Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3977 The real monster!

Wangshu Fortress, within the residence of the eldest princess.

As the eldest princess of the Yu Dynasty, Yu Bingqing's living conditions are much better than those of ordinary generals.

It can almost be regarded as a smaller palace.

At this moment, Ling Feng was forcibly taken to a bathing pool by Yu Bingqing. Although the conditions were limited, it was exquisite and elegant.

Above the bath, there is a layer of light red petals floating, exuding a faint fragrance.

Around the bathtub, there are several beautiful and refined women, wearing only light-colored gauze, who seem to be the maids who usually take care of Yu Bingqing's daily life.

"Ahem... Bingqing, what are you doing?"

Ling Feng's old face turned red, and Yu Bingqing, who was in a good mood, brought him out angrily. Was he here to take a bath?

"Is this obvious?"

Yu Bingqing rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and said, "Take off your clothes quickly and soak in the bath."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he coughed dryly, "This...isn't this not good?"

"What's wrong!"

Yu Bingqing pursed her lips, then looked back at the maids, "You all go down. In addition, prepare some suitable sets of clothes for Commander Shui Han."


Although the maids were a little curious as to why Yu Bingqing suddenly brought a "child" back, as slaves, they naturally did not ask more questions than they should have.

A woman in the lead looked at Ling Feng for a few times, estimated Ling Feng's current body size, and immediately left the bath.

Soon, only Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing were left in the bathtub.

"Why are you still standing there?"

Yu Bingqing looked at Ling Feng with a half-smile, "Take off your clothes quickly, look at you, you're dirty, like a tabby cat."


Ling Feng swallowed hard, "Are you going out too?"

"Are you shy?" Yu Bingqing chuckled, "He has small arms and legs, but he has a lot of intestines! I also gave Qiu Bai a bath when he was little, so there is nothing to be shy about!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost coughed up a few mouthfuls of old blood, "You also know that when I was a child, although I looked like a child on the outside, my soul inside was not that of a child!"

"Hey, what's the difference? If you become like this, what bad things can you do?"

As Yu Bingqing spoke, she started to help Ling Feng take off his clothes with a smile.


Ling Feng's face felt hot. Damn it, there are two of these women, how come they all have the same virtue!

After I recover, see if I...

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and quickly took several deep breaths.

Impulse is the devil!

Soon, Ling Feng was cleaned by Yu Bingqing and forced into the bathtub.

Before Ling Feng could reach out to block the key parts, Yu Bingqing giggled and said, "What are you hiding? You're pretty cute even though you're small!"

Tiny? ? ?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and as expected, he had no time to hide, and was all seen by Yu Bingqing!

Damn it! ! !

However, the next moment, what Ling Feng didn't expect was that Yu Bingqing also took off her clothes, then raised her slender feet and slowly sat in the bathtub.


This scene made Ling Feng's mind go blank for a brief moment.

When he came to his senses, he found that Yu Bingqing was wiping his nosebleed.

"Hey, why do you have a nosebleed? It's true!"

This woman is asking questions knowingly!

"The air is too dry, which makes nosebleeds easy." Ling Feng blushed and explained bravely.

"Oh?" Yu Bingqing smiled half-heartedly, "Is the bathtub still dry?"

"Too high humidity can also cause nosebleeds!"

"Is that so?"

"I was injured internally before, so I can't help it!"

"Internal injuries, where are the internal injuries? Let me see!"

After struggling for a long time, when Ling Feng came out of the bath, he felt even more tired than the previous battle with the three dark shadow killers.

Damn woman, taking advantage of her body to become smaller, she is really teasing herself, right?

I want you to look good sooner or later!

Ling Feng secretly held a grudge in his heart.

At this moment, the maids left and returned.

Each maid held a small set of clothes in her hands and walked in with her body hunched over. "Your Highness, Princess, these are the clothes you want. There are stocks in the warehouse. These are all made by the slaves on a temporary basis." , hope it fits.”


Yu Bingqing nodded, "Let Commander Shui Han change his clothes."


The maids nodded and came up to dress Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng had never experienced this kind of time when clothes came and went, he was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"Sisters, just leave it alone, I will do it myself..."

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, grabbed those robes, and put them on three times.

Not to mention, these maids are worthy of being Yu Bingqing's personal maids, and they are really ingenious.

Just by looking at it, I was able to cut out clothes that fit so well.

Moreover, the materials are not bad either.

These clothes are just suitable until I return to my original body shape.

He put the remaining sets of clothes into his spiritual ring, and then thanked the maids, "Thank you so much, sisters."

The maids pursed their lips and smiled. This was the first time they saw such a polite "Lord Commander".

"You are so lucky that you don't even enjoy it!"

Yu Bingqing rolled her eyes at Ling Feng. Under the service of the maids, she changed into a snow-white gauze skirt and then stepped forward and took Ling Feng's hand, "Let's go, I'll take you to rest." ”

"Well, I can just go back to my camp."

Ling Feng laughed a few times. However, how could Yu Bingqing let Ling Feng go so easily? She hugged Ling Feng and said with a smile: "What a beautiful idea. You can't escape from my grasp today! You are heartless, you know How worried are people about you these days?”


Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and at the same time a warmth surged in his heart.

Yu Bingqing was indeed deeply affectionate towards herself.

But, when will this delicious torture end!

In the battlefield outside the territory, there is no alternation between day and night.

However, people are still accustomed to working and resting according to external timing.

According to the outside world's time, it should be late at night.

Ling Feng broke free from Yu Bingqing's arms and gently covered her with the quilt. Then he climbed off the bed and walked directly to the courtyard outside.

He didn't have time to sleep peacefully. The prototype of the star core in his dantian was both a treasure and a time bomb for him.

If it cannot be refined into a second clone as soon as possible, it may backfire on itself.

Above the sky, three blood moons hung high.

Now that March is connected, it is a rare period of relative stability among foreign battlefields.

The eldest princess's residence is relatively quiet, which is a good environment for Ling Feng.

He sat cross-legged and began to follow the secret technique of "The Yin Body of the Demon" to try to refine the prototype of the star core.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was able to get started quickly with his powerful soul source comparable to that of the Broken Level.

If everything goes well, I believe it won't take long for Ling Feng to refine it into a second clone.

When the time comes, if he breaks through the realm of Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, his own strength will definitely make a qualitative leap.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

The cultivation time passed without knowing it. When Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and woke up, Yu Bingqing's exquisite and beautiful face was in front of him.

"You really work hard. No wonder you are so powerful at such a young age. Apart from your talent, you are the most diligent person I have ever seen."

Yu Bingqing brought a cup of fragrant tea and said with a smile: "Rinse your mouth, my commander."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, rinsed his mouth with the tea handed over by Yu Bingqing, and then said calmly: "At any time, strength is the foundation for a life. If I don't work harder, I won't survive today."

Yu Bingqing looked into Ling Feng's determined eyes, but her heart ached for no reason.

"It must have been hard for you to get to where you are today."

"It's okay." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I also met many people who were very good to me, including my grandfather, my master, my teacher, my confidante, and my close friends..."

Ling Feng's eyes gradually retracted, and finally fell on Yu Bingqing's beautiful cheek, "Of course, that includes you."

"Hmph! You still have a conscience!"

Yu Bingqing's eyes were slightly red, and she quickly changed the subject and said, "It's almost time. You should go to Linzi Camp to take up your post today."

As she spoke, she clapped her hands again, and a maid came over holding a set of special armor.

"This is the armor I made specially for you. You are now a commander, and you will soon be crowned the God of War. A man relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle. Don't let your majesty weaken!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How can I be so majestic when I look like this now? I'm afraid I will make people laugh!"

"Hmph, whoever dares to laugh will have his mouth torn open by this princess!"

Yu Bingqing snorted lightly, looking domineering.

"Your Highness, Princess, you must be the one who laughs the most."

Ling Feng whispered.

"That's me, can I be the same!"

Yu Bingqing pursed her lips. When it comes to strong words, this woman still has her own way!

"By the way, this is for you... I didn't expect you to keep it close to you."

A blush appeared on Yu Bingqing's pretty face, and she handed a silk scarf to Ling Feng.

It was the silk scarf he had left for Ling Feng, with the "Ice and Bee" pattern embroidered on it by himself.

She found this yesterday inside the lining of Ling Feng's shabby clothes.


Ling Feng reached out and took it, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, "I just..."

"Needless to say, at least you didn't throw away my feelings casually."

Yu Bingqing took a deep look at Ling Feng, "I know, you have me in your heart, that's enough!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Perhaps, unknowingly, she had indeed entered the depths of her heart.

Not long after, Yu Bingqing personally "escorted" Ling Feng to Linziying to take up his post.

The nine-character battalion of the Demon Suppressing Army is as follows: Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe, Jie, Formation, Line, In, and Front!

Among them, Linziying is the leader.

The last time the demons launched a large-scale attack on the city, the leader of Linziying was unfortunately killed.

This vacancy was originally supposed to be filled by one of the original deputy commanders. However, due to Ling Feng's "airborne landing", the deputy commander could no longer take off his title.

Fortunately, Ling Feng had made great achievements in guarding Wangshu Fortress before, so no one was dissatisfied with this arrangement.

But more than ten days have passed since that battle, and Ling Feng has yet to take office. This makes the deputy commanders have some opinions.

As the commander of a battalion, he has a heavy responsibility. Can he be considered a qualified commander after leaving his own soldiers for such a long time?

It is undeniable that he is indeed a proud man of heaven, but I am afraid that he is not suitable to be the commander-in-chief of the military camp!

"Welcome to you, Lord Commander!"

Early in the morning, the three deputy commanders of Linzi Camp received news that Shui Han had returned from practicing in the space-time gap. Therefore, they gathered more than 10,000 soldiers in the camp early to welcome the new commander to take office.

However, when they saw Ling Feng's current appearance with their own eyes, they were all a little shocked.

Why did Shui Han, who was famous on the battlefield before, turn into a child now?

"Your Highness the Princess? This is..."

Among the three deputy commanders, the only one is a woman named Luo Fei.

She looked at Ling Feng in surprise, she really couldn't believe that this was the new commander of their Linzi camp.

"I am Shuihan."

Before Yu Bingqing could speak, Ling Feng took a step forward.

His current height is even less than half a meter, which is much larger than Luo Fei's.

In terms of momentum, he has already lost a lot.

Because his Dantian was sealed, he was unable to use the power of various laws. Therefore, he could not float in mid-air and could only stand on the ground.

This small body is undoubtedly unconvincing to everyone.


Luo Fei had a strange expression on his face, and the other two deputy commanders also frowned.

However, the next moment, when Ling Feng directly released the pressure of his shattered soul, the expressions of the three deputy commanders changed at the same time.

It's him!

On the battlefield where Wangshu Fortress was previously guarded, it was this young man with a divine soul who refined the rain of elixirs and saved countless soldiers.

"See the Lord Commander!"

The next moment, Luo Fei and the others quickly saluted Ling Feng respectfully and knelt down on one knee.

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers of Linzi Camp knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "See you, Lord Commander!"

At the same time, outside the camp, Prince Su just walked outside the training ground of Linzi Camp and suddenly stopped again.

"It seems that this kid is completely able to calm down the situation, so I worry about him for nothing."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled. Next to him was the Governor Du Zhongwei.

Du Zhongwei chuckled, "This boy is indeed a dragon among men."

"Zhong Wei! Regarding Du Yutang's matter, I hope you won't hold any grudges. In the final analysis, it was Du Yutang who was at fault first."

Prince Su said, raising his hand and patting Du Zhongwei's shoulder, which was both an advice and a slap.

"Prince, please rest assured, my subordinates still have this sense of propriety. If you want to blame, I can only blame the kid from Yutang for being too narrow-minded."

Du Zhongwei sighed softly and said slowly.

"It's best if you can figure it out."

Prince Su smiled faintly, "In addition, although the position of Demon-Suppressing General is temporarily held by me, it is still inconvenient. If this boy can be promoted to Immortal Emperor earlier and reach the level of four-star God of War or above, he will be barely qualified. ”

Du Zhongwei's eyes narrowed, and he didn't expect Prince Su to appreciate Shui Han so much.

He actually wanted to hand over the entire demon-suppressing army to him.

This is an elite ace of Dayu Immortal Court!

He chuckled and nodded in agreement: "Your Majesty the Prince has a unique discernment, and my subordinates also feel that this son is indeed a talent that can be made."

"Let's go, we are not needed here anymore, this kid can handle it."

Prince Su said, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly thought of something, and said: "By the way, the approval from the War Alliance should be coming soon, right?"

"Oh! My subordinate is about to report it."

Du Zhongwei hurriedly said: "There is news from the War Alliance. There is no problem with the promotion and rewards of the other people. They have all been passed. The only thing about Shui Han is that at the peak of the immortal realm, he was able to repel the broken half-step. The soul is a bit beyond common sense, so the War Alliance will send people to check it in person in the near future. "


Prince Su smiled coldly, "It's a good idea to test it! It's just right, let those who have higher eyes open their eyes! Our Great Yu Immortal Court will completely rise this time!"

But it turns out that because Dayu Immortal Court is the least senior among the seven major forces, Dayu Immortal Court does not even occupy a single seat among the top ten elders in the alliance.

Prince Su was somewhat unconvinced.

After all, even the Xuantianshan clan has a seat.

This time the people from the Alliance came down to examine Shui Han, just in time to shock their eyes and let them know what a real evildoer is!

The rise of Dayu Immortal Court is already unstoppable!

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