Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3975 An unexpected reunion!

Black clouds are rolling in, and the evil spirit is thick.

In the battle space jointly set up by the three dark demon shadow killers, the three shadow killers also stopped showing contempt after knowing that the "child" in front of them was actually Shui Han.

After all, Phileus, the genius who suffered a big loss even in the middle of a broken step, should not be careless.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the figures of the three shadow killers disappeared into the black mist, and then cold murderous intent emerged.

As the trump card of the Demon Assassination Legion, their assassination operations often focus on killing with one blow.

If it weren't for Ling Feng's image as a child, which made them mistakenly believe that they had arrested the wrong person, they wouldn't even show up in front of him.

In an instant, black mist shrouded down, directly enveloping Ling Feng's entire body.

However, Ling Feng just stood there, motionless.

Although his cultivation was sealed, his physique did not change.

The demonic energy had no effect on him at all.

The expressions of the three Shadow Killers changed slightly. It seemed that Philius's information was indeed correct. This human being was actually immune to the erosion of demonic energy!

However, even though they had known this for a long time, they were still shocked.

After all, the swallowing body also has its limits.

In this battle field, in a sense, their demonic energy is even more terrifying than the half-broken Phileus.

After all, while their power is greatly increased, they will also suppress the opponent's cultivation level by at least one major level.

As one goes and the other goes up, the gap is infinitely widened.

But Ling Feng's situation is different.

At this moment, he didn't even have any cultivation level at all.


Suppressed the loneliness!

"Hide your head and show your tail! Get out of here!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly. Even though he was short in stature, his movements were not slow at all.

The next moment, Ling Feng's eyes were focused. The powerful soul source gave him a keen intuition, and he didn't even need to use his eyes to see.

Even though the Shadow Killer was hiding in the black mist formed by the demonic energy, he punched out with a random punch, and then heard a "bang" explosion.

Immediately afterwards, a scream rang out, and the figure of one of the shadow killers was directly knocked out of the black mist.

He pressed his chest with one hand, his eyes full of disbelief.

A large, bloody hole actually appeared in his chest, running right through it!

He looked down at his chest and couldn't imagine that a peak immortal could still have such terrifying power when his cultivation had been suppressed to a great level!


The shadow killer looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then, the violent heat of the sea divine power erupted directly in his body.


A moment later, his body exploded in mid-air, turning into a shower of blood.

The powerful Dark Shadow Killer, the ace assassin among the demon clan, was actually killed instantly by Ling Feng with one punch!

"How can it be?"

The two remaining Dark Shadow Killers both showed a hint of fear.

Even Ling Feng raised his hand and looked at his fist in surprise.

Is this the perfect physical body that has undergone the baptism of the star core fragments and the transformation of the star core prototype?

Even Atami's divine power seemed to be sharper than before.

The destructive power of light has increased at least ten times!

It’s not in vain that I spent so long and suffered so much in the depths of the space-time fault!

"There's something wrong with this kid!"

"His cultivation has not been suppressed at all!"

The two shadow killers stared at Ling Feng, "The shadow killing array has actually failed!"


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and did not explain. He had no cultivation at all now, and all he could rely on was this perfect body and the powerful source of his soul.

The next moment, Ling Feng touched the ground with his foot, and his figure rushed out like a cannonball.

Although he was not blessed by the power of law, his extreme power still made him incredibly fast.

His consciousness locked onto one of the shadow killers, and he punched out again without hesitation.

Having learned the lessons of the Shadow Killer who was killed instantly, how could they dare to take Ling Feng's fist head-on?

The black energy exploded instantly, and the two shadow killers retreated at the same time, preparing to join forces to take long-distance killing moves.

It's a pity that Ling Feng will not give them a chance.

The next moment, a statue of ghosts and gods gathered behind him, purple light flashed in his eyes, and he once again displayed the ghosts and gods' shocking calamity.

Even though he has no magic power, there are no restrictions on his ability to use the secret techniques of the soul path.

Hearing a muffled groan, the second Dark Shadow Killer began to bleed from all seven holes. Unable to withstand the suppression of Ling Feng's majestic soul, his whole head exploded in an instant.

Died suddenly on the spot!

Every time he makes a move, one person is killed in seconds!

Such terrifying strength has frightened the third Dark Shadow Killer.

"You...what kind of monster are you?"

Looking at the corpses of his companions, the only remaining Dark Shadow Killer was already frightened out of his mind.

Didn't it mean that the target this time is just a peak immortal who is good at alchemy?

Doesn't it mean that apart from the fact that his soul source is a little stronger, there is no big deal?

Phileus, you piece of shit, we three brothers will be left in the hands of you, a bastard who doesn't speak a word of truth!

As everyone knows, Phileus was also wronged.

A dozen days ago, Ling Feng was far from being as defiant as he is now.

If Ling Feng, who was on the battlefield before, was pulled into this battle space, he would probably be in trouble. He would have to use all his strength and use all kinds of trump cards to have a chance to win.

But at this moment, Ling Feng was almost like a walking star core.

With half a step of breaking, it was impossible to break through Ling Feng's defense, let alone assassinate Ling Feng.


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, "Let's forget it for now."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng's figure had already appeared behind the last shadow killer.

His immature palms gently pressed on the shadow killer's back, with a cold smile on his face, "How should I get out?"

If it weren't for this reason, he wouldn't have kept this shadow killer alive until now.

"Spare... spare my life, and I'll let you go!"

The shadow killer had been frightened for a long time. There was still a child in front of him. He was simply a Shura devil!

However, before Ling Feng could respond, the figure of the Shadow Killer suddenly stopped.

Then, his body exploded, and an even darker magic mist burst out of his body.

The mist gradually condensed and turned into a face that was very familiar to Ling Feng.

Surprisingly, it is none other than the Demon Queen, Keveli!

"Long time no see, Ling Feng!"

But it turns out that when Keveli sent out the shadow killer, she had already laid out a back-up plan.

She had already implanted a trace of her soul mark into the body of the Dark Shadow Killer.

First, I wanted to confirm whether Shui Han was Ling Feng.

Secondly, if the other party is really Ling Feng, she doesn't want Ling Feng to really die in the hands of the Dark Shadow Killer.

After all, the person who rescued her from the seal was Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng's current appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes, Keweili had also left her mark on Ling Feng's body before.

This mark will never disappear.

"Senior Keveli!"

When Ling Feng saw Keweili, the murderous intent in his eyes dissipated and he quickly bowed to her.

Although seeing Kavli here was an unexpected reunion, it wasn't too outrageous.


Keweili frowned and gave Ling Feng an annoyed look.

Ling Feng quickly changed his words, "Keweili...sister!"

"Giggle...this is right!"

Kweli suddenly turned from anger to joy, and flew forward with a smile. Then, she actually hugged Ling Feng and giggled: "Good brother, come and let me hug you! Oh, it's so cute!"

She hugged Ling Feng into her arms. Ling Feng felt his eyes darken, and then, a rich frankincense hit his nostrils.

Good guy, Kavli actually buried his head directly in her proud capital.

Ling Feng was almost out of breath.

Although he is just a child on the outside, the soul inside his body has already matured beyond maturity!

"Quick...let me go!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to struggle, but unexpectedly caught something soft, and was so frightened that his whole body froze again.

Kvelli didn't mind at all, but she smiled and said: "Even if the body has become smaller, he is still a little pervert! Let me see if everything has become smaller! Geez..."


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned red again. Does this woman have to be so hot every time they meet?

He quickly lifted up his pants and said bravely: "Sister Keweili! Let's talk about business, talk about business!"

In this situation, even if you really can't control it, it's useless!


Kweli suppressed her smile and gave Ling Feng a faint look, "Okay, let's get back to business. How did you become like this, kid? But let's not talk about it. With your body, even if He is a strong man at the Broken Level, I am afraid he will be envious of him!"

As she spoke, Kavli stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips gently, showing her seductive gesture.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and recounted his experiences over the past few days with a wry smile.

He had nothing to hide from Kavli.

After all, Keveli basically knows all his secrets. Moreover, Ling Feng also hopes to find a way to change back to his original appearance from Keweili.

No matter how perfect this body is, he doesn't want to be a little kid forever!

"Star core prototype?"

When Kweli heard that Ling Feng was brave enough to provoke the prototype of the star core, and even swallowed it into her dantian, she was also shocked by Ling Feng.

"You kid, you really don't want your life! Even if you are a body of chaos, you are too messy!"

Kweli looked at Ling Feng in surprise, "It's really weird that your kid didn't explode and die!"

"Probably because of these seals..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and lifted up his upper body robe slightly, revealing the intertwined marks formed by the broken holy marks on his abdomen.

"Broken Stigma?"

Keveli's eyelids twitched, "No wonder, you actually condensed the Broken Stigma! You are really lucky. If it weren't for these Broken Stigma, your life would not have been saved!"

"Sister Keweili, is there anything you can do to make me change back?"

Ling Feng blinked and asked cautiously.

"Change back?" Keweili pinched Ling Feng's little face, "Why do you change back? Isn't it nice to be like this now? How cute! I want to forcefully take you back to the Demon Realm!"


Ling Feng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "Do you know how much of an insult the word cute is to an adult male?"

"Yo? Are you an adult? Let me see?"

Keweili narrowed her eyes and smiled, then began to look at a certain location in Ling Feng.


Ling Feng's old face turned red again, damn it! This female gangster!


The next moment, Keweili was amused by Ling Feng's aggrieved expression, "Hahahahaha... I can't, I can't, I can't breathe! Hahaha..."

"That's enough for you!"

How could Ling Feng bear such grievance, but he had no choice but to turn around and ignore Kweli with a woman in his hands.

"Okay, okay, if I don't laugh, I won't laugh. I won't do it if I don't laugh!"

Keweili came up to Ling Feng and opened her arms to him, "Little Fengfeng, be good, come and let me give you a hug!"

This woman really treats herself like a three-year-old child!

Ling Feng was so angry that he could only say with a grimace: "Do you have any way to make me bigger?"

Kvelli nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, men are too young."


Ling Feng's forehead turned dark again, and he could only say with a sad face: "Sister, can you be more serious?"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore!"

Kavli slowly exhaled and then stopped smiling, "Actually, your situation is not a bad thing, it's just that there are no impurities in your body at all, as if it has been refined and concentrated. Wait until you successfully break through and be promoted When you become the Immortal Emperor, you will naturally return to normal after absorbing the great power of creation in this world.”


Ling Feng suddenly felt depressed again, "But now, my Dantian is filled up with the prototype of the star core, and my cultivation level is also sealed. How can I be promoted to Immortal Emperor?"

Originally, he had reached the critical point of breakthrough, but now that his cultivation level was blocked, how could he be promoted to Immortal Emperor?

"If you are willing to join my Grando clan and become my right-hand man, then I can help you refine the star core now, and by the way, I can also help you survive the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe."

Kweli narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Little brother, what do you think?"

It has to be said that Keveli's condition is full of attraction. Not only can it help him get out of his current predicament immediately, but the realm of the Immortal Emperor is also very close at hand.

But do you really want to help Keveli and lead the demon army to capture the fairyland?

Although Ling Feng didn't have a good impression of the Xantian clan, his experience in the Immortal Realm for so many years had allowed him to gain a lot of friendship.

The companions of Tianzhi, the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, and Empress Qingluo are also kind to him.

Worse still, his mother was from the Xantian Ice Clan.

How could he help the demons and destroy his mother's family?


Ling Feng clenched his fists and fell into hesitation and conflict.

"You are still so indecisive and worry too much!"

Kweli shook her head and smiled, "Forget it, if you don't want to join my Gulando clan, I won't force you to do so. However, I must win the Dingfeng Fortress. If you don't want to be my enemy, then you can do it." It’s better not to interfere in the next siege of the Gulando clan, otherwise, even if it’s you, I won’t let you go easily.”

As she said that, Keveli's expression became a bit colder, "Although you saved me from escaping the seal, I have helped you many times. No matter how you calculate it, it should be even!"

The matter was related to the royal status of the Gulando family, so she naturally would not give in.

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded, "Maybe you and I have already become even, and no one owes anyone anything, but I still don't want to meet you in battle. But at Wangshu Fortress, I must Shou!"


Keweili frowned and snorted softly: "Ling Feng, do you believe it or not? I will force you back to the Demon Realm and lock you up right now. You will not be able to do anything to the heavens and the earth!"

"Of course I believe you have this ability. If you want to, I can't resist at all."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "But we may have other ways! You don't have to capture Wangshu Fortress to become the master of the demon clan! And I also need to use your power to become the nine-star war god on the battlefield outside the territory. !”


Kweli's eyes narrowed, and she became a little curious about Ling Feng's words, "You kid, do you have any dirty ideas?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, whispered a few words into Keveli's ear, and then slowly said: "In short, if you and I cooperate, there will definitely be a lot of potential!"

"You kid, you are really insidious!"

"Sister, you can actually say that I am smart and witty..."

"Yes, yes, my good brother is the smartest!"

Keweili giggled, opened her arms again and hugged Ling Feng, "Come on, come on, my good brother, please let me hug you again!"

Ling Feng felt helpless again.

My sister’s love is really too big and too white!

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