Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3978 Open your eyes!

Time flies, and another three days pass.

It is strange to say that since the last time the demon clan sent out the Dark Shadow Killer to attack Ling Feng, there has been no movement at all since then.

In fact, even the daily nuisance of low-level demons has become very rare.

This is a good opportunity for Wangshu Fortress to recuperate and recuperate after just experiencing a war.

In addition, a large number of new soldiers sent to the battlefield from the royal capital also took this opportunity to practice hard and better adapt to their military career in battlefields outside the territory.

After all, there are some differences between practicing in a military camp and practicing in a sect.

In the military, more emphasis is placed on teamwork, using various formations, and effective collaboration to kill the most enemies at the lowest cost.

Especially at the level of low-level Immortal Lords and Immortal Lords, it is even more necessary to rely on teamwork. The effect that individual abilities can exert on the entire battlefield is minimal.

Of course, immortals like Ling Feng who are "defying the heavens" must be excluded.

"The demon clan suddenly stopped moving, which makes people a little uncomfortable!"

On the martial arts field, Hu Yang, the deputy commander of Linzi Battalion, looked at the soldiers practicing formation below, looking a little bored.

In fact, although this level of training is essential, it does not greatly improve the overall quality of the army.

If those low-level demons are used as targets for training, the effect will be even better.

Ling Feng subconsciously raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In fact, the demons would not suddenly stop for no reason.

This is actually inseparable from the deal between himself and the Demon Queen Keveli.

At least in a short period of time, Wangshu Fortress should be able to take a good rest.

After a few days, Ling Feng and the three deputy commanders of Linzi Camp became quite familiar with each other.

Hu Yang, who spoke just now, is the oldest and most senior among the three deputy commanders.

If it weren't for his own appearance and the original commander died in battle, Hu Yang would have the best chance of ascending to the throne.

However, even though he was a little cautious, he immediately became honest after being suppressed by Ling Feng's broken soul source.

I don't dare to have too many other ideas.

The other two are Luo Fei and Xiao Baizhan. Among them, Luo Fei is a woman. Her appearance is somewhat androgynous and heroic. As for her figure, not much can be seen because she is wrapped in armor.

But her thighs are very slender and she should have a good figure.

The cultivation of the three of them are all peak immortals, and the strongest one among them, Populus Hu, is about to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor with half a foot.

All he lacked was a final bit of enlightenment.

As the leader of the nine-character demon-suppressing camps, the overall strength of the Linzi camp is undoubtedly the strongest.

However, in the last fierce battle, the sacrifice was also the greatest, with almost 70% of the troops reduced, and even the commander died in the battle.

Now that Linzi camp has expanded with a large number of new recruits, it may not be easy to return to peak condition.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates think that if they continue to practice like this, they will have little effect. It is better to..."

Luo Fei turned back to look at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Why don't we invite other battalions to conduct a confrontation training? What do you think, sir?"


Ling Feng nodded, actual combat is the best way to improve overall coordination.

Because of the previous battle to guard Wangshu Fortress, the demon-suppressing army suffered heavy casualties.

Nowadays, a lot of fresh blood has been absorbed, and the level of each battalion is uneven and needs to be improved urgently.

Ling Feng was the first to think of Commander Chen Wu whom he had followed before. He was the commander of the Dou Zi Camp among the Nine-Character Demon Suppressing Camp.

You can discuss this matter with him.

In the battle to guard Wangshu Fortress, Commander Chen Wu was seriously injured, but luckily he saved his life.

It's a pity that another commander Meng Hanjiang whom Ling Feng met when he first came to the battlefield was unlucky and died on the battlefield.

Although in the foreign battlefield, everyone's head can be said to be tied to the belt, but when he heard the news of Meng Hanjiang's death, Ling Feng still felt a little sad in his heart.

"Vice Commander Luo, your proposal is very good. I will discuss it with the commanders of other battalions later."

Ling Feng said slowly.

"What else is there later?"

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the martial arts arena.

Surprisingly, it was Commander Chen Wu.

Next to Chen Wu, there were two other people.

One of them is the prince Yu Qiubai, and the other one is actually Fatty Huang!

This kid is actually back!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He had heard that Fatty Huang escorted General Huang back to the capital, and thought that according to Fatty Huang's temperament, he would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to stay in the capital and never return to the battlefield outside the territory.

Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle.

Fatty Huang's temperament is actually not suitable for this battlefield.

It's not easy for him to survive until now.

"Brother Shuihan, if you want to conduct joint actual combat exercises, I'd love it!"

Commander Chen Wu walked up quickly and said, "Don't worry, leave this matter to me. I'll call the other battalions soon. If it's going to be done, let's do a big one!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Then Commander Lao Chen will be here!"

At the same time, Luo Fei and others also quickly saluted Chen Wu, and at the same time bowed to Fatty Huang, "Meet the deputy general!"

Ling Feng then remembered that Fatty Huang had now inherited Huang Shicheng's title and concurrently served as the deputy general of the Demon Suppressing Army.

The level is higher than myself.

This is what it means to have a good father.

Hereditary, since birth, he has been in a position that some people can't reach even if they spend their entire lives.

"See Vice-General!"

Ling Feng also bowed to Fatty Huang.

"Don't, don't, don't..."

Fatty Huang quickly stretched out his hand to help Ling Feng, but found that Ling Feng was too short now and couldn't be helped at all!

He could only squat down and said with a wry smile: "Boss Shui Han, please don't break me! Besides, I am no longer the deputy general."

He sighed softly and said slowly: "After I came back, the first thing I did was to ask Mr. Prince Su to relieve me of the position of deputy general. He just let me visit the brothels. He asked me to command the demon-suppressing army. Isn't that a joke? ! I don’t want to waste the hard work of the old man. So, I told the prince that I will no longer be a general. I will come to your Linzi camp and continue to be a soldier. I will rely on my own strength to become a soldier! A true general!”


Ling Feng secretly praised, raised his hand and patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder.

Fortunately, this guy had the good sense to squat in front of Ling Feng, otherwise Ling Feng would not be able to take a picture of him given his current short stature.

This kid has really changed a lot!

As long as he does not forget his original intention at this moment, one day, he may really be able to become the pride of General Huang.

"Hehe, didn't I learn this all from you, boss?"

Fatty Huang chuckled, "But why did you become like this! I heard before that you became a child, and I couldn't believe it! My old man became a child in mind, and you became a child physically. It’s really interesting to have a child. Could it be that I am destined to have a child? Maybe I should take a wife and have a child!”

"You do want to have a baby. Someone wants you, my second cousin!"

Yu Qiubai laughed and laughed.

"You kid! Are you looking for a beating?"

Fatty Huang snorted and raised his fist in a gesture, but he did not dare to attack Yu Qiubai. He just turned to look at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Boss Shui Han, this kid also wants to come with me and join us." What do you think of your Linzi camp?"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After going through a big circle, he changed from a top soldier to the commander of Linzi Camp. In the end, he still couldn't get rid of these two idiots!

However, I hope they can all truly grow up on this battlefield.

"How could my uncle not welcome me?"

Yu Qiubai narrowed his eyes and smiled: "He is my uncle! Even though he is younger now, he is still my uncle!"

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, these two living treasures!

"Oh, right!"

Fatty Huang suddenly thought of something and said again: "Boss, the Prince asked me to tell you that you can go to him at any time to collect the previous reward."


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. These rewards should include the rewards for bringing back reinforcements, as well as the materials he consumed in refining elixirs on the battlefield, which will also be compensated to him.

It’s going to be developed now!

Immediately, Ling Feng asked Luo Fei and the others to arrange for Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai, and then gave Chen Wu full authority over the joint actual combat exercise. He excitedly went to the commander's account to receive the reward.

Not long after, when Ling Feng arrived at Prince Su's tent, he found that Prince Su was entertaining several guests.

These people looked unfamiliar, and they did not seem to be the supreme elders of Wangshu Fortress.

In addition, Du Zhongwei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was also among them.

"Shui Han, you came just in time! I am just about to find someone to invite you over."

Prince Su squinted his eyes and smiled, and then said: "I have also sent people to Bingqing girl's side. They should arrive soon."

As he said that, he looked at the Immortal Emperor-level guests and waved to Ling Feng, "Come on, come here quickly, these are the elders of the War Alliance, here to evaluate you and Bingqing girl's promotion to the God of War. ”

Conquer the alliance?

Ling Feng heard Prince Su mention it before.

The Battle Alliance is an organization that specializes in evaluating the promotion of the God of War, issuing exclusive tasks to the God of War, and issuing various top-notch rewards.

It can be said that for the top geniuses of the major forces in the Immortal Realm, only after becoming the God of War can they truly start a path to becoming strong.

"This is Elder Yu Lei, and this is Elder Xingyan."

Prince Su smiled and introduced Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. These two people were filled with strong auras of the Xuntian Thunder Clan and the Xuntian Fire Clan, and their identities were already revealed without asking.

They are all forces that he cannot deal with!

However, the person I am now is Shui Han, not Ling Feng, remember this!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and bowed to the two of them, "See Elder Yu Lei, see Elder Xingyan."

"Are you the young man who relied on his soul origin and the secret technique of the soul to defeat the half-step broken commander of the demon tribe, Philius, in the battle to guard Wangshu Fortress?"

Elder Yu Lei stared at Ling Feng with a hint of surprise, as if he wanted to see through him completely.

However, when he noticed that Ling Feng had no cultivation at all, his eyes flashed with a hint of shock.

"It's really a fluke. If the prince and the seniors of Immortal Emperor Feng Yang hadn't teamed up to severely injure that demon, I wouldn't have been able to hurt him at all."

Ling Feng smiled modestly and was not arrogant.


Elder Yu Lei nodded, "I heard from Prince Su that you made some mistakes in your cultivation in the space-time gap a few days ago, which resulted in your body shrinking and your cultivation being hindered. Physically, there is nothing serious, right? "

"It's not serious, senior has his heart."

"It's fine as long as it doesn't matter."

Elder Yu Lei chuckled, "Otherwise, I would be missing a talented war god when I fight for the alliance."


Prince Su immediately struck a chord while the iron was hot: "What Elder Yu Lei means is that Shui Han can successfully be promoted to the God of War?"

"If I can make the decision, there will be no problem. However, since it is an assessment, the process must be followed."

Elder Yu Lei narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Prince Su could not help but curse in his heart: Old fox, you are so leak-proof!

It sounds nice, but actually, I still don’t believe it!

It's better if you don't believe me. I'll let you, a short-sighted old thing, open your eyes!

At this moment, Yu Bingqing also walked in from outside the account, and Prince Su also introduced the two elders of the Conquest Alliance to Yu Bingqing.

"It turns out to be Her Royal Highness the eldest princess!"

Seeing Yu Bingqing, the attitudes of Elder Yu Lei and Elder Xing Yan immediately changed 180 degrees.

When he saw Ling Feng before, he looked calm and aloof, but after seeing Yu Bingqing, his face immediately lit up with a smile.

"Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is so talented that she can arouse the giant statue of the gods and shock the entire battlefield outside the territory. She is truly one of the top geniuses in the fairyland!"

Elder Yu Lei had a smile on his face, and then he took out a medal and handed it over, "This is the God of War Medal from my Conquest Alliance. With this medal, you can freely enter and leave the Temple of the God of War."

Good old boy!

Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly curse: I have to go through the process now, but Yu Bingqing just gave me all the medals!

Wouldn’t it just trigger a colossus of a god!

I was the one who carried the giant statue of God that day!

Yu Bingqing was a little overwhelmed by the two old men. She took the medal and put it on, then turned to look at Ling Feng, "Hey, Shui Han, where is your medal? Come on, let me put it on for you!"

"Haha..." Ling Feng laughed a few times, shook his head and said, "I haven't yet."

"what the hell!"

Yu Bingqing frowned, "Your contribution is much greater than mine, why haven't you done it yet?"

She deliberately didn't lower her voice, which made the two old men a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, little friend Shui Han's situation is quite special after all!"

Seeing that Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing had a close relationship, Elder Yu Lei also called Ling Feng affectionately and said with a smile: "Therefore, some tests are still indispensable. However, since Her Royal Highness the Princess has I’ve spoken, so let’s get rid of it.”

Elder Yu Lei obviously valued Yu Bingqing very much.

After all, it is of great significance to activate the colossus of the gods.

If Yu Bingqing can be won over, it will be of great significance to the war alliance.

"Hey, how can you! Bingqing, don't talk nonsense! Since there are rules, you have to take the test!"

Once he heard that Elder Yu Lei wanted to cancel the test on Ling Feng, how could Prince Su agree?

He still has to open the eyes of these two old boys!

Elder Yu Lei thought that Prince Su was stepping down the steps for him, so he quickly bowed to Prince Su and said, "Your Excellency, you really understand the righteousness!"

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, this Prince Su is really an old man!

Isn’t this looking for trouble for yourself?

Forget it, just take the test. Anyway, I am genuine and have nothing to show off.

At this moment, Prince Su's spiritual voice came to his ears, "Shui Han, don't hide it, give these two old boys some hard work and let them open their eyes!"


Ling Feng felt helpless again. He had no choice but to call him uncle before. He had to listen to what he said.

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