Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4010 It’s hard to become the Immortal Emperor!


The Chongya Sha roared loudly, and its face covered with rows of fangs looked extremely terrifying and weird!

Look carefully, not only the face, but also the palms, arms, shoulders...

Almost the whole body is covered with bloody mouths with fangs!

The monster roared and pounced on Yao Ji, who immediately sacrificed the evil god's dharma.

It's a pity that the overwhelming evil energy filled with the power of endless lust has no effect on Chongyasha at all.

Those monsters are already walking zombies and do not have any self-awareness. Naturally, they do not have such a thing as lust.

This is one of the reasons why among the seven evil temples, the Temple of Lust is always ranked at the bottom.

The believers of the Temple of Lust are undoubtedly the worst among the Seven Temples in terms of their ability to survive in the Land of Exile.

However, as a lust priest, Yao Ji's strength is extraordinary.

With a wave of her sleeves, she whipped out several transparent satin-like ribbons, wrapping the Chong Ya Sha layer by layer.

Then, he swung the monster hard and threw it away.

Likewise, she didn't dare to kill the Chongyasha.

Because these monsters can continue to regenerate without limit as long as they are near the Bone Soul River.

And it will also alarm other ignorant and resentful evil spirits sleeping at the bottom of the river.

It is precisely because of this that Pharos was always worried and did not dare to take action with all his strength. In the end, he probably ended up half-eaten.

But when Yao Ji flew over to the pile of bones where the flowers grew, she found that Ling Feng had already picked most of the flowers there.


Yao Ji was so angry that she fought fiercely with Chongya Sha. This guy was so rude!

However, before she could attack Ling Feng, the heavy-toothed roar struck again.

Although she just threw Chongya Sha out, Chongya Sha was covered in fangs. In a few seconds, she bit off the ribbon that Yao Ji tied it with, and then pounced on it again. What was even more disturbing was that, This time, even those ignorant and resentful evil spirits that were lured away by Pharos all ran back wildly.

Not only that, bubbles bubbled crazily on the surface of the White Bone Soul River.

It seems that those ignorant and resentful evil spirits sleeping at the bottom of the river are about to wake up.

And once surrounded by a large area of ​​ignorance and resentment, Ling Feng's blood shadow guards may not be enough to watch.

"Priest Yao Ji, I leave the rest to you!"

Ling Feng grinned at Yao Ji, and then disappeared directly under her shocked and stunned eyes.

But it turned out that Ling Feng had already left a mark of his soul in the cave where he had temporarily hidden.

With his soul origin that is now comparable to that of the Broken Power, he also uses the secret technique of time and space displacement. The current teleportation distance has almost reached a thousand miles!

This is also the backup plan left by Ling Feng.

Fortunately, when he fought against the three half-step demon emperors, he successfully cultivated the Yin Body of the Heavenly Demon. Otherwise, if the Dantian could not be activated, the secret technique of time and space displacement would naturally not be able to be used.


When Yao Ji saw Ling Feng suddenly disappearing, she gritted her teeth with hatred and picked off the remaining bones and flowers. Then she wrapped the Chongya Sha with a ribbon again and threw it into the other cultists who were fleeing.

After all, these guys were the ones who disobeyed orders and ran away first. They were unkind. No wonder Yao Ji was unethical.

Of course, in a place like the Priest, there seems to be no morality to speak of.

When Chongya Sha saw the living creatures in front of him, he couldn't care about Yao Ji for the time being.

At the cost of abandoning most of her companions, Yao Ji escaped from the encirclement of those ignorant and resentful evil spirits in great embarrassment.

"Temple of Pride!"

A trace of resentment flashed in Yao Ji's eyes, and she remembered Ling Feng's appearance in her mind. When she found the opportunity, she would definitely go to the Temple of Arrogance and raise an army to hold him accountable.

It's a pity that Ling Feng has nothing to do with the Arrogance Temple, so to speak.


After returning to the cave, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had those unlucky guys from the Temple of Lust acting as cannon fodder for him this time, so he didn't have to confront the heavy-toothed evil head-on.

And once he is entangled by those monsters, he will not even have time to activate time and space replacement, and it is impossible to escape so easily.

However, with Falos's strength and the fact that he had healed his injuries before, he was basically completely healed. Even so, he was still bitten like that by the Chongyasha.

It is conceivable that among the ignorant and resentful evil spirits, there may be existences that are far stronger than the Half-Step Broken Powerhouse.

This place is indeed full of crises.

Throw Pharos out of the space magic weapon.

This guy's entire old face had begun to turn black. He was lying on the ground motionless, as if he was concentrating on resisting the toxins in his body.

" me!"

Pharos gasped for breath, "I'm about to be... transformed!"

It turns out that being bitten by those ignorant and resentful evil spirits will also be contaminated by the poison of the Bone Soul River.

Not only bites, but scratches from their claws, I'm afraid the same is true.

Ling Feng casually took out a white bone flower, and without saying a word, he twisted out the juice from one petal and dripped it on Faros's wound.


As the juice from the white bones seeps into the skin, bursts of black smoke rise from the wound.

After a while, the blackness on Faros's face faded, and he slowly sat up from the ground, exhaled a breath of filthy breath, and looked at Ling Feng with some confusion.


Ling Feng saw something wrong with his eyes and glared at him angrily.

"I'm just curious. At this time, according to your personality, shouldn't you take advantage of the situation and make some excessive demands?"

Faros stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, do you think I am that kind of person?" Ling Feng rolled his eyes.

"Is not it?"

"Ahem..." Ling Feng couldn't help but coughed a few times and changed the topic: "At least in this place of exile, you and I are both fallen people from the end of the world, so why should we be on guard everywhere?"

"Then you're going to poison me?"

"Can you be honest without poisoning me?"

Ling Feng gave Falos another big eye roll, and then said: "Okay, okay, don't mention this!"

"If you don't mention it, don't mention it!" Pharos snorted, but after this incident, his view of Ling Feng still changed.

At least, he is no longer full of resentment towards Ling Feng.

"take it."

Ling Feng threw out another bottle of elixirs, "These elixirs can help you restore your energy and blood."

Pharos stretched out his hand to take it, gritted his teeth and said: "I helped you lure away those ignorant and resentful evil spirits. I took the greatest risk, and I deserve it!"

"It's up to you." Ling Feng shrugged and quickly released his body without saying much.

Together with the white bone flowers picked this time, it should be enough to remove all the toxins from the body.

Not long after, Ling Feng dripped the juice from the white bones onto the last black bone.

The juice seeped in, and all the toxins in Ling Feng's bones finally dissipated.

Then, Ling Feng's soul merged into his body and activated his immortal golden body.

Flesh and blood grew rapidly, and without the influence of the toxins from the Bone Soul River, Ling Feng's body finally completed its final reshaping.


After all the remaining poison disappeared, Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. The mountain that had been weighing on his head had finally fallen.

There was no such feeling of mental burning pain, which also made Ling Feng feel refreshed and seemed to be back to his peak state all of a sudden.

At this moment, he is almost at the pinnacle of the Immortal Lord realm. If he were in the outside world, he might be able to trigger the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe at any time and break through in one fell swoop.

However, in this place of exile, it seemed that due to the lack of laws of heaven and earth, he was unable to sense the power of creation in this place.

In other words, it is impossible for him to break through in this world.

It is too difficult to step out of the Immortal Emperor!

This situation also has advantages and disadvantages for Ling Feng.

The advantage is that Ling Feng can use all his magical powers with all his strength and does not need to worry about the catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor.

Compared with other peak immortals who had to huddle up carefully and prepare various means to overcome the disaster before facing the disaster, Ling Feng was very arrogant.

But if he doesn't leave the place of exile for a day, he won't be able to be promoted.

This also means that if you encounter those broken-level experts from the Priest, you may not be able to do anything about it.

Longyuan Gorge.

Inside the temporary camp of the Conquest Alliance.

"It's the last half hour!"

Elder Shenglin stood on the deck of the warship alliance's airship, staring in the direction of the Burial Dragon Celestial Keng, his brows furrowed.

Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth tightly. In the past few days, she had been looking forward to Ling Feng's safe return, but she never saw the figure that haunted her.

The immortals from other major forces also returned one after another.

This also includes Tianzhi's Ren Tianhen.


Wan Jun sighed softly, "I didn't expect Shuihan War God..."

Although he and "Shui Han" didn't have much friendship, after all, Shui Han saved him once.

Hearing that Shui Han was drawn into the void crack, the deadline was approaching. Even if Ling Feng was still alive and could not leave Longyuan Gorge within the deadline, the final result would be...

The Yue Yinshuang of the Xantian Wind Clan also looked a little heavy.

If Shui Han hadn't taken action, she and Immortal Emperor Yunling might have suffered.

"Hahaha, a good death, a wonderful death!"

On the contrary, Elder Yuna, who was bound to the mast by the Immortal Chain, burst out laughing, "I think he has a short-lived look on his face, huh, no need to wait, that kid is dead!"

"You witch, shut up!"

Wan Xiner frowned and slapped Yuna on the face with a big mouth.

"Stinky girl, I remember you! Sooner or later I want you to look good!"

Elder Yuna glared at Wan Xiner with great hatred. Even though she was now a prisoner, this woman had no awareness of being a prisoner. Instead, she acted confident all day long.

"Wait until you can save your life after you go back! As an undercover demon, don't think that anyone can save you!"

"Haha, I am a demon? Do you have any evidence? Do I have any demonic energy in my body?"

As she spoke, she straightened her proud peak, with a proud look on her face.

Wan Xin'er snorted, "A woman like you who only sells her body to gain a position is simply a shame to all women in the world!"

Elder Yuna seemed to have been touched by Wan Xin'er's words, and her hair immediately started to explode like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. "What did you say? You stinky girl, say it again if you dare!"

"Just say it, you wanton slut, bah!"

Wan Xiner would not save her any face, and scolded Yuna almost going crazy.

Wan Jun shook his head, patted Wan Xiner's shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "Okay Xiner, why bother talking nonsense with this kind of person!"

"What kind of person am I? Tell me clearly!"

Elder Yuna glared at Wan Jun angrily, but unfortunately, Wan Jun did not engage in a verbal dispute with her. He directly made a hand gesture and blocked a talisman in Yuna's mouth.

"My ears are finally clean!"

Ren Tianhen on the side breathed a sigh of relief and nodded towards Wan Jun, "Brother Wan, you should have been like this a long time ago!"

Time passes little by little.

Elder Shenglin sighed softly, looked back at Yu Bingqing, and said solemnly: "We have to leave."

He has done his best to wait until now.

Moreover, it was only with the support of Wan Jun and Yue Yinshuang that he was able to wait until the last moment.

Otherwise, in the past, he would have left at least an hour in advance.

After all, no one can guarantee whether there will be turbulence in time and space when leaving Longyuan Gorge.

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists. Until the last moment, the miracle still didn't happen.

"Sister Bingqing..."

Wan Xiner stepped forward very considerately and held Yu Bingqing's hand, "Don't worry, Shui Han War God is a good man, and he is so powerful, he will definitely be fine!"

Yu Bingqing didn't seem to hear it, and just stood there blankly.

Even though she kept telling herself that she must believe in miracles, she was still a little scared when the Longyuan Gorge was about to close.

She was afraid that she would never see Ling Feng again from now on, so what should she do?


Elder Shenglin sighed softly, shook his head, and then activated the magic circle of the spaceship, piloted the spaceship, and soared into the sky.

The only chance to leave Longyuan Gorge is less than a quarter of an hour.

If the delay continues, everyone may be trapped and die here and turn into nothingness.


The spaceship's magic circle quickly moved into action, making a huge roar.

After a while, it accelerated to the maximum and disappeared into the sky.

And along with the clouds that were rolled away, there was also a teardrop in the corner of Yu Bingqing's eye.

"Ling Feng, you must live! I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Yu Bingqing screamed in her heart, and all she could do now seemed to be to believe in miracles.

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