Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3992 I believe you!

"Boy, prepare for your death!"

There seemed to be flames gushing out of Leonard's blood-colored eyes.

As a half-step broken warrior, he was actually injured twice by a small immortal!

This is undoubtedly a great shame!

The sickle blade, which was hundreds of feet long, cut everything, shattered everything, and crushed it down with a devastating force.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. The crushing power on the sickle blade was enough to annihilate all laws and wipe out all magical powers.

Even though Ling Feng displayed his ghost and god appearance and struggled to hold on, even his ghost and god appearance began to disintegrate in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

The armor condensed by Hongmeng's brilliance was all shattered, and Ling Feng's ghost and god statue was crushed to pieces!


The next moment, Ling Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The dharma of ghosts and gods is closely connected with the origin of Ling Feng's soul. With the fragmentation of the dharma of ghosts and gods, Ling Feng's soul origin naturally suffers corresponding backlash.

"Hahahaha! So what if the origin of the Broken Level Divine Soul is there? Even the moon wheel has not yet condensed. There is an empty treasure, but it cannot be used at all!"

Seeing Ling Feng being completely crushed by him, Leonard laughed wildly.

In his opinion, the man and woman in front of him were nothing more than fish on the chopping board.

"You want to live and die in the same cave, right? I just won't grant your wish. Boy, after killing you, I will take this woman back and humiliate her to death! Hahahaha!"

Leonard laughed wildly and didn't notice at all that Ling Feng's eyes were getting colder.

This person has a way to die!

Even if he can't be killed today, his name has already been recorded on Ling Feng's must-kill list!

"Bingqing, I was borrowing your magic power just now, now it's up to you to use the power of my consciousness!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and did not let his anger go to his head.

Leonard's words just now, although they were nasty, also awakened Ling Feng.

Yes, he is limited by his realm and is destined to be unable to exert the true power of the broken soul.

However, now he and Yu Bingqing, with the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix as the medium, can be said to be one with each other.

Although he was unable to exert the true power of this divine soul, Yu Bingqing, she was the real Immortal Emperor!

Moreover, she previously majored in the Law of Charm, which is also a kind of secret technique of the Soul Dao.

The origin of her soul is not weak in itself.

It was only in front of Ling Feng that it was overshadowed.

"but I……"

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth, and when she saw Ling Feng's face as white as a sheet of paper, her eyes instantly became extremely firm.

"You have been protecting me all this time. This time, I will protect you!"

She took a deep breath, and there was no longer any hesitation or hesitation in her eyes.

"Tell me what I should do!"

Yu Bingqing looked deeply at Ling Feng. At this moment, it seemed that there was nothing else but Ling Feng in her eyes.

The sickle blade has almost overwhelmed the top of his head, and Ling Feng has no other means to resist the "death sickle" that carries the power of destruction.

After all, his Dantian is now sealed. Although he can use Yu Bingqing's magic power, the side effects of the secret techniques he masters are too great.

Maybe he could bear it, but even if a small part of it came back to Yu Bingqing, she would probably pay an irreparable price.

This is something Ling Feng doesn't want to see anyway.

"You are the Immortal Emperor, how to use the soul source is up to you!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Yu Bingqing, "This time, my life and yours are in your hands! I believe in you!"

He had never put his life completely in the hands of others like this.

At this moment, under the close connection of the dragon and phoenix concentric rings, he could clearly feel Yu Bingqing's heart.

He chose to believe in Yu Bingqing.

The majestic and vast power of the soul instantly filled their spiritual seas.

Yu Bingqing finally understood why Ling Feng was so defiant.

His spiritual sea is really too vast and boundless.

And the origin of the soul was beyond her reach.

Can I...really do it?

Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth tightly. It was like using a ladle to scoop out sea water. How much sea water can be scooped out in one go?

Even if she is the Immortal Emperor, it seems that she cannot control such a huge power of the soul.

"You just spend as much as you like, and leave the rest to me!"

And the next moment, Ling Feng's words gave her endless motivation.

Yes, even if it's a ladle scooping out the ocean, as long as I scoop it out fast enough, I can always scoop out a river or even a lake!

With the blessing of Ling Feng's almost endless soul power, Yu Bingqing took a deep breath and used the many soul secret techniques she had mastered.

All kinds of secret magic powers were thrown at the dark sickle blade without any expense.

However, under the crushing force of the crushing force, it was completely meaningless, and it could not even slightly hinder the tendency of the sickle blade to chop down.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Leonard laughed wildly, "With this level of attack, do you want to tickle my magic sickle?"

Hailim and Pharos also smiled coldly.

"It seems that Shui Han is in a critical condition and has sought medical treatment."

A hint of joking flashed in Hailim's eyes, "Although that woman's realm is that of an Immortal Emperor, it's a pity that she hasn't even mastered the magic of ghosts and gods yet, so how can she control the power of the shattered level of consciousness!"

Although Faros did not speak, judging from the current situation, Shuihan's death was a foregone conclusion.

Yu Bingqing gritted her silver teeth and frantically activated Ling Feng's power of consciousness to perform various secret techniques, launching hundreds of attacks in one breath.

However, although it was supported by Ling Feng's huge soul source, its power was pitifully weak.

Seeing the sickle blade getting closer and closer, Yu Bingqing could only hold Ling Feng's young body in her arms and retreat again and again.

However, she was soon forced into the blind spot of the barrier array arranged by the demons in advance, and there was no way out.

"Run away, hahaha! Little girl, the more you run away, the more excited I will be!"

Leonard couldn't stop laughing wildly. In fact, when he used his crushing power to crush the whole situation, his mentality had already undergone a subtle change.

From being furious and manic, it turned into teasing and playing like a cat and mouse.

It should be noted that when a lion fights a rabbit, you need to go all out.

He underestimated Ling Feng and was destined to pay the price in blood.


Leonard stretched out his hand and took the sickle blade back into his hand.

He had said that he would not let Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing die together, so naturally he could not just swipe his sword and crush both of them into powder.

The sickle blade returned to its normal form in his hand, and the next moment, the pair of bloody bat wings behind Leonard flapped and appeared in front of Yu Bingqing.

Immediately afterwards, the sickle in his hand was placed on Ling Feng's neck.

At this moment, Ling Feng was being held in Yu Bingqing's arms, and the curved hook of the sickle blade had actually circled Ling Feng and both of them at the same time.

A half-step broken warrior was so close at hand, and violent demonic energy erupted and swept away.

But this time, Leonard obviously learned the lesson. The power of breaking was concentrated on the sickle blade, and at the same time, he guarded the sea of ​​spirit with his spiritual consciousness, never giving Ling Feng any chance to make a sneak attack.

"it's over!"

Leonard smiled coldly, "Woman, give you a chance, put that boy down, and I will spare your life!"

"It's time to end!"

Yu Bingqing's original panic and uneasiness suddenly disappeared.

Her eyes, as cold as snow and plum blossoms, burst out with murderous intent.

Leonard's expression changed. Could it be that everything this woman showed just now was all acting?

The next moment, behind Yu Bingqing, a divine dragon appeared rising into the sky.

The violent bloody air wave actually knocked Leonard away.


The next moment, blood splashed down.

In order to break free from the shackles of the magic scythe, Ling Feng actually bumped into the scythe blade with his own body.

Since he incorporated the prototype of the star core into his dantian and further tempered his physical body, he has almost never been injured again.

But this time, his extremely strong body was crushed to pieces by the crushing force.

Fortunately, his physical body did not collapse.

After all, the body that has been tempered by the Broken Star Core can already resist a bit of the edge of the Broken Power.

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and lived up to Ling Feng's sacrifice. She directly used Ling Feng's majestic power of divine consciousness as the foundation to sacrifice the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma.

This is not the Ancestral Dragon Dharma that is simply based on the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon in her body.

It was the divine soul dharma condensed by the will of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon contained in the drop of killing blood in Ling Feng's body.

In a sense, this is equivalent to the arrival of a wisp of remnants of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon!


The violent roar of the dragon shook the sky. When Leonard reacted, he was hit hard by the violent mental impact.

For a moment, Leonard only felt that there was an ancestral dragon shadow in his spiritual sea, which almost completely defeated his spiritual sea.


A violent wave of air exploded, and Leonard's figure was blown away.


Leonard's body was hit hard and flew out again.


Facing the direct impact of the willpower of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, Leonard directly spat out a mouthful of reverse blood.

But this time, he struggled to get up, only to find that all his limbs had been blown to pieces.

Just a little bit away, he might have been instantly killed by that force.

This is the true power of the blood of killing!


Hailim and Faros' eyelids twitched at the same time, and they both looked at Leonard.

This guy was in extreme embarrassment at this moment. Not only were his limbs blown up, but the bat wings behind him were also blown up, leaving only a little bit of broken flesh.

He just lay on the ground, grinning. Although the higher demons all use extremely strong physical self-healing abilities, this time, Leonard's body recovered very slowly, as if affected by the power of the ancestral dragon's will. suppress.


Yu Bingqing gasped for air. Although it was completely consumed by Ling Feng's spiritual power, the impact on her spirit was also not small.


However, Ling Feng didn't have a chance to give her a breather, and said in a deep voice: "Get out!"

While Leonard was seriously injured and everyone's attention was drawn to it, it was the best time to break through the blockade.

It's hard enough to hit one Half-Step Shatter, let alone two other Half-Step Shatters who haven't taken action yet.

Immediately, Ling Feng directly launched the boundary-breaking shuttle, and Yu Bingqing threw the dying Mr. Qingyan onto it at the same time.

With just a "whoosh" sound, the boundary-breaking shuttle instantly broke through the barrier and flew away.

"What? Boundary-breaking shuttle?"

Hailim's eyes widened. He thought it was a fatal situation in the dragnet, but Ling Feng actually escaped!

Unlike the Sky Breaking Shuttle, treasures like the Boundary Breaking Shuttle that can almost ignore the barrier are much rarer.

What's more, the barrier they set up almost targets the capabilities of most of the current boundary-breaking shuttles, but it can't stop Ling Feng's ship.

Little did they know that this boundary-breaking shuttle was made by the Demon Queen herself, and was far more than a hundred times more powerful than an ordinary boundary-breaking shuttle.

After all, when Keveli was trapped in the barrier of the Five Elements Boundary Monument, she also tried to use the boundary-breaking shuttle to break out.

In order to be able to break the barrier, she continued to study and refine it. Over a long period of time, Keveli almost transformed this barrier-breaking shuttle no less than a hundred thousand times!

Although she was ultimately unable to break the sealing barrier that sealed her, almost all the barriers in the outside world could not stop Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

"How can this boundary-breaking shuttle break through Thoreau's demonic world!"

Little did he know that Pharos was even more shocked.

He had already anticipated and considered the possibility that Ling Feng might have a boundary-breaking shuttle, but he did not expect that the other party's boundary-breaking shuttle would be so unbelievable.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Chase after me!"

The next moment, Faros shouted loudly and commanded all the powerful Demon Emperors to immediately chase Ling Feng in the direction of his escape.

At the same time, Faros and Hailim also turned into two black lights and shot out.

Although the speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle is not slow, it is still too naive to use it to escape the pursuit of the half-step broken warrior!

What's more, this is the Gorge of Longyuan!

But there is no place like Wangshu Fortress for this kid to hide.

No matter what, this boy must die today!

"I want to see where you can run! Die, die, die!!!!"

Leonard's eyes were blood-stained, and he didn't even care about his injuries. Before his limbs could recover, he soared into the sky, with a lone head connected to half of his broken body, and he chased after him wildly.

After all the demons chased them out, after a while, two more figures "swish" fell from the sky and flew down.

Surprisingly, it was Elder Jianxin and the armored puppet.

Seeing the mess all around, Elder Kenshin smiled coldly, "It seems that the battle is over? No, there seems to be more than one breath of the demons half-broken!"

Elder Jianxin's eyelids twitched slightly, and he was about to go back the same way, when he suddenly frowned, "Huh? That kid's aura has not dissipated yet? Could it be that, after being attacked by several half-step broken enemies, that kid is still alive! Damn it! Ah, are these idiots from the demon clan useless? Even one immortal can’t kill them with so many people!”

With a slight snort, Elder Jianxin hesitated for a moment, but still took the armored puppet and chased after the demons in the direction they were leaving.

If you are alive, you want to see people, if you are dead, you want to see corpses!

If Shui Han is not dead, he won't be able to deal with Elder Beiming when he goes back.

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