Since they had to walk along the bank of the Bone Soul River to find the White Bone Flower, Ling Feng and Pharos were cautious along the way, walking on thin ice.

After all, if you provoke those ignorant and resentful evil spirits on the river bank, there will probably be an endless and fierce battle next.

And as time goes by, they will be surrounded by more and more ignorant and resentful evil spirits, until they fight until they are exhausted.

The only way to escape the pursuit of these monsters is to sacrifice some of your companions to stop the monsters, giving others a chance to escape.

The elite troops sent by the demon clan used this method to abandon their companions several times, and they had already lost their troops before they truly entered the hinterland of the Exiled Land.

Then, he met a more ruthless priest.

A mighty elite army of demons finally lost almost 90% of their strength and returned in disastrous defeat.

This has never happened before in the long history of confrontation between demons and immortals.

I don’t know if it’s because Pharos really knows a lot about bones growing flowers, or maybe it’s because this guy’s luck is really good.

The hourglass in Ling Feng's hand was only half empty, and he actually found an open space filled with bones on a muddy tidal flat.

In the center of the pile of white bones, several pure white flowers grew.

The rhizomes of these flowers extend directly from the swamps soaked by the water of the White Bone Soul River, which also proves from the side that this kind of White Bone Flowers are not affected by the White Bone Soul River at all.

However, there were about seven or eight ignorant and resentful evil spirits wandering on this beach.

These evil spirits of ignorance and resentment come in different forms.

Some of them were as bulging as a mountain of flesh, more than three meters tall, and they were fat and stood motionless.

Some of them look like mandrills, with their bodies hunched, half lying on the ground, crawling on the ground with all four limbs, and moving very quickly.

There are also some whose bodies are very uncoordinated, or whose heads are huge, or whose hands, feet, or one part of the body is completely out of proportion to the others.

Others look completely indistinguishable from ordinary humans.

However, regardless of their shape, their pupils are an eternal void. They have no eyeballs and do not focus light. They can only be regarded as a group of mindless walking zombies.

"That's how white bones grow flowers!"

Pharos and Ling Feng hid behind a huge boulder, carefully pointed at the small flowers on the pile of bones, and said in a deep voice: "There are eight ignorant and resentful evil spirits around, and they are very close to the Bone Soul River, so it may be difficult to succeed. ”

"So I need you."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and stated his plan concisely and clearly, "Old Fa, you rush out first to attract the attention of those monsters, and you must wake up those ignorant and resentful evil spirits sleeping under the river of bones and souls. Before, I took them away. Then I took the opportunity to pick off the white bone flowers."

"Don't you just want me to die?"

The corner of Pharos's mouth twitched, "Then I would rather be poisoned to death by you!"

"Don't worry, I have a comprehensive plan!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he pointed in the direction away from the river bank and said: "You will run in that direction in a while. After I succeed, I will naturally go to pick you up."


Faros snorted coldly, apparently not even believing the punctuation of Ling Feng's words.

"Then you want to die now, right?"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold and he gave this guy a cold look.

Give him three points of color, and he even opens a dyeing workshop.

Do you really consider yourself an ally?

To put it bluntly, his life is now in his own hands, no different than a dog.

Pharos's face darkened, he hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will believe you just once!"

"This is right!"

Ling Feng smiled and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, I guarantee you won't die."

Faros snorted, shrank his shoulders, avoided Ling Feng's palm, and then used his body skills to fly towards the pile of bones on the beach.

Sure enough, when he appeared, those ignorant and resentful evil spirits with empty eyes all looked over.

Then, without even a moment's hesitation, he rushed towards Pharos.

Pharos's complexion changed and he immediately ran away as fast as possible.

At this moment, Ling Feng sent a message: "There is still one person who has not been lured away by you!"

Fallows instantly felt his teeth itch with hatred, then turned back, rushed directly in front of the ignorant and resentful evil spirit who was napping near the bones and flowers, and kicked him hard.

The ignorant and resentful evil spirit suddenly opened its eyes, and immediately let out a roar with its teeth and claws.

At the same time, the other ignorant and resentful evil spirits had all approached within ten feet of Pharos.

Even though those monsters all looked weird and their bodies seemed very uncoordinated, their speeds were ridiculously fast.

Actually, he is almost no worse than Faros, a half-step strong man.

A chill ran down Pharos' spine and he quickly retreated.

All of a sudden, all the monsters on the beach were lured away by him.

Only on the other side of the White Bone Soul River, although "Gululu" bubbled for a while, everything returned to calm as Pharos went away.

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and made sure that there was no abnormality in the White Bone Soul River. Then he flew out and went to pick the White Bone Flower.

The tidal flat was covered with mud that had been soaked by the drinking water from the White Bone Soul River.

This silt also contains the strong toxins of the White Bone Soul River.

Although Ling Feng's demonic body was very strong and domineering, he did not dare to get stained with the mud easily.

With a flick of his figure, Ling Feng flew close to the white bone flower and directly transformed the Ten Directions Annihilation into a pair of golden gloves, which fit his palm together.

He was also afraid that there might be other dangers on the white bone flower, so he should be cautious for safety.

Sure enough, when Ling Feng picked up a white bone flower, a very clear but extremely sticky liquid spurted out from the flower stem.

Ling Feng raised his hand to block and push away the liquid.

However, some of the mucus still stained the golden gloves, and even the Ten Directions Annihilation mixed with the life-threatening gold essence was eroded and turned black.

If this directly stained his hand, I'm afraid that the palm of the demonic body would also be disabled.

Ling Feng secretly thanked himself that he was cautious enough!

Then, Ling Feng copied the same method and collected all the white bone flowers next to him.

In this ghost place, I don't know if I will come into contact with the water of the White Bone Soul River next. I have to store more to be prepared.

Then, Ling Feng looked in the direction where Falos left before, and muttered to himself: "It's time to meet that old man."

He didn't think of abandoning Falos directly. After all, if he wanted to leave this exile place, there would be many places in the future where he would need Falos, a half-step strong man.

Ling Feng couldn't bear to let him die without "squeezing" out his last bit of surplus value.

Maybe that guy also thought about this clearly, so he chose to believe Ling Feng.

Just when Ling Feng turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly saw a vague shadow floating over the White Bone Soul River.

What is that?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. The shadow was a little different from other Wuming Yuansha, and it didn't seem to notice his existence.

"It" just moved along the White Bone Soul River, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But in Ling Feng's heart, he couldn't help but have a strange feeling.

It was as if he and the shadow had met before.

Unfortunately, the shadow floated along the Bone Soul River and Ling Feng could not see its appearance clearly, and could not even tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"Strange, why do I have such a feeling?"

Ling Feng frowned and shook his head violently. It was important to go to Falos to help him.


On the other side, Falos took those ignorant evil spirits and fled.

He did not dare to confront those ignorant evil spirits head-on.

After all, as long as he killed these monsters, they would automatically return to the Bone Soul River to be reborn.

Moreover, this was not the most important thing. When they returned to the Bone Soul River, they would inevitably alarm other ignorant evil spirits sleeping at the bottom of the river.

Next, it was an even more terrible vicious cycle.

The speed and number of their support would be far beyond imagination.

And these experiences were all gained by the demons at an extremely tragic price.

"Damn it, why don't you come back!"

At this moment, Falos had been running wildly for a long time with those unknown evil spirits, but there was no sign of Ling Feng.

In his heart, he had already greeted Ling Feng's eighteen generations of ancestors several times.

After all, he was still injured at the moment, and the demonic energy in his body was almost consumed.

If this continues, he will probably be surrounded by those unknown evil spirits and forced to fight back.

But once he fights back, it is not right to kill or not to kill. This deadlock cannot be broken at all.

Fortunately, just when he was about to despair, he finally saw the dawn of hope.

He has never been so eager for someone to appear as at this moment.

And, it was a person who poisoned him!

However, what surprised him was that although the person who came back was indeed Ling Feng, there were as many as eighteen of them!

Each of them exuded the same aura as Ling Feng, as if they were all entities.

"How did this kid do it?"

Falos's face changed, and he saw those "Ling Fengs" rushing directly towards the Wuming Yuansha. Two or three people were more than enough to surround one.

"Don't kill them!"

Falos shouted anxiously, "Kill one and bring back a group!"

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng's voice suddenly appeared behind him. Falos turned around suddenly, but saw that Ling Feng was another "Ling Feng" standing behind him.

"How did you..."

"It's just a clone."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Let's go, let them trap those monsters, and we can leave safely."

It turned out that those clones were all blood shadow guards created by Ling Feng with the Asura Demon Eye.

Because they all possessed the power of Ling Feng's blood essence, strictly speaking, they were also entities and had the ability to attract Wuming Yuansha.

The reason why he came back a little late was because he needed to return to his original body first, summon the blood shadow guards, and then change his body back.

After all, although the Heavenly Demon Yin Body possesses most of Ling Feng's talents and abilities, it did not inherit the Asura Demon Eye.

"It seems to be the ability of the Asura Demon Clan, right?"

Faros' eyelids jumped. When they besieged Ling Feng before, they did not realize that this kid actually had this hidden trick!

The Heavenly Demon Yin Body, and the Blood Shadow Guard of the Asura Demon Clan...

How many abilities does this guy have related to the demon clan!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, which was considered as tacit agreement.

If he uses the Eye of the Void again, this guy will probably doubt his life.

"Let's go. If these blood shadow guards are just defending, they should be able to delay it for a while!"

After getting the information that Wu Ming Resentful Evil cannot be killed easily, Ling Feng also changed his strategy and asked the Blood Shadow Guard to act as a human shield while he and Falos left first.

With the speed of the two of them, they were already thousands of miles away from the river bank in a short time.

However, because the White Bone Soul River runs through almost the entire Exiled Land, you can still see a black line in the distance, coinciding with the skyline, which is the White Bone Soul River.

Ling Feng found a relatively hidden cave, set up a magic circle around it, and briefly cleaned up the surrounding environment before releasing his body from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Half of his body had completely turned into black bones, looking a little disgusting.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. At this moment, Mr. Qingyan was still resting in his own spiritual sea. He could not be disturbed. He could only turn his head and look at Falos and said lightly: "How should I use this white bone flower?"

"Generally speaking, the juice is squeezed out of the flowers and dripped on the wound..."

Pharos looked at Ling Feng, then at the "little Ling Feng" on the stone platform, and couldn't help but said: "However, your body has become like this, half of your body is covered with wounds..."

In fact, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that someone who had been soaked in the Bone Soul River and turned into such a ghostly state could still remain rational and not turn into ignorance and resentment.

"Just try and you will find out."

Ling Feng took out all the bones and flowers he had collected before.

Then, he began to pluck off the petals one by one, squeeze out the juice, and drip it on his own body.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Drops of flower liquid fell on the blackened bones.

Sure enough, where the flower liquid was infiltrated, the black poisonous gas was actually suppressed and dissipated.


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, but soon, Ling Feng began to feel depressed again.

After he used up all the bones and flowers, he found that only about one-third of his body had the black energy dissipated.

Ling Feng immediately activated the immortal golden body. Where the black energy dissipated, the body no longer rotted, but those areas that were not soaked by the juice of the white bones and flowers still could not recover.

It seems that I still need to follow the same pattern and collect white bones and flowers a few more times.

However, with this experience, the next thing will be easy.

Vaguely, Ling Feng even had some expectations in his heart.

As I continue to look for bones and flowers, will I see the fleeting shadow I saw on the river bank again?

Who is "it" and why does it make me feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity?

All these mysteries may only be solved if we see the shadow that seems to be "the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment" again.

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