Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3976 The Yin Body of the Demon!

After a long time under Keveli's fragrant "torture", Ling Feng struggled out and said with a wry smile: "Sister Keveli, since you and I have reached an agreement, you can now tell me how to refine the Is the prototype of a star core ready? I don’t want to stay like this..."


Keveli rolled her eyes, "You don't want to come to my side to help me, and you still want me to help you break through, so that you can help the guys in the fairyland deal with me in the future?"


Ling Feng's head went dark. How could this woman fall out faster than she could flip through a book?

Just now, he was holding a good brother in his arms, but when it came to the key issues, he didn't suffer at all!


Just when Ling Feng was full of slander, Keweili suddenly looked over with a smile.

"Unless what?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, there was a way!

"Unless you do one thing for me after you are promoted to Shattered, I can tell you how to refine the prototype of the star core in your body. What do you think?"

Kavli giggled and said, "This is the only chance you have!"

Looking at Keweili's smiling face, Ling Feng always felt that this woman must be ambushing him somewhere.

"Of course it's only natural to help my sister with her affairs, but my sister can't take advantage of me and ask me to join the demon clan directly. That would be too cunning!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you violate your conscience and morality! Great Sage Ling!"

Keweili gave Ling Feng a faint look, which made Ling Feng feel a little guilty.

Did I think of Keveli too badly?

She's actually quite a nice person...

"Oh well……"

Ling Feng nodded, "If I am lucky enough to be promoted to Shattered, I will definitely help my sister achieve her wish. But I don't know, what exactly is it?"

"I'll wait until you reach the crushing level before we talk, otherwise it's useless to tell you."

Keweili said, raised her slender jade finger, and tapped Ling Feng's forehead, "The mark of the soul that was left in your body has been exhausted. Now I will strengthen this mark again. In the future, You can contact me directly through this mark. I hope the cooperation between you and me is not just an empty talk.”


Ling Feng nodded heavily, "Anyway, if my sister can unify the three upper-level races in the Demon Realm, it will be good news for both the Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm. Our common enemy is the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. In order to deal with Yi Ting, Tingxian Emperor and restarting the war between immortals and demons would be too much of a sacrifice, don’t you think?”

"You do have a bit of compassion..."

Kvelli narrowed her eyes and smiled, "He once said similar things to me. It's a pity that when fate rolls around, neither I nor he can change anything."


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he blurted out: "Are you referring to the ancestor of my Tiandao clan?"

"Who else could it be but him?"

Kvelli took a deep breath and said with some emotion: "In some aspects, you and he are really similar, but we are a little less domineering, a little less decisive, a little less capable, a little less..."

"Okay, okay..."

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, he was nothing if not alone.

"Hey, one thing is that you are better than your ancestors!"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Is there anything he can do to surpass his ancestor?

"What is it?" Ling Feng asked hurriedly.

"Didn't I say it before? It's not good if it's passed down from our ancestors!" Kweli giggled, "In your generation, it's even worse!"


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, so there was no need to ask!

This girl, sooner or later...


Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly put the bold idea in his mind behind him. He took deep breaths several times and said silently in his heart: Impulse is the devil!


Kavli pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Regarding the prototype of refining the star core, I'm afraid there is no previous experience to give you a reference, but since it is still a prototype, you might be able to try it. Make it your own second avatar.”

"Second clone?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he remembered Bai Dizun's "Ten Thousand Ways and All Transformations Heavenly Scripture" that day. However, his secret method focused on cultivating countless incarnations, and then unifying the incarnations to create a brand new avenue. , in order to break through its own bottleneck.

"The star core is a very special spiritual body. It has the power of the starry sky to build a world. In addition, it also has the talent to breed the will of the world. In other words, the prototype of the star core itself has A perfect divine soul. Now that it is not fully formed, it is the best time for you to control it. After you refine it into your second avatar, you will naturally understand its magical effects."

"Not only can it become your weapon and your shield, it can also protect you against the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe. It even has the potential to grow to the top of the Broken Level."

Kavli smiled lightly and said: "If I read it correctly, your star core prototype still contains a hint of the aura of the ancestral dragon."


Ling Feng nodded heavily. As expected of Ke Weili, she saw through everything at a glance.

"You're lucky."

Kweli rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, then raised her palm again and gently placed it on Ling Feng's forehead, "I will teach you a secret method for refining the second clone. When you successfully refining the prototype of the star core, Chaos The Dantian will naturally be unobstructed, and when the time comes, I will be able to break through the realm of the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.”

I felt a majestic amount of information coming from my mind. After a while, a secret method of "The Yin Body of the Demon" was imprinted on my spiritual sea.

When the secret technique is completed and the prototype of the star core is formed, it will become Ling Feng's clone and transform into a "Devil God".

"Thank you sister!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. With this second clone, the great catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor was handed over to him!

"Just saying thank you is not sincere enough."

A gleam of seductive temptation flashed through Keveli's beautiful eyes, and she immediately opened her arms and said, "Come here and let me hug you again!"

Ling Feng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and quickly took a few steps back, "Sister, please let me go, I'm still a child!"

It's a pity that Keweili would never let poor little Lingfeng off easily.

After another round of ruthless teasing, Keweili let go of Ling Feng.

"Little brother, please contact me next time!"

Keweili blew a kiss towards Ling Feng, and her figure gradually disappeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Wait...I'm not out yet!"

Ling Feng looked at the empty fighting space around him and felt bitter.

Fortunately, when Keweili's figure disappeared completely, the time and space in front of Ling Feng changed.

After a while, I returned to a familiar place.

This is right outside the secret room leading to the space-time gap.

At this moment, the secret room was already surrounded by a large number of soldiers.

I saw a burst of black mist, and all the guards clenched their weapons and shouted in unison: "Who is it!"

But it turned out that Ling Feng was teleported to that battle space. Although he didn't feel it for a long time, several hours had passed in the outside world.

Although Prince Su and others were anxious, they were unable to intervene at all as Ling Feng was dragged into the battle space of the Demonic Dark Shadow Killer.

No matter how anxious you are, you are still anxious.

There was no other option but to wait where he was.

The next moment, a red figure came up, and Yu Bingqing hurriedly came forward, praying silently in her heart, hoping that the person who appeared would be Ling Feng.

However, when the black fog cleared, a cute child carved from pink and jade appeared in front of everyone.

The child was wearing clothes that were too loose on his body, making him look very funny.

Isn't it Ling Feng who has shrunk to less than half a meter in height?

"This...who is this?"

The guards looked at the children in front of them in surprise, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Yu Bingqing stared at Ling Feng closely. Although it had shrunk several times, that face...

"Are you... Shui Han?"

Although Yu Bingqing was in disbelief, she still asked the question in her mind.

"it's me……"

Because his body has shrunk, Ling Feng's voice also sounded milky, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while: "I am Shui Han, your highness the eldest princess..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Yu Bingqing was stunned for a moment, then blurted out and asked: "Why did you become like this?"


Ling Feng sighed, "Don't mention it, something went wrong, but it shouldn't take long before I can recover..."

However, before Ling Feng could finish speaking, Yu Bingqing rushed over like a gust of wind. Then, she hugged Ling Feng into her arms and rubbed her pretty face against Ling Feng's cheek several times. "Wow, it's so cute, hahaha!"


Ling Feng almost spit out another mouthful of old blood. Why do these women come here?

Although the scale of Yu Bingqing is not as exaggerated as that of Keweili, it is not much inferior.

After a while, Prince Su and other immortal emperors came over one after another.

Seeing that Ling Feng came back alive, they all smiled happily.

Although he has turned into a child, it is not easy to save his life.

A moment later, inside the handsome tent.

Prince Su looked at Ling Feng and asked curiously: "Tell me, what exactly happened? How could you become like this? Also, how come your cultivation level can't even be sensed by me? Logically speaking, you After staying in the space-time gap for so many days, you should be able to be promoted to Immortal Emperor, right?"

Prince Su asked a series of questions in one breath, and the other Immortal Emperors and Supreme Princes all stared at Ling Feng.

This is also their concern.

These people were all invited by Prince Su to help Ling Feng overcome the calamity.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the person came out, he met the Dark Shadow Killer, and then turned into a child again.

"It's a long story."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, but before he could explain, Yu Bingqing frowned and said, "Uncle Huang, what's wrong with you? Who can answer so many questions in one go? Shui Han just came out of the space-time gap. "After another fierce battle, why don't you give him some rest?"

As he said that, he hugged Ling Feng into his arms, looking protective.

"You girl, you really have your elbows turned out. You're not even married yet, so you're just turning towards this kid?"

Prince Su shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Little friend Shuihan, if you feel tired, you can go down and rest first. We don't dare to offend your little aunt!"


Ling Feng's old face turned red, oh no, his face is young now.

He coughed a few times and said with a wry smile: "Actually, it's not that tiring. Regarding my body, it actually absorbed too much space-time energy in the space-time fault. As a result, it was purified, tempered, and concentrated several times. This is actually One of my body-training techniques.”

Regarding the prototype of the star core, Ling Feng naturally did not want to mention much.

After all, Prince Su and Yu Bingqing might not have much other ideas in the room, but Ling Feng did not dare to completely trust others.

"Is it a physical training method?"

Prince Su glanced at Ling Feng suspiciously and didn't ask any more questions, "What about your cultivation level?"

"I have temporarily sealed my cultivation, but because my physical body has been greatly tempered, in terms of strength, it should be stronger than before."

Ling Feng explained with a wry smile.

"No wonder."

The Grand Governor Du Zhongwei on the side shook his head and smiled: "The special fighting space of the Dark Shadow Killer will greatly suppress the opponent's cultivation. You directly claim your own cultivation, relying solely on your powerful body. This disadvantage will instead be suppressed. Invisibly erased.”


Ling Feng nodded, and then briefly explained how he killed the Dark Shadow Killer.

However, three people were changed to one person.

As for Kavli's appearance, it was of course impossible to tell anyone.

"Good boy, in the realm of the Immortal Lord, you killed a Shadow Killer in the battle space of the Dark Demon Shadow Killer. You are really a freak! However, you are also a freak in the first place, so it is reasonable to do this! "

Prince Su sighed.


Ling Feng laughed awkwardly. This didn't sound like a compliment. Why am I a freak!

"Okay, now that you're out, it's time to shoulder your burden!"

Prince Su took a deep breath. Ling Feng stayed in the space-time fault for more than ten days. During these days, Ling Feng, the commander of the Linzi Camp, was personally responsible for the responsibilities of Ling Feng.

"My subordinate understands."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, and he would probably be busy next.

"Okay, let's finish all the questions!"

Yu Bingqing snorted softly, and then picked up Ling Feng's young body, "Come on, Shui Han, I'll take you back to rest. You look so gray and dirty, you need to be cleaned up!"

"You girl. That's all, Shui Han, you just go down and have a good rest, and then go to Linziying to take up your post tomorrow."

Prince Su originally wanted to explain a few more words, but seeing Yu Bingqing's irritable look, he didn't bother to say more.

Let the young couple have a good time together.


Ling Feng responded, but before he could finish speaking, he was hugged by Yu Bingqing and rushed out of the tent.

As your body becomes smaller, you may not have much autonomy left to you.


In the big tent, all the Immortal Emperors looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"It's true that one thing brings another thing down. This kid is going to suffer a lot!"

Prince Su shook his head and smiled. Shui Han returned safely, and a crisis was resolved.

However, the war on the battlefield outside the territory is far from subdued.

In such troubled times, it is rare to have such a knowing smile!

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