Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4005 The final madness!


Elder Shenglin stroked his long beard and laughed loudly, "My little friend, there is no need to see everything in this world too clearly. As long as you and I have a common purpose, there will be cooperation. Meaning, what do you think?”

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, "Common purpose? The juniors don't know, what does the seniors' so-called common purpose mean?"

"My little friend still doesn't trust me!"

Elder Shenglin shook his head and smiled, pointing at the two half-step demon emperors, Pharos and Hailim, who were trapped by his eight clones. "I wonder if I think the sincerity of using these two half-step demon emperors as a meeting gift is enough." "

Ling Feng looked at the two Falos, with an extremely cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

As enemies, it is reasonable for them to take action against themselves.

But they shouldn't use Yu Bingqing as a threat.

While speaking, Elder Shenglin had already controlled the armored puppet, flew out, and directly attacked the two half-step demon emperors.

Elder Shenglin's previous words were indeed not a bluff. At this moment, he had absolute control over the armored puppet.

The overall strength of the three parties present, whether it was Ling Feng or the two demon emperors, was lower than Elder Shenglin.

The current situation is basically dominated by Elder Shenglin.

Ling Feng has also confirmed that if he and he did not reach a cooperation, he would not hesitate to take action against him.

After figuring this out, Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly to himself.

The depth of this person's scheming is far beyond what he can compare with.

But one thing is for sure, he is right, there is indeed room for cooperation between them.

From that day in the God of War Temple, Ling Feng had already seen that whether it was Elder Beiming, Elder Jianxin, or even Elder Yu Lei who was not in the top ten seats, they had no regard for Elder Shenglin. Not much respect, even a bit of contempt.

Before that, Ling Feng also asked Mr. Qingyan about some information about this elder Shenglin.

After knowing that their Shenlong clan had betrayed the entire ancient demon lineage and became loyal dogs of the Xuntian Lei Clan in exchange for their current status, he was finally able to understand.

Why is it that Elder Shenglin, who is also among the top ten elders, seems to be a dwarf in every aspect.

After all, a lackey is a lackey and can never truly gain the attention of his master.

Judging from the current situation of the Holy Dragon Legion, every time there is a confrontation with the demons, the Holy Dragon Legion always has to be at the forefront.

The Shenlong clan only looks good on the surface, but in fact they are just cannon fodder!

After knowing this, it is reasonable for Elder Shenglin to betray the Alliance and cooperate with himself, a "descendant of heaven".

Once upon a time, Elder Shenglin must have deeply regretted his decision to abandon the descendants of the ancient demon.

Although the leader of the Shenlong Clan was not Shenglin who made this decision, it was him who rose to the top because of this decision and became one of the top ten elders in the Alliance.

He enjoyed the power and status brought by this decision, but he had to bear all the infamy and consequences it brought.

That's fair enough.

As for Ling Feng, although he does not think that Elder Shenglin is a trustworthy ally, for now, the advantages of cooperating with him outweigh the disadvantages.

The first is his identity, which needs to be concealed.

After forming an alliance, Elder Shenglin will naturally provide him with cover.

In addition, the strength of Elder Shenglin plus the armored puppet is greater than that of Elder Shenglin plus the demon's Yin body.

Unless he goes out of his way to trigger the Tribulation Thunder right here and be promoted to Immortal Emperor.

Yes, after the Chaos Dantian was re-unsealed, he could trigger the Immortal Emperor's great calamity at any time and be promoted to the Immortal Emperor.

However, with his current physical condition, the chance of success is very slim.

After thinking about this, Ling Feng nodded and smiled at Elder Shenglin, "This sincerity is enough. It seems that there is indeed room for cooperation between the senior and me."

Elder Shenglin narrowed his eyes and smiled, seeming to praise Ling Feng for being able to assess the situation so quickly and see the situation clearly.

"Very good! My little friend is indeed a dragon among men. I think it will be a pleasure to cooperate between you and me."

With a wave of his hand, he directly retracted the eight clones. At the same time, the armor puppet pulled out the magic weapon hidden in the body and slashed at Pharos and Hailim.

This sword was packed with overbearing and unparalleled breaking power, and before Hailim could react, it directly pierced his shoulder.

This was when he realized something was wrong and used the wings on his back to intercept it. Otherwise, the sword would have penetrated directly through his heart.

There was no expression on the armored puppet's face as he suddenly withdrew his sword. Then, with a swish of the sword's edge, another more violent blow fell like a gust of wind.

He was refined from the corpse of the Broken Immortal Emperor. He almost completely gave up all defenses and attacked with all his strength with every sword strike.

If the two Pharos were at their peak, they would not be afraid, but now that they have spent most of their magic power, facing this armored puppet, they are beginning to be restrained in every aspect, which is extremely difficult.

What's more, they can no longer even activate the blood and bones of the demon soul.

After a few moves, the two of them were already scarred. According to this trend, it was only a matter of time before they were killed by the armored puppets.

However, even if this was the case, Elder Shenglin didn't think it was enough, so he made another trick, and the eight dragon shadow clones transformed into the appearance of Elder Shenglin, and each offered eight completely different kinds of magic weapons, including swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks. It actually intertwined into an airtight net, surrounding the Demon Emperor.

They were already at a disadvantage, and now they have lost even the space to dodge.

Facing the menacing armored puppet, he already felt desperate.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This elder Shenglin was probably very hidden.

With his strength, he is probably even better than Elder Jianxin, and he is definitely not far behind Elder Beiming!

Elder Shenglin always had a gentle smile on his face, smiling like a good old man.

However, if you really let down your guard because of this, the result may be as miserable as Elder Kenshin's.

At this moment, seeing that his defeat was certain, Nafalos could only grit his teeth and yell: "Ling Feng, right? I fell into your hands today. I have nothing to say. However, can you tell me, you You can tell me where this demonic body came from!"


Ling Feng snorted coldly, "Want to know? I won't tell you!"

If Elder Shenglin hadn't been here, Ling Feng might have made Falos realize what he was doing.

However, although Ling Feng and Elder Sheng Lin seemed to be in alliance, they actually had their own agendas. Ling Feng could not expose all his old background in front of him.

However, he has already revealed his ability to belong to the demon clan, and Elder Shenglin doesn't care.

This old guy is very smart. He doesn't need to master everything. As long as he can control the overall situation, it is enough for him.

He and Ning Kun belong to the same type of people, and can be regarded as heroes of the generation.

Elder Shenglin squinted his eyes and smiled, "It seems that it is time to end the farce here. There is not much time left before Longyuan Gorge is closed. When I leave this place, I will report it 'truthfully'. Elder Jianxin wants to He resisted the three demons for half a step, but unfortunately died. As for Shuihan War God and Princess Bingqing, they fought side by side with me and killed the three demons together. "

After a pause, Elder Shenglin turned back and glanced at Ling Feng, "I don't know the version of this story, but I am satisfied with it."

"What story? Isn't this the whole story?" Ling Feng nodded and said calmly.

"Not bad, that's what my little friend said."

Elder Shenglin stroked his long beard and was very satisfied with Ling Feng's answer.

However, at this moment, the armored puppet's movements suddenly paused.

Then, a hysterical roar burst out from the puppet's mouth.

"Fuck you! Shenglin, you bastard, do you think you can completely get rid of me this way? You're dreaming!"

This voice turned out to be Elder Jianxin!

That old guy, however, was not an energy-saving lamp. He actually had a back-up plan left in the body of the armored puppet.

Elder Shenglin's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he lost control of the armor puppet.

The two half-step demon emperors were also overjoyed, and Hailim even laughed wildly and said: "Elder Kenshin, if we work together, we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

"Okay, cooperate!"

The remnant soul of the sword heart attached to the armored puppet suddenly laughed ferociously, stretched out its hand and sucked Hailim's body directly.

Then, the machine spring on the armored puppet's chest started to work crazily, and a pair of shackle-like iron buckles actually stretched out, directly wrapping Hailim's body.

The next moment, Hailim let out a hysterical scream, and his entire body had been swallowed directly by the armor puppet.

This was originally a method used to deal with Ling Feng, in order to transfer the chaotic light in his body into the armor puppet.

Now, Elder Jianxin went crazy and directly devoured a Half-Step Demon Emperor.

"Sheng Lin, and you, a remnant of heaven, even if I die, you will be buried with me! Go to hell!"

Elder Jianxin shouted loudly, and then, he actually detonated the armor puppet and Hailim's original power at the same time.

The two qi of immortals and demons intertwined and exploded crazily.

This is also Elder Kenshin’s final madness!

In an instant, the entire Burial Dragon Tiankeng collapsed at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Damn it! You madman!!!"

Faros, who was the closest, his eyelids twitching wildly, retreated like crazy.

The expressions of Elder Shenglin and Ling Feng also changed dramatically.

Elder Jianxin came towards the two of them at an unbelievable speed.

Ling Feng immediately rushed to where Yu Bingqing was.

Elder Shenglin immediately retreated and evacuated from the Dragon Burial Tiankeng.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Elder Jianxin detonated the power of the armor puppet, and actually exploded the bones of the alien beasts that had stood here for thousands of years into flying ash.

The tide of void escapes from those twisted void cracks.

It won't be long before the Dragon Burial Tiankeng will be destroyed.

Ling Feng didn't care about cursing Elder Jian Xin's madness, and used the secret technique of Xuntian Fire Escape, flying directly to Yu Bingqing's side.

Gritting his teeth, he used the power of his spiritual consciousness to lift up Yu Bingqing's body, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Yu Bingqing didn't realize what was happening at this moment. She turned around and saw a terrible explosion sweeping across crazily, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Ling Feng, what's going on?"

"Go out first and then talk!"

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead. Before he finished speaking, the open space where Yu Bingqing rested had been razed to the ground and turned into nothingness.

The violent hot wind swept across, annihilating everything in its path.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, wishing he could have more legs and evacuate frantically.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to rush out of the Dragon Burial Tiankeng, a crack in the void opened directly behind him.

The power of the tide instantly locked his body.

what happened?

At this moment, he sensed that the Source of Time seemed to be re-energized.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. Ever since he entered the Dragon Burial Tiankeng, the Source of Time had been unresponsive. Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave, another incident would arise.

In an instant, almost half of his body was swallowed by the crack in the void.

The terrible explosion behind him also followed closely behind.

At this critical moment, Ling Feng could only use all his strength to throw Yu Bingqing's body heavily, and at the same time shouted at Elder Shenglin: "Shenglin, we still want to cooperate with each other." If you continue, please help me get Bingqing out safely——"

The moment Yu Bingqing's body was thrown out, Ling Feng's voice stopped abruptly.

His body had been completely swallowed up by the space-time rift torn open in the Burial Dragon Celestial Keng.

Then, a terrible explosion struck, and the immortal and demonic power inspired by Elder Jianxin was so devastating that it even directly blew up the crack in the void.


Yu Bingqing turned around suddenly and roared hysterically.

The huge force that Ling Feng exerted on her finally gradually dissipated. Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and rushed towards the Burial Dragon Tiankeng again.

Even if he dies, he must die with him!

At this moment, a tall figure stopped in front of her.

It was Elder Sheng Lin who had already escaped from the Burial Dragon Tiankeng.

"Your Highness, the eldest princess, if you go back now, you will only die."

"Get away! Don't stop me!"

Yu Bingqing shouted loudly and directly attacked Elder Shenglin.

It's a pity that with her current weak appearance, she is no match for Elder Shenglin.

With one strike from Elder Shenglin, Yu Bingqing was knocked unconscious and collapsed to the ground.

"Hey, boy Ling Feng, you'd better come out alive."

Elder Shenglin stared at the Dragon Burying Tiankeng, which was still violently exploding, shook his head and sighed softly.

Although in the current situation, according to common sense, Ling Feng would never be alive.

But he felt that the descendants of the Tiandao clan would not die so easily.

Therefore, he stopped Yu Bingqing and prevented her from rushing back to die.

After all, the cooperation between Ling Feng and him now seems to be based on Yu Bingqing's ability to leave Longyuan Gorge safely.

As for the demon Pharos, it seemed that he was not very lucky and was also directly devoured by the big explosion.

The terrifying explosion lasted for half an hour.

Elder Shenglin and Yu Bingqing retreated again and again, and now there really is only a huge pit stretching for tens of thousands of miles in the entire Burial Dragon Tiankeng, and nothing else!

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