impurities have been refined by the prototype of the star core, you can be said to be a perfect body! Just be small!"

"It's so thick!"

Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "If it is concentrated any more, I will turn into a baby!"

Following Ling Feng's roar, he was surprised to find that just such a roar was enough to shake away the surrounding space-time storm.

Perhaps, as Bitch Ass said, his current body can already be called a perfect body.

However, it is too outrageous to become so small.

Moreover, his mana and blood were "sealed" by his broken stigmata. Even because the prototype of the star core occupied his chaotic dantian, he could no longer summon any power from his dantian.

This state can no longer be called the realm of immortality, and it cannot even be regarded as a monk.

But this body is extremely heaven-defying, coupled with the terrifying origin of the soul.

Ling Feng even had a feeling that if he met the demonic Frakinus, he might not have the strength to fight him.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's figure swept away and rushed out of the Broken Star Core.

After "devouring" the prototype of the star core, the power of the broken star core was no longer enough to threaten Ling Feng.

With just this body, he can easily ride on the space-time storm and void tide, and walk out of the Broken Star Core with great swagger.

Not long after, Ling Feng passed directly through the intricate spatial structures and finally returned to the surface of the space-time film.

Finally leaving the interior of the Broken Star Core, it felt like a sandbag weighing tens of thousands of tons had been lifted off my body, and my whole body suddenly felt relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng leapt forward again and jumped directly out of the depths of the space-time fault.

After passing through the thick and thick layer of tidal liquid, the next moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared in the secret room where Prince Su had brought him.

The harvest this time can be said to be huge!

Not only did it swallow a star core prototype, it also condensed the Broken Stigmata.

But also because of the prototype of the star core, his own realm was completely suppressed.

Originally he could break through the realm of Immortal Emperor at any time, but now it's good that he doesn't even have any cultivation base.

Moreover, it also turned into a "doll".

However, there is no cultivation without cultivation. In fact, his strength has increased exponentially compared to before entering the space-time fault.

Even without going through the baptism of the Immortal Emperor's Great Tribulation, the qualitative change of life forms has been completed.

An ordinary Immortal Emperor of the Wheel Realm would probably not be able to move away from him in his hands.

Moreover, with this star core prototype as his foundation, Ling Feng will have considerable confidence even if he faces the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe in the future.

Taking out a mirror, Ling Feng looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Now I have completely turned into a child.

I don’t know what Yu Bingqing’s expression will be like when she sees him?

There is also the prototype of the star core in his chaotic dantian. On the surface, it seems to be stable, but it is not a problem to remain in this state.

It must be completely refined as soon as possible and at the same time, return to its original form.

Otherwise, if nothing else, even that bitch has not recovered yet!

"Smile, smile, smile, have you laughed enough?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. That guy had been laughing all the way since he exited the space-time fault!

"Wait a while, let this beast laugh for a while!"

The bitch laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, "Boy Lingfeng, do you know what the next sentence is when the king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth?"


Ling Feng's forehead went black. After many years, he had the urge to make donkey meat into donkey meat and burn it.

"The next sentence should be changed to Ling Feng, one meter and a half! Hahaha, I'm sorry, you don't even have one meter! Three inches? No, no, no, three inches! Hahahaha!"

"You bald ass!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, exposed his shortcomings, right? It's as if you don't have any dark history!

"Three-inch peak!"

"Bald donkey!"


One person and one donkey exchanged insults for a while, and finally agreed, you don't think I'm short, and I don't think you're bald.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, then opened his delicate arms and legs and walked out of the secret room.

Originally, he could trigger the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe with just one thought. Now, because the realm is sealed, it seems that his promotion to the Immortal Emperor will be postponed again.


The thick stone door slowly rose.

However, the next moment, a few cold breaths locked him instantly.

Although Ling Feng's cultivation was sealed in his Dantian, and the Chaos Dantian could not be used, the origin of his soul was comparable to that of the Broken Level.

Could it be that while he was entering the space-time gap, something major happened in Wangshu Fortress?

The next moment, a black mist enveloped him, and before Ling Feng could react, the surrounding time and space actually switched automatically.

Obviously, he was teleported to another space using the secret technique of time and space.

Damn it!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, his heart was on fire!

The next moment, three figures slowly emerged from the black mist.

These three people were all covered in dark cloaks, only revealing a pair of blood-colored eyes, all staring at Ling Feng.

When they saw Ling Feng's appearance clearly, they all showed a hint of surprise.

Their target is obviously the human named Shui Han. Logically speaking, he should be a young man!

But it turns out that these three people are the dark shadow killers photographed by the Gulando clan.

Previously, the demons gathered a large number of cannon fodder and staged many feigned attacks, just to create opportunities for these dark shadow killers to sneak into Wangshu Fortress.

After they successfully sneaked into the fortress, they quickly investigated Shui Han's whereabouts, and then stayed outside the secret room in the space-time fault.

This wait lasted several days.

However, they didn't expect that under the clever layout, a child who looked to be only a few years old was mistakenly teleported into their carefully planned murderous situation.

"Who are you?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and his voice sounded a bit childish due to his shrinking body.

"It seems that you are no ordinary human child!"

One of the Dark Shadow Killers showed a look of surprise.

They didn't sense any cultivation in the child in front of them, but he was able to resist the superimposed demonic energy fields of the three of them.

This is already very strange.

"Could it be..."

The leader of the dark shadow killers, his eyes narrowed and he blurted out, "Are you that Shui Han?"

"Oh? So you came here for me?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "It's just right, I'll make fun of you! You all will die!"

at the same time.

In Wangshu Fortress, the guards responsible for guarding the space-time fault clearly saw the door to the secret room suddenly opening, but before they could see anyone coming out, they were enveloped by a black mist.

That was clearly the demonic energy of the high-level demons!

The guards quickly reported to Prince Su, and then Prince Su led all the Supreme Elders and generals to rush over.

Among them, Yu Bingqing was naturally included.

Ling Feng hadn't been able to come out for so long, and she was already extremely anxious.

"Uncle Emperor, Shui Han must have come out. He was plotted by the demons!"

Yu Bingqing was furious, grabbed Prince Su's arm and said urgently.

"I'm afraid it's the dark shadow killer among the demons!"

Du Zhongwei said in a deep voice.

He has been stationed at Wangshu Fortress for many years, and naturally he has heard that there is a special assassination army among the demons.

"It seems that the demon cannon fodder's feint attack a few days ago was just to create opportunities for this assassin to sneak into the fortress!"

Prince Su clenched his fists. He should have thought that Shui Han had made great achievements in the previous battle, but at the same time, he must have attracted the attention of the top leaders of the demon clan.

They did not hesitate to use a large number of cannon fodder to assassinate Shui Han.

Now, Shui Han is afraid that he has been plotted.

"What should we do?"

Yu Bingqing was a little confused, "Uncle Emperor, we can't just wait here!"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Prince Su sighed softly, "According to my calculation, Shui Han must have just walked out of the secret room, and then he was directly transported to a special battle space by the assassination circle set up by the Dark Shadow Killer. If he wanted to come back, Unless...hey..."

After saying that, Prince Su's expression darkened again, he sighed, and then slowly said: "Unless he can defeat all the Dark Shadow Killers with his own strength!"

"Then with Shui Han's strength, he will definitely...he will definitely be able to do it!"

Yu Bingqing gritted her silver teeth, full of confidence in Ling Feng.

"The bad thing is that the fighting space created by the Dark Shadow Killer can exponentially increase their strength and suppress the opponent's cultivation level. Even for little friend Shui Han, I'm afraid..."

Du Zhongwei frowned. His understanding of the Dark Shadow Killer was the deepest among all the people present.

After all, as the Grand Governor of Wangshu Fortress, he had naturally "enjoyed" the same treatment.

That experience may be regarded as the closest to death in his life.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists tightly, and a look of determination flashed through her beautiful eyes: "If anything happens to him, even if it takes my whole life, I will bury the entire demon clan!!"

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