Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4009 The lustful priest!

In a sense, the Land of Exile and the battlefield outside the territory do have something in common.

That is, in these two places, there is no difference between day and night.

The situation in the Exiled Land is even more serious, and even the passage of time cannot be felt.

If you want to know how much time has passed, you need to use an hourglass to measure it.

In fact, after staying in the Exiled Land for a long time, you will gradually lose the concept of time.

Time, in the Land of Exile, is something without any meaning.

Here, all things are neither born nor destroyed, and once they die, they will become one of the evil spirits of ignorance and resentment, living forever and ever without end.

As a result, Ling Feng could only place the hourglass in a corner of the cave to calculate time.

He first spent about half an hour using Taixuan acupuncture to heal Faros' injuries.

That guy was seriously blown up by Elder Jianxin's self-destruction. Fortunately, he was not soaked in the river of bones and souls like Ling Feng. Otherwise, what Ling Feng saw now would have been another ignorant and resentful evil spirit. .

When Ling Feng pulled out all the golden needles, Faros could not help but moan in relief.

Even if he was dissatisfied with Ling Feng, he had to admit that his medical skills were indeed unparalleled.

"It seems you're almost doing well."

Ling Feng looked at the figure in front of him for half a step, dragging his chin with his palm. He didn't know what idea he was thinking of to "squeeze" this guy better.


Feeling Ling Feng's malicious gaze, Faros coughed a few times, then covered his chest and said: "Actually, it's not completely healed. There is still a dull pain in my chest. I will need to rest in a short period of time."


Ling Feng smiled coldly. With his medical skills, how could he not be able to tell whether this old boy was okay or not?

He immediately took out a pill from the Naling Ring and said, "How about another poison to fight poison with poison?"

Faros dared to continue pretending to be sick, so he could only grit his teeth and said: "Okay, okay, I'm all healed!"

"Then don't leave yet, let's continue looking for Bones and Flowers!"

Ling Feng glanced at him coldly. He probably still needed to find twice as many Bone Flowers as before, just to be able to remove all the poison of the Bone Soul River from his body.

Without further ado.

Although Ling Feng's soul is now attached to the devil's Yin body, he can still feel the poison of the White Bone Soul River burning his soul.

Although about one-third of his toxins have been eliminated, the burning feeling has not improved.

Calculated according to external time, there will be three days at most. If all the toxins cannot be completely eliminated, I am afraid that he will also be transformed into the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment.


Pharos sighed softly, feeling extremely dizzy at the thought of returning to the dangerous bank of the Bone Soul River.

Don't blame him for being cowardly. Although Ling Feng has the means to escape, Wu Ming Yu Sha's strength is not exactly the same.

If you are unlucky, you may even encounter one that is comparable to the Shattered level.

No one knows the origin of the Bone Soul River, but beneath this long river, extremely dangerous existences do sleep.

This is why Fallows chose to cooperate with Ling Feng after a short weighing.

Even under the threat of poison, he was willing to temporarily surrender to Ling Feng.

It was really because he wanted to leave this hellish place so much.

Not long after, the two of them returned to the bank of the White Bone Soul River, one after the other, looking for the White Bone Flower.

With the first experience in the past, the next step is to follow the same example.

Soon, Ling Feng succeeded again and picked a batch of white-bone flowers.

Go back to the cave and do the same thing again.

Another third of the toxins in the body have been eliminated.

This time, although Faros was completely cured by Ling Feng, he suffered some injuries.

Moreover, several of Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guards were killed almost instantly.

This also made Ling Feng realize that this place of exile was an extremely dangerous place even for the two of them who had half-step broken strength.

Therefore, for the third time, Ling Feng was much more cautious than before without the need for Faros to remind him.

It can be said that the success the first time was entirely due to good luck.

Ling Feng didn't dare to gamble with his life again.

"After we finish this job, we can get as far away from this river of bones and souls as possible!"

At this moment, Ling Feng and Faros were hiding behind a huge rock on the river bank.

Ling Feng was cheering for Falos with a smile.


Pharos rolled his eyes, "I'm obviously looking for medicine for you, so why do I take the risk every time? It's been three times, so it's time for you to attract those monsters."

"Yes, it's been three times! Aren't you very experienced?"

Ling Feng patted Faros on the shoulder, making Faros so angry that he cursed in his heart.

He is considered a "wise general" among the demon clan, but now he is still being fooled around by Ling Feng.

"Go ahead, leave early and get out early!"

Ling Feng chuckled. This time, the bone beach was larger than the previous two times. Therefore, there were nearly twenty or thirty ignorant evil spirits wandering nearby.

Therefore, when Pharos saw this situation, his face turned a little pale, and he wanted to find another place to pick the White Bone Flower.

But how could Ling Feng give up such a huge piece of bones and flowers for nothing?

There are more bones and flowers on this beach than the previous two times combined.

Faros clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and glared at Ling Feng. Finally, he could only accept his fate and rushed out.

He first dodged directly to those ignorant and resentful evil spirits who were closest to the bones and flowers, and used his actions to provoke and provoke them.

Soon, all the ignorant and resentful people on this beach were attracted to him.

I have to say that with the previous two practical experiences, this guy is indeed "experienced".

Ling Feng also carefully checked the situation on the other side of the Bone Soul River before showing up.

It's a pity that he didn't see the shadow that made him feel inexplicably familiar both times.

It was as if everything that had happened before was just his own illusion.

Maybe it was really because he was poisoned by the Bone Soul River, and the poison burned his soul, causing him to have hallucinations?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng suppressed his distracting thoughts for the time being and prepared to pick flowers from the bones.

However, at this moment, from a pile of rubble on the opposite side, a dozen ragged and unkempt figures rushed out.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched.

Could it be that these people are...


Damn it, I have clearly confirmed that there is no scent of anyone else around me, but what on earth is going on with these guys?

He didn't think that with his spiritual senses that were comparable to the broken level, something could go wrong.

In other words, their aura can actually perfectly blend with the world of Exiled Land!

"Hey, what a handsome young man. Which temple are you a believer in?"

The crowd dispersed, and a beautiful middle-aged woman slowly walked out.

She stared straight at Ling Feng with her eyes, making no attempt to conceal the very direct and hot provocation in her eyes.

Unlike the others who were dressed in rags, this woman was brightly dressed.

Those male exiles, even if they stared at this woman and swallowed their saliva, they did not dare to get even half a step closer to her.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, are you a believer?

This woman probably thought of him as a member of the Priestess.

Also, the Exiled Land has long been completely suppressed and sealed.

For tens of millions of years, the number of people has only continued to decrease, so how could any outsider enter this space?

Judging from the posture and tone of this woman, could it be that she is a believer in Asmodeus, the demon of lust?

"Priest Yaoji is asking you something! Are you deaf?"

One of them, a thin man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, stared at Ling Feng and cursed arrogantly.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He still remembered that the few followers of the Priest who he met in the Ruins of the Unfallen all called themselves priests.

The strongest among them is Lan Yi, the arrogant priest who believes in the arrogant evil god.

It seems that this woman's status among the priests should be equivalent to Lan Yi.

"Look at how arrogant he is. He must be a follower of the evil god of arrogance!"

"Are you arrogant and extremely stupid? The great evil god of lust is the only god of truth in time!"

"In the endless emptiness, only lust can fill everything!"

Among the ragged people, there were men and women. When the evil god of lust was mentioned, their mental state seemed to become a little excited.

Many men and women have even begun to touch each other and do some unsightly things.

As Pharos said, most of the guys among the priests are a group of lunatics.

In comparison, the priest named Yao Ji was relatively normal.

I didn't expect to meet the people of the Priest so soon.

When Ling Feng heard that they mistook him for a follower of the Arrogant Evil God, he didn't explain. He imitated Lan Yi and said, "Humph, since you know my identity, why don't you get out of here!"

"You believers in the Temple of Arrogance are all of the same virtue!"

Archbishop Yao Ji still had a charming and charming attitude, "It's no wonder that Priest Lan Yi has won the trust of the Grand Priest recently, and he is lucky enough to be able to meet the Great Evil King in person. You people in the Arrogant Temple, your status will naturally rise. I look down upon the believers in other temples even more."

Lan Yi? ? ?

In this completely unfamiliar place, when he suddenly heard a familiar name, Ling Feng felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It seems that the Lan Yi he killed in Wuluo Ruins was just a clone.

However, didn't he fail and fail to obtain the Source of Time?

How come he can still get promoted?

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know that all this was due to him recognizing that Ling Feng had practiced the "Great Killing Technique".


Ling Feng pretended to be aloof and ignored these guys, firstly to maintain his "arrogant" persona, and secondly, because he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

In this case, more words often lead to more mistakes.

If you don't say it, you can take the initiative.

"The bones and flowers here have been marked by our Lust Temple a long time ago, so even if you are from the Arrogance Temple, there is no way we will give them to you."

The Yao Ji priest smiled seductively, "I advise you to leave obediently. Although my Lust Palace's status is not prominent among the seven halls, you are not qualified!"

As he said this, Priest Yaoji offered sacrifices to the evil god behind his back. It was none other than the evil god of lust, Asmodeus.

It was an indistinguishable monster with a naked upper body and a pair of extremely huge and proud things, but it clearly had a green face with fangs and a devil-like face.

Even just looking at it from a distance seems to be able to arouse the heat in the body that is about to start.

Ling Feng frowned, quickly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Does the mere Temple of Lust dare to compete with us, the Temple of Arrogance, for the bones and flowers?"

Since these guys just mentioned that the arrogant Archbishop Lan Yi's status has been rising recently, he will naturally take advantage of it.

"Boy, you are too arrogant! There are more than a dozen of us here! Isn't it easy to kill you?"

"Do you really think of yourself as Commander Lan Yi?"

The believers in the Temple of Lust began to curse.

It seems that in this hellish place like the Land of Exile, flowers from bones seem to be a very important material.

"At most, I can give you one-third!"

Ling Feng originally only needed half of it to completely remove the toxins from his body, so he started to bargain with them, "My companions finally managed to lure those ignorant and resentful spirits away. They continued to linger here, and soon they provoked them." No one can get more ignorance and resentment!”

Archbishop Yao Ji pondered for a moment, hesitated for a while, and then hummed softly, "At most, each party can take half!"

"Hmph, deal!"

Ling Feng's face was filled with frost, but his heart was filled with joy.

These guys from the Priests are inexplicably easy to deceive.

This can't be blamed on them. After all, who would have thought that there would be people other than the followers of the Priest in this place of exile.

And they preconceptionally thought that Ling Feng was a member of the Arrogance Temple, but the Arrogance Temple was still ranked first among the seven temples.

These series of misunderstandings gave Ling Feng an advantage.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

Just as there was a "boom", Faros fell heavily in front of Ling Feng.


Pharos suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood, stared at the horizon with wide eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, I can't stand it anymore! Pfft——"

Before he finished speaking, another mouthful of black blood spurted out.

And his chest, back, face, limbs...

There were dense bite marks all over his body.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he saw a monster with fangs all over its head high in the sky, rushing towards him.

"It's... it's Chongya Sha!"

Those believers in the Temple of Lust seemed to recognize this relatively special evil of ignorance and resentment.

Although they are collectively called the evil spirits of ignorance and resentment, there are actually some more detailed classifications based on different characteristics.

As for this kind of heavy-toothed demon, there are almost no weak ones. They can only mutate into this form after devouring more than a thousand living people.

For a moment, the believers in the Temple of Lust fled away, not even caring about the bones growing into flowers.

But she saw that Yao Ji snorted coldly and cursed: "Why are you panicking! It's just a beast with heavy teeth, you guys go and stop it first!"

"Stop...I can't stop it!"

The few believers who were called out were so frightened that they didn't care whether they were priests or not, so they ran away.

However, Yaoji's priest was obviously not willing to give up the white-bone flowers. As soon as his figure flashed, he took advantage of the chaos to pick the white-bone flowers.

However, the Chongya Sha set his sights on Yao Ji first.

Or perhaps it was because of her actions of picking flowers from the bones that she angered the Chongyasha.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, pulled Faros up and put him on his shoulders.

It seems that I have to deal with this existence that even a half-powerful person cannot stop.

But in the same way, he also had to have flowers grow out of white bones.

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