Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3999 The Avenue of Origin!


The God Killer's horn pierced the sky and flew away with lightning speed.

About an hour later, the God Killer suddenly stopped.

Ahead is a huge forest of bones that has never been seen before. Unlike other places, it does not seem to be composed of the bones of some ancient beast.

Instead, there were countless corpses of strange beasts, piled up randomly.

The bones of various strange beasts were in a mess and shattered into pieces.

This is like a huge colosseum, where countless alien beasts fight and fight, and eventually they all fall here.

What shocked Ling Feng even more was that the density of chaotic light here was far more than a hundred times higher than that in other places!

Out of caution, Ling Feng did not sail the God Killer directly into the forest of bones at the first opportunity. Instead, he carefully looked at the surrounding environment and did not act rashly.

The demon's uncharacteristic behavior forced Ling Feng to be on guard.

But in that forest of bones, there was something that made the Source of Time feel strongly.

Ling Feng couldn't refuse this fate.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here.

"It turns out to be the Burial Dragon Tiankeng."

Mr. Qingyan glanced ahead and said in a deep voice: "This place is indeed the place that produces the most light of chaos, but the light of chaos here is the most violent and manic, and difficult to suppress and tame. Therefore, it has been classified as a forbidden area. Generally, Under such circumstances, no one would come here to collect the light of chaos.”

Mr. Qingyan knows the situation in Longyuan Gorge very well.

During this period of time, thanks to Mr. Qingyan's guidance, otherwise, without being familiar with the terrain, it would be difficult for Ling Feng to escape the demons' pursuit again and again.

"Dragon Burial Tiankeng?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, this name sounded very ominous.

"Little friend Shuihan, do you want to collect one last wave here?"

Mr. Qingyan stared at Ling Feng. If he followed this boy's habit of plucking the hair of geese in other places, he could directly absorb all the chaotic light in the Dragon Burial Tiankeng.

I'm afraid it will break through millions of ways!

This is a quite scary number.

Ling Feng just smiled faintly and did not answer. He changed the topic and said: "Bingqing, Mr. Qingyan, you guys stay here for now. I'll go in and take a look. If any accident happens, you can respond to me immediately!"

"That won't work! You can't use magic now. If something happens, you'll suffer a big loss!"

Yu Bing gave him a clear look, "I have to be by your side so that the dragon and phoenix concentric rings can work."

Ling Feng smiled helplessly, what Yu Bingqing said was indeed true, but Ling Feng didn't want her to take risks with him.

However, seeing the determined look on her face, Ling Feng could only smile bitterly, acquiescing.

"Then Mr. Qingyan, I'll ask you to take care of me here."

"Don't worry, I can still do this little thing."

Mr. Qingyan nodded, "As soon as there is any trouble, I will notify you immediately."

"In this case, we have Mr. Lao."

Ling Feng cast a grateful look at Mr. Qingyan.

This trip, even though I knew there were tigers in the mountains, I still wanted to go to Tiger Mountains.

The next moment, Ling Feng recovered the God Killer and exchanged a look with Yu Bingqing. Yu Bingqing then grabbed Ling Feng's little hand and pulled him into her arms.

The dragon and phoenix concentric rings made a brilliant display, and the two souls and magic powers merged into one. Then, a bloody light shot out, and the two of them rushed towards the huge forest of bones.

It is also called the Burial Dragon Tiankeng.

After passing through a dense mass of bones, Ling Feng and the two landed on a relatively empty flat land.

As soon as you see it, the bones and mountains are intertwined with each other, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Apart from the endless, chaotic light that surges like a wave, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about it.

What's even weirder is that after arriving here, the induction of the Source of Time seems to have disappeared again.

Ling Feng frowned and took out the Source of Time.

When the Tentacle Monster handed the Source of Time to itself, it placed it in a transparent glass bottle.

This thing is only about the size of a grain of rice and exudes a dim light.

However, unlike the normal state, there was a strange blood color in the dim luster.

It also proved that Ling Feng's previous feelings were definitely not an illusion.

"What's this?"

Yu Bingqing blinked and looked at the glass bottle in Ling Feng's hand with some curiosity.

The rice-like crystal inside looks ordinary, but it seems to contain endless mysteries.

Looking at it a few more times, I felt that my soul was being sucked in and turned into a speck of dust in the eternal and endless river of time and space.

Just when Yu Bingqing was stunned, she was pulled back by Ling Feng's voice.

"Don't stare at it. If the soul is not strong enough, it will be swallowed up."

Yu Bingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and there was already cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, Ling Feng woke her up in time, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"What is this, so dangerous?" Yu Bingqing did not dare to look at the Source of Time, but asked cautiously.

"The source of time."

Ling Feng recycled the glass bottle into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and said calmly: "I don't know exactly what it does, but it is precisely because of this thing that I took the risk to come back."

Between him and Yu Bingqing, Ling Feng had nothing to hold back.

"The source of time..."

Yu Bingqing murmured a few times, then shook her head, "Never heard of it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. It was normal if he had never heard of it before. This was something that only those weirdos from the Sin Priest Department would look for.

As for the Priest...

Ling Feng also knew very little.

But from the words of the Wanjun brothers and sisters, I learned that these people had actually been suppressed in a place called the Exile Land.

It was a place of despair and isolation.

And recalling the so-called sin priests Lan Yi met before.

They can rely on their Immortal-level cultivation to invoke the power of evil gods, and can even compete with King Shirvi in ​​places like the City of the Fallen.

And that's far from who they are.

If I were to come, relying on the powerful and strange power of the evil god, I'm afraid it wouldn't be any weaker than Half-Step Shatter.

"Strange, since you were attracted by this thing, why does it seem to be unresponsive now?"

Yu Bingqing said curiously.

"I'm not so sure either."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Let's look around first."

Mr. Qingyan has not issued a warning yet, so they should be safe for the time being.

But everyone knows that the Dragon Burial Tiankeng has already been set up by the demon clan.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng still found nothing.

"Something's wrong."

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly frowned.

Even though the Source of Time is no longer responsive, Mr. Qingyan's side is extremely quiet.

Within a quarter of an hour, Mr. Qingyan did not use the contact talisman to communicate with himself.

It was previously agreed that even if everything was normal, he would contact him every half-quarter of an hour.

Now, there is no movement from Mr. Qingyan, which means that he may have encountered an accident.

"Isn't it too late to feel something is wrong now?"

At this moment, a burst of joking came from high in the sky.

Then, the three half-step demon emperors, Pharos, Hailim and Leonard, descended into the forest of bones silently, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Ling Feng frowned, when did they appear.


With his spiritual perception, even a half-step strong person would not be able to hide from his own perception at such a close distance.

What made Ling Feng even more unhappy was that Mr. Qingyan had also been captured by them. At this moment, he was being held in Leonard's hand like a chicken.

His limbs were limply drooping, his body was covered in blood, his eyes were locked tightly, his breath was heavy, he was breathing too much out, but little in. He was seriously injured.

"This old guy can't do it either!"

With a grin on his face, Leonard grabbed Mr. Qingyan's neck with his claws, and then, with a strong tug, he actually tore Mr. Qingyan's head off.


Ling Feng's eyes widened. Although he didn't know why the "Shenhuang Emperor" did not appear this time, when he saw Mr. Qingyan's body and family, Ling Feng felt the endless anger in his chest was instantly ignited.


Leonard grabbed Mr. Qingyan's head with one hand, and then, with a strong squeeze, the head was crushed into pieces.

Blood splashed down, and Ling Feng's body trembled with anger.



Two more tearing sounds were heard, and Mr. Qingyan's hands were torn off and thrown aside by Leonard.

Then, those low-level demon creatures, like a great gift from heaven, swarmed up and devoured the flesh and blood of the Immortal Emperor in a short while.

"This is what happens if you piss me off!"

Leonard's eyes were full of ferocious color, and he stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Even you, you can't escape this fate! You, too, will all die!"

Hailim also smiled coldly, "It seems that the power in the old guy's body last time was just a one-time explosion. Fortunately, the three of us set up a dragnet and joined forces to surround him. Unexpectedly, he actually broke out in a row. I can't even move."

Faros was still slightly worried about whether Mr. Qingyan would explode again when he was dying.

But it seemed like I was overthinking it.

His head was crushed, and even his hands and feet were eaten by other low-level demons.

There was no way he was still alive.

"I told you a long time ago that this old guy is just bluffing. If he was really capable, could he have let us escape last time?"

Leonard laughed wildly, and then threw the last part of Mr. Qingyan's body into the demon beast.

This flesh and blood is enough for these low-level demons to evolve a pretty good mutant.

"After taking care of that old guy, it's time for you!"

Leonard snorted coldly and glared at Ling Feng with a pair of bloodshot pupils.

The successive capsizes in Ling Feng's hands had filled his chest with anger.

Now is the time to vent.

Faros and Hailim also had a relaxed expression on their faces.

A dragnet has been set up all around, and it is a hundred times stronger than the previous sealing circle!

What's more, Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle has crashed.

This time, it was completely a trap, and he had no way to escape.

Yu Bingqing held Ling Feng's hand tightly, confused, "What should we do now?"

However, Ling Feng didn't seem to hear the yes, and his eyes were filled with regret.

If he hadn't been greedy for chance and brought Yu Bingqing and Mr. Qingyan back, he wouldn't be in such a desperate situation now.

And Mr. Qingyan would not have suffered a tragic accident and died suddenly here.

It’s all your own fault!

It’s all your own fault!

Self-blame and regret filled Ling Feng's chest. His energy and blood were not able to circulate for a long time, and he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood.

At this moment, a crisp slap sounded.

But Yu Bingqing, seeing Ling Feng's appearance, slapped him hard on the face.

"Be sober! Be sensible! No one will blame you. Mr. Qingyan and I are willing to come here with you! What's the use of regretting now? Cheer up and avenge Senior Qingyan!"

These words, like a wake-up call, brought Ling Feng directly back to reality.

Seeing Yu Bingqing's expression of excitement and pear blossoms with rain, Ling Feng raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes and said warmly: "Thank you, Bingqing."

Mr. Qingyan is irreversible. He can no longer just watch another person he cherishes and values ​​​​die beside him!

no way!

For a moment, Ling Feng's fighting spirit rekindled in his eyes.

The concentric rings of dragon and phoenix burst out with extremely bright and dazzling concentric light.

With their minds united, the bond between Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing became even deeper.


However, Leonard laughed wildly as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, "Revenge? You still want to take revenge? Just you?"


The void trembled, and the Death Scythe reappeared in Leonard's hand.

This time, he did not underestimate the enemy as before and directly activated the power of breaking.

What made Ling Feng even more uneasy was that.

Even with the blessing of the dragon and phoenix concentric rings, the mana he can mobilize is still very limited.

It seems that this solution can suppress the magic power of the immortal monks!

"Did you notice it? Hum!"

Hailim explained with a sneer, "This magic circle can not only trap you, but also suppress more than 30% of the power of all avenue sources, suppress 30% of the origin of the soul! Suppress 30% of the magic power of the monks in the fairyland! Not only that, but also It can increase the magic power of our demon clan by 30%! Boy, all your methods have been fully targeted and restrained by us. Today, this Dragon Burial Pit will also become your burial place!"

Ling Feng's expression became even more solemn.

This time, without Mr. Qingyan, even the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix, as well as the origin of the soul that he relied on most, were greatly suppressed.

This seems to be a doomed situation.

"Ling Feng!"

Yu Bingqing seemed to be aware of this, but she was no longer nervous or fearful, nor was she at all uneasy.

She looked at Ling Feng with gentle eyes, smiled and said: "I am truly alive after meeting you! I don't regret being able to die with you. It's just that the time I spent with you, It’s really too short, I’m so unwilling!”

Looking at Yu Bingqing's look as if she was about to say goodbye to him, Ling Feng felt like a thorn in his heart.

I just hate that I am still a child now, otherwise, at this moment, I would hold her in my arms!

He took a deep breath!

Is this a dead end?

No, I, Ling Feng, never accept my fate. Even if my identity is exposed, I will never let Yu Bingqing die here!

no way!

From the bottom of his heart, he screamed hysterically.

At this moment, Demon Queen Keveli may be his last life-saving straw.

At this moment, a familiar and cold voice came from his ears.

"Boy, listen carefully, I will teach you the Great Way of Origin right now!"

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