Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4011: Raise an army to prosecute!

The place of exile, the main altar of the priest.

It is said to be the main altar, but in fact it is a relatively large cave dug out of several bare barren mountains.

This cave, which extends thousands of feet underground, is intricate and contains the seven evil temples of the Priest.

And in the deepest place is where the Great Evil King is.

However, as the priest of the Seven Great Evil Temples, Rao is not qualified to enter them.

On weekdays, the only person who can directly meet the Great Evil King is the Archbishop.

Of course, not long ago, another person was added, the Sin Priest Priest, Lan Yi.

Within the seven evil temples, there are about a dozen priest-level beings in each temple.

In each temple, the priests are actually divided into three levels.

Archbishops of sin, resident priests, and ordinary priests like Yao Ji.

The Archbishop of Sin holds the highest power in each evil god's branch temple, and is equivalent to the existence of a temple master.

The resident priest is always stationed in the Evil Temple and will not leave easily. He also has a very important position.

And people like Yao Ji are actually equivalent to small commanders in ordinary military camps.

Because among the priests, only the priests are divided into three levels, and those below are all just ordinary believers.

After all, the number of members of the Priests is not large to begin with.

Most of the "sinners" of the seven major forces who were originally exiled have been transformed into ignorant and resentful evil spirits during this long period of time.

The remaining people are basically just hanging on.

Otherwise, they would not spend a huge price and send Lan Yi and the others out to find the "Source of Time".

Let's talk about that Yao Ji, after taking the remaining lust cultists and escaping back to the priesthood like a bereaved dog, it can be said that the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she took a step back, the more angry she became!

Before he could take a breath, he led the believers directly to the Arrogance Temple angrily.

We have to find that damn boy and ask for an explanation!

"Lan Yi, come out quickly!"

"come out!"

A group of believers from the Temple of Lust gathered outside the cave of the Temple of Pride and shouted.

Soon, the followers of the Temple of Arrogance were attracted.

I saw a middle-aged man who looked like a skinny monkey and was also in ragged clothes. When he saw the people gathered at the door, he didn't even raise his eyelids and slammed the palace door shut.

As expected of a member of the Temple of Arrogance, he is indeed very arrogant!

However, Yao Ji came over in anger and could not give up easily. She kicked the palace door down and cursed: "Get Lan Yi out of here!"

"It turns out to be Archbishop Yao Ji!"

The believer in the Arrogant Temple just glanced at Yao Ji, but obviously did not take her seriously. He just said coldly: "Sir Lan Yi has something to do. If you are willing, just wait here!"

After saying that, he turned around and left!


Yao Ji glared angrily, and a transparent ribbon shot out from her sleeves, directly wrapping up the believer in the Arrogant Temple, and then slammed it to the ground.

"If he doesn't come out, I'll go find him myself!"

After saying that, Yao Ji was so angry that she led the Lust Cultists into the Arrogance Temple.

At this moment, a lazy voice slowly came out from the temple.

"Isn't this Master Yao Ji?"

The blue light flashed, and then the water light condensed, and Lan Yi's figure appeared in front of Yao Ji.

He was originally from the Xuantian Ice Clan. Even though he was an exile, the power of the Xuantian Ice Soul that he controlled was considered top-notch even among the Immortal Emperor elders of the Xuantian Ice Clan.


Without saying a word, Yao Ji shot the ribbon directly at Lan Yi.

The transparent ribbon passed through Lan Yi's body, and then there was a "click" sound, and the ice flower shattered. It turned out that it was just an ice soul clone.

"Don't try to fool me!"

Yao Ji frowned, anger flashing in her eyes.

"It seems that Archbishop Yao Ji is really angry."

Lan Yi's voice came from far away from the depths of the temple, "It's just that I have been promoted to the resident priest. If you want to see me, come to the temple!"


Yao Ji snorted. Not long ago, Lan Yi was just like her, just an ordinary priest.

This time he had some bad luck!

She waved her sleeves and strode towards the temple.

Not long after, he saw Lan Yi, sitting cross-legged in front of a huge statue of the arrogant evil god, with his back to him, looking calm and composed.

Yao Ji frowned, stared at Lan Yi's back, gritted her teeth and said, "Lan Yi, you Arrogant Temple are really capable!"

"I am Arrogant Temple, and I have always been very capable."

Lan Yi didn't look back, but said leisurely: "Priest Yao Ji, today is different from the past. Now I am the resident priest. How dare you be so rude when you meet me, how arrogant, how arrogant!"

As soon as the words fell, a dozen invisible hands grabbed Yao Ji directly and tried to push her down.

Yao Ji is also a sin priest, so naturally she is also somewhat capable.

A faint light flashed in his eyes, and he managed to dodge those invisible hands, then reluctantly bowed his hands to Lan Yi, and then continued to curse, "Hurry up and hand over this person!"


Lan Yi's eyelids twitched slightly, then he turned around and stared at Yao Ji with some surprise, "Who are you handing over? Who are you handing over?"

"Still acting stupid!"

Yao Ji stared at Lan Yi coldly, "That kid can run away faster than a rabbit. He must have been back long ago! He is from your Arrogant Temple!"

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Lan Yi quickly interrupted Yao Ji, "Priest Yao Ji, I am getting more confused the more I hear what you say? What kid? Which kid?"


Yao Ji snorted coldly, and immediately used the power of her spiritual thoughts to condense a Lingfeng Dharma form.


As soon as Lan Yi saw this face, he felt vaguely familiar.

But I can't tell.

(PS: Ling Feng’s demonic body is Shui Han’s appearance, and the Ling Feng Lan Yi has seen is his silver-haired image before awakening to the original power of the Sky Patrol Ice Clan in his body, so they do not overlap.)

Then, Lan Yi shook his head, "He is not from our Arrogant Temple."

"You still want to cover him?"

How could Yao Ji believe Lan Yi's words and continue to mess around, "Anyway, if I can't find that boy today, I won't leave! He killed many believers in our Lust Temple and took away most of the bones and flowers." , how could it be so easy for you to get away with it?”

Lan Yi was speechless for a while, "I don't know this kid at all. Why are you reporting him? Are you sure he is from the Arrogance Temple?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

Yao Ji snorted coldly, "That boy uses your name to suppress me everywhere, he must be yours!"


Lan Yi also started to feel a little annoyed. Someone actually used his name to cheat!

Now, even if Yao Ji doesn't pursue the case, he will get to the bottom of it.

"I said that I don't know this person. There is no such person in my Arrogance Temple!"

A flash of anger flashed in Lan Yi's eyes, "Where did this kid come from?"

Seeing Lan Yi's appearance, Yao Ji also believed it.

Thinking back carefully, it seemed that they had preconceived the idea of ​​the other party and directly regarded each other as a member of the Arrogance Temple.

Then, the other party happened to not deny it, which led to such a misunderstanding.

"In other words, he is not from the Arrogance Temple at all?"

Yao Ji frowned, "But the people in my Sin Priest Department will never make up the evil gods they believe in."

All believers of the Sin Priest believe in the Seven Deadly Sins, and only with unwavering faith can they control the power of the evil god.

"Could it be..."

Yao Ji's eyes narrowed, "He is not from the Sin Priest Department?"

"Without the protection of the evil god, who can survive in the Land of Exile? Those heretics have long been exterminated by the evil spirit of ignorance."

Lan Yi smiled coldly, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and immediately burst into laughter, "Hahahaha, Bishop Yaoji, you have made a great contribution this time!"


Yao Ji was stunned for a moment, completely confused, "What do you mean?"

"If he is not a disciple of the Priest, it means that he came in from the outside world."

"outside world?"

Yao Ji widened her eyes and looked at Lan Yi in disbelief, "How is it possible? All exits to the Exiled Land have been sealed by the seven immortal emperors long ago. Even this space and time has been imprisoned. Unless you get The legendary source of time..."

"Yes, it is the source of time!"

Lan Yi's face was full of ecstasy, "Do you still remember the boy I mentioned before, who practiced the mass killing technique?"

"You doubt, that boy is..." Yao Ji's eyelids twitched wildly, "How could there be such a coincidence?"

"Things often happen by coincidence."

Lan Yi laughed loudly, "That boy is proficient in the art of disguise. I'm afraid what you see is not his true face. Also, I suspect that the Source of Time was also obtained by him, so he was able to enter The place of exile.”

Yao Ji felt that her head was a little overwhelmed. The amount of information in just a few sentences was too much.

"Anyway, we finally have hope of leaving this hellish place!"

A flash of killing intent flashed in Lan Yi's eyes, "If I can return to the Heavenly Ice Sanctuary, everything I have lost must be regained!"

"go out……"

Yao Ji couldn't help but murmured, "Can I really still go out..."

He has been trapped in this place for an unknown number of years, and he...

are you OK?

"Let's go!"

Lan Yi took a deep breath, interrupted Yao Ji who was lost in memories, and said in a deep voice: "We should all pray that that kid is indeed from the outside world. Now, I want to take you to the Great Evil King in person. ”


Yao Ji, who had a murderous look on her face before, now no longer knows whether she should be annoyed or secretly happy.

Moreover, there is actually a chance to meet the Great Evil King!

"Can we finally see the Great Evil King?"

Yao Ji was a little excited, "What does the Great Evil King look like? Is he majestic? Is he handsome? Or does he still have white hair like the Archbishop?"

Lan Yi glanced at her impatiently and said coldly: "The Great Evil King doesn't like people who talk too much!"

Yao Ji quickly covered her mouth, not daring to say another word.

at the same time.

Ling Feng didn't know that Lan Yi had already guessed most of his identity.

Facing the dangerous place of exile, there are also those followers of the evil god with clever methods.

For the first time, Ling Feng felt helpless.

Totally don't know where to start.

I should have known earlier that I should have pretended to please Yao Ji, the priest of lust, and then took the opportunity to sneak into the priest of sin and understand the situation first.

Now Ling Feng could only huddle in this cave, using the cave as a base to explore the surroundings.

Since we have met people from the Temple of Lust once before, it means that this place should not be far from the territory of the Priest.

For convenience, although Ling Feng's body has recovered, Ling Feng is still attached to the devil's Yin body.

This adult body is indeed much more convenient.

In addition, even if there is any irresistible crisis, the one who will be sacrificed first will only be the demon's Yin body.

Things like clones were originally used to block knives, but now Ling Feng has developed a completely new use.

If the star core prototype "has a spirit in the sky", he will definitely say to Ling Feng with tears in his eyes: I am lucky to have you!

After a brief breath adjustment, Ling Feng leisurely opened his eyes.

It is interesting to say that my own body and the hope of promotion were blocked by this place of exile, but the devil's Yin body, because he was already at the level of the Immortal Emperor, could still continue to improve.

Moreover, because he has his own chaotic origin, although the spiritual energy in the Exiled Land is thin, he can absorb the spiritual power contained in the bones and flowers for cultivation.

It seems that the reason why those people in the Temple of Lust collected the White Bone Flower was not just because it could cure the poison of the White Bone Soul River.

In terms of realms, the Demonic Yin Body should now be at the peak of the first level of the Moon Wheel Realm.

But because he is actually a prototype star core, his talent has the effect of shattering power.

Therefore, his actual combat power should be on par with Pharos in his prime.

Coupled with Ling Feng's many methods, it is not impossible to kill Falos with the help of this devil's Yin body.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Pharos walking in from outside the cave.

He also held a sheepskin scroll in his hand and threw it casually in front of Ling Feng. "This is a rough topographic map I drew after wandering around the area several times in the past few days."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he raised his head and glanced at Faros, then picked up the scroll on the ground and slowly unfolded it.

This old boy is really useful.

Ling started to feel a little lucky that Faros was also involved.

Otherwise, I would probably just stare at the bitch.

In addition to having a good vision, the cheap donkey is far less reliable than this Pharos in other areas.

The map is very rough, but there is a place marked with a red symbol, which seems to be the place where the heavy-toothed evil was encountered before.

South of the red symbol, about three thousand miles away, another black symbol was marked.

"What is this place?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes to look at Faros and asked lightly.

"The lair of the Sin Priest!"

Pharos snorted, "You think I've been wandering around these days! Those guys from the Priests collect bones flowers on the bank of the Bone Soul River basically every day. Those guys also have certain ways to get rid of the evil spirits of ignorance and resentment. , As long as you don’t encounter monsters like Chongyasha, nothing will happen to you. I followed these people for a long time and finally found their lair!”

"Well done!"

Ling Feng gave a thumbs up to Faros. While he was practicing the Demonic Yin Body, this old boy had initially opened up the situation for them.

Now, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, which means that in this first step, they have taken the initiative.

This can be considered a pretty good start.

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