Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4007 The Great Evil King!

"Then, tell me all the information you know about the Exiled Land."

Ling Feng's eyes fell on Faros and said solemnly: "Especially the information about the evil of ignorance and resentment."

"Since you have heard about the evil spirit of ignorance, why do you need to ask me again?" Pharos frowned, obviously impatient.

As a half-step strong man, this guy has a respected status among the demon clan.

Now I have to "surrender" to a small immortal, and I am extremely unwilling to do so.

"I'll ask you an answer, no unnecessary nonsense."

Ling Feng glared at Faros, and then the guy answered honestly: "You can understand the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment as a kind of immortal evil spirit. They are attached to the bone soul river and are born. In other words, No matter how many times you kill them, they keep coming back to life."

After a pause, Pharos seemed to recall some very tragic past events, sighed softly, and slowly said: "Because of this, no matter what kind of elite troops they are, once they encounter groups of ignorant and resentful evil spirits, , basically they will pay a very heavy price.”

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and the expression on his face became a little more solemn.

The White Bone Soul River runs through almost the entire Exiled Land, which means that those ignorant and resentful evil spirits can continuously revive with the help of the White Bone Soul River, and then launch attacks again.

Unless you can evaporate the entire river of bones and souls in an instant, otherwise, when encountering these ignorant and resentful evil spirits, you should hide wherever you can.

Then, Pharos told some stories about the exiles who were exiled from the fairyland.

According to Faros, although they were exiled from the Immortal Realm, they were unwilling to cooperate with the demons and counterattack the Immortal Realm.

"They are just a bunch of insane lunatics who believe in the so-called seven deadly sins."

Pharos snorted coldly. Looking at the resentful look on his face, it was obvious that the demons must have suffered a lot at the hands of the Priest.

"The Seven Evil Gods of Sin are derived from seven evil stone carvings, each of which is engraved with seven kinds of demonic power. They are -

"Greed [Devil] Mammon, out-of-control desire, endless desire for all things.

"Lust [Devil] Asmodeus, physical desire, excessive greed for the pleasure of lust.

“Gluttony [Demon] Beelzebub, gluttonous desire, endlessly expanding appetite.

"Jealousy [Devil] Leviathan, the desire for wealth, never-ending grab for all wealth.

"Sloth [Demon] Belial, the desire to escape, laziness in everything.

"Arrogance [Devil] Lucifer, desire for excellence, self-obsession caused by excessive arrogance, feeling that he is superior to others in every way.

"The Furious [Devil] Samael, the desire for revenge stems from the irritability, hatred, and anger in his heart."

Ling Feng nodded secretly. The people of the Sin Priest Department had completely different powers because of the different evil gods they believed in.

The people he met in Wuluo Ruins were Arrogant Archbishop Lan Yi, Gluttonous Archbishop Qian Wu, and Furious Archbishop Chong Ming.

They can each summon different evil gods, and under certain circumstances, the power of the evil gods can be fused.

He is indeed a very difficult guy.

"Those madmen seem to have some kind of deal with the evil god, so they can borrow the power of the evil god. Their leader is also called the Great Evil King."

Pharos continued: "It's just that there is no record of the Great Evil King among the demons. I have only heard of this name from some members of the Priest. Among the Priests, the one who really leads the group of madmen is He is called the Archbishop. He is a very terrifying guy, and his strength is undoubtedly at the Broken Level."

"Broken level!"

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times.

Half a step is already difficult enough to deal with, but here comes the crushing level.

Moreover, this is not the highest level of the Priests. The Great Evil King must also be at the Shatter level without a doubt.


Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart. Fortunately, he spared Faros a small life. A half-step level Demon Emperor was a good help to him.

Although this guy must have hidden secrets in his heart and is completely dissatisfied with himself.

But there is now a common goal between him and Falos.

As long as both he and himself want to leave here, cooperation can be achieved.

"Let's go..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He still wanted to find the "white bones grow flowers" mentioned by Mr. Qingyan to resolve the poison in his own body.

From a certain level, the toxin in the White Bone Soul River can no longer be called a toxin, but a kind of Tao injury.

Therefore, Lingfeng's ability to be invulnerable to all poisons is invalidated, and Xiaodie's ability to absorb poisons is naturally of no use.

After saying that, Ling Feng walked along the river bank.

He couldn't figure out the direction here, so Ling Feng could only walk forward casually.

I hope to find Baigu Shenghua as soon as possible.

The poison of the Bone Soul River has begun to penetrate his body, burning his soul.

If I don't detoxify quickly, I'm afraid it will inevitably turn into ignorance and resentment.

at the same time.

Let's talk about Elder Shenglin, looking at the ruins in front of him, waiting for a full day and night, but still couldn't see any "miracle" happening.

Yu Bingqing also woke up not long ago.

The big explosion in the Burial Dragon Tiankeng had long since stopped, and she was frantically digging through the ruins, trying to find Ling Feng.

However, the figure that haunted him so much was never seen.

Even the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix seemed to have lost its soul and became dim.

This also means that the phoenix ring in his hand can no longer sense the existence of Ling Feng's dragon ring.

"Your Highness, Princess, you'd better go with me."

Elder Shenglin shook his head, "The Gorge of Longyuan is about to close. If you don't leave, you will be swallowed up by this time and space and turned into nothingness."

"no no!"

Yu Bingqing's eyes were filled with tears, "I won't leave if I can't find him."


Elder Shenglin sighed secretly, and then said: "As you said, that kid was swallowed up by a crack in time and space in the end. He may not be dead. But if you still stay here, you will definitely die. You Do you think he is alive or dead?"

The movements in Yu Bingqing's hands suddenly stopped, and she turned back to look at Elder Shenglin, "Do you also believe that he is still alive?"

"It's hard to say, but I feel that the Tiandao clan is not yet exhausted."

Elder Shenglin said calmly: "So, are you going to become a dead person here, or are you going to stay outside and wait for him to come out and find you alive?"


It has to be said that Elder Shenglin's words did make Yu Bingqing calm down temporarily.

Yes, how could Ling Feng die so easily?

Tianbai Corpse Emperor failed to kill him, and Enlightenment Beast also failed to kill him.

He was able to even help him carry the giant statue of the gods during the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor.

Since knowing him, he has created miracles again and again, and this time, it must be the same.

Therefore, all he has to do is wait for him to come back, that's all!

"I believe he must still be alive!"

Yu Bingqing bit her silver teeth and nodded towards Elder Shenglin, "Thank you for your advice, senior. Let's go."

"Children can be taught."

Elder Shenglin nodded, "However, regarding what happened here..."

"War God Shui Han and I were chased by a half-step strong demon clan. Fortunately, our seniors and Elder Jian Xin took action in time. However, during the battle between the two sides, Elder Jian Xin was unfortunately killed, and War God Shui Han was also involved in the rift in time and space. I don’t know what happened. The senior tried his best to save the junior.”

Yu Bingqing took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "This is the whole story. What do you think, senior?"

"You are indeed ice and snow smart, no wonder that boy likes you."

Elder Shenglin stroked his long beard and laughed.

Normally, Yu Bingqing would have felt happy, but at this moment, she was worried about Ling Feng's situation, but she had no such thoughts.

Even if Ling Feng really didn't die, he was swallowed up by the gap in time and space, and then the entire time and space was blown up by the self-destruction power of a half-step strong man.

How can he return to the outside world?

Ling Feng's return journey is probably destined to be full of difficulties and obstacles.

But she believed that if it was Ling Feng, there would be nothing he couldn't do.

He can definitely come back and fulfill his promise to himself.

The place of exile.

Ling Feng walked along the White Bone Soul River.

In this barren land, let alone bones and flowers, not even a single weed was seen.

What worries Ling Feng even more is that in this ghost place, he can't feel the passage of time at all.

He had no idea how much time had passed.

Maybe in the outside world, Longyuan Gorge has been closed.

I don’t know what’s going on with Yu Bingqing?

Although he and Elder Shenglin have reached a deal, he is the kind of person who always considers maximizing his own interests.

Will he eliminate Yu Bing again in order to completely block the news?

At the last moment, he vaguely saw that Elder Shenglin seemed to make a move to catch Yu Bingqing.

He probably believed that he could get out alive.

I hope that old guy won't do anything detrimental to Bingqing, otherwise, once he goes out, the first one will definitely kill him!

It's no wonder that Ling Feng had been tricked by Ning Kun before and had a shadow in his heart, so he was extremely wary of Elder Sheng Lin.

In fact, Elder Shenglin was not as miserable as he thought.

"Careful! Back away!"

At this moment, Faros's very alert voice came from behind.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he quickly retracted his thoughts, not daring to continue thinking.

He looked intently and saw several light shadows floating on the water not far ahead in the Bone Soul River.

"That is?"

"Ignorance and resentment!"

Pharos nodded and said in a deep voice: "Most of them usually sleep in the White Bone Soul River, and there are tens of millions of ignorant and resentful evil spirits hidden at the bottom of the river. This place is too close to the White Bone Soul River. Those monsters must not be disturbed.”

Ling Feng's expression changed, and he could only imitate Falos's example, moving his body along a boulder, little by little.

This guy has most likely encountered the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment before, otherwise, he would be afraid of being like this even if he is half a strong man.

Not long after, when the shadow on the river finally sank completely, Pharos breathed a sigh of relief.

"I finally went down. If they find out, it will be endless."

Both he and Ling Feng were still injured. It was very disadvantageous to fight against the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment in this state.

"Why do you have to walk along the river bank?"

Pharos frowned and couldn't help complaining.

In fact, he had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

"My body has been soaked in the river of bones and souls, and the toxins have invaded the bone marrow."

Ling Feng didn't hide anything and continued: "So, I need to pick white bones and flowers to detoxify."

The expression on Faros's face suddenly changed, and he stared at Ling Feng as if he were looking at a monster, "You... you were soaked in the river of bones and souls, but you were not transformed into the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment?"

"Only half of the body has been soaked. Can it be considered...half transformed?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Anyway, I still need to stay on the river bank for a while. After I detoxify, I can find a way to leave."

Pharos's face darkened, "To put it lightly, do you know that where the bones and flowers grow, there will definitely be the existence of ignorant and resentful evil spirits? You go to pick flowers, and you know what this means? It is tantamount to confronting those monsters. conflict!"

"Thank you so much for reminding me."

Ling Feng glanced at him and said with a sneer: "So, this task will be left to you. You go and pick it, and I will take care of you."


Pharos almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, this kid is too shameless!

"Is there anything you're not satisfied with?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and looked at Faros with a slightly provocative look.

This old boy may have forgotten that his life is still in his own hands.


Faros gritted his teeth and really wanted to give himself a big mouth. Why did he remind Ling Feng so much!

"very good."

Ling Feng smiled and patted Faros on the shoulder, "Old Fa, if we can leave alive, I will definitely detoxify you, don't worry."

"My name is not Lao Fa! My last name is Gulando!"

"Then let's go with Lao Gu. Aren't they all the same? It's very troublesome!"

Faros almost vomited blood again, so he could only roll his eyes and acquiesced to this inexplicable title.

"Lao Gu, it seems that you also know something about bones and flowers. Then you can lead the way."

Ling Feng grinned, and immediately took out an hourglass from the space magic weapon, "You can't feel the passage of time in this damn place, so be it. Before this hourglass runs out, if you can't lead me to find the White Bone Flower, I'm going to let you get poisoned once. On the other hand, if you find the White Bone Flower, I can help you heal your injuries."

Faros clenched his fists and glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "I really thank you!"

After saying that, Pharos walked forward without looking back.

How long can a broken hourglass leak? He must race against time now, otherwise, the boy's poison is so tight that he doesn't want to continue to taste the feeling of having his intestines tied with more than a dozen knots.

"Sure enough, with rewards and punishments, you will be full of motivation! Lao Gu, keep working hard, I'm optimistic about you!"

Ling Feng chuckled and followed quickly.

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