Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3980 Change the master!

Wangshu Fortress is within the handsome account.

"Just in time, all the outsiders have left."

Prince Na Su withdrew his gaze from outside the account, and finally fell on Ling Feng again. He said with a smile: "Boy Shui Han, I still have a treasure here, if you don't want it?"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Prince Su had some top-grade immortal crystals, some top-grade elixirs, and some royal magic secrets. He also took out a dragon-scale blood blade.

Ling Feng was overwhelmed by the series of rewards, and he actually hid something, and even "outsiders" couldn't see it.

Obviously, this treasure is absolutely extraordinary.

When Yu Bingqing heard what Prince Su said that outsiders had left, her pretty face turned slightly red.

Prince Su is her uncle, so naturally they are part of the same family. As for Ling Feng...

Didn't this guy deny it?

Little did she know that Ling Feng had already called Prince Su "uncle" in private.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and bowed to Prince Su, "Your Majesty the Prince has given you enough, and you will not be rewarded for your merits..."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I can save my great source weapon."

Prince Su smiled jokingly, but Ling Feng's ears instantly stood up.

Great source device!

That is a treasure that only the broken strong are qualified to control.

Even the fragments of the source weapon are enough to give the Immortal Emperor a head start.

No wonder Prince Su didn't take out this treasure directly when he was in front of Elder Yu Lei and the others.

Naturally, the fewer people who know about a trump card like the Great Avenue Originator, the better.

"Boy, what if you don't want it?"

Prince Su narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng with a smile.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Um...thank you, Your Majesty the Prince."

"No, no."

Prince Su shook his head, "I only give this great source weapon to my own family, not to outsiders."

Ling Feng blushed, glanced at Yu Bingqing, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, uncle."


Prince Su stroked his long beard and laughed loudly, "This is right!"

With that said, he took out a golden ring from his sleeve and handed it to Ling Feng, "Take it."

"Is this the Great Avenue Source Device?"

Yu Bingqing on the side heard Ling Feng calling him Prince Su and Uncle, and her pretty face became slightly hot. However, her temperament was not as shy as that of ordinary women. Instead, she stepped forward and snatched the golden ring with her hands, humming softly. Said: "Uncle Emperor, you are so partial. Why did you only give Shui Han the baby and not me!"

"What a girl!"

Prince Su laughed loudly, and then took out another silver ring, "How could I forget you, my niece? These two treasures are a pair, called the dragon and phoenix concentric rings, which are created by nature. , Tianyun Diyang, although it is only a low-grade Dao source weapon, but when the user's minds are connected and the dragon and phoenix are united into one, it can explode with unparalleled and unpredictable divine power. "

Prince Su smiled and handed the silver ring to Yu Bingqing's hand, "How is it? Are you satisfied now?"

Yu Bingqing's pretty face blushed slightly, she accepted the silver ring, and immediately handed the gold ring back to Ling Feng's hand, bit her silver teeth, and whispered softly: "It looks like an ordinary bracelet, how powerful is it?"

"Whether it is powerful or not depends on whether the two of you have the same mind. The deeper the love and the deeper the bond, the greater the power of this dragon and phoenix concentric ring."

Prince Su took a deep breath, but there was a hint of emotion and loss in his voice.

This used to be one of his magic weapons, but until he lost his beloved, this treasure was completely sealed away.

"Uncle Huang, do you think of Aunt Huang again?"

Yu Bingqing gritted her silver teeth. He was also a man. His father owned the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard, but at Prince Su's age, he was still alone.

The matter between Prince Su and the princess is also a secret among the Dayu royal family and is not known to outsiders.

All because of the status of that princess, who is said to be very special.

"Why bother mentioning things in the past?"

Prince Su shook his head and sighed softly, "I hope this dragon and phoenix are in your hands and can exert its true power."

Ling Feng held the golden ring. As Yu Bingqing said, this concentric ring of dragon and phoenix seemed ordinary, without even any decorative patterns, but it seemed to contain an extraordinary power.

And when the gold ring was close to the silver ring, the two rings actually lit up at the same time.

Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing seemed to have returned to the state where their swords and swords were united, and their minds were united.

Seeing the concentric rings of dragon and phoenix lighting up at the same time, Prince Su smiled faintly. If there was no lover, the concentric rings of dragon and phoenix would not shine with concentric light.

It seems that I did not choose the wrong person.

The two of them are indeed very suitable to inherit this great source weapon.

"It's a pity that little friend Shui Han has turned into a child now. Otherwise, I could have held a wedding for you earlier."

Prince Su stroked his long beard and chuckled.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and Prince Su immediately revealed the bet he had made with Yu Bingqing.

Now that Huang Yuan returned to Wangshu Fortress, Yu Bingqing naturally lost.

Ling Feng was also at a loss. Why did he have an extra engagement when he was still practicing in the space-time gap?

However, seeing Yu Bingqing's tender face and eyes with a hint of expectation, Ling Feng didn't know how to refuse.

"Haha, it seems that even if some people lose, they are willing to lose."

Prince Su chuckled.

"Ignore you!"

Although Yu Bingqing was cheerful and generous by nature, she couldn't resist the teasing smile on Prince Su's face. She gave him a fierce look and rushed out of the tent as if running away.

It made Ling Feng a little depressed, why did he rely on me?

"Hahaha, this girl."

Prince Su laughed, then looked at Ling Feng again, and said slowly: "You are the same, kid. Return to normal as soon as possible. Don't let Bingqing wait too long."

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed a few times and could only smile bitterly and said: "I... I'll try my best..."

Apparently, he was confused and had an "engagement" with Yu Bingqing?

And that dragon and phoenix concentric ring is probably a congratulatory gift from Prince Su.

It is impossible to say that I have no feelings for Yu Bingqing.

Human hearts are made of flesh, and the warmth, touch, and care he has felt from Yu Bingqing these days are extremely real.

But the experience in Wuluo Ruins and Rufeng's existence made him realize that he might have loved someone deeply.

Just because of the power of Spring Spring, the existence of the woman named Mu Qianxue was completely erased from this world.

He also forgot about her.

At least, before retrieving that lost memory, he still couldn't truly let go of his arms and love someone without any scruples.

Right now, we can only take one step and watch.

"By the way, there is one more thing that I need to tell you."

Prince Su took a deep breath, and his originally gentle eyes suddenly became serious, flashing with a hint of murderous intent.

"Meng Chong, do you still remember?"

"General Meng?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. They went to Quexie Fortress to ask for help that day. However, later, he thought that it was impossible for the Xantian Mountain Clan to send troops, so he and Meng Chong split up and asked, "How is General Meng? Is he back safely?"

"He's back, but he's the only one who's back."

Prince Su sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "I have been busy with various affairs before, and now I can finally take some time to deal with this matter. Those turtle bastards of the Xantian Mountain Clan have done a great job this time!"

"This..." Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately asked Prince Su about what happened to Meng Chong and the others.

When they heard that the Xantian Mountain clan had collected the treasures that asked for help, they not only did not send troops, but also severely injured Meng Chong and the others. As a result, these soldiers were harassed by the evil creatures of the demon clan. In the end, except for Meng Chong, all of them were The army was destroyed.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, with a murderous intent bursting out of his eyes, "The Xantian Mountain clan is so shameless! It's all my fault. I should have insisted on letting everyone go with me!"

A trace of self-blame flashed in his eyes. If he continued to persist, he might be able to save the lives of more companions.

"How can I blame you!"

Prince Su patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Huh, I won't just let the Xuntian Mountain clan settle this debt! If they swallow it, I will tell them to spit it out and return it to them." You have to pay for it!”

"Yes, you must pay the price!"

Ling Feng was still hesitant at first. If he wanted to help Keweili become the true master of the demon clan, the fairy clan had to make sacrifices.

Ling Feng has yet to make up his mind as to which side to choose.

Now is the time, the goal is clear.

"Right now, the situation here at Wangshu Fortress has just stabilized. It is not appropriate to directly quarrel with the Xantian Mountain Clan for the time being. We can only tolerate it for the time being and wait for the opportunity."

Prince Su snorted coldly, "If they dare to do the first grade of junior high school, we will do the fifteenth grade! We must retaliate in kind!"


Ling Feng nodded, and had already begun to formulate a series of plans in his mind to annihilate the Quexie Fortress of the Xantian Mountain Clan.

When it comes to holding grudges, Ling Feng can hold a grudge a hundred times or a thousand times more than Prince Su!

"Uncle Emperor, where is General Meng now? I want to see him." Ling Feng asked through gritted teeth.

"Although he saved his life, his spirit was greatly stimulated. Now he is half crazy and is receiving treatment from the military doctor."

Prince Su shook his head and sighed, "Fortunately, Mr. Qingyan you brought back has really good medical skills. He has also helped us a lot during this time."


Mentioning Mr. Qingyan, Ling Feng felt a little guilty. He had promised that after the war, he and Mr. Qingyan would have a good discussion on alchemy, but in the end, he had been ignored for such a long time.

It just so happened that I went to see Meng Chong this time and had a good discussion with Mr. Qingyan.

Fairyland, deep in a primitive forest.

A man wearing goggles walked along a moss-covered path towards a huge waterfall.


The turbulent water fell from the cliffs hundreds of thousands of meters high, so that a radius of dozens of miles was filled with rumbling explosions.

The flowing water will wash away the rocks below and make them extremely smooth.

And on a huge rock directly below the waterfall, a middle-aged man with a bare upper body was sitting.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him at a glance. This person is the master of the Demon Soul Hall, Ning Kun.

Not far from the waterfall, there was a girl wearing a goose-yellow dress, looking at Ning Kun with concern. She was another traitor of Tianzhi, Yuxinxianjun, Su Liuli.

"Hey, Miss Liuli, you really have a deep affection for Lao Ning. Not only would you betray your sect for him, but now that Lao Ning has been reduced to this, you still won't leave."

The man with goggles was Xuan Ce.

That day in the Sea of ​​Storms, it was he who brought more than a dozen Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons to attack the spirit boat carrying the Immortal Lord, causing heavy damage to the Tianzhi disciples.

He still looked carefree, walked to Su Liuli's side, and said with a smile: "I am much more handsome than your palace master, would you consider changing to a man?"

"Shut up! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will castrate you!"

Su Liuli glared at him coldly, knowing that this person had a noble status and was extremely powerful, so she did not dare to take action. Otherwise, she would have taught this prodigal a lesson.

"Yeah, it's just a few words of teasing, you don't have to castrate me so seriously!"

Xuance had an exaggerated expression on his face, and at the same time stretched out his hand to protect his crotch, "Our lineage has been passed down for nine generations, but I am the only one!"

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have a fart, hurry up!"

Under the waterfall, Ning Kun's cold voice came.

Then, only an explosion was heard, and Ning Kun walked out from under the waterfall.

Su Liuli hurriedly stepped forward and handed him his coat. All her heart and eyes were filled with was this man.

"Old Ning, you are still so boring."

Xuance shook his head, "I came all the way to deliver a message to you, and you didn't even say that I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you miss me a lot?"

"If nothing happens, I'll leave."

Ning Kun snorted softly, turned around and left.


Xuance waved his hands quickly and said, "Let's not talk nonsense. I came to you this time to ask you for something."

"What else do I need? Is there anything else I have that is worthy of Sir Xuance's concern?"

Ning Kun frowned. Not only had the Demon Soul Palace suffered heavy losses due to the last defeat, he, the master of the Demon Soul Palace, had also lost the support behind him and was useless.

He was even punished to "face the wall and think about his faults" here.

To put it bluntly, he is imprisoned here and cannot leave.

"You can't say that."

Xuance spit out the weed in his mouth and said, "Look, there is a fragment of a dragon's claw on you."

Before he finished speaking, the muscles on Ning Kun's face suddenly twitched violently.

The next moment, Ning Kun took action boldly. In an instant, his palm turned into a green dragon claw and strangled Xuance's neck. "Do you want to die?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xuan Ce was pinched by Ning Kun. Instead of being annoyed, he laughed loudly, "Old Ning is indeed Old Ning. He has fallen to this, but his domineering power is still undiminished! No wonder our ancestors value you so much and are ready to do it again." Let me give you a chance..."

Xuance coughed violently a few times and quickly patted Ning Kun's palm, "Quick, quick, let go, I'm really out of breath!"

Ning Kun snorted coldly and then retracted his palm.

"Really, you risk your life if you don't agree with me, what's the point? I am the most talkative person in the clan. You and I can't get along. No wonder you have become the bare master of the palace now. That little girl is very nymphomaniac. Always following you."

A chill flashed in Ning Kun's eyes, "It seems I should kill you after all!"

"No, no, no, let's talk about business, talk about business!"

Xuance waved his hand, coughed slightly, and then said: "The time for big things is coming soon. Please follow me to visit the battlefield outside the territory."

"I'm a little immortal, so I'm afraid I'm not qualified to get involved in this matter."

Ning Kun said coldly.

"Immortal Lord? Stop hiding it. You have obviously broken through, right? Although you were seriously injured last time, it was a blessing in disguise. Our ancestors saw at a glance that you would definitely break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor in a short time. Otherwise, he would not Arrange you in such a feng shui treasured place to overcome the disaster."

Ning Kun snorted lightly and said nothing.

The ancestor Xuance mentioned was the powerful man who supported him in establishing the Demon Soul Palace.

In fact, even the fragments of the dragon claw were not taken away and were left directly to him.

Although he didn't know what this person's specific intentions were, Ning Kun knew that at the moment, he was not qualified to challenge that ancestor.

"I won't hide it from you. This time I asked you to go to the battlefield outside the territory to use the power of your dragon claw fragment. If you come with me, everything will be easy. If you don't come with me, the fragment will probably be needed. There’s a new owner.”

Xuance squinted his eyes and smiled, his threat undisguised.

Although Ning Kun hated being threatened, he still nodded and said calmly: "It just so happens that I just broke through the Immortal Emperor and walked around."

After saying that, Ning Kun looked at Su Liuli, with a rare hint of tenderness in his eyes, and said slowly: "The situation on the battlefield outside the territory is complicated, Liuli, just wait for me here."

"Yes, Palace Master..."

Su Liuli took a deep look at Ning Kun, but her eyes were full of reluctance.

"As for that, it's so affectionate, I'm going to get goosebumps all over the place!"

Xuance deliberately shuddered and said with a smile: "How about I disappear for a while and give you some time? But don't go too far, just be a little thoughtful. You know, if it takes too long, I will be very worried." Difficult to handle.”

Ning Kun's forehead darkened, and he glared hard at this guy who was talking openly, and said coldly: "No need, let's go!"

"Isn't it really necessary? Otherwise, you should ask Miss Liuli, maybe someone else needs it? You also know that it is very difficult to be alone in the empty boudoir..."

Xuance was still chattering nonstop.

Ning Kun couldn't bear it anymore, and his palms turned into dragon claws again. Xuance was startled, and then he said: "You are just kidding, why are you so serious? Let's go! Let's go now! Miss Liuli , see you next time, don’t miss me too much!”

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