Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3998 Dragon Burial Tiankeng!

Another day passed.

Although Ling Feng and his party were chased by the three demon emperors, they were still able to keep a certain distance.

Even, Ling Feng was able to spare some time to collect more light of chaos.

There are only less than two days left before the closure of Longyuan Gorge.

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but decided that he should make plans to return to the temporary camp.

First, if the three demon emperors following the demons don't leave enough time, something unexpected might happen at the last moment.

Another point, although the attitude of the half-step immortal emperors in the camp was not very good towards him, when the monks from all major forces returned one after another, they would not dare to do anything outrageous in full view of the public. .

But it turns out that Ling Feng had never thought of needing the protection of these old guys before.

However, the three half-step demon emperors have been chasing him for such a long time. It is impossible for Elder Jianxin and the others to not be aware of it.

To put it bluntly, when I slapped Elder Yu Lei in the secret room of the Conquest Alliance, it was equivalent to slapping these old guys in the face.

Although they may not necessarily take action against themselves personally, if the demons take action, they may not take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the situation.

Facts have proved that Ling Feng's worries were not unnecessary.

In fact, these old guys may be more sinister and despicable than Ling Feng imagined.

It was precisely because of these considerations that Ling Feng did not rush back to the camp immediately.

We have to wait until most of the people are back. No matter how thick-skinned these old guys are, they don't dare to hide and be a coward.

Otherwise, the majesty of being an elder of the Conquest Alliance will be completely wiped out.


Yu Bingqing saw Ling Feng refreshed from meditation, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "How about it, should the next step be to continue deep into the Longyuan Gorge?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "No, it's time to go back."


Yu Bingqing's eyelids twitched slightly, "There are still more than two days before Longyuan Gorge is closed, right? If we rush from here at full speed, it will only take one day at most to get back to the camp, which is more than enough."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "We must also consider that those half-step demon emperors are still chasing after us. In addition, I have collected more than 30,000 lights of chaos. I will take advantage of the opportunity to go back. If we continue to take advantage of the opportunity to collect some, we should be able to break through the number of 100,000."


Yu Bingqing was silent.

In the past few days, she had been very sensible and didn't ask Ling Feng how much light of chaos he had collected, just because she didn't want to be hit.

Well, the next time I open my mouth, it will be 30,000!

The previous record seemed to be just over 3,000.

This guy has exceeded it ten times, but it is still far from the limit.

What a monster!

"In addition, those demons seem to have other plans. Although we have been careful in everything, we still have to guard against it!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he took a deep look at Yu Bingqing, but there was a hint of uneasiness in his heart.

The past few days have been going so well. It stands to reason that with the hatred of the three half-step demon emperors towards him, it is impossible for him to follow his plan and hang them behind him like a dog.

Take the most irritable Leonard, for example. If he had used his secret technique forcefully, he would have probably caught up with him.

At that time, it will inevitably be another fierce battle.

Ling Feng has already made countless plans, including how to escape after encountering these guys. Ling Feng has considered all kinds of possibilities.

But there was no emergency at all.

It was calm, even eerily quiet.

Ling Feng was alert by nature, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided to advance his return plan one step ahead.

Immediately, Ling Feng used the summons talisman to contact Mr. Qingyan who was watching hundreds of miles away and rushed back.

The group did not return directly, but after making a big detour, they took a detour from another direction.

A few hours later.

"Something's wrong, something's quite wrong!"

Among the demons following Ling Feng, Hailim frowned and said in a deep voice: "The boy's route has deviated. They did not continue to go deeper, but were preparing to go back!"

"This kid is really troublesome!"

Leonard clenched his fists tightly, and almost frowned with the word "Chuan" on his brow. He cursed and looked at Fallows, "Fallows, is this your plan? To realize the trapping formation and drive the dogs into the back alleys? Humph, it’s good now, the dog didn’t go in, but we were treated as dogs for a walk!”

But it turned out that the reason why Ling Feng and the others were able to keep a distance from these demons was actually Falos's delaying strategy.

According to Ling Feng's route, as long as they kept chasing him, they would inevitably pass through the trap they had prepared in less than half a day.

There is the purest and largest amount of chaotic light in the entire Longyuan Gorge.

If Ling Feng and the others pass through this place, they will definitely fall into a trap.

But they had already made 99% progress according to their plan, and they were seeing their ducks in their mouths.

These guys actually took a detour!

As a result, all their previous plans were in vain.

No wonder Leonard was so furious.

He had been holding it in for a long time, and now that he saw Ling Feng and the others changing lanes and not moving forward according to their plan, he almost lost his temper.

If they were really allowed to join up with the few half-steps from the human race, there would be no hope at all.

During this period of time, so much energy had been spent chasing down this "Water Cold War God" that even other human immortals could not get rid of many of them.

At first, he claimed to destroy all the immortals who collected the light of chaos this time, but now it is better, because of such a person, almost all the action plans of their entire demon clan have been disrupted!

If Shui Han hadn't been solved, wouldn't they have been sleepwalking for the past ten days?

"I can't bear it anymore!"

Leonard's eyes were almost spitting fire, "Although that kid's flying magic weapon is powerful, if we use the secret method to accelerate, he can't escape!"

"Which of you thought he could escape last time?"

Pharos snorted coldly, "What's the result? So what?"

For a moment, Leonard and Hailim were silent.

"Although we returned without success last time, we also shot down the kid's boundary-breaking shuttle, making him lose the means to cross the barrier formation. Therefore, I thought of guiding them into the trap and trap them to death. They. Who would have expected that boy to be so vigilant."

Pharos took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "The previous plan cannot be changed. We must find a way to guide him into the trap. Otherwise, if the Immortal Emperor next to him breaks out again, we may have another It will be in vain.”

"How else can I induce it?"

Leonard gritted his teeth, "They have all returned! This time I have recovered completely. The three of us will work together and we will definitely be able to take down that kid! Faros, please stop doing those conspiracies." , so tired!”

"I agree with Pharos."

Hailim rolled his eyes at Leonard angrily. This guy was too brainless and impulsive, otherwise, the last action would not have been such a complete failure.

"To deal with that cunning boy, you can't give him the slightest chance!"

In this way, Hailim and Pharos agreed, so even if Leonard was unwilling, he could only obey the majority.

"To put it simply, will that kid ever look back?"

Leonard muttered in his heart. At this moment, his eyelids suddenly jumped, "No, that kid, why did he really look back?"


Pharos and Hailim's eyelids twitched, and then showed expressions of ecstasy.

Because Ling Feng had originally changed his route to return to the camp, but suddenly turned back to the depths of Longyuan Gorge, where they had laid a trap in advance.

The name there is also called Dragon Burial Tiankeng!

"Hahaha, God is really helping me, that kid is looking for death!"

Pharos was ecstatic, "Everything goes according to plan!"

But Ling Feng said that out of caution, Ling Feng had decided to return to the temporary camp to get rid of the threat of those half-step demon emperors as soon as possible.

But halfway through, he suddenly sensed the strange movement of the "Source of Time".

The source at this time was the treasure that Ling Feng obtained when he mistakenly entered the City of Wuyue, along with the God Killer of the miraculous civilization.

At the beginning, those people of the Priestess searched for the source of this time when they found the City of the Unfallen.

But in the end, he got it.

But all this time, Ling Feng couldn't think of anything special about the source of this time.

Unexpectedly, in the depths of the Dragon Abyss Gorge, this Source of Time actually produced a response.

For a moment, Ling Feng fell into great contradictions and hesitation.

If they follow the current pace and return to the camp, they will naturally have peace of mind, and there will be no danger in the future.

However, opportunities are fleeting.

Ling Feng didn't believe that the Source of Time that those guys from the Priest were searching for was useless.

Perhaps, this is a great blessing for me.

It is even possible that with this good fortune, he can attack the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.

After this battle with those half-step experts, Ling Feng understood what it means to be broken, and everyone is just an ant.

Even a half-step strong man who only controls a trace of broken power is already far beyond his ability to deal with.

Not to mention Immortal Emperor Yi Ting who stands at the top of the Broken Realm.

Under such a huge threat, Ling Feng's thirst for power could not be increased.

Even if it means taking a risk, Ling Feng doesn't want to let this opportunity go.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "You and Mr. Qingyan, go back to the camp first. I still have some things to do, so go back as soon as you go!"

"What's wrong?"

Yu Bingqing blinked her bright and moving eyes and snorted softly: "I don't want to go back first! You always want to get rid of me!"

She gave Ling Feng a resentful look, "Don't forget what you promised me before!"

As she spoke, a blush appeared on her beautiful face.


Ling Feng coughed a few times. At the critical moment of life and death, in the face of Yu Bingqing's persistence, he made a promise to Yu Bingqing that he would marry her after leaving Longyuan Gorge.

Although this was not entirely impulsive, it seemed that he was not suitable for marrying a wife in his current situation.

Ling Feng could only shake his head and smile, and said warmly: "What I said will certainly stand. Don't worry, but I still have something important to do. You go first, I will catch up soon!"


Yu Bingqing snorted softly, "You must be going to a dangerous place again, otherwise, why are you leaving me? I said, I won't let you face danger alone!"

Saying that, Yu Bingqing hugged Ling Feng and hugged him tightly without letting go.

"Okay, okay, you two have had enough!"

Mr. Qingyan on the side couldn’t laugh or cry, he was almost full!

Ling Feng's old face turned red, and he could only say helplessly: "Okay, okay, let's go together, please let go and let Senior Qingyan see the joke."

Only then did Yu Bingqing give up and let go of Ling Feng's neck.

Mr. Qingyan shook his head and smiled, "Boy Shuihan, we are tied to a warship. Whether we live or die, we can bear it together!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Mr. Qingyan.

Based on this sentence, no matter whether he is the Emperor Shenhuang, or what kind of connection there is with the Emperor Shenhuang.

This big brother, you have to admit it!

Immediately, Ling Feng changed direction and drove quickly towards the dragon burial pit.

As everyone knows, a huge crisis is quietly approaching.

This Dragon Burial Tiankeng may be a huge opportunity, or it may be a quagmire that will never be recovered.

Ling Feng didn't know.

But opportunities often coexist with risks. I just hope that the changes in the source at that time will bring about an unprecedented great fortune for me.

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