Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3983 The light of chaos!

Putting the Black Dragon Secret Order in front of him, Ling Feng immediately took off the God of War Medal and lightly clicked on the black talisman of the secret order scroll.

Then, with a flash of light, the black scroll automatically burned.

In an instant, it turned into ashes.

Then there was a "click" sound, as if some mechanical spring had opened, and the scroll automatically unfolded, with a very brief voice written in large gold-lacquered characters inside.

"The Gorge of Dragon Abyss, the Light of Chaos."

Yu Bingqing slowly read out the big characters on the scroll, blinked her big black gem-like eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then raised her eyes to look at Ling Feng, "What do you mean?"

Ling Feng shrugged, obviously confused.

However, Mr. Qingyan, who was driving the Split Tissot, chuckled and said, "It seems that little friend Shui Han's mission this time is to go to the Gorge of Longyuan!"

"So it's a place name..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "It's just that I have seen maps of foreign battlefields before. Except for some locations deep in the Soul Burial Canyon, they are still unknown. In the territory occupied by our human race, there should be no place called Longyuan Gorge, right? "

Yu Bingqing also nodded repeatedly, "I have never heard of any Longyuan Gorge in the battlefield outside the territory."

"Guess how long you have been here on the battlefield outside the territory. You don't know many things. This is normal."

Mr. Qingyan stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "This Longyuan Gorge is extremely mysterious, and the entrance will change every once in a while. Therefore, it can actually appear anywhere on the battlefield outside the territory. It seems that those from the Conquest Alliance Old guys, it took a lot of effort to find the location of Longyuan Gorge."


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, "Could it be that there is some treasure inside Longyuan Gorge? Does it have anything to do with this light of chaos?"

"You are really smart, kid."

Mr. Qingyan smiled slightly, "The reason why the Alliance of Expeditions has been pursuing the specific location of Longyuan Gorge is to collect the light of chaos."

After a pause, Mr. Qingyan continued: "You should also know that in the major fortresses, in addition to the top combat power of the Immortal Emperor level, there is another kind of great killing weapon."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and blurted out: "Sir, are you talking about the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon?"


Mr. Qingyan nodded, "The Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon possesses terrifying destructive power that poses a fatal threat to even the powerful Immortal Emperors. It is an indispensable and powerful weapon used to suppress the giant void beasts of the Demon Clan. Theoretically, if If your Wangshu Fortress has 10,000 divine weapons and demon-slaying cannons, and unlimited ammunition, the battles that the demons attacked last time will be nothing at all."


Ling Feng's expression was filled with confusion. Ten thousand doors and unlimited ammunition...

You know, every shot of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon means that a massive amount of immortal stones and crystals are burning!

"Sir, let's talk about this light of chaos."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, dumbfounded.

"Haha..." Mr. Qingyan grinned, "Speaking of this light of chaos, it is the inscription crystal source inscribed with the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon. This light of chaos must be used. In other words, without the light of chaos, there would be no inscription. Jingyuan. 2. Without the inscription Jingyuan, even if one million or ten million divine weapons and demon-slaying cannons were built, they would be nothing more than ordinary scrap metal."

"I see!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and it seemed that this task was indeed very important.

"It seems that the Conquest Alliance really thinks highly of you!"

Mr. Qingyan looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "As a new God of War, you received the first secret order mission, the Black Dragon Secret Order, and it turned out to be to go to Longyuan Gorge to collect the light of chaos. If you can collect enough inscriptions With the chaotic light of more than a thousand inscription crystals, I estimate that you can be directly promoted from a three-star war god to a four-star one."

"Is a thousand words enough?"

A flash of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "Then if I collect ten thousand or one hundred thousand channels, that's not straightforward..."

"Stop it, stop it..."

Mr. Qingyan immediately interrupted Ling Feng's unrealistic fantasy, "Boy Shuihan, a thousand ways is already outrageous, but you can't be greedy, otherwise, you will have to pay the price."


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Thank you sir for reminding me, I will remember it."

However, Ling Feng obviously did not take Mr. Qingyan's words to heart.

A thousand paths is just the limit for ordinary people.

But I exceeded someone's limit.

The origin of the broken soul, coupled with his perfect body, is enough to give him the capital to be proud of.

About three days later.

Mr. Qingyan drove the Tissot and drove at full speed, finally arriving at the Fortress of the Dead before the next round of crimson blood moon.

As the first fortress built by the Immortal Realm monks on the battlefield outside the territory, this fortress may not be the most majestic among the major fortresses, but it carries the most tragic and evocative history.

Even looking at this majestic city from a distance, it is difficult to conceal the heroic spirit in my chest.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, starting from scratch and opening up the situation, the price that needs to be paid is also unimaginable.

Compared with Wangshu Fortress, there is nothing special about this Fortress of the Lost Souls. It’s just that the mottled and cracked city walls, and the long-dried bloodstains on the city wall, bear the weight and vicissitudes of life, which is moving.

From a distance, Ling Feng took back the Split Sky Shuttle and walked towards the Fortress of the Dead from the main entrance.

"Who is coming!"

The guard immediately shouted to stop the three of them.

Ling Feng raised the God of War Medal he was wearing, and then, a golden light shot into the sky.

Then, Yu Bingqing and Mr. Qingyan also took out their medals respectively.

The difference is that Yu Bingqing has the same golden light as himself, while the light emitted by Mr. Qingyan's medal is green light.

This means that they come from different forces.

The Great Yu Immortal Court is golden light, and the Xuntian Feng Clan is green light.

What surprised Ling Feng was that Mr. Qingyan, despite being so inconspicuous, was actually a six-star war god!

But when I think about it carefully, I feel relieved.

As an alchemist or a doctor, with such status, there are many opportunities to obtain merit points in the battlefield.

Even without going directly to the battlefield, it is more than enough to just heal the wounded and the generals.

After all, as long as you go to the battlefield, who can guarantee that you will not be injured at all?

"It turns out to be three Lords of War!"

The guards' attitude immediately became respectful.

The God of War not only means strength, but also means that they have made great achievements on the battlefield where immortals and demons clashed.

He is the role model that every soldier on the battlefield outside the territory aspires to be.

Soon, the side door of the fortress slowly rose, and a group of guards lined up to greet them.

"Excuse me, this Lord God of War from the Xuantian Wind Clan is here to visit. What is the purpose of your visit?"

A squad leader saluted Mr. Qingyan respectfully.

He had the highest level of cultivation and the highest level of God of War. The squad leader naturally thought that Mr. Qingyan was the leader.

"Haha, I'm just a guide. It's this young friend who is the real owner of this trip!"

Mr. Qingyan chuckled.


The squad leader looked at Ling Feng.

I didn't feel that I was condescending when I was on the tower before.

But now that I got closer, I realized that this "little friend" was too young.

He looks like a three-year-old child!

Is he that kind of born dwarf?

Or, have the blood of some special races.

However, the identity of the God of War cannot be deceived.

Every war god deserves respect regardless of appearance or age.

The squad leader bowed to Ling Feng and said, "I don't know how to call the God of War."

"My name is Shui Han."

Ling Feng's voice was somewhat milky, which made the captain doubt that this guy was really only three years old.

A three-year-old god of war? ? ?

It’s so outrageous!


The squad leader's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly remembered that the envoy from the Conquest Alliance had told him that a three-star war god named Shui Han would come to carry out the mission of the Black Dragon Secret Order in the near future.

Could it be that this child is not successful?

It is said that the Shuihan God of War was promoted one after another in just three months, and was directly promoted to become a three-star God of War!

"You are the Shuihan War God!"

The squad leader stared at Ling Feng in disbelief with his eyes widened.

The other guards all stared at Ling Feng.

These "fiery" gazes made Ling Feng somewhat unexpected.

Could it be that he is already so famous?

Isn't it?

If others knew his thoughts, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Not even that!

Three months and three stars!

Some people spend their whole lives fighting in foreign battlefields and eventually die on the battlefield, but they may not be promoted to the God of War.

And some people, by the time they become the God of War, have already turned into ashes.

He has been promoted to three-star God of War in the past three months, which is a terrifying record that has never been seen before and will never be followed again.

"Shui Han War God, the envoy of the Alliance of War has given special instructions. I will take you to the War Temple now."

The squad leader looked at the other two people, "Who are these two?"

"I, Qingyan, can just make some pills."


The captain's eyes narrowed again, and he quickly said with a smile: "Sir, you are joking, alchemists are highly respected."

When Yu Bingqing saw that both Ling Feng and Mr. Qingyan were showing off, she immediately introduced herself, "I am Yu Bingqing, the eldest princess of Yu Xianting."

"The eldest princess?" The team leader reacted for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly widened, "You are the eldest princess of the Great Yu Immortal Court who aroused the colossal statue of the gods!"

His eyes were wider and more exaggerated this time.

My eyes almost fell out.

What is the value of the Colossus of Gods?

It was as if a future Broken Nine-level powerhouse was standing in front of him!


The squad leader began to tremble a little when he spoke excitedly.

"Okay, okay, stop growing. Some of them won't grow. It's time to feel uncomfortable!"

Yu Bingqing squinted her eyes and glanced at Ling Feng with a playful look on her face.


Ling Feng cursed in his heart, why can't you grow up? You can't grow up!


The team leader smiled awkwardly, but did not dare to echo Yu Bingqing's words. He quickly changed the subject and said: "Three Gods of War, please come with me."

Under the leadership of the guard captain, a group of three people soon arrived outside a magnificent hall.

War Temple!

Where the Conquest Alliance headquarters is located.

Theoretically, all beings promoted to God of War are under the unified jurisdiction of the War Alliance.

Of course, there are actually some differences according to the different forces they belong to.

The War Alliance also has some directly affiliated elders.

For example, Elder Xingyan and Elder Yu Lei who visited Wangshu Fortress last time were all with the group of elders directly under them.

And within this group of elders, the top ten elders are in charge of all major affairs of the Alliance.

It can be said that the greater the number of people in the top ten seats, the greater the power of the forces behind them in the alliance.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng's Dayu Xianting didn't have anyone in the top ten seats.

Therefore, Dayu Xianting has always been excluded from the factional disputes in the alliance.

"This is the Temple of War."

The guard captain took a deep breath and stopped in front of the hall.

"Except for the internal staff, our ordinary soldiers are not qualified to enter the Temple of War."

The guard captain smiled and said, "I can only bring a few Lords of War here."

"Thank you very much!"

Ling Feng nodded to the guard captain to thank him.

The captain was immediately flattered, "This is a matter within the scope of my subordinates! Lord God of War, you are so polite!"

At this moment, several guards wearing silver standard armor and carrying heavy swords on their backs came from the Temple of War. They walked forward in neat steps.

"I'm humble, Raymond, and I'd like to meet the three Gods of War!"

The leader, a burly commander, led the rest of the guards and knelt down on one knee to salute the three of them.

However, he only bowed lightly and stood up immediately.

It can be seen that they are just saluting the God of War as a routine, and they don't seem to have much respect in their hearts.

After all, they are guards stationed at the Temple of War, and they still have a bit of arrogance at their core!

They didn't even bother to look at the team leader who led Ling Feng here, and then said with a cold face: "What are you still standing there for? Don't you need to stand guard over the city tower?"

"Yes, yes, my subordinate, go now!"

The team leader quickly backed away, said hello to Ling Feng and the others, and trotted away.

"Those who watch the gate are just gatekeepers, they don't have any eyesight at all!"

Commander Lei Meng snorted softly, and when he looked at Ling Feng and the others, his expression changed again, but he still looked arrogant and wanted to keep strangers away.

"Gods of War, please follow me!"

Raymond didn't say much, he turned around and walked towards the Temple of War.

This superior gesture made Ling Feng feel a little unhappy.

However, Ling Feng didn't bother to argue with such a small person.

As for Mr. Qingyan, he is more open-minded and doesn't care.

As for Yu Bingqing, she bit her silver teeth and looked unhappy.

After all, she is a eldest princess and a one-star war god.

You little guard commander, what the hell!

As everyone knows, in the final analysis, this is the reason why Dayu Immortal Court does not have one of the top ten seats in the Council of Elders, so it has no sense of existence.

Not long after, Commander Lei Meng took the three of them to a side hall, and then said: "Please wait here for the two war gods. The elders only invited Shuihan War God to go this time."

With that said, he walked up to Ling Feng and said calmly: "Shuihan God of War, please come with me."

"What kind of attitude!"

Yu Bingqing was so angry that she finally broke out, "What elder, you are so proud, I can't even see him again!"

Commander Lei Meng ignored Yu Bingqing's anger at all, and instead sneered, "Elders from the top ten seats, do Bingqing War God think you have enough dignity?"

The eyes were partly mocking and partly teasing, which made Yu Bingqing a little annoyed.

But she couldn't refute it yet.

Top ten seats...

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!

Ling Feng gently pulled Yu Bingqing's sleeves and shook his head at her.

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and could only say quietly: "Okay then, I'll wait for you outside."

"Let's go, don't keep the elders waiting."

Raymond urged with an indifferent expression.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. He remembered the way this guy mocked Yu Bingqing just now.

It's okay to look down on him, but if he mocks Yu Bingqing, Ling Feng always feels a little unhappy.

"Who are you? Don't you bow your head when talking to this God of War?"

Ling Feng glanced at Lei Meng coldly and said coldly: "Also, I hate it when people talk to me with their nostrils!"

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and a shocking calamity shot out.

Then, Commander Lei Meng felt a sharp pain in his head. Before he could react, Ling Feng had already raised his calf and kicked him hard on the knee.


There was a scream, and the next moment, Commander Raymond fell to the ground, right in front of Yu Bingqing, and fell into the mud.


Yu Bingqing immediately clapped her hands and shouted that she deserved it, and at the same time her heart felt sweet.

That brat actually stood up for himself!

He has me in his heart!


Commander Lei Meng was shaking with anger. He was a powerful Immortal Emperor, but he was easily defeated by an Immortal Lord?


Raymond gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and was about to curse, when he heard a cold snort coming from the corridor behind him.

"How dare you! Raymond, the God of War is the God of War. How brave are you to call the God of War a boy?"

Then, from the shadows in the depths of the corridor, a tall woman wearing elegant clothes walked out, with a knight's sword at her waist.

Her combed hair was tied into a smart golden ponytail, and matched with the tight clothes that outlined her figure, she looked full of mature charm, and her delicate and pretty face also had a bit of exotic charm.

When he saw the woman appear, Raymond was startled, trembling all over, and said quickly: "Elder Yuna, I... I don't dare!"

That woman is actually an elder!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

She doesn't seem to belong to any of the seven major forces.

"Get out of here!"

Yuna snorted coldly, and Commander Raymond immediately nodded as if he was being pardoned, and actually rolled on the ground.

Where is the arrogant look from before?

One sentence can make an Immortal Emperor roll on the ground.

Commander Raymond was obviously extremely afraid of this woman.

Immediately afterwards, Yuna was seen twisting her waist, moving lightly, walking in front of everyone, her eyes swept, and finally fell on Ling Feng.

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