Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4012 The crime of gluttony!

"So, what are you going to do next?"

Falos' eyes were fixed on Ling Feng. In fact, he was considered a wise general among the demon clan.

The previous plan to pursue Ling Feng and force him step by step into the Dragon Abyss Gorge was made by Falos.

I just didn't expect that Ling Feng would be so defiant, and at a critical moment, he could become the demon's Yin body, so that his entire plan failed.

At the moment, he has actually formulated a preliminary strategy, but he just wants to hear Ling Feng's opinion first.

After all, the one who can make the decision now is this talented immortal-level boy.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that you have to obey the orders of the Immortal Lord even if you are half a step ahead, but this is the fact.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. This old boy had painstakingly drawn a rough map and must have made some plans.

I deliberately held back my words because I was afraid that it would steal the limelight from me and overwhelm me.

To say that these old people who have lived for who knows how long are very thoughtful.

Is he the kind of person who can't listen to other people's opinions and is stubborn?

"Okay, okay, if you have any ideas, let's talk about it. If it's feasible, I'll do what you want."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Pharos coughed a few times and then spoke eloquently.

"Although you can't feel the passage of time in this ghost place, you can still roughly judge a cycle based on the rise and fall of the tide of the White Bone Soul River. The tide of the White Bone Soul River is not very stable, but it rises and falls about every three times. Those plucked White Bone Flowers will grow back. Therefore, the followers of the Sin Priest will return to the White Bone Beach every three tides to pick White Bone Flowers.”


Ling Feng nodded slightly, the old boy observed quite carefully.

"Although I don't think the Sin Priests know how to leave, but you said before that you once saw a Sin Priest in a secret realm, so I will believe you just once."

After a pause, Pharos continued: "Assuming that someone among the higher-ups of the Priest does know how to leave the place of exile. Although the conditions are harsh, it is still possible to get out. Then the first step is for us to do it. Find a way to sneak into the Priest."

"Go on." A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and this idea coincided with his own.

"I think it would be impossible to break into the Priest's lair directly. However, while the disciples of the Priest are distracting the evil spirits of ignorance and getting separated from their companions, we will find a way to After they deal with it and then replace their identities, they can naturally blend in. "

He smiled coldly, "I have the ability to forcibly extract the source of the enemy's soul and read part of the memory. Coupled with the skill of disguise, I can pretend to be a believer of the Priest. However, reading the memory may require some time."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and read the memory?

I'm good at this!

A matter of minutes.

"It's too troublesome, just leave it to me. Why don't you just read the memory? It only takes a moment."

Falos' eyelids twitched slightly. This was a unique secret technique that he was proud of. He never expected that Ling Feng not only knew it, but was also faster and stronger than him!

"in addition……"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, a faint light flashed around his body, and then he completely transformed into the appearance of Falos.

Even the breath can be disguised perfectly.

This is the ability of the Demon's Yin Body. Not only that, but also because of the chaotic power of the Demon's Yin Body, he can completely imitate anyone's aura.

Of course, if the opponent's soul is more powerful than your own, you can still see through this disguise.

But the most powerful thing about Ling Feng is the source of his soul.

It can be said that the disguise of the demon's Yin body cannot be seen through even by the Broken Powerful One.

"I never thought that the secret technique of the devil's Yin body could be so effective in your hands!"

Faros sighed secretly, this secret technique is a secret that is not passed down by the Gulando family.

However, even among the Gulanduo clan, not everyone is suitable for cultivating the Demonic Yin Body.

Faros is better at using the Eye of the Void to summon void life.

However, whether it was in the Gorge of Longyuan or now in the place of exile, he could not summon his contracted void beast.

The strength can be said to be greatly reduced.

In fact, even if he really cultivated the Demonic Yin Body, he would never be able to achieve Ling Feng's achievements.

God knows what kind of treasure he used to refine the demon's Yin body, and it was born with the power of breaking.

He even suspected that Ling Feng dug the grave of a broken strong man and made the broken strong man's body into his own clone.

In the history of the Gulando clan, it's not that no one has done this, but it's just that turning a corpse into a demon body is not only unethical, but also prone to backlash from the remaining souls in the corpse.

Once it becomes weak, the demon's Yin body may "rebel".

Therefore, among the Gulanduo clan, no one would choose to use such an extreme method to refine the demon's Yin body.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, changed back to his original appearance, and then continued: "You and I have similar ideas. All plans must be based on sneaking into the Sin Priest. Now that you have mastered those Sin Priests, If we follow the actions of Si’s followers, then let’s take action.”

Falos nodded, not only thinking more highly of Ling Feng.

Compared to a reckless guy like Leonard or a hermaphrodite like Hailim, he prefers teammates like Ling Feng.

It's a pity that this guy is the "notorious" Shuihan God of War.

If it weren't for him, the Gulanduo clan would have captured Wangshu Fortress long ago.

"I am actually quite curious. Since you are from the Tiandao clan, why do you want to help those guys from the seven major forces in the Immortal Realm? Since you said that you once rescued Her Majesty the Queen, why don't you just go to Her Majesty the Queen with the help of our demon clan? , you can also have a greater chance to take revenge on the Xantian clan, right?"

"First, you don't need to know about the deal between me and Keveli. Second, no matter how much I hate the Xuantian clan, I don't want to use the entire fairyland and billions of creatures as the price of revenge. You can guarantee that, After the demons invade the fairyland, won't they let those demons slaughter and devour humans?"


Pharos snorted, "Since you want revenge, you should do whatever it takes!"

"My unscrupulous tactics will not be based on the sacrifice of innocent people."

Even though Ling Feng never thought of himself as a great saint or savior, he had principles that he must abide by.

This is also a life creed that he established when he was young and will never change after practicing medicine for many years.

Doctors can be indifferent to life and death, but they must not ignore life.

The world of Immortal Realm is a place that countless ancestors of the Tiandao clan have sacrificed countless lives and blood to defend.

If all of this was destroyed for the sake of revenge, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?

The reason why he did not directly fall to Kavli's camp was precisely for this reason.

To some people, principles are worth more than a feather.

But for Ling Feng, it was the dignity that he did not hesitate to defend with his life.

"After all, the standpoints and races are different."

Faros shook his head and stopped trying to persuade Ling Feng, "What a pity, what a pity..."

On the other hand, if it were him, what would he choose?

Faros didn't dare to think deeply, but he still had some admiration for people like Ling Feng.

Is this the character of the Tiandao clan?

If it hadn't been for the Tiandao clan paying an extremely heavy price in order to fight against the demons in the ancient demon wars, how could they have ended up like this?

"That's all..."

Pharos shook his head and smiled, and then continued: "It's too early to set off now. We still need to wait for two more tides to rise and fall, which is enough for your broken hourglass to turn back and forth a dozen times."

After saying that, Pharos took out a special chessboard from the space magic weapon and grinned, "Taking this opportunity, why not come and kill a few games."

He saw that Ling Feng had a quick mind and figured that his chess skills were not bad either.

Just enough to get over your chess addiction.

In other aspects, I was suppressed by Ling Feng and was breathless, but on the chessboard, hum!

This place must be recovered!


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "I'm not very good at it. I just saw my grandpa (Ling Kun) play a few games when I was a kid."

"If you don't know how, I'll teach you. You'll learn quickly."

"All right……"

After ten rounds.

Fallos held the shogi in his hand, his palms trembling uncontrollably.

Ling Feng's two chariots and Pegasus had given him all escape routes, all of which were tightly blocked.

Can't you call this?

Ten games in a row, except for the first game, where he had a slight advantage and won with difficulty.

The next nine games, the whole nine games, were basically bloody.

"It's almost time, no more fun! It's time for us to set off!"

Pharos finally did the most shameful thing he had ever done before and overturned the chessboard to the ground.

He had looked down on Leonard before, that guy couldn't afford to lose, but now that he thought about it, he lost dozens of games before flipping the chessboard, and he was much better at chess than he was.

Hey, I still miss opponents like Leonard, but unfortunately, that old boy is already completely cold.

Ling Feng shrugged, picked up the chess pieces and put them back on the chessboard, "Old Fa, this chess is quite fun!"

"It's fun and I'll give it to you!"

The corners of Faros's eyes twitched slightly.

It’s okay not to play this bad chess game!

It is estimated that from now on, his chess addiction should be completely cured.

This thing is useless.

"Then I won't be polite."

These chess pieces are made of precious void beast bone materials and are more than enough to be used to make immortal magic weapons.

Don’t don’t want it for nothing!

"let's go!"

Without another glance at the chessboard, Pharos rushed out of the cave with a dark face.

Now I just have a lot of anger to hold back, and I can only vent it out to the believers of the Sin Priest.

The Bone Soul River is a tidal flat covered with bones.

At this moment, only two "monsters" with bandages all over their bodies, including their faces, were gathered here, collecting the bones and flowers on the pile of bones very quickly.

The two guys were picking flowers from the bones and drooling at the same time. One of them couldn't bear it anymore and actually stuffed a flower bud directly into his mouth.

Judging from his gluttonous appearance, it goes without saying that he must be a believer in the evil god of gluttony.

"That's them!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There happened to be two people, and they were concentrating on collecting white-bone flowers, so it was the best time to make a move.

They had been lurking here for a long time before finally waiting for such a golden opportunity.

After they picked the White Bone Flowers, their companions should have returned.

"Do it!"

Ling Feng and Falos looked at each other, and in the next moment, one on the left and one on the right, they turned into lightning and shot out.

Before the two followers of the Evil God of Gluttony could react, they had already been stabbed through the throat.

Then, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, and he forcibly suppressed the origin of the two souls and read the contents of their memories.

The boring and repetitive memories gave Ling Feng a queasy feeling, but soon, he learned the names of these two people and information about some of their companions.

Having these is basically enough.

The next moment, their heads exploded, and all their energy and blood essence was absorbed by Zifeng.

I consumed too much before, so now I have to replenish it.

"How about it?"

Seeing Ling Feng getting rid of the two evil cultists, Faros frowned, "Where is their information?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, raised his hand and gently tapped Faros's eyebrows, "These are their information."

It turns out that these two unlucky guys, one is named Xue Luan and the other is Kong Yan.

Xue Luan was once a traitor to the Tianzhi organization, while Kong Yan was from the Sky Patrol Fire Tribe.

Soon, Ling Feng transformed into Kong Yan. After all, he was good at the law of fire, so it was easier to disguise himself.

Faros seems to have used a crystal core of void life that can change its form, and by stimulating the power of the crystal core, it can complete the disguise.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng nodded, quite satisfied with Faros's transformation ability. At least he couldn't detect anything unusual without using his soul source to scan.

Such a disguise should be enough to deceive other believers.

The two of them immediately started picking flowers from the bones. After a while, the other companions who had caused ignorance and resentment returned.

Ling Feng quickly pretended to be drooling, and before his companions were about to arrive, he actually imitated Kong Yan's behavior before, picking off a petal and putting it into his mouth.

"Stop it! Kong Yan, what do you want to do?"

A man with sharp teeth and pits on his face, who looked extremely ugly, flew forward and kicked Ling Feng on the back.

Ling Feng didn't resist, and fell directly to the ground with the inertia. He wiped the corners of his mouth and said with aggrieved face: "I can't help it anymore, I want to eat, I want to eat!!!"

As he said that, he actually raised his arm and took a few bites.

In an instant, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

These believers of the Evil God of Gluttony are all gluttons. Due to the lack of supplies in the exiled land, they will take a few bites of themselves in order to satisfy their gluttony.

We have a good relationship and occasionally nibble on each other.

Therefore, almost all the believers in the entire Temple of Gluttony were covered in bandages.

It's really because there are pits and bite marks all over the body, a piece is missing here, a piece is missing there, so I might as well wrap them all up and keep them out of sight.

"Holy shit..."

Falos was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that this kid Ling Feng was so into the drama. His acting was so realistic!

That's my own arm. He's biting it when he lifts it up. What a cruel person!

"Hey, this damn place is really not for humans!"

The cultist who kicked Ling Feng was named Canglan. He sighed softly and then changed the subject: "Well, although those ignorant and resentful evil spirits were temporarily deceived by the blindness, we should also Leave quickly, I heard that not long ago, those unlucky people in the Temple of Lust encountered Chong Yasha. "

Upon hearing Chong Ya Sha, the expressions of the other Gluttony believers changed, and then they all stared nervously at the Bone Soul River.

Fortunately, the river was still calm and everyone felt at ease.

"Get up!"

Canlan stretched out her hand to pull Ling Feng up, lowered her voice, and leaned into Ling Feng's ear and said: "Kong Yan, you are always strict with your mouth, so I'll tell you a secret. It is said that we can leave the place of exile soon. , when the time comes, there will be plenty of delicacies from mountains and seas to enjoy!”


Hearing these words, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he immediately grinned, "Are you serious? I must eat for three days and three nights first! No, eight days and eight nights!"

"Hmph, it's news from the Arrogance Temple!"

Canlan shrugged, "Anyway, those of us below can just wait for the good news. Let's go!"

Bubbles began to bubble up on the surface of the White Bone Soul River. The blue complexion changed and he quickly said: "Everyone, let's go! The Archbishop of Sin is still waiting!"

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