Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4004 Whoever wins helps whom!

The long-lost power of chaos surged in the limbs and bones.

Ling Feng locked Yu Bingqing with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately used the Sky Patrol Fire Escape Technique, temporarily taking Yu Bingqing out of the battle circle.

Even though Elder Jianxin was unwilling to do so, he was intercepted by Ling Feng's Demonic Yin Body.

Although the Demonic Yin Body has just been born, it does not yet have much combat experience.

In the fight with Elder Kenshin, he seemed to have the upper hand and fell into a passive situation of being beaten.

But the Yin Body of the Unstoppable Demon is based on the prototype of a star core.

Even if it is the same half-step broken level, if the broken power mastered by Elder Kenshin is just a ray of firefly light.

Then, Ling Feng's demonic body can at least be regarded as candlelight.

Although he was hit solidly by Elder Kenshin's sword several times, his rough-skinned and fleshy body prevented him from getting into trouble.

It can be said that unless the demon's Yin body was hit by the shattering power of Elder Jianxin that day, there would basically be no damage.

From this point of view, even compared to the armored puppet, this devil's Yin body is not far behind.


Elder Jianxin was so angry that his teeth were itching, especially what Ling Feng said before. It was because of him that Ling Feng was able to cultivate this devil's yin body!

With the sword gleaming, Elder Jianxin continued to display sword moves that were comparable to the level of royal magic. However, he was surprised to find that the devil's body was still growing rapidly during the battle with him.

From the beginning, he could only use his clumsy body to resist his attacks. Gradually, he has begun to master some mysterious body skills and boxing skills, and even started to use the power of laws!

These abilities all originate from the prototype of the Star Core. In a sense, his learning ability is even more exaggerated than Ling Feng's own self.

For a moment and a half, even with Elder Jianxin's cultivation, it was impossible to do anything to this devil's yin body.

"Brother Shenglin, what are you still doing? Come and help!"

Elder Jianxin gritted his teeth with hatred, watching helplessly as the devil's Yin body continued to learn and become stronger. He could only shout loudly and call Elder Shenglin to help.

However, how could Elder Shenglin help him?

From the beginning, his choice was actually very clear.

Whoever wins helps whom.

If Elder Jianxin can deal with Ling Feng, he will naturally not expose his ambitions easily and can continue to be the elder of his alliance in peace and contentment.

But now, the tables are turned.

Ling Feng actually created a way out in a desperate situation.

Then, his stance changed instantly.

Compared to Elder Jianxin, Ling Feng was of much greater value to him.

A peak, plus a clone comparable to half a step.

This kid is even more outrageous than he thought.

It seems that in the near future, he will be a very important variable, enough to change the pattern of the entire fairyland.

"I'm sorry, Elder Kenshin, it's not easy to deal with here either!"

Elder Shenglin remained calm and continued to trap the two half-step demon emperors, Hailim and Pharos, but did not launch any further attacks.

Falos was not in a hurry to escape at this moment. He looked at the demon's shadow and murmured: "Is there some connection between this kid and my Gulandu clan? Isn't he one of his own?"

"Huh, my family?"

Hailim smiled coldly, "Faros, don't be too naive and forget how we dealt with him before? You didn't forget the evil spirit when he sucked Leonard dry, right? He He won’t treat us as his own family! Now, that boy has mastered the Yin Body of the Demon and controls a half-step clone. Once he kills the old guy who is fighting against the alliance, it will be our turn next!”

As he said that, a cold light flashed in Hailim's eyes, "Therefore, no matter what, that kid must die!"

Pharos's face darkened, and he immediately woke up from the shock of the demon's Yin body.

From the moment they forced Ling Feng into a desperate situation, they had already formed an undying feud.

Nothing will change just because the Demonic Yin Body he cultivated is the secret technique of the Gruando clan.

"Why do you need to keep pushing me so hard? That kid from the Tiandao clan has mastered the unparalleled magic skills of my demon clan, the demon Yin body, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. How about you and I join forces to kill this kid and then do something else?" "

Faros took a deep breath, stared at Elder Shenglin, and suggested in a deep voice.

It stands to reason that the Immortal Realm is dominated by the Xantian clan.

The Xantian lineage used to be the retainers of the Tiandao clan. Later, they killed their master and usurped the throne. They even eradicated the Tiandao clan without mercy.

The priority of dealing with the Tiandao clan should be higher than them.

However, what they met was Elder Shenglin.

But Elder Shenglin smiled faintly, "How can immortals and demons join forces? If we want to join forces, we should join forces with that kid to kill you evil heretics."


Pharos was choked by Elder Shenglin's words, "I don't know how to praise!"

Elder Jianxin, who had been gradually forced to retreat by Ling Feng's demonic body, suddenly became furious and shouted: "Shenglin, what are you still doing over there? Come here quickly!"

Elder Shenglin just squinted his eyes and smiled, "Elder Jianxin, don't you still want to be the chief elder of the Alliance? How can I attack you? If you can't even deal with a mere clone of the Immortal Lord, What else are you doing as chief?”


At this moment, no matter how stupid Elder Jianxin is, he finally sees that Elder Shenglin's seemingly submissive appearance actually hides his ambition.

"Shenglin, you old guy, how dare you betray me?"

Elder Kenshin gritted his teeth with hatred, "Do you think you can step on me and get the upper hand just like this? You're dreaming!"

He roared low and said to Hailim and Pharos: "You two, as long as you help me eradicate this traitor and deal with the remnants of that day, I can guarantee that I will not commit any crime with you two!"

Faros and Hailim looked at each other and shouted at Elder Kenshin: "It seems like you can't protect yourself now, right?"

However, at this moment, the elder Jianxin smiled coldly and used the pinching hand gesture to directly withdraw the armored puppet.

"Hmph, Shenglin, do you really think I didn't keep a guard against you?"

But it turns out that from beginning to end, the control of the armored puppet was in the hands of Elder Jianxin.

As soon as the armored puppet withdrew, Pharos and Hailim suddenly sneered.

"Hmph, it seems that your companions are not very relieved about you!"

Falos's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The reason why they had the upper hand before was mainly because the armored puppet posed too great a threat to them.

Now, without the armored puppets, they were two against one, and the situation seemed to be very clear.

"go to hell!"

Hailim didn't waste any time, he flapped his wings behind his back and attacked Elder Shenglin.

However, facing the siege of the two half-step demon emperors, Elder Shenglin did not panic. Eight phantoms of the divine dragon shot out from his body, instantly covering the two Falos.

As for his own body, he quietly stepped aside.

Although his secret technique was not enough to suppress the two half-step demon emperors, all he had to do was trap them.

Although he did remind Ling Feng before, it was not enough to make Ling Feng trust him.

He needs to present a letter of nomination to Ling Feng.

Since he wants to choose Ling Feng, he must completely cut off contact with Elder Jianxin.

As for the two half-step demon emperors, they were also one of the bargaining chips he used to win over Ling Feng.

On the other side, Elder Jianxin recalled the armored puppets and joined forces, finally regaining the upper hand.

The situation on the court can be said to be changing rapidly.

Ling Feng took Yu Bingqing aside and felt heartbroken when he saw Yu Bingqing's scarred appearance.

Fortunately, his Dantian was finally unsealed, and without any hesitation, he directly poured the power of his essence and blood into Yu Bingqing's body.

Then, he circulated the immortal golden body and used the power of blood regeneration to help Yu Bingqing regenerate his severed limbs.

Fortunately, he had blocked most of the attacks for her before. At this moment, although Yu Bingqing looked very weak, she was not fatal.

After taking a good rest for a period of time, you will basically be able to recover as before.

"I knew were sure, ahem, you could create a miracle did it, you really...did it..."

Yu Bingqing was still very weak, and her speech was somewhat intermittent, accompanied by bursts of short coughs.

Ling Feng touched her cheek tenderly and said softly: "You have a good rest here. When I solve all the troubles, I will take you out. After returning to Wangshu Fortress, I will propose marriage to you!"


Yu Bingqing nodded heavily and looked at Ling Feng shyly.

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure flashed and reappeared in the battle circle.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng directly activated the two immortal and demonic qi in his body, and unleashed the Hunyuan Immortal Demonic Tribulation.

Now that the identity has been completely exposed, there is no need to hide any means or trump cards.

At the same time, Ling Feng activated the Great Killing Technique, destroying all the enemies in all directions. With a swish of his sword, he rushed towards the direction of Elder Jian Xin.

"The demon's Yin body, stop that puppet!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he gave orders directly to the demon's Yin body.

Elder Kenshin is an old guy. It's time for him to try it out. After his Chaos Dantian is re-unsealed, where is his limit?

"Ling Feng!!!"

Elder Jianxin gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng, "You don't think that you alone can deal with me without that half-step-level clone and the Great Dao Origin Artifact, right?"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the yin and yang fish floated.

Immediately afterwards, the Eye of Shura opened.

To deal with a half-step strong man, Ling Feng naturally needs to use all his trump cards and methods, which can be regarded as respect for him.

"Hmph, arrogant!"

Elder Jian Xin snorted coldly, and the sword energy in his hand surged, turning into billions of sword rain, sweeping toward Ling Feng.

However, at the moment when those sword rains approached within a hundred feet of Ling Feng, time and space seemed to be distorted. The sword energy that condensed half-step of broken-level tyrannical mana was actually swallowed and distorted by an invisible wave.

Then, he actually returned the same way and fired wildly in the direction of Elder Kenshin.

"How can this be?"

Elder Jianxin's eyelids were twitching wildly, but little did he know that after Ling Feng's Chaos Dantian was liberated, the same secret technique from the twelve volumes of Immortal Dao was used again, and the power was also incomparable.

What's more, at this moment, he also used the blessing of the big killing technique.

The Eye of Shura shines brightly, and the Shura Killing World almost covers thousands of miles in radius.

Elder Jianxin never imagined that an immortal could be so tyrannical!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Countless rays of sword light instantly devoured the figure of Elder Jian Xin. When the golden light dissipated, even though Elder Jian Xin used the power of shattering to protect his body, his violent and domineering sword energy still pricked several bloody holes in his body. .

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he became an elder of the Alliance of Conquests, and how long it had been since he had suffered such an injury.


Elder Jianxin spurted a mouthful of blood and stared at Ling Feng with a pair of vicious eyes.

And the next moment, before he could scream again, a dragon claw penetrated his chest.

But it was Elder Shenglin who had been hiding in the dark for a long time and had been planning for a long time.

"You! You actually..."

Elder Jianxin turned around and stared at Elder Shenglin. He never expected that this sixth child was actually more sinister than himself.

Elder Shenglin had a cruel smile on his face, "Betrayal? Why, don't you remember that the current status of our Shenlong clan was achieved through betrayal? Don't you like being in my family very much? Have you mentioned it again and again? Don’t you always look down on me and treat me as a joke?”

His dragon claw slowly twitched from Elder Jianxin's chest.


Blood suddenly spurted out, and Elder Jianxin's beating heart was casually crushed to pieces by Elder Shenglin.


Elder Jianxin vomited out a few mouthfuls of blood again, and grabbed Elder Shenglin's shoulders with his bloody palm, "You... don't deserve to die!"

"Save your breath."

Elder Shenglin opened his palm, and a golden light burst out from his eyes, directly penetrating Elder Jianxin's sea of ​​consciousness.

For a half-step strong man, if the origin of the soul is not completely destroyed, but the physical body is destroyed, it is far from death in the true sense.

Elder Shenglin's attack was extremely ruthless, not only cutting off Elder Jianxin's vitality, but also completely defeating his spiritual sea.

Even a half-step strong man like Elder Jianxin cannot survive anymore.

Then, he made a hand gesture, controlled the armored puppet, and stopped.

Elder Shenglin smiled coldly, "Do you really think I don't know that the real master control talisman is in your hands? Unfortunately, I have already transferred it to you! The person who can truly control this armored puppet has always been It's me!"

As soon as the words fell, Elder Shenglin's figure flashed and appeared in front of Ling Feng. He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Shuihan War God, oh no, maybe I should call you, Ling Feng War God."

Ling Feng stared at Elder Shenglin with some vigilance.

This person seemed to be helping him, but in fact, he was just doing it for his own benefit.

If he really lost, the only result would be a tragic death at the hands of Elder Jianxin.

And this Shenglin would never help him.

Ling Feng saw through his true nature at a glance. In other words, he was just on the side of the winner.

Even without his sneak attack, Ling Feng could still kill Elder Jianxin, but it was just a little more troublesome.

Although such an ally is very powerful, it may turn into a cold sword at any time and stab oneself in the back.

Must be on guard!

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me before, but I can't see through your purpose!"

Ling Feng stared at Elder Shenglin warily.

If possible, he had reason to believe that it would be safest to kill this old guy as well.

However, Elder Shenglin's words just now seemed to be addressed to Elder Jianxin, but they were actually meant to knock him down.

He deliberately said that the armored puppet was always under his control, just to reveal his bargaining chip.

With that armored puppet around, it would not be easy for Ling Feng to "eat" him.

This old fox's behavior reminded Ling Feng of a person.

Ning Kun, the master of the Demon Soul Palace, must be the same kind of person as him!

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