Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4014 Seven Deadly Sins!

After a while, the six palaces of gluttony, rage, jealousy, sloth, greed and lust were completed one after another.

They are all led by the resident priest, one or two ordinary priests, and several ordinary believers.

Only the Temple of Pride is still missing.

Just like the evil god they believe in, the people who come out of this temple are really arrogant.

"Damned arrogant people!"

In the Temple of Wrath, everyone from the resident priest to the ordinary believers were looking fierce and glaring with anger.

These guys are like powder keg, ready to explode at any moment.

Seeing that the people from the Temple of Arrogance did not come for a long time, the resident priest of the Temple of Wrath cursed loudly, "These arrogant bastards should have been swallowed up by the fire of anger long ago! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

As he spoke, he directly took up the sword and blasted the open space next to him indiscriminately.

" are really lazy! Temple of Arrogance...Oh, I'm tired, I won't talk anymore..."

Over at the Temple of Sloth, all the believers were staggering lazily, or just lying on the ground, looking carefree.

In fact, if this action had not been approved by the Archbishop, they would have been too lazy to get involved in the temple.

"Hmph, just because the Archbishop has taken a high look at you recently, are you so confident? Damn it!"

Over at the Temple of Jealousy, everyone is a narrow-minded jealous person.

Especially recently, Lan Yi had met with the Great Evil King several times in person. How could such an honor not make them feel jealous.

The leader, the jealous resident priest, held a scarecrow with Lan Yi's name written on it, and kept piercing it back and forth with golden needles.

As expected of a believer in the Temple of Jealousy!

As for the Temple of Lust, both men and women are exuding "charm" that has nowhere to be found, either hooking up with each other, or going directly to other temples to "communicate".

In short, no one gathered here looks like a normal person.

In order to make himself look abnormal, Ling Feng could only raise his arm and bite a few times from time to time. After a few days of pretending to be Kong Yan, there were several more rows of tooth marks on his arm.

It's really not an easy task to pretend to be these lunatics!

Finally, amid the endless curses from the Temple of Wrath and the sneaky curses from the Temple of Envy, the Temple of Pride finally arrived belatedly.

However, only one person came.

It was none other than the arrogant Archbishop, Lan Yi.

Now, he is already the resident priest.

"Only you?"

The resident priest of the Temple of Wrath frowned, "Damn it, did you know that we are going to seal the Chongya Sha this time!"

"Am I not enough alone?"

Lan Yi had a disdainful expression on his face, "If the Chief Archbishop hadn't said that the seven halls must jointly act, I, alone, would be more than enough."

The faces of the priests stationed in the other halls all had displeasure on their faces.

Especially the resident priest of the Temple of Wrath, his eyes widened and he stared at Lan Yi fiercely, "That's a fart!"

Last time, because Lan Yi plotted against the Violent Archbishop Chongming, he had already offended the entire Violent Temple.

Lan Yi shrugged and didn't bother to pay any attention to the other party. He just waved his sleeves and said loudly: "Everyone, follow my orders and let's go!"

This guy really thinks of himself as the commander-in-chief!

He is indeed an arrogant person who believes in the evil god of arrogance!

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, this Lan Yi seemed to be more arrogant than when he was at the Ruins of Wuyue.

However, even the other seven halls are not very willing to obey Lan Yi's command, but he is now the popular man in front of the chief priest, and the other halls can only hold back their dissatisfaction.

As a result, all the powers of the seven major temples were assembled, and they headed towards the place where the Lust Temple encountered the Chongya Sha before, at full speed.

Monsters like ignorance and resentment cannot be completely killed.

Therefore, the best way to deal with Chongyasha is to seal it and then suppress it in a special sealing altar for storing Chongyasha.

On the bank of the White Bone Soul River, near a tidal flat.

A group of priests and believers of the Priestess were hiding in the pile of rocks, looking at the environment in front of them.

"That's the guy!"

Yao Ji recognized the Chongyasha she encountered before at a glance.

It was this monster that nearly tore her into pieces.

"Sure enough, it has mutated to this extent."

A bright light flashed in Lan Yi's eyes, and then he smiled coldly, "But it's not a big deal. As long as you act according to my plan, it will be easy to seal this heavy-toothed evil."

"Priest Lan Yi is so confident, why not take the lead and fight against Chongya Sha? We are willing to cheer for you!"

The jealous priest glanced at him and said with evil intentions.

Lan Yi was just arrogant, but not stupid. He snorted coldly, "As the strongest one among you, of course I have to make my final appearance! Sang Kui, I think you are jealous of the temple's recent surge in strength, so why not take this opportunity to Make a good show!"

Sang Kui sneered secretly in his heart, did he want him to be the one who stood out?

A cunning look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately turned to look at the resident priest of the Temple of Wrath.

"Sir Zhu Xi, Si Jiao Lan Yi actually said that he is the strongest among us resident priests. I, Sang Kui, am nothing, but in my heart, you have always been the strongest, Si Jiao Zhu Xi." of."

Sang Kui narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You shouldn't be as timid as Bishop Lan Yi, right?"


When Bishop Zhu Xi heard this, he immediately became furious, "Will I be as stupid as his surnamed Lan? Brothers of the Temple of Fury, come to me!"

"Come on!"

Those believers in the Temple of Wrath, like Master Zhu Xi, probably didn't have more than three brains in their minds. As soon as they heard the roar of Master Zhu Xi, they picked up their weapons and killed them without saying a word.

"Hehe, these fools are really easy to fool."

Sang Kui grinned and in a few words, he deceived the people of the Temple of Fury into lameness.

"Hey, it's so insidious!"

The resident priest of the Temple of Sloth raised his hand and yawned, "Sealing the Chongyasha is really troublesome. It's better for you all to go ahead. I'll take a nap..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the guy actually making a series of snoring sounds.

This quality of sleep is probably the envy of many people.

Ling Feng mingled among the team and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had sneaked into the Temple of Gluttony. If he had sneaked into the group of reckless men in the Temple of Wrath, he would have been used as a weapon right now.

However, before he could rejoice, the resident priest of the Temple of Gluttony opened his mouth wide, revealing a row of sharp teeth inside, "Today we are performing an extra task. Whoever collects the bones and flowers will get it!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the believers in the Temple of Gluttony gritted their teeth one by one, and then rushed out like mad dogs out of the cage, wagging their tongues.

It really lives up to that saying, people die for money and birds die for food.

And sometimes, people may die for food.

Just like now.

"Oh shit!"

Ling Feng secretly complained in his heart that he had underestimated the madman's brain circuitry.

However, in order not to be exposed, he could only rush out like the others.

Although their goal is to grow flowers from dead bones, they will undoubtedly alert those ignorant and resentful evil spirits who are "patrolling" nearby.

"Damn, do these guys only think about eating?"

Sang Kui was so angry that he finally tricked the guys from the Temple of Wrath into dealing with the Chongyasha, but the guys from the Temple of Gluttony turned around and went to pick the white-bone flowers.

If this happens, a large number of ignorant and resentful evil spirits will surely be alerted.

"We must fight quickly!"

The resident priest of the Temple of Greed frowned. As believers in the Evil God of Greed, they were greedy for those bones and flowers, and they were also greedy for the merits of sealing Chongya Sha.

However, compared to the two palaces of Fury and Gluttony, they have a little more brains and scheming.

"First lead the heavy-toothed evil to a place far away from the shore. Otherwise, if you attack the heavy-toothed evil with all your strength, you will definitely disturb the ignorant and resentful evil at the bottom of the river."

Lan Yi's eyes narrowed, and he saw that the people from the Temple of Fury had surrounded Chongya Sha, and they started fighting on the spot without even thinking about it. He suddenly became very angry.

Sure enough, as soon as these guys started fighting, their brains seemed to have been eaten by dogs.

One heavy-toothed beast is difficult enough to deal with. If a few more are awakened, the rich resources of bones and flowers in this river area will be left to watch.

"Let me do it!"

The resident priest of the Temple of Lust is a very feminine-looking man named Yinhua.

Yinhua gave the order and flew out with all the believers from the Temple of Lust.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless colorful streamers shot out from the sleeves of the believers, and in a hurry, they wrapped the Chongyasha in circles.

Although Chong Ya Sha is full of fangs and can bite off streamers quickly, it cannot withstand the number and frequency of those streamers being wrapped around too fast.

Then, a group of lust cultists worked together to drag the heavy-toothed beast away from the river bank.

"Damn it, don't run! The fight isn't over yet!"

Bishop Zhu Xi still looked angrily, swung the big knife in his hand, and then chased Chong Ya Sha in the direction where he was pulled away.

The other believers in the Temple of Wrath also attracted a lot of ignorant and resentful evil spirits to a greater or lesser extent. As they left, the ignorant resentful evil spirits on the river bank were basically lured away.

"It's better to use the methods of guys like the Temple of Lust."

The jealous Archbishop Sang Kui grinned, but he didn't want the Temple of Lust to be in the limelight, so he added, "If I take action, I can naturally handle it easily."

"That's it now!"

The resident priest of the Temple of Greed showed a cruel smile, and then ordered the team members to be divided into two.

Half of them went after the Chongyasha, and the other half stayed to snatch the bones and flowers from the people in the Temple of Gluttony.

As for himself, he rushed towards the Chongyasha.

After weighing the two aspects, he naturally chose to fight for the first prize in sealing the Chongyasha.

Greed for bigness is the essence of a greedy person.

"Want to take the lead?"

Sang Kui's eyelids twitched again. He was jealous of the Temple of Arrogance, and now he was jealous of the Temple of Greed.

Naturally, he couldn't see Greedy Temple's first contribution, so he immediately called on his subordinates and rushed out like a hive.


Lan Yi smiled coldly. He knew very well what these guys were planning.

However, in his heart, he completely looked down on everyone present and just watched the situation change silently.

Anyway, in the end, he can only be the one to solve everything.


The snoring sounds came and went.

And from the beginning to the end, it was just the lazy guys at the Temple of Sloth who didn't care about anything.

After a while, the ignorant and resentful evil spirits were lured away one after another on the edge of the tidal flat, and this place became the safest place.

Everyone in the Temple of Gluttony was naturally happy to see this, and they all started picking white-bone flowers.

Even because the resident priest of the Temple of Gluttony said before that whoever picked the white bone flowers will belong to whoever picked them, these gluttonous people just picked the white bone flowers and put them in their mouths.

The speed of this storm made the believers of the Greedy Temple angry.

"Leave flowers under your mouth!"

The Greedy Cultist watched the Gluttony Cultist eating flowers, and his eyes glowed green with anger.

The purpose of picking flowers is not to eat, but to store them.

They want anything of value, and the more, the better.

Seeing these gluttons squandering natural resources so violently, I immediately got angry and started fighting with them.

These lunatics are followers of the evil god, and they have no strict rules and regulations among themselves.

Everything is done according to one's own nature.

Now, in order to compete for the bones and flowers, there is a direct fight.

Soon, Ling Feng was also targeted by a cultist from the Temple of Greed.

"Hand over all the white-bone flowers you picked! I just saw you secretly hiding one!"

The greedy cultist stared at Ling Feng with a pair of cold eyes, a cannibalistic expression on his face.

What the hell...

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, what kind of freaks are these among the Priests?

You are clearly on the bank of the Bone Soul River, but if you still dare to act like this, aren't you afraid of disturbing the sleeping Wumingyuan evil spirit?

Sure enough, the riots by the believers in the two temples still angered Lan Yi.

As soon as he raised his hand, the head of a Greedy Temple cultist fell to the ground.

Then, with another wave of his hand, more than a dozen flying blades condensed with frost were swept down over a large area.

Wherever they passed, several more believers from the Temple of Gluttony and the Temple of Greed were stabbed and seriously injured.

With this move, he easily suppressed the two palaces.

But he preferred death over death, and one of the flying frost blades actually shot directly towards Ling Feng's forehead.

Moreover, the speed of the flying blade was so fast that it was impossible to avoid it.

However, how could Ling Feng sit still and wait for death? A flash of purple light in his eyes directly distorted the time and space in front of him.

The trajectory of the flying blade shifted by half an inch and passed across his forehead.

He thought he had done enough concealment, but unexpectedly Lan Yi's eyes swept over and stared at Ling Feng.

"You are actually able to change the angle of my flying blade. You, an ordinary cultist, have some abilities!"

Lan Yi smiled coldly, "How about it, are you interested in joining the Arrogance Temple?"

"what are you doing?"

The Gluttony Archbishop's eyes widened and he stared at Lan Yi fiercely, "Not only did he hurt the people in my Gluttony Temple, but he also poached them so blatantly?"


Lan Yi ignored Bishop Gluttony and simply said to Ling Feng, "If you figure it out, you can come to me at any time!"

"Humph, don't listen to him!"

The Gluttony Priest snorted coldly, "If you stay in my Gluttony Temple, you can still be promoted and reused!"

Suddenly, the Gluttonous Priest seemed to remember something and said quickly: "Damn it, you are just looking at the white bones and making flowers, where is that heavy-toothed beast?"

Lan Yi pointed at the direction where Chongya Sha was taken away. The Gluttony Archbishop's eyes widened, he licked the remaining flower dew from the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and shouted loudly, "Come with me, the Sin Archbishop said, if I’ve done my best in Gluttony Temple, so I’ll have extra food after I return!”

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