Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3979 God of War Medal! Dragon Scale Blood Blade!


Elder Yu Lei looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Generally speaking, I think there is nothing wrong with the situation, but the source of my soul is so unbelievable that it can be said to be unprecedented. , so I need to check the alliance, I hope you don’t mind.”

In fact, the first thing is to check, and the second thing is to find out Ling Feng's background.

According to the personal information reported from the Dayu Immortal Court, Shui Han was not a genius of the Dayu Royal Family, nor did he belong to any of the major families in the Dayu Fairy Court.

It's like it came out of nowhere.

If you want to be promoted to the God of War, you naturally need to go through a relatively strict review.

In addition, since he is not a direct descendant of Dayu Xianting, there is a possibility of being drawn over.

If it is found that this person does have extraordinary talent, we can try to win him over from Dayu Xianting and directly join the war alliance.

The Zhanzhan Alliance seems to be a special organization jointly formed by the seven major forces, but in fact, it is simply a tool of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Directly joining the Battle Alliance and becoming its core member is, in a sense, equivalent to being directly affiliated with Yi Ting Immortal Emperor and working for the Sky Patrol Thunder Clan.

"The elder's words are serious, I should cooperate with you."

Ling Feng's attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, but he was thinking about how he should do a "hard job".

This Prince Su is just looking for trouble for himself!

Just when Ling Feng was thinking about it, Elder Yu Lei had already taken out a crystal container that looked like an hourglass, and said with a smile: "Little friend, this is a magic weapon specially designed to test the strength of the soul. You only need to use your spiritual consciousness to Just pour the power into this magic weapon."

Ling Feng looked at the crystal hourglass and saw that it was divided into nine sections, with a pool of colored star sand accumulated at the bottom of the container.

Those star sands exude a dim light, but seem to have a very special energy fluctuation.

"This star hourglass has a total of nine sections, corresponding to the nine levels of the heavenly soul's nine revolutions."

Elder Yu Lei narrowed his eyes and said: "Judging from the level of your consciousness that can knock back half a step of Shattered Level, you must have at least reached the ninth level of Ghost Transformation."

After saying that, Elder Yu Lei handed the magic weapon into Ling Feng's hand.

Ling Feng's immature little hands were a little unable to hold this treasure, so he could only use the power of his spiritual consciousness to suspend it in mid-air, and then said calmly: "I'll give it a try."

Go ahead, activate a ray of divine consciousness and inject it directly into the hourglass of stars.

The moment Ling Feng's power of consciousness poured into it, the star sand below the funnel was immediately sucked back from the funnel into the crystal area above.

Just in the blink of an eye, the first paragraph, the second paragraph, the third paragraph...

Lights up quickly.

In an instant, the ghostly transformation that symbolizes the seventh stage was reached.


Elder Yu Lei and Elder Xing Yan looked at each other with a hint of astonishment.

Even if this kid really has the soul origin of the ghost-god level, it's too fast!

Although the star hourglass looks small, in fact, every grain of star sand inside is extremely heavy, comparable to meteorites from the sky.

The accumulation of so many stars and sand together is probably ten or a hundred times heavier than the tens of thousands of mountains put together!

Even a strong Immortal Emperor who majored in the Soul Path would probably have to work hard to suck so much star sand into the crystal area.

And Ling Feng completed it almost in an instant.

And, it seems, not all efforts have been made.


A look of pride appeared on Prince Su's face. In one breath, Shui Han sucked in the star sand in the star hourglass to the seventh level.

This is enough to make them proud of Dayu Xianting!

However, Prince Su's words of "do some hard work" echoed in Ling Feng's mind, and he did not notice the expression of Elder Yu Lei, but continued to infuse the power of his spiritual consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, within the star hourglass, the star sand continued to rise, actually rising from the seventh stage to the eighth stage.

This represents the level of Hongmengzhuan!


Elder Yu Lei was completely stunned, and Elder Xingyan's eyes widened to the point where they almost fell out.

A mere peak immortal, the origin of the soul can actually be cultivated to the level of Hongmengzhuan.

Is this even a human being?

As everyone knows, Ling Feng also had a narrow escape in order to reach this point.

Just from the experience in the Ruins of the Immortal, faced with the heavy pressure of King Shirvi, faced with the threats of the three major sin-priest priests, faced with the inhuman test of the tentacle monsters, I am afraid that I could not survive any step. They are all beyond redemption.

Ling Feng was able to possess such a heaven-defying divine soul origin in the Immortal Realm. He actually took away countless opportunities and foundations from Lord Shrivi to lay such a foundation.

This kind of creation is almost impossible to copy.

In addition, there was the killing blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, which completely turned the origin of Ling Feng's soul into fine steel that had been tempered thousands of times.

Without any step, Ling Feng would not be able to withstand the explosive power of the broken star core in the space-time fault.

But at this moment, it was said that it was Elder Yu Lei, and even Prince Su couldn't calm down.

This kid is so outrageous!

However, this old boy was calm enough and didn't leak his words at all. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Elder Yu Lei, are you so surprised at this level?"

To this extent?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, good guy, aren't you ruthless enough?

Immediately, Ling Feng gritted his teeth, became ruthless, and exerted all his energy, instantly condensing the power of his consciousness into a point and pouring all his strength into the star hourglass.

Then, there was a "bang" sound, and the star hourglass exploded!


The crisp sound resounded throughout the entire tent.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

This guy is the first person in history to be able to test the origin of a soul and blow up the stars and hourglasses!

Only Yu Bingqing had a smile on her pretty face. Only she knew what kind of "monster" Ling Feng was.

It can be said that the fact that he was able to survive the Immortal Emperor's Tribulation safely was almost entirely due to Ling Feng.

Fortunately, the hourglass exploded fast enough. In fact, before the hourglass exploded, it had almost hit the ninth section.

That means the last level of the Nine Heavenly Soul Transformations, the Immortal Transformation!

In other words, the power that Ling Feng's divine soul burst out in an instant is almost comparable to the level of Immortal Transformation!

This is the huge gain that Ling Feng gained in exchange for taking the risk and forcibly absorbing the prototype of the star core.


Seeing everyone staring at him, Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "This hourglass doesn't seem to be very strong, haha..."

Elder Yu Lei laughed a few times, nodded and walked down the slope, "Yes, maybe it has been used for too long and is not strong enough. But the origin of my soul has actually reached the level of Hongmengzhuan!"

As he spoke, he took out a God of War Medal and handed it to Ling Feng with a smile, "Little friend Shui Han, congratulations on passing the final test. Now, you are a member of our Conquest Alliance! Originally, according to my Conquest Alliance According to the rules, every monk is considered to be a one-star war god when he is promoted for the first time. However, because of my outstanding achievements, I will make an exception and take charge first!"

As he spoke, he took out another silver card and lightly swiped it in front of Ling Feng's God of War Medal.

On the medal's design, the original "one" model number has been changed to "two", which means that Ling Feng has been directly promoted to a two-star war god at once!

Even higher than Yu Bingqing!

After all, Yu Bingqing is the eldest princess of Yu Xianting. No matter how hard she fights, her heel will still be in Yu Xianting.

But this Shuihan is different, he can be "poached" away.

Of course, this is just what Elder Yu Lei takes for granted.

If he knew Ling Feng's true identity, he would probably slap himself in the face for what he did today.

Seeing that Ling Feng was of a higher level than herself, Yu Bingqing was not annoyed, but felt a little proud.

He is indeed the man he has fallen in love with!

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng looked at his medal. In addition to the changes in the pattern, the effect of the magic circle inside seemed to have increased a lot.

But it turns out that the interior of the God of War Medal actually contains a miniature spirit gathering array.

It seems small, but in fact, as long as it is worn on the body, it can consume fairy stones and fairy crystals, continuously convert them into mana, and continuously pour it into oneself.

This can undoubtedly be called the best magic weapon in an environment where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin, such as the battlefield outside the territory.

In addition, within the medal, there are attack arrays and defensive arrays, both of which can be used to withstand the opponent's attacks at critical moments.

When Prince Su fought against Naphilius on the battlefield, even when he was most severely eroded by the demonic energy, he was still able to activate mana attacks, probably with the help of the ability of the magic circle inside the Medal of the God of War.

Moreover, it seems that the higher the level of the medal, the various effects it has will also increase.

What a good thing!

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The effect of his two-star God of War Medal on restoring mana was about the third level of the Moon Wheel Realm.

The standard for attack and defense is almost the third level of the Moon Wheel Realm.

Although it doesn't mean much to the current Ling Feng, if it is upgraded to eight or nine stars, the effect will be extraordinary.

Feeling the magical effect of this medal, Ling Feng became more interested in being promoted to the Nine-Star God of War.

In addition, every war god can obtain the huge resources of the Conquest Alliance, which is also an indispensable thing on his way to promotion.

"My friend, you can use your God of War Medal to directly accept some special tasks in the mission hall of the Conquest Alliance, and you will receive huge amounts of merit and rewards. After completing the task, you can improve your God of War based on the accumulated merit points. Level. However, in the promotion stage, it needs to be reported to the war alliance and then go through unified approval. "

Ling Feng poured his spiritual consciousness into the Medal of the God of War, and sure enough he discovered that there were countless mysteries hidden within the medal.

"In addition, there will be corresponding rewards for each stage of promotion. Your promotion from one star to two stars means that you have an opportunity to select magic weapons from the treasure trove of the Alliance. No matter when, you will You can go directly to the Battle Alliance headquarters in the Revenant Fortress to redeem your rewards.”

Elder Yu Lei smiled and then continued: "Now that the war is tense here at Wangshu Fortress, I am afraid that I don't have much time to go to the Fortress of the Dead. Just in case, if you need anything, you can tell me directly and I will personally choose it for you. A treasure is sent here later, what do you think?"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. This little old man's attitude had really changed 180 degrees!

"You old boy, you are so shameless!!"

Prince Su cursed secretly in his heart. The intention of Elder Yu Lei to win over shouldn't be too obvious.

If you want to pry away this king’s niece and son-in-law, go ahead and have your big dream!


Just when Elder Yu Lei was still praising the treasure house of the Conquest Alliance and all kinds of treasures, Prince Su casually threw out a Naling Spirit Ring and said with a smile: "Shui Han, this Naling Spirit Ring" There are 300,000 top-grade fairy crystals and five billion top-grade fairy stones in the spiritual ring! This is the compensation for the alchemy you made into rain last time on the battlefield. Please accept it."

"Hiss..." Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he waved his hands quickly: "Too much, this is too much!"

Just three hundred thousand top-grade immortal crystals is already quite scary.

The top grade fairy crystal is between the top grade fairy crystal and the Hongmeng fairy crystal. Although it is not as rare as the Hongmeng fairy crystal, the output is not high.

Converted into a Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, it can fire tens of thousands of shots.

"This is not a one-time occurrence. From now on, on the battlefield, the rain of pills will continue to fall as it should! Don't worry, don't worry! I, the Great Yu Immortal Court, cannot treat you badly!"

Prince Su said, and glanced in the direction of Elder Yu Lei with a half-smile.

The two old men frowned, obviously they didn't expect Prince Su to be so generous!

Three hundred thousand top-quality immortal crystals are enough to buy a great source device!


Seeing the expressions of the two elders Yu Lei, Prince Su smiled proudly, and then with a big stroke of his hand, an exquisite wooden box appeared on the bluestone table.

"open to take a look."

Prince Su chuckled, and Ling Feng opened the treasure chest. Inside were ten jasper porcelain vases.

Ling Feng had seen this kind of porcelain vase before, and it was the container that held the Tianxin Chalcedony Pill.

"Ten bottles of Tianxin Chalcedony Pill, this is your reward for bringing in reinforcements."

Good guy, ten bottles, that is, ten coins!

You know, even Yu Bingqinggui, the eldest princess of the Great Yu Immortal Courtyard, only carried a Tianxin Chalcedony Pill with her when she went to Burial Tianfengyuan!

"And these!"

Prince Su waved his sleeves, and then, a thick stack of secret books was placed on the table, "Sword skills, body skills, and the secret skills of the soul path are all selected by me personally for you! They are not lower than the level of the king's immortal skills. of!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched again. A book of royal magic and magic outside was enough to make people fight for it. It would be better for Prince Su to just give it to himself!

Elder Yu Lei and Elder Xing Yan were also a little uneasy.

This old guy has spent a lot of money!


Prince Su was secretly proud and took out another box and said with a smile: "There is also this dragon scale blood blade that I personally selected for you. After you use it, you will understand its mystery!"

Ling Feng opened the box and saw a sword with a dark red luster lying quietly inside.

Just a face-to-face encounter, the bloody aura emanating from the blade made even Ling Feng secretly stunned.

What an amazing murderous aura!

The number of dead souls harvested by this knife is probably immeasurable.

It is the most suitable sword for performing great killing techniques!

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Prince!"

Ling Feng held the Dragon Scale Blood Blade and couldn't put it down.

Seeing Prince Su pulling out all kinds of dazzling treasures again and again, Elder Yulei and Elder Xingyan looked at each other and could only give up temporarily.

Now this is Prince Su's home court, and it would be unwise to compete with him for people.

When this kid comes to the Conquest Alliance to redeem his rewards, it won't be too late to win over him.

"Since this matter is over, I won't bother you anymore!"

Elder Yu Lei also recognized the situation and said goodbye directly to Prince Su.

"We are busy with affairs in the army, so I won't send you two far away! Come on, please take these two elders out."

Prince Su chuckled, feeling proud and proud today in front of the war alliance.

The Grand Governor Du Zhongwei hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, please let me send the two elders out. Two elders, please follow me."

After all, the Conquest Alliance has a high status and cannot be neglected.

Seeing the two elders follow Du Zhongwei out of the tent with angrily expressions on their faces, Prince Su secretly sneered in his heart, this guy is really smooth and sophisticated, and no one can offend him.

However, for him to come forward to appease the elders of the Conquest Alliance, it is indeed a bad sin to have him look up and not look down.

As a royal, he naturally cannot lower his stature, but Du Zhongwei's position is just right.

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