Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3985: Murderous intention!

"Three thousand ways?"

Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the elder Beiming, smiled slightly and said: "But how come this junior heard that generally speaking, a thousand rays of chaotic light are enough for promotion?"


Elder Beiming was directly exposed, and the expression on his face was slightly unnatural, but he still smiled and said: "This is of course because your situation is a little special, and the expectations of the Alliance for you are relatively high! so……"

After a pause, Elder Beiming continued: "If you can collect enough light of chaos in Longyuan Gorge, you will be promoted to one additional star for every three thousand channels, with the upper limit of three stars. And after nine thousand channels of chaotic light, , for every extra thousand, I will give you an additional treasure to choose from among the top treasure troves of the Conquest Alliance. Do you think this is satisfactory?"

When Ling Feng heard this, he suddenly felt happy. This old boy was sure that he could not collect so much light of chaos, so he deliberately said the reward was so exaggerated.

However, there was still a trace of embarrassment on his face, "Although the conditions seem very attractive, the conditions to be met are a bit too harsh. Ten Thousand Lights of Chaos, I heard that the Gorge of Longyuan The risk is not low either.”

"Little friend Shui Han, you don't have to be too humble. You can slap the Immortal Emperor of the Sun Wheel Realm at the Immortal level. Your strength is enough to create miracles."

Elder Beiming would not let go easily. Before Ling Feng could continue to refute, he coughed lightly and said calmly: "Okay, let's let the matter be settled. I will go down to rest first. Tomorrow morning, I will We will arrange the trip to Longyuan Gorge.”

"This... okay..."

Ling Feng pretended to sigh melancholy, but there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

If I emptied the top treasure trove of the Conquest Alliance, I wonder what the expressions would be on the faces of these old men?

Elder Beiming looked back at Yuna and said calmly: "Yuna, take little friend Shuihan down."

"Yes! Elder Beiming!"

Yuna moved lightly, twisting her thin willow-like waist and walked up to Ling Feng, "Shuihan God of War, please come with me."

When Ling Feng followed Yuna out of the stone room, the thick stone door slowly fell, the elder Jianxin slapped the table hard, "He is so arrogant, so arrogant! This kid, how much does he rely on himself?" It’s too arrogant to be capable!”


There was a shattering sound on the stone table, and it was actually a crack created by the elder Jianxin's slap.

The cracks spread quickly, and then the entire stone table collapsed.

Elder Yu Lei knelt down in front of Elder Beiming with a pop, "Master Beiming, you have to make the decision for your subordinates!"

He was beaten so hard by Ling Feng that all his front teeth fell out, his words were leaky, half of his cheeks were swollen, and he looked extremely miserable.


Elder Beiming snorted coldly, looked at Elder Shenglin aside, and asked calmly: "Shenglin, what do you think?"

"You are arrogant because of your talent, and you don't know how high the sky is."

Elder Shenglin shook his head and smiled, "If you are not of any use to me, why not..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth.

"On the battlefield, he is indeed a talent. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Elder Beiming smiled faintly. Although he did not express it clearly, he acquiesced in Elder Shenglin's opinion.

Facing such arrogant juniors, these old guys all had murderous intentions.

"Kenshin, I'll leave this matter to you."

After a moment, Elder Beiming looked at Elder Jianxin, hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head.

"This boy is really against the will of heaven. To be on the safe side, Jian Xin and Sheng Lin, you two will go with us to the Gorge of Long Yuan and do it more cleanly."

"Elder Beiming, you are worrying too much!"

Elder Jianxin snorted coldly, "Even though that kid has some abilities, with my half-step broken level strength, it's more than enough. Why bother adding Brother Shenglin!"

"No, it's better to be more cautious." Elder Beiming said coldly.

Elder Shenglin nodded, "That's fine, I just want to go out and stretch my muscles."

Elder Beiming smiled coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "By the way, it seems that the eldest princess of Dayu Immortal Court is also here?"

"It seems so."

Elder Yu Lei on the side quickly came forward and said, "The guards and subordinates reported this before."

"What a good time, what a coincidence."

Elder Beiming said slowly: "You think, what is this genius who has not grown up?"

"That's bullshit!" Elder Jianxin smiled sinisterly, "It's ridiculous for a mere Yu Xianting to dream of possessing a ninth-level broken warrior!"

Elder Shenglin shrugged and said nothing.

"Hey, it's a pity that a generation of genius fell into the Gorge of Longyuan."

Elder Beiming took a deep breath and pretended to be sad: "What a pity!"

the other side.

Ling Feng followed Elder Yuna along the long corridor and quickly returned to the side hall outside.


Yu Bingqing walked quickly to Ling Feng and asked curiously: "How are you doing? What did you say?"

Ling Feng shrugged and simply said: "We won't know the details until tomorrow. In short, we will leave for Longyuan Gorge tomorrow."

As he said that, he looked back at Elder Yuna and asked, "Can my companion who came with me come with me?"

According to what those elders said, it seems that only those at the Immortal level can enter the Gorge of Longyuan and collect the light of chaos.


Elder Yuna nodded, "When collecting the light of chaos, there is a certain degree of danger. It is naturally best if you have a trusted companion to protect you."

"I see."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Thank you, Elder Yuna, for your advice."

Yuna nodded and smiled at Ling Feng, "Someone will take you to a resting place in a while. I have other things to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he nodded to Ling Feng and the others, then turned and left.

Watching Elder Yuna's back gradually disappear, Ling Feng felt pain in his ears again, but Yu Bingqing grabbed his ears again.

"You guys seem to be getting along very well! It makes your eyes wide open!"

The voice had a sour taste.

"Ahem..." Ling Feng finally came back to his senses, "You misunderstood, I just think her appearance is a bit strange."

"Humph, blond hair and blue eyes, very fresh, right?"

Yu Bingqing waved his fist.

"It's not that it's not new..."

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could it be that he suspected that the dignified elders of the Conquest Alliance might be demons?

After all, this is just a feeling with no evidence.

Or maybe, just like him, she actually has some demonic abilities.

After a while, a guard quickly walked into the side hall and led everyone out of the War Temple to the resting place.

"Over there is the Military Academy, over there is Xueluo Castle, over there is..."

The guard responsible for guiding the way introduced the various buildings in the Fortress of the Dead to Ling Feng and his party, and seemed to be very attentive.

It seems that the previous scene where Ling Feng taught Commander Lei Meng also taught these proud War Temple guards a "unique" lesson.

At this moment, several figures walked towards him, and two of them were old acquaintances of Ling Feng!

It is Wan Jun and Wan Xiner!

As expected, they also came to the battlefield outside the territory!

From a distance, I heard Wan Xin'er smiling beside Wan Jun and saying: "Brother Wan Jun, the elders of the alliance this time ask you to go to Longyuan Gorge to collect the light of chaos. I'll make it clear that I will give it to you." If you have the chance, you can be promoted to the God of War in one fell swoop!”

Wan Jun didn't have too many expressions on his face, he just said lightly: "I hope so."

He came to the battlefield outside the territory and has been practicing hard for three months.

And places like the Space-Time Fault are naturally free and open to a talented person like Wan Jun.

Over this period of time, Wan Jun's cultivation and strength can be said to have improved rapidly.

As for this opportunity to go to Longyuan Gorge, it is just a first try to test your skills.

If everything goes well, Wan Jun can rely on this opportunity to be promoted to the God of War.

However, he was somewhat concerned about the emergence of the genius from Dayu Xianting who had been promoted to three stars in succession within three months.

In addition, another monster that attracted the giant statue of the gods also made him feel even more stressed.

Even if you are yourself, can you really trigger the colossus of the gods?

"See His Royal Highness the Holy Son, see Miss Xin'er!"

Seeing Wan Jun and his two men walking towards each other, the guard from the Temple of War who was leading the way quickly bowed and saluted.

Wan Jun nodded towards the guard and looked at the other three. Sensing Mr. Qingyan's Immortal Emperor level aura, he quickly bowed to him and said, "Senior!"

However, when he saw Yu Bingqing's appearance clearly, his eyes suddenly froze.

Isn't this the eldest princess of Yu Xianting, Her Royal Highness Yu Bingqing?

He had met Yu Bingqing several times before when he was fighting for the dragon body fragment in Zangtian Fengyuan. Therefore, when he saw Yu Bingqing again, he naturally recognized him at a glance.

"Your Highness the Princess!"

Wan Jun took a deep breath and felt even more stressed in front of Yu Bingqing.

At this moment, in the battlefield outside the territory, no one knows about Yu Bingqing's great catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor and the activation of the colossus of the gods.

"It turns out to be Holy Son Wanjun."

Yu Bingqing nodded slightly towards him, Wan Jun's name also struck her ears like thunder.

Although he is still just an Immortal, being able to practice the "Eight Steps of Thunder" secret technique to a perfect level is enough to prove his talent.

"so cute!"

Wan Xiner, on the other hand, regardless of whether he was an immortal emperor or not, a genius or not, his eyes were immediately attracted to Ling Feng.

She immediately squatted down, came close to Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Little brother, what is your name?"

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, as if they were strangers to each other.

"Tell me, okay?"

Wan Xiner stretched out her hand to pinch Ling Feng's little face. Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, stepped aside and said in a deep voice, "My name is Shui Han."

It's a pity that his shy and evasive look made Wan Xiner even more energetic, "Haha, my little brother is still shy, please let me hug you!"

As he spoke, he opened his arms to hug Ling Feng, and at the same time, he raised his head and asked, "Your Highness, the eldest princess, why didn't I hear that you have such a lovely son?"


Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of blood, what a look in this girl's eyes!

Unexpectedly, Yu Bingqing also smiled with interest and said: "Haha, I just found out about it."


Wan Xiner was stunned for a moment, but she was immediately attracted by Ling Feng's cute appearance. She looked at Ling Feng with a smile and said: "Little brother, please let sister hug you, and sister will treat you to something delicious, okay?" !”

You really treat me like a child!

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "I'm not a child, I'm Shui Han! Three-star God of War, Shui Han!"

As soon as these words came out, Wan Jun reacted immediately.

No wonder the name Shui Han sounds familiar.

He quickly pulled Wan Xiner away and saluted Ling Feng with a fist, "I'm sorry, my roommate is naughty. I hope War God Shuihan won't take offense."


Wan Xiner was still staring at Ling Feng in disbelief, "He... He is the God of War at such a young age? Or is he... the three-star God of War?"

"Something went wrong while I was practicing the secret technique."

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled bitterly, and explained casually.

"I see, but it's still so cute."

Wan Xiner looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "I really want to pinch your little face!"

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He had really had enough of the word "cute". I'm such a pure man!

"It seems that War God Shuihan has just come out from the War Temple, and he is probably heading to Longyuan Gorge together, right?"

Wan Jun looked at Ling Feng and asked tentatively.


Ling Feng nodded, "Brother Wan too, right? What a coincidence!"

"Then, I hope War God Shuihan will give me some advice."

Wan Jun took a deep look at Ling Feng. Although it was the first time he had seen the "child"-looking man in front of him, it gave him a vague sense of familiarity.

Or maybe, it's just a feeling of sympathy between the same geniuses.

He is also a peak immortal, but the opponent is already a three-star war god.

Before this, except for Ling Feng from the Tiandao clan, Wan Jun had never obeyed any of his peers.

Now, I'm afraid another person will be added to the list.

And if he knew that Shui Han was actually Ling Feng, how would he feel?

"Brother Wan is so humble. We just need to take care of each other."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and the two parties left without too much politeness.

"It seems that you and this Wan Jun get along quite well!"

Yu Bingqing lowered her voice, leaned close to Ling Feng's ear, and said with a smile.

Only she knew that Ling Feng's true identity was that he was a descendant of the Tiandao clan.

It is quite unbelievable that the Tiandao Clan actually calls themselves brothers and sisters with the most outstanding one from the Xuntian Lei Clan.

Feeling a gentle stream of air hitting his earlobe, Ling Feng felt a little itchy in his heart. He coughed a few times, smiled lightly and said, "He is indeed not bad."

At least, in Wuluo Ruins, everyone lived and died together, and shared hardships.

Yu Bingqing pursed her lips and said, "Really? Good son?"


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood and staggered, barely able to stand still. Why is this woman still playing this trick?


Yu Bingqing laughed so hard that she immediately picked up Ling Feng, put him in her arms, and said with a smile: "Let's go, you have little arms and legs, you walk too slowly, so let me hold you!"

As he said that, he glared at the guard leading the way, "Lead the way, why are you still here?"


The guard came back to his senses and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes..."

Mr. Qingyan shook his head and smiled. Young people nowadays have so many tricks up their sleeves!

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