Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3993 Three major half-steps join forces!

Longyuan Gorge.

A boundary-breaking shuttle shot out like lightning, piercing the sky and passing through the countless towering forest of bones.

And behind the boundary-breaking shuttle, there was a large group of strong demons following. Wherever it passed, demonic energy rose up, which was terrifying.

Among them, there was a "devil" with only his head attached to half of his body, and his expression was the most ferocious. Naturally, he was Leonard who was severely injured by Yu Bingqing with the power of the will of the Blood Hell Dragon.

At this moment, Leonard was like a wild bull that had been completely enraged. He capsized in the ditch again and again, which had already made him lose face in front of the other two half-steps.

This place must be found.

Otherwise, he may become the Bannick clan, no, even the laughingstock of the entire demon clan.

On that speeding boundary-breaking shuttle, Ling Feng could only frantically put immortal stones and crystals into the energy array without any capital to maintain the maximum speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

Even so, seeing those half-steps broken, the distance has become closer and closer.

Ling Feng's face was as dark as water. He never expected that those demons would actually use three half-steps to kill him in one breath.

If it was just Leonard, Ling Feng could still try to fight him to the end, but there were two others. Even if he tried his best to kill one of them, he would definitely be in a state of exhaustion, and the rest would be exhausted. The two statues below were broken in half a step, and they could be crushed to death with a wave of their hands.

"Ling Feng, how are you?"

Yu Bingqing looked at the wound on Ling Feng's body, which was still bleeding, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

Just when he broke away from Leonard's magic scythe, Yu Bingqing's back originally hit the scythe blade directly.

But at the critical moment, it was Ling Feng who protected her body with his own body.

Otherwise, Yu Bingqing might not be able to withstand the direct frontal trauma of the shattering power given her physical strength.


Ling Feng's face was slightly pale. Seeing Yu Bingqing's concerned look, he shook his head and smiled and said, "Don't worry, you don't know my physical condition yet. I'll be fine in a while."

Although he said it lightly, it was still a wisp of breaking power.

It's probably quite difficult to heal this wound.

What's more, Ling Feng doesn't have time to deal with his injuries now.

He took a deep breath, glanced at Mr. Qingyan, who was still in a coma, and said in a deep voice: "Bingqing, you control the boundary shuttle for me first, don't worry about the fairy crystal."

As he spoke, he made a big move with his hand, and a large pile of fairy crystals piled up like a hill appeared around the core energy array.

All of them are top-grade fairy crystals, and there are even top-grade fairy crystals, Hongmeng fairy crystals!

Yu Bingqing nodded, and after taking over from Ling Feng, Ling Feng had time to walk towards Mr. Qingyan.

Although I have known Mr. Qingyan for only a few months.

However, during the discussion and exchange of alchemy with him, the two of them could be regarded as having a relationship like "friends who have been together forever".

No matter what, he couldn't just watch this big brother die in front of him.

At this moment, although the demonic energy in Mr. Qingyan's body had been absorbed by Ling Feng, the blood hole in his chest almost penetrated his entire chest.

You can even see the white bones inside, as well as the beating internal organs.

His internal organs were covered with a layer of black energy, which seemed to be a poison that had spread through his limbs and bones along with the flow of blood.

Ling Feng frowned. He had obviously absorbed all the demonic energy, but he didn't expect that the demonic energy of the half-step-breaking strong man was actually different from that of ordinary demon emperors.

Mr. Qingyan was shivering all over, but his whole body was as hot as a red-hot iron.

He was still mumbling some nonsense.

All these symptoms have proved that the origin of Mr. Qingyan's soul has fallen into a very chaotic state.

Otherwise, with his Immortal Emperor level cultivation, he wouldn't be like this.

If the delay continues, Mr. Qingyan may really turn into a corpse.

"Senior, it's all my fault for causing trouble to you."

Ling Feng sighed softly and tore open Mr. Qingyan's bloody clothes.

The wound had rotted away and gave off an unpleasant stench.

Ling Feng took out the Taixuan Golden Needle and sealed his bloodline.

The current situation was critical, and Ling Feng did not have time to treat Mr. Qingyan's injuries carefully, so he could only use the simplest and crudest method to help Mr. Qingyan repair the vitality diagram first.

Whoosh whoosh!

The golden needle pierced into Mr. Qingyan's orifice. Mr. Qingyan was stimulated by the severe pain and let out a muffled groan.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Yu Bingqing, who was driving the boundary-breaking shuttle, shouted in panic: "Ling Feng, it's bad, we are going to be overtaken! No, we have been overtaken. There is a half-step demon emperor who has stopped the boundary-breaking shuttle. before."

"Delay for a while longer!"

Ling Feng sweated slightly on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "We have reached the critical moment!"

"I try my best!"

Yu Bingqing took a deep breath and quickly controlled the direction of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

However, the next moment, there was only a loud "boom" sound, and the entire boundary-breaking shuttle shook violently.

But it turned out that it was Leonard who gave a headbutt and hit his head directly on the side wall of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

"Still want to run? You can't run away anymore!"

Leonard stared ferociously at Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing inside the boundary-breaking shuttle, and let out a weird laugh.

This guy's head is also ridiculously hard, and it actually made a deep dent in the boundary-breaking shuttle guarded by the magic circle.

I'm afraid if he hits it three or five more times, the boundary-breaking shuttle will be destroyed by him.


Immediately afterwards, two more figures surrounded them, one on the left and one on the right, blocking Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

"War God Shuihan, why are you running in such a hurry? We haven't even had time to get intimate with you yet!"

Hailim, who had a lazy look on his face, casually took out a fan-shaped magic weapon, unfolded the fan, and with a flick of the fan, a hurricane tore through the void and directly involved Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

In an instant, the boundary-breaking shuttle began to spin violently on the spot.

The entire cabin was torn apart bit by bit by the storm.

Obviously, Hailim also realized the uniqueness of Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

In order to avoid future troubles, this boundary-breaking shuttle must be completely destroyed.



Watching the hull of the boundary-breaking shuttle explode bit by bit, Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Yu Bingqing is even more confused.

I didn’t expect these guys to pursue me so closely!

"What to do? What should we do now?"

I finally saw hope of survival, but after just a short while, I was surrounded again.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng tried his best to steady his body and stabbed the last few needles into Mr. Qingyan's body.

When I was giving Mr. Qingyan acupuncture just now, I noticed that there seemed to be something abnormal about Mr. Qingyan's body.

But now, I can’t control so much.

"Bingqing, take good care of Mr. Qingyan, and I will give you a chance!"

"No! As agreed, dragons and phoenixes share the same heart, life and death share the same acupoint! I didn't leave before, and I won't leave now!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, took a deep look at Yu Bingqing, and revealed a tragic smile, "Bingqing, if we can get out alive today, I...will marry you!"

"You...what did you say?"

Tears welled up in Yu Bing's clear eyes.

Finally, I finally waited for this sentence!

Ling Feng raised his tender palm and gently stroked Yu Bingqing's cheek without saying anything.

For some things, just saying them once is enough.

The next moment, Ling Feng's eyes flashed with incomparable determination, and turned into a thunder, rushing out of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of blood flashed, and Yu Bingqing followed closely behind, inseparable!

The boundary-breaking shuttle that lost control fell from the sky, smashed into a forest of bones, and fell into debris on the ground.

As for Mr. Qingyan, although Ling Feng had put up a defensive barrier around him in advance, whether he could escape today's disaster depends on his own luck.

He could only go so far.

When the palms of Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing were held together again, the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix suddenly became brighter and brighter than before, unprecedented!

Bathed in the blazing brilliance, Ling Feng and the two felt refreshed, and they were completely restored to their peak state.

This is the power of the dragon and phoenix concentric rings!

As the bond between the two holders becomes deeper and their emotions deepen, the power of the dragon and phoenix concentric ring will continue to be enhanced.

"Several half-step experts have joined forces to deal with a nobody like me. I, Shui Han, am really honored!"

The next moment, the dragon scale blood blade hung behind Ling Feng.

The blood blade instantly surged and turned into a thousand-foot bloody knife, slashing hard at Leonard who was blocking the front.

The persimmons are too soft to pinch!

This Leonard was seriously injured and was in a violent rage, unable to make a calm and correct judgment.

Even if it is really impossible to escape this disaster today, killing one Half-step Shatter is enough, killing two, and still making money!

"Little tricks!"

Even without his limbs, Leonard can still control the Death Scythe with incomparable precision, and the terrifying and suffocating power of fragmentation once again seals the world.

In an instant, Ling Feng's dragon scale blood blade made a cracking sound.

If Ling Feng hadn't already fused the Dragon Scale Blood Blade and Shi Fang Destruction into one body, this unparalleled weapon would have been completely destroyed at this moment.

"Leonard, don't be reckless!"

This time, Hailim and Faros did not choose to sit idly by.

Ling Feng's difficulty level has exceeded their imagination.

It must be resolved quickly.

Otherwise, when the half-step broken people from the human race arrive, they will be passive.

But as everyone knows, at this moment, Elder Jianxin, who sensed the shattering power and came to check, was hiding in a huge beast skeleton, secretly watching everything.

He hid his own aura, took the armored puppet, and hid in a bone cave. Seeing the three half-step demon emperors taking action at the same time, he couldn't help but show a hint of horror.

"Did this kid actually hit one of them so hard?"

Elder Kenshin's expression suddenly changed when he saw that Leonard's whole body was blown away, leaving only one head and half of his broken body.

It is simply unbelievable that a mere peak immortal can actually hurt a half-step strong person.

"Is it because of that great avenue source device?"

Elder Jianxin took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "There are really a lot of secrets in this kid, hum! Let's fight. It's best to fight so that both sides will be injured!"

The best result, of course, is that "Shui Han" can kill a half-step demon emperor, causing a certain amount of consumption to the other two people, and then himself is exhausted.

Next, he can come out with the armored puppet to collect the heads.

Not only can it take away all the light of chaos in the soil of his body, but also kill those three and a half steps.

In this way, with these three heads alone, his status and reputation in the entire foreign battlefield will probably be enough to reach an unprecedented peak.

He might even become the next Nine-Star God of War!

That is the supreme honor of being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

While Elder Jianxin was crazy about stepping on Ling Feng's body to obtain a "better tomorrow", Ling Feng also fell into an unprecedented crisis.

The situation he least wanted to see happened.

The three half-steps were broken, and they actually joined forces!

"One or two, how shameless! It's okay to bully the small with the big, why should we bully the small with the more?"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. The Dragon Scale Blood Blade could not withstand the crushing power of the three half-step crushing warriors. It was blown to pieces and retracted into the body.

Even the concentric light of the dragon and phoenix concentric rings was compressed to the limit and appeared dim.

"The only thing to blame is that you pose too great a threat to our demon clan!"

Hailim smiled coldly, "The beatings back and forth are really troublesome. Please stop making unnecessary resistance. In exchange, I can let you die a little more happily."

Ling Feng laughed angrily at Hailim's outrageous remarks.

If killing people is too troublesome, then get away!

These half-step masters of the Demon Clan are obviously well versed in the ways of being thick and black, and they are both thick-skinned and dark-hearted. If there is someone who wants to be shameless, they will not attack him and Yu Bingqing with three half-steps.

"No need to talk nonsense with them."

Faros snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Killing Shui Han would be equivalent to breaking an arm of Wangshu Fortress!

Taking over Wangshu Fortress is just around the corner.

Moreover, he is a direct descendant of the Gruando clan. The half-step demon emperor Philius who previously commanded an army of three million demons to attack Wangshu Fortress but was defeated was his cousin.

He wanted to kill Ling Feng out of both public motives and personal vendetta!

"go to hell!"

Leonard looked even more ferocious. He didn't care about taking Yu Bingqing back, and just spit out a storm of black demonic energy, sweeping towards Ling Feng and the two of them.


In an instant, black energy swept across, and Leonard, Pharos, and Hailim, the three half-step demon emperors, simultaneously unleashed their shattering power.

Without any fancy tricks, he directly used the devastating power of Shattering to twist Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing into flying ashes.

They would no longer give Ling Feng any chance to resist, any room for resistance.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. Was it necessary to expose the relationship between himself and Ke Weili?

He took a deep look at Yu Bingqing. Yu Bingqing already knew most of his affairs.

Including that he is Ling Feng and he is from the Tiandao clan.

But Yu Bingqing is the eldest princess of the Great Yu Immortal Court after all. If she knew that she had rescued the Demon Queen, she would even be the initiator of the Demon Clan's rampage today.

How would she feel?

But at the moment, it seems that the only thing left is to sacrifice the trace of the soul mark that Kavli left in his spiritual sea.

Although Kavli does not have much power, and it is impossible to help him repel the three half-step demon emperors, the "appearance" of Kavli may be able to suppress these half-step demon emperors.

But once he does this, if even a little bit of news leaks out, there will probably be no place for him in the entire Immortal Realm.

But now, it seems that there is not much time left for him to think carefully.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Even though he didn't want to be exposed, he could only...

Just when Ling Feng was about to activate Keveli's spiritual thoughts and summon Keveli's Dharma form, in the ruins that were hit by the fall of the boundary-breaking shuttle——

A sudden change occurred!

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