Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3982 Black Dragon Secret Order!

Wangshu Fortress is within the handsome account.


Hearty laughter came from inside the tent.

Prince Su's face was full of smiles.

In the past month, Wangshu Fortress has been proud and proud. It has avenged its shame and has successively defeated dozens of demon blockade passes. With such a large number, it can be said to be the leader among the major fortresses of the seven major forces. .

Looking at the sand table in front of him, another stronghold marking the pass of the demon blockade was bulldozed. Prince Su felt a sense of pride in his chest, which seemed to be about to burst out.

Perhaps, the battle between immortals and demons on the battlefield outside the territory will be completely settled.

Inside the tent, the other Immortal Emperors and Supreme Beings all looked at Ling Feng with approval.

This kid couldn't help but bring Wangshu Fortress back from the brink of destruction, and then in just three months, the entire look and morale of the fortress was completely renewed.

Fortunately, such a talented person joined the camp of Dayu Xianting.

Otherwise, they will only be jealous.

"Shui Han, Shui Han, what do you think the king should do to reward you?"

Prince Su looked at Ling Feng with joy. If this boy had not arrived at Wangshu Fortress for a short time, and if his cultivation level was only at the Immortal level, he would have wanted to report it to Emperor Yu immediately and let Shui Han become the new successor. The demon-suppressing general.

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Prince Su and said, "Going into battle to kill the enemy is a subordinate's duty. I dare not ask for any reward."

"You kid!"

Prince Su laughed. In fact, everyone knew that Shui Han had made outstanding contributions and it would definitely be inappropriate not to reward him.

It happened that during this period, Prince Su gave him everything he could, including elixirs, magic weapons, magic weapons, secret books, and even the source of the great avenue.

Prince Su didn't even know how to reward Ling Feng now.

After all, since the establishment of Wangshu Fortress, no new recruit has been able to achieve so many great achievements in a short period of time.

Prince Su took a deep look at Ling Feng, and then continued: "You will really cause problems for me, that's all, let's note it down for now, and I will reward you separately after you come back from the alliance."

"War alliance?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly and he looked at Prince Su, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"The approval for your promotion to the Three-Star God of War has been received. Congratulations! You kid, you are now a Three-Star God of War!"

Prince Su stared at Ling Feng with a smile, "In three months, he has been promoted to three stars in a row. I am afraid that no one has set such a record since the establishment of the Alliance."


In the commander's office, all the elders, generals and commanders congratulated Ling Feng one after another.

The three-star God of War can be regarded as a prominent figure in the entire extraterrestrial battlefield.

Ling Feng waved his hand quickly and smiled modestly: "Lucky, lucky!"

His target is the Nine-Star God of War!

And if you want to achieve this step in a short period of time, you will probably have to kill at least one powerful Broken Level Demon Emperor.

Although this probability is low, it does not mean that it is not possible.

What's more, Ling Feng also has an extremely powerful "ally"!

"Excessive humility is pride."

Prince Su rolled his eyes at Ling Feng. This kid's words are really annoying. Why don't others get lucky?

"Ahem..." Ling Feng couldn't help but cough a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

Prince Su shook his head and smiled, and then continued: "Well, originally you were promoted to the three-star God of War. Such a big event, plus the fact that I recently defeated the demon army at Wangshu Fortress, you should have a good celebration, but what about the War Alliance? I have received a secret order from the Black Dragon and have a special mission. I hope you can go there.”

"Uh? Black Dragon Secret Order?"

Ling Feng blinked, obviously this was the first time he heard about it.

"Hey, I just want to sound more arrogant."

A rough-looking general laughed and said: "Brother Shui Han, just understand that this is a mission specially issued by the Alliance of War. According to the level, it can be divided into four levels: white, gold, black and purple. Black Dragon Secret Order, It is already a second-level high-level mission, second only to the Purple Dragon Secret Order."

This general's name is Sha Mo. He does not belong to the Demon Suppressing Army, but is a general among the defenders of Wangshu Fortress.

Because during this period of time, he had been in contact with Ling Feng during the expedition against the Demon Army Pass.

As time went by, they began to call each other brothers and sisters.

"I see, I've learned a lesson." Ling Feng nodded towards Sha Mo. This old man was quite enthusiastic.

"Of course, you can also choose not to accept this mission."

Prince Su chuckled, looked at Ling Feng, and said with a look of reluctance: "I am really reluctant to let you leave Wangshu Fortress!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but laugh a few times. If he didn't know Prince Su's character, and the look in Prince Su's eyes, Ling Feng would have doubted whether he had any special hobbies.

"However, I still recommend that you accept the Black Dragon Secret Order. After all, the rewards of the Black Dragon Secret Order are not simple."

Prince Su casually threw something similar to a scroll over. The scroll was dark gold in color, and a special black seal was affixed to the middle seal.

These talismans are specially made by the top talisman masters of the Alliance of War, and can only be opened after the identity of the corresponding God of War is confirmed.

If it is opened by force, even if the Broken Power comes, he will only get a damaged blank scroll.

"Is this the Black Dragon Secret Order?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he took the scroll, feeling heavy in his hand.

The outer shell of this scroll seems to be made of some very rare metal.

"The Black Dragon Secret Order can only be received by Gods of War with three stars or above, and depending on the mission of the Black Dragon Secret Order, it may even be directly upgraded by one star after completing the task. In addition, you can also obtain other generous rewards."

Prince Su smiled and said, "How's it going? Are you feeling excited?"

"It's really hard not to be moved."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, then put the Black Dragon Secret Order away, "Then I will take this Black Dragon Secret Order."


Prince Su took a deep breath, "It's a pity that your boy still failed to be promoted to the Immortal Emperor. This trip is going to the Fortress of the Dead. If it triggers the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe, I will not be able to help."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "In my situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to make a breakthrough in a short time."

He still underestimated the "toughness" of the prototype star core.

If we go at the current speed, it will probably take three to five years at the fastest to completely refine the prototype of the star core into his second clone.

But fortunately, my current strength is comparable to that of a half-step broken warrior, which should be enough to save my life.

"I also need to go!"

Yu Bingqing, who was on the side, couldn't sit still when she heard that Ling Feng was going to the Fortress of the Dead. "I've only been wary of the God of War for a while, and I can go to the Alliance to pick out a treasure. We just happened to go together!"

"You! Go, go. It's as if you won't go if I don't let you go."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled. Yu Bingqing could still hide his little thoughts from him.

Yu Bingqing's pretty face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "As many people as possible, please take care of me!"

"Then here at Linziying..."

Ling Feng originally thought that if he left, he would ask Yu Bingqing to take more care of the brothers in Linzi Camp.

"I will keep an eye on it for you. Besides, that boy Huang Yuan has made quite a lot of progress!"

Prince Su gently stroked his long beard, "If Shicheng regains his sanity, he will definitely be proud of this son."

"Okay, okay, pack up and you two can set off on your own."

Prince Su took a deep breath and returned to the topic, "Now that the Demon Clan's blockade has been completely destroyed, if the two of you are traveling together, just some Demon Clan evil creatures and mutated monsters will not pose a threat to you. , there is no need to send elders to escort you."

When these two people join forces, most Immortal Emperors cannot handle it. Who is escorting whom?

Just save it!

After all, every additional powerful Immortal Emperor in Wangshu Fortress is a guarantee!

About half a day later.

From the tower of Wangshu Fortress, three figures flew out.

In addition to Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing, there is another person, but it is Mr. Qingyan.

It is interesting to say that Mr. Qingyan originally heard that Ling Feng was about to leave Wangshu Fortress, and he was also planning to leave and return to Dingfeng Fortress.

But after Ling Feng thought about it carefully, he and Yu Bingqing had never been to the Fortress of the Dead before.

Although there is a map, Ling Feng still has a little bit of the road-crazy attribute in him.

If he was asked to find his own way, it would probably take a lot of time.

When Ling Feng was distressed, Mr. Qingyan proposed to accompany Ling Feng and the others to the Fortress of the Dead.

Anyway, he is not a formal member of Dingfeng Fortress, so he is not going anywhere.

Ever since, there was one more person in Ling Feng's team.

Of course, Yu Bingqing was not very happy. It was rare to have alone time with Ling Feng, and there was such a guy.

Mr. Qingyan was so angry at the woman's resentment that he thought to himself that he had never provoked her before. It was so baffling!

Ling Feng, on the other hand, looked back in the direction of Wangshu Fortress and saw two more familiar figures on the tower.

But it wasn't Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang from Yu Bingqing's personal guard regiment.

These two guys seemed to have been beaten up by someone. They looked quite pitiful with their noses and faces bruised and swollen.

"Bingqing, why are you beating Brother Wang and Brother Qi when you have nothing to do?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled.

Yu Bingqing snorted softly and said with a frosty face: "Who made them ignorant? If they insist on following, I can only beat them and make them ask for sick leave."

"Are they also fulfilling their duties..."

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while, then he took out the Split Tissot, looked at Mr. Qingyan, and said with a smile: "Thank you, sir!"

If you are in a hurry, of course it is faster to split the Tissot.

"Yes! I have become a professional driver, haha!"

Mr. Qingyan shrugged, but he was very familiar with the situation.

The last time he rushed back to Wangshu Fortress from Dingfeng Fortress, he was also driving the Ground Breaking Shuttle.

"Senior is joking, I don't know the way..."

Ling Feng bowed to Mr. Qingyan, and Mr. Qingyan only squinted his eyes and smiled. Originally, he was just joking with Ling Feng.

Yu Bingqing glanced at Ling Feng, then smoothly put Ling Feng's young body into her arms, "By the way, take a look at your Black Dragon Secret Order, what kind of mission is it?"

Ling Feng smiled helplessly.

During this time in this world, because of her childlike figure, this woman Yu Bingqing was not polite at all and really treated him like a child.

Hug and touch, bathe together, sleep together.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

But the most terrifying thing is that over time, Ling Feng feels that he has become accustomed to it!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took out the scroll of the Black Dragon Secret Order. It was time to see what was written in the secret order.

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