Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3984: Big mouth slaps you!

"Are you the Shuihan War God?"

Elder Yuna looked at Ling Feng with her eyes. According to the information previously obtained, Shui Han should have practiced some special body training method, so he became like a child.

"it's me."

Ling Feng nodded. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Ling Feng always felt that this woman had a wild aura that was different from the human race.

just like……

Demon Queen, Keveli?

But Ling Feng soon shook his head and smiled, giving up the idea.

There is no demonic aura about her, perhaps because her face has some exotic charm similar to that of a high-level demon.

"Come with me."

Without saying anything, Elder Yuna turned around, twisted her willow-like waist, and walked along the long corridor in front of her.

Ling Feng looked at her back and felt that this woman's waist was ridiculously thin, but her hips were extremely plump.

Such a figure is really rare!

While he was in a daze, there was suddenly a sharp pain in his ear. Yu Bingqing pinched his ear, squatted down, and asked softly in her ear: "Does it look good?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng finally came to his senses and shook his head quickly, "It doesn't look good! It doesn't look good at all!"

"Huh!" Yu Bingqing let go of her hand and gave Ling Feng a faint look.

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have any wild ideas, he was just making a judgment.

"Then I'm going in."

Ling Feng smiled silly at Yu Bingqing, and this time he ran quickly in the direction of Elder Yuna.

After a while, Ling Feng reached the side of Elder Yuna, and heard Elder Yuna give him a joking expression, "It seems that the relationship between Shui Han War God and the eldest princess is not normal, right?"


Ling Feng laughed a few times and did not answer.

Elder Yuna shrugged and didn't say much.

The two of them walked in tandem and quickly entered a somewhat cramped quiet room.


As a thick stone door opened, inside was a wide, round-edged stone table. Directly opposite, three old men were sitting on the table.

There was a person in the middle, wearing a loose blue robe. Although he was sitting, his tall and burly figure could still be seen.

The person on the right has a golden beard, is also tall and strong, and has a pair of dragon horns on his head.

It seems to be a dragon.

The person on the left doesn't look like anything special, but there is a sword in his eyes, and he seems to be a strong swordsman.

The furnishings in the entire quiet room are also very simple. It can be seen from the dense inscriptions on the stone walls that this should be an extremely hidden place.

Basically, outsiders will never have the chance to know every word spoken in this room.

"Elder Beiming, Elder Jianxin, Elder Shenglin, and War God Shuihan have arrived."

Yuna bowed to the three people sitting in the room. One sentence could make Raymond command the strong women rolling around on the ground, but now she was like a docile deer.

It's really the first level of officialdom that can kill people.

And these three people in front of me are the so-called top ten in the Alliance, as Commander Lei Meng said?

He continued to look closely, but he saw that Elder Yu Lei, who had been to Wangshu Fortress before, was not even qualified to sit down and could only stand aside and wait.


The elder Beiming in the middle nodded slightly towards Yuna. Yuna understood and walked aside to stand with Elder Yu Lei.

When Elder Yu Lei saw Elder Yuna coming, he politely moved the first place out of the way and let Elder Yuna stand in front of him.

It seems that even though she is also an elder, Yuna's status is still higher than that of Elder Yu Lei.

Who is this woman? Even the direct descendants of Xuntian Lei Clan are overwhelmed by her.

"Junior Shui Han, I have met several elders!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and bowed to the elders.

"War God Shuihan, when meeting the Ten Elders for the first time, he should kneel down and salute..."

Elder Yu Lei quickly reminded in a low voice.

Ling Feng didn't seem to hear it at all.


Kneel down if you like!

Seeing that Ling Feng remained unmoved, a trace of undetectable displeasure flashed in Elder Beiming's eyes, but he pretended to be generous and smiled, "Young man, you are a proud man, you don't have to stick to these red tapes."

"Thank you, elder."

Ling Feng then raised his head and looked at the three elders.

Unexpectedly, among the top ten seats, there are even dragons, but there are no strong men from Dayu Immortal Court.

The elder Beiming was obviously a strong man from the Xuntian Lei Clan, and as for the elder Jianxin, there was a hint of domineering and fiery aura.

It seems to be the Xuntian Fire Clan.

Obviously, the people in this room are all united front and belong to the Xuntian Thunder Clan faction.

"Looking at my little friend, there seems to be some aura belonging to the Xuntian Ice Tribe."

Elder Beiming squinted his eyes, smiled, and casually made a tentative question.

"My ancestors did have the bloodline of the Xuntian Ice Clan, but when it comes to my lineage, it is no longer even a collateral line, and I don't dare to climb high."

Ling Feng smiled. Although he didn't know how the old guy saw it, it didn't matter.

"Now that you are a three-star war god, you are no longer a high achiever."

Elder Bei Ming laughed, "But since you are not a direct descendant of Dayu Xianting, have you ever thought about acknowledging your ancestors? Of course, if you don't like the Xuntian Ice Clan, we welcome you to join our Conquest Alliance!" After a pause, Elder Bei Ming continued, "As long as you nod, I can promise you that you will soon become the first Immortal Venerable Elder of the Conquest Alliance. In addition, when you are promoted to the Immortal Emperor, our Conquest Alliance will definitely have the strength to protect you." Sure enough! Ling Feng sneered in his heart. No wonder he let himself in, it turned out to be a win-over! He even used the Xuntian Ice Clan bloodline to get close to him. If it were an ordinary person, he would naturally not be able to resist such a temptation. Unfortunately, among the five Xuntian clans, Ling Feng hated the Xuntian Fire Clan and the Xuntian Thunder Clan the most. Coincidentally, the elders of the Fire Clan and the Thunder Clan were all together! He smiled and said calmly, "The elder is really too kind to me. I appreciate the elder's kindness, but Her Royal Highness the Princess has been so kind to me, so I..."

"Don't rush to refuse, my friend."

Elder Bei Ming smiled calmly, "In fact, since you have been promoted to the God of War, you are already a member of my expedition alliance. It doesn't matter whether you stay in the God of War Temple as an elder or not."

As he said this, Elder Bei Ming looked at Elder Yu Lei who was standing beside him.

Elder Yu Lei understood and took out a black card from his arms.

"God of War Shui Han, here is the next batch of supplies to Wangshu Fortress, which includes various medicinal materials, ores, finished pills, and various cultivation resources. Since God of War Shui Han has come, this batch of supplies can be handed over to God of War Shui Han and taken back to Wangshu Fortress."

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. This small card doesn't seem to be a space magic weapon, right?

As if seeing Ling Feng's doubts, Elder Yu Lei continued: "With this card, you can go directly to the warehouse to extract the corresponding supplies. The time of the war god Shui Han in the extraterritorial battlefield is still short, and he doesn't know many things yet. In front of our Ghost Fortress, there are more than a dozen fortresses blocking the demons. Therefore, the Ghost Fortress is also the safest place in the extraterritorial battlefield. The supplies of the major forces are first concentrated in the Ghost Fortress, and then uniformly allocated." He smiled, with a trace of cunning on his face, "It is such a small card, but there are supplies and wealth that ordinary people can't imagine. Just draw a little bit..." He smiled very obscurely, lowered his voice, and continued: "War God Shui Han has worked so hard to make a trip. I think it's not too much to take one or two percent." "Oh?" Ling Feng's eyes condensed, staring at Elder Yu Lei with a smile, "Can I really take it?" "Of course!" Elder Yu Lei laughed, "As long as you become We are one of our own people. Let alone the one for Wangshu Fortress, it is just a matter of waving your fingers. Just take it with confidence. "

The more he spoke, the more proud he became, and the more he forgot himself, "Besides, if you don't take it, how can I take it?"

"If I don't take it, how can Elder Yuna take it?"

"Elder Yuna doesn't take it, ahem..."

He smiled, glanced at Elder Beiming at the top, and showed a smile you know, "In short, we are all one of our own people. It's really good for everyone to be good!"

"Good, really good."

Ling Feng smiled, "Just waving your fingers, you can get so many training materials, and you don't have to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. It's so dangerous to put your head on your belt. It's really exciting to think about it!"

"That's what I said!"

Elder Yu Lei laughed, "Brother Shui Han is really a smart man!"

However, before he finished speaking, Ling Feng suddenly raised his hand and slapped the old guy in the face. "Fuck you! My brothers are fighting hard on the frontline battlefield, and you guys just beckon and take 10% or 20% directly. You take 10%, he takes 10%. How much is left in the hands of the brothers? No wonder there is a shortage of elixirs and supplies on the battlefield. You are the only one who can support you!" Ling Feng frowned and said coldly: "It is true that I, Shui Han, am greedy for money, but I can't stand this! Fuck you! I will slap you to death!" After becoming the leader of the Linzi Camp, Ling Feng could understand more and more how difficult it was for these soldiers to fight against the demons without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If even the life-saving elixirs and immortal stones were swallowed by these people, what was the meaning of their sacrifice and bloodshed? Pah! The more Ling Feng thought about it, the angrier he became. He slapped the Elder Yu Lei so hard that he was at a loss. Elder Yu Lei, who was at least a Sun Wheel Realm, was completely suppressed and beaten by Ling Feng.

A few slaps made him see stars.

Ling Feng's hand strength was too terrifying!

Elder Bei Ming did not expect Ling Feng to be unmoved by such temptation, and his brows suddenly frowned.

Elder Sheng Lin and Elder Jian Xin also stared at Ling Feng.

Dare to slap Elder Yu Lei in front of them, isn't it the same as slapping them in the face!

Does this kid still take them seriously?

Just when Elder Jian Xin was about to get angry, he heard Elder Bei Ming laugh, "Okay, Xiaoyou Shuihan, congratulations! You have successfully passed the test! The Conquest Alliance needs young people like you who are upright and awe-inspiring!"

Elder Beiming stood up slowly and walked up to Ling Feng with a smile, "We are fighting for the position of the alliance. We bear great responsibilities, but at the same time we also face huge temptations. Not everyone can stick to their heart, no matter what. You must be able to control your greed. If you really agreed just now, I really wouldn’t dare to leave you at the headquarters of the Conquest Alliance."

The old man had a pleasant smile on his face, but Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart.

After all, he is an old fox who has matured with age, and his acting looks just like the real thing!

However, Ling Feng didn't expose it, and quickly helped Elder Yu Lei, pretending to be panicked, "Didn't I blame Elder Yu Lei wrongly? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too harsh!"

Elder Yu Lei had one of his front teeth knocked out by Ling Feng, and now he looked bruised and swollen.

He had long heard that this Shuihan God of War had incredible combat power and was the kind of terrifying monster who could kill the Immortal Emperor.

But he never dreamed that he could be so defiant.

Is it possible that only half-step brokenness can suppress him?

This is the peak of the Immortal Lord!

When he is truly promoted to Immortal Emperor, what will happen?

"Elder Yu Lei, you won't blame me, right?"

Ling Feng helped Elder Yu Lei stand up. The old guy was still dizzy and couldn't stand firmly. But when he saw Ling Feng's "kind" expression, his whole body was excited and he shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no... ...How could it be possible...I am a person who does not hold grudges..."

"That's good, Elder Yu Lei is really a huge amount of Wang Han! I admire you very much!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly in his heart and slapped the Immortal Emperor with his big mouth, which was really good!

The three elders, Beiming, looked at each other, with a hint of mystery flashing in their eyes.

The next moment, Elder Beiming sat down in his seat, and then said slowly: "Since I don't want to stay in the Temple of War as an elder, let's discuss this matter later."

Just kidding, after knowing Ling Feng's temper, how dare they leave this thorn behind.

By then, I’m afraid no one will be able to take it.

Elder Beiming coughed a few times before continuing: "Then let's talk about the Black Dragon Secret Order. How much do you know about the Dragon Abyss Gorge?"

"I don't know much, but I have some understanding."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said calmly: "My mission for this trip is to go to Longyuan Gorge to collect the light of chaos."

"It seems that the little friend knows quite clearly."

Elder Beiming nodded, "Collecting the light of chaos requires a very huge power of the soul. Unfortunately, the Longyuan Gorge is a very special place. Immortal emperors cannot enter it, and only immortals can enter it. I know that my soul is extremely powerful. If I send you to join the team that collects the light of chaos, you alone may be worth hundreds of people!"

After a pause, Elder Beiming continued: "However, there are certain dangers here, so I must be careful."

"Junior understands."

Elder Beiming chuckled and said: "In addition, if you can collect more than three thousand lights of chaos, then I will make an exception and promote you to a four-star war god! In addition, there will be rich rewards. "

What the hell!

What an insidious old thing!

Ling Feng clearly remembered that Mr. Qingyan said that if he collected a thousand Dao, it would be enough for promotion.

This old guy opened his mouth and said three thousand words, tripled!

I really thought I was stupid!

However, he also probably understood why he had just slapped Elder Yu Lei so hard that these old guys didn't even fall out.

It turns out that because of my special situation, I am the most suitable to collect the light of chaos!

In this case, the initiative is in your own hands!

Want to take advantage of me?


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