Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4013 Joint Action!

Thanks to Ling Feng's superb acting skills, he and Falos managed to infiltrate among the followers of the Priest.

The group of people collected the white-bone flowers that they had picked, and without daring to delay any further, they returned directly to the lair of the Sin Priest.

The entire lair is filled with intricate passages.

It’s really easy to get lost here if no one leads the way.

Soon, under the leadership of Canglan, everyone returned to the territory belonging to the Temple of Gluttony.

The conditions of this priest can be said to be very simple.

Except for the place where the statue of the evil god is placed, which is an independent cave, most of the other ordinary believers can only huddle in groups in a cave.

About a dozen people live in a cave.

In the slightly larger cave, there were twenty to thirty people, or even more.

If you want to be assigned your own separate "cave", you must at least be at the level of a priest.

Like Ling Feng, Falos disguised as Kong Yan, and Xue Luan, they are just ordinary believers.

This also made Ling Feng's actions more difficult.

In order not to reveal their identities, Ling Feng and Faros could only be patient and stay put for the time being, waiting for the opportunity to inquire about the news about leaving the place of exile from Cang Lan.

This guy probably knows something.

After a while, Cang Lan collected all the bones and flowers that he had collected before and prepared to send them to the Sin Archbishop and the others.

These people live in the Exile Land all year round. Even if they have not been in direct contact with the water of the Bone Soul River, they have already suffered from chronic poisoning.

To a greater or lesser extent, some toxins accumulate in the body.

Therefore, all exiles must take floral dew made from white bones flowers regularly in order to maintain their consciousness and avoid turning into ignorance and resentment.

In addition, these flower dew are also one of their few sources of spiritual energy, which can replenish the mana in the body.

However, for ordinary believers, using these flower dew to improve their cultivation level is a bit of a luxury. At best, it is very difficult to maintain their own cultivation level from falling.

Only after becoming a priest can you get more flower dew and improve your cultivation.

According to custom, after these white-bone flowers are made into special floral dew, all ordinary believers can get one or two drops.

Even so, they must often risk being killed by the evil spirits of ignorance and resentment to collect white-bone flowers.

After all, no matter what kind of environment you are in, it is full of exploitation of the bottom by those at the top.

This is inevitable.

Even though ordinary believers know that they are being exploited and exploited, they still need the power of the evil god to protect them, so they have to sacrifice their lives for it.

Because Ling Feng and Falos couldn't investigate certain matters under the noses of so many other believers, they could only follow the example of other ordinary believers, find an open space, and lie down on it.

For these gluttons, there is nothing to eat anyway. They lie on the ground and take a nap. When they fall asleep, they are not so hungry.

Time passed and it was three more tidal days.

Just as Faros expected, the exiles in the Exiled Land did indeed use the ebb and flow of the Bone Soul River to calculate time.

No, they don't count the time, just to be able to figure out when they need to pick the white-bone flowers.

Furthermore, the timing of the three tidal days is not constant.

It may be equal to three days in the outside world, it may be just one day, or it may even be half a month.

In short, after staying in this place for a long time, Ling Feng's concept of time has become increasingly blurred.

"Everyone can prepare, we have to collect bones and raw flowers again."

Cang Lan came from the temple, dragging a broken porcelain vase made of clay in her hand.

However, when all the believers saw this porcelain bottle, their eyes almost all flashed with a green light.

Then, one by one stuck out their scarlet tongues and raised their heads as if waiting for something.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly imitated the same actions as the others.

Canglan glanced at everyone, then dragged the porcelain bottle and walked towards the nearest believer.

He lifted up the porcelain bottle and gently dropped a drop of floral dew on the believer's tongue. The believer looked like Mu Tianen, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

He actually held that drop of flower dew in his mouth and couldn't bear to swallow it for a long time.

Then, Canlan dropped a drop of floral dew into the mouth of each believer one by one.

Finally, when it was Ling Feng's turn, he saw at a glance that it was indeed the juice of the White Bone Flower, but it seemed that some other ingredients had been added.

When the flower dew dripped on his tongue, Ling Feng felt that his whole brain seemed to be caught in a very wonderful experience.

It seemed that I had suddenly returned to the outside world, to the happiest and happiest moment in my life.

Then, a wisp of black energy slowly rose on Ling Feng's forehead, as if there was a mysterious force eroding his spiritual sea.

Is this the power of the evil god?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Fortunately, his soul source was strong enough, otherwise, he would have just fallen into the pleasure brought by that illusion.

This is not a poison, but it is definitely mixed with the power of the evil god.

If you take this kind of flower dew for many years, your character will definitely change drastically and you will become a "madman" like those believers.

When it was Pharos's turn to swallow the flower dew, his eyes clearly changed. A wisp of black energy shot up on his forehead, and his whole body even twitched due to excitement.

"Xue Luan, you seem to be particularly excited today!"

Canlan looked at Faros, a little strange.

It stands to reason that if they take this kind of flower dew for a long time, they should not be so excited.

Ling Feng stepped forward quickly, put his hand on Faros's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's my fault too. I didn't keep my mouth shut. What you said last time was revealed to this guy!"

At the same time, he carefully inserted a golden needle into Pharos' armpit.

Fallos was in pain, and he finally regained consciousness. Then he glared at Canlan with a dark face, "I'm just excited, do you want to take care of me?"


Can Lan cursed, but Xue Luan's character was always like this. He just glanced at Ling Feng with some reproach and whispered: "Didn't I tell you not to tell others!"

This Cang Lan is somewhat related to Kong Yan, so he can be considered a cousin.

The two were also exiled together, so they were inseparable brothers, so their relationship has always been good.

"I'm so excited, I want to find someone to share it with!"

Ling Feng laughed and made a fool of himself.

After a while, these believers finished absorbing the White Bone Flower Dew.

This Canglan was probably the little leader of the dozen or so people in the cave. After counting everyone, they set out in groups again and headed to the bank of the White Bone Soul River.

"By the way, didn't a Chongya Sha appear on the bank of the White Water River before? After discussion with several Sin Archbishops, it was decided that the Seventh Palace would jointly send elites to seal the Chongya Sha. After all, the threat of the Chongya Sha It’s too big. If it’s not dealt with in time, I’m afraid there will be some damage to each palace.”

After a pause, Canlan continued: "If you are confident, you can sign up with me. If you successfully seal the heavy-toothed evil, you will not only get extra flower dew, but also other benefits."

After saying that, Cang Lan winked at Ling Feng again, seemingly asking him to sign up quickly.

Ling Feng agreed and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Then count me in!"

Seeing that Ling Feng had come forward, Faros also stepped forward and said, "I'll go too."

Then, another believer raised his hand to sign up, but after hearing about Chong Ya Sha, most people were obviously unwilling to wade into this muddy water.

The sealing of the Chongya Sha was done by their masters at the priest level.

They, ordinary believers, are not just used as cannon fodder to attract Chongyasha.

If you are lucky enough to survive, you can indeed get more flower dew, but you have to pay for it with your life.

"Okay, then it's you three."

Canglan nodded, "This time we will go to the other side of the river to collect white-bone flowers. When we come back, the three of you will follow me to the temple to find the Archbishop of Sin."

There were no accidents during this trip to collect bones and flowers.

However, Ling Feng heard some news from Cang Lan's mouth.

It turned out that Yao Ji, the priest of the Temple of Lust, immediately found the important person Lan Yi after returning.

As a result, I found out later that two "newcomers" had actually entered the Exiled Land.

Therefore, during this period, the people from the Temple of Lust and the Temple of Pride were searching everywhere for the two outsiders.

Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart. He probably wouldn't have thought that even if he killed them, they would have already infiltrated the Sin Priest.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. This move of mine can be regarded as the right one.

"Those two outsiders, not only played tricks on Bishop Yaoji, but also stole the name of Bishop Lan Yi. Bishop Lan Yi is famous for being very narrow-minded. If they were caught by him, those two guys would probably be in trouble. ”

Cang Lan chuckled, while Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose with some guilt.

Fortunately, I hid it deeply.

"Cousin, what happened when you said before that we would be able to leave the Exile Land soon?"

Ling Feng asked in a lowered voice.

"This is a rumor coming from the Arrogance Temple. I also heard some rumors from the resident priest. Didn't I hint you to sign up to participate in the action of sealing the Chongyasha? It is said that the person who made the meritorious service this time , you can get the opportunity to leave the Exiled Land first.”


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, but he still didn't know that the so-called hope of leaving was actually the source of time in him.

However, he doesn't know how to use the Source of Time when he has it.

In fact, in the entire Exiled Land, only the Great Evil King knew how to use the Source of Time.

Soon, everyone returned to the lair.

After taking a short rest, Canlan took Ling Feng, Faros, and another cultist named Feng Heng to the Temple of Gluttony.

As soon as I entered the temple, what I saw was a huge statue of Beelzebub, the evil god of gluttony.

Under the statue, there are three thin men standing with their hands behind their backs.

Similar to other believers in the Temple of Gluttony, they were also covered in bandages and full of fangs.

Moreover, it seems that the stronger the power of the evil god is obtained, the more similar it is to the statue of the evil god of Gluttony.

Those three men were probably the resident priests of the Temple of Gluttony.

Because below them, there were eight similarly weird-looking guys. Some were leaning to the side, while others were squatting on the ground scratching their heads. Anyway, none of them seemed to be in a normal mental state.

Among them, Ling Feng also saw his "old acquaintance", the Bishop of Gluttony, Qianwu!

That short body, and the huge bone stick on his back that was completely disproportionate to his body.

Ling Feng still remembers it vividly.

Among the three major bishops of sin he met in the Ruins of No Fall, Qianwu was not the strongest, but he was the one who left the deepest impression on him.

Because he was too ugly.

However, compared with the bishops in the temple, he seemed quite...


"Greetings to the Bishop in the Temple, Bishop!"

As soon as Canglan came in, he saluted to everyone, "I have selected three believers who are willing to carry out the task of sealing the heavy tooth evil together."

Then, several small leaders came in with one or two believers.

In the Temple of Gluttony, there are four small leaders with similar status to Canglan.

Therefore, all the believers, including the leaders like Canglan, are exactly twelve.

However, in order to seal the heavy-toothed evil spirit, I am afraid that less than half of them survived in the end.

"It seems that everyone is here!"

A resident bishop in the middle glanced at everyone and nodded immediately, "The strength of this heavy-toothed evil spirit is not simple. It has evolved to the point where it has heavy teeth all over its body. Even among the heavy-toothed evil spirits, it is the most dangerous one. If it continues to evolve, it may become a more terrifying cracked-toothed evil spirit. Therefore, it must be sealed as soon as possible to avoid irreparable losses."

After a pause, the resident bishop continued, "This time, I will lead the team myself. In addition, Qianwu, Yuanmou, Rongque, you three will follow me."

One resident bishop, plus three ordinary bishops, and a number of ordinary cannon fodder.

Add to that the other six halls, this time the battle is really big!

It seems that the heavy-toothed evil spirit before was really powerful. No wonder it could kill a half-step strongman like Farrows in seconds.

It's also the luck of this old guy, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no bones left at this time.

"Everyone is here, let's set off now to join the other temples."

The resident bishop of the gluttonous evil god didn't say anything extra, and was concise and to the point. With one order, everyone set off immediately.

Even the "unruly" Qianwu didn't have any objections, so he picked up the huge bone stick, grinned, and followed the flank of the team.

Not long after, the team of the gluttonous temple arrived at an open flat ground not far behind the lair of the sin sacrifice department.

At this moment, many teams from other temples have already gathered.

Among them, there are believers of the lust temple who have been encountered before.

The lust bishop Yao Ji is also in the team.

However, no matter how hard Yao Ji thinks, she probably won't think that she is so bold that she dares to mix in this team.

In fact, Ling Feng's goal is just to leave the exile land, and it would be best if he can avoid a head-on conflict with the sin sacrifice department and other guys.

Of course, the main reason is that he can't fight head-on, so he can only use this roundabout strategy.

Ling Feng had already made up his mind for this operation. He would just get by if he could. If he could get the chance to leave the Land of Exile first as Cang Lan said, and get out as a follower of the evil god, it would save him a lot of trouble.

However, would things really develop so smoothly?

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