Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4015 Mutation! Cracked Tooth!

On the other side, let’s talk about the heavy-toothed beast, which was entangled with ribbons by a group of believers from the Temple of Lust and dragged hundreds of miles away.

Behind, everyone from the Temple of Fury, headed by Master Zhu Xi, chased him like crazy.

After that, there were about twenty of the ignorant and resentful evil spirits that were attracted, with different shapes and strange shapes, following the followers of the Temple of Fury as they ran wildly.

Then the resident priest of the Temple of Greed, along with half of the believers, targeted the heavy-toothed evil, hoping to make the first move.

Then there is the Temple of Jealousy, the Temple of Gluttony...

The battle lines are getting longer and longer.


Finally, on a wasteland, Yinhua, the resident priest of the Temple of Lust, swung the ribbon in his hand and threw the heavy-toothed evil into a deep pit.

Then, a cultist from the Temple of Lust threw out layers of ribbons and blocked the exit of the pit, hoping to temporarily trap the monster below.

However, the next moment, a thrilling roar was heard from the deep pit, and then the earth rumbled and trembled.

The streamers that sealed the exit exploded in an instant, turning into pieces of butterflies and scattering all over the sky.

The violent air waves swept across and actually knocked away all the dozen or so Temple of Lust cultists at the front.

Among them, Yaoji Sijiao was also included.

Yinhua frowned and saw that the heavy-toothed evil was about to rush out of the pit. He shouted loudly and an evil god's dharma form rose up from behind. It was none other than the evil god of lust, Asmodeus.

The wild long hair of Asmodeus's Dharma instantly turned into thousands of giant pythons, surging towards the direction of the Chongya Sha.

Chongyasha opened his huge mouth, and his whole body turned into a meat grinder, and he rushed out facing the violent rain of snake hair.

Suddenly, blood rained down from the sky, and Chongya Sha's body was covered with extremely poisonous snake blood. The snake blood stained Chongya Sha's body and began to harden his muscles and skin.

After a while, Chongyasha's body surface seemed to be covered with a layer of hard stone skin, and its movements became increasingly stiff.

This is the unique secret technique of the Temple of Lust, the Medusa Snake Rain!

As long as it is contaminated by the snake blood, ordinary evil spirits of ignorance and resentment will be directly petrified.

Even a Chongyasha would have a hard time resisting this move.

"Hmph, it seems that I, the Temple of Lust, secretly won the first prize this time!"

Archbishop Yinhua smiled coldly, and then, a blood shadow fell from the sky.

But it was Archbishop Zhu Xi of the Temple of Wrath, who activated the power of the Wrathful Evil God, pierced the sky with his sword, and slashed hard at the Chongyasha.


Archbishop Yinhua cursed loudly, this guy is really a mad dog, he will be completely brainless once he gets into a fight.

It is not difficult for them, the resident priests, to kill ordinary Chongya Sha.

But the most terrifying thing about the evil spirits of ignorance and resentment is that they are basically immortal existences.

Once he dies, he will be reborn in the river of bones and souls.

Not only that, but more evil spirits of ignorance and resentment will be summoned.

However, Master Zhu's sword was too fast and fierce, and even the nearest Master Yinhua could no longer stop it.


The knife struck Chong Yasha's chest hard, but it seemed like it struck a piece of metal.


The force of the counter-shock made Master Zhu's mouth numb.

But it turned out that Chongya Sha's body was mostly petrified, and even its chest was eroded by the snake blood and turned into hard stone.

But under Zhu Xijiao's sword, the surging sword energy ran wildly along the surface of Chong Yasha's body.

Boom boom boom!

Then, there was an explosion, and the stone skin all over Chong Yasha was shattered.

The heavy-toothed demon had already become sluggish in its movements and was about to turn into a stone soon. Now it was freed from its restraints and roared as if it was slapped by Master Zhu.

"Just in time!"

On the contrary, Commander Zhu Xi was overjoyed and became more and more eager to fight. With his sword aura, he fought with the heavy-toothed evil to the same point.

"Incompetent bungler!"

Archbishop Yinhua cursed loudly. At this moment, the resident priest of Greedy Temple finally arrived. Seeing the situation in front of him, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, Zhu Xi is the troublemaker, otherwise the battle here would probably be over.

Once it is completely petrified by the petrified blood of Medusa Snake Rain, the possibility of this heavy-toothed evil being trying to break free is almost zero.

Unless it mutates again and evolves into a stronger Crack Tooth Sha.

And the reason why they dispatched such a battle was precisely because the level of the Heavy Tooth Sha was very close to the level of the Cracked Tooth Sha.

But now it seems that the chief priest should be worrying too much.

It seems that it has no signs of continuing to evolve.

"Let that lunatic beat him first. When he gets tired, there will be nothing left for him in a while!"

The Greedy Archbishop grinned, and now Zhu Xuan beat him harder and harder. When it came time to seal Chongya Sha, he could only stare.


Archbishop Yinhua snorted coldly. He was about to win the first prize, but he was disturbed by Archbishop Zhu Xi. His mood was naturally completely different from Sang Kui's.

Not long after, Lan Yi from the Temple of Jealousy, the Temple of Gluttony, and even the Temple of Pride arrived one after another.

And those guys in the Temple of Sloth seemed to have all fallen asleep, and not even a single person came.

The other ordinary ignorant and resentful evil spirits have been led away by the believers in each temple. As long as they are temporarily stopped, their mission will be a complete success after dealing with this heavy-toothed evil spirit.

Thanks to Canglan, his "cousin", Ling Feng was not arranged to attract the ordinary Wumingyuansha, but was able to blend in with the team that finally surrounded and suppressed the Chongyasha.

As for the old boy Pharos, he is not so lucky. He is probably being chased by some ignorant and resentful evil spirit at the moment.

From a distance, Ling Feng could see the Chongya Sha fighting furiously with Archbishop Zhu Xi from the Temple of Wrath.

As for the powerful priests in other halls, they just watched from the sidelines and had no intention of intervening.

After all, with the mad dog-like playing style of Master Zhu, it was impossible to cooperate with others.

If you rush in rashly, the lunatic will probably attack everyone together regardless of the enemy.

And the strength of Master Zhu Xi is also very terrifying.

Although I can't tell what kind of cultivation he has, he is definitely much stronger than Faros, a half-broken Demon Emperor.

In a sense, the power of the Evil God is comparable to the power of Shatter.

Therefore, even if they are only ordinary Immortal Emperors, they may still have the strength to compete with Half-Step Broken or even low-level Broken Immortal Emperors!

But soon, Ling Feng saw some clues.

Although Master Zhu's fighting style is fierce and fierce, he must use the power of the evil god to resist the violent force of Chongyasha at all times.

And as the power of the evil god in his body gradually weakened, it was only a matter of time before he fell into a disadvantage.

If they fight alone, these resident priests are probably still far behind compared to the Chongya Sha.

Just as Ling Feng expected, the priests stationed in the temple all stared at Bishop Zhu in a joking manner.

This old boy is probably about done.

Then, there was a "bang" sound, and the cracked tooth evil slapped Master Zhu Xi's chest with his palm. Just at this moment of contact, a piece of flesh was bitten off his shoulder.

Bishop Zhu Xi fell heavily to the ground and spat out a mouthful of black blood. Anger surged in his eyes, "Impossible, how can this heavy-toothed evil be so powerful!"

"This is no longer an ordinary Chongya Sha!"

Just as he was roaring hysterically, Greed, Jealousy, Gluttony, and Lust, the four hall priests, all flew past Bishop Zhu Xi and flew out at the same time.

Although Bishop Zhu Xi was defeated, they could see where the limit of this heavy-toothed beast was.

Although it is very close to the cracked tooth evil, in the final analysis, it is not the cracked tooth evil.

The four resident priests all have their own agendas, but they also know that the strength of one party alone cannot seal this heavy-toothed evil.

After all, it is impossible to have a second chance to use Medusa Snake Rain to turn Chongyasha into stone.

Although monsters like the Wuming Resentful Evil are not intelligent, their physiques are very special. The power of petrified blood can petrify them once, but when it takes effect the second time, the effect will be greatly reduced.

It won't even take long for it to be completely immune to this law.

The best way to deal with Chongyasha is to seal them in a special sealing altar made of Wuwu Iron.

This evil-sealing altar can isolate them from the Bone Soul River, causing them to fall into a deep sleep forever.

The four chief priests stationed in the temple sacrificed the evil god's dharma at the same time.

Suddenly, Beelzebub, the evil god of gluttony, Mammon, the evil god of greed, Asmodeus, the evil god of lust, and Leviathan, the evil god of jealousy, appeared in the sky at the same time.

The evil gods' powers reflected each other, and the four terrifying auras made Ling Feng feel palpitations.

If you put these guys in the outside world, I'm afraid each of them has the strength equivalent to the broken level.

After all, those who can be exiled by the seven major forces should themselves be strong.

Secondly, they are able to survive in such a harsh environment and become the best among them, and they are blessed by the power of the evil god.

There is absolutely no doubt about their strength.

Once these monsters get out, this power will definitely not be any worse than any of the seven major forces.

It would be great if I could take the Priest for my own use...

Suddenly, a strange thought came to Ling Feng's mind.

But soon, Ling Feng laughed at himself, thinking that he was too self-righteous.

Not to mention these monsters, there is the Great Evil King...

That was an existence that could make Immortal Emperor Yi Ting personally take action, and he also united with the Broken Powerhouses from the other six major forces to jointly impose a seal and completely suppress the Exiled Land forever!

This shows that, in a sense, the Great Evil King already poses a certain threat to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Unless you are stronger than the Great Evil King, there is no need to think about being able to conquer the Sin Priest.

At the same time, under the powerful pressure of the power of the four evil gods, the Chongyasha still did not flinch. He roared and rushed towards the relatively weak Yinhua priest among the four priests. .

Although this monster has no brains, he still knows that persimmons need to be picked softly.

Archbishop Yinhua snorted coldly. Even though the Medusa Snake Rain could no longer trap Chongyasha, he still used the same move again.

It is not necessary to petrify the Chongyasha, it is enough to slow down its movements slightly.

However, the figure of Chongya Sha mysteriously disappeared from everyone's eyes. When everyone locked their eyes again, they found that the monster had been split into two!

Then, two is divided into four, and four is divided into eight!

After thirty-two clones were separated, accompanied by a series of scalp-numbing roars, they actually knocked down all the priests stationed in the palace with their absolute advantage in numbers.

"not good!"

Archbishop Yinhua's face suddenly turned pale with fright, " mutated into a Cracked Tooth Evil!"

But it turns out that the heavy-toothed beast has already reached the threshold of evolution.

And the piece of flesh and blood of Bishop Zhu that it had devoured before happened to help it complete its final evolution.

In an instant, everyone's pressure increased greatly.

As soon as it evolved, it was able to summon thirty-two clones!

This time, even Lan Yi was a little uneasy. His figure soared into the sky, and then he summoned the dharma form of the arrogant evil god Lucifer.

Whoosh whoosh!

Invisible hands shot out quickly, killing those Chongyasha...

Oh no, it's already cracked.

Invisible hands wrapped around the cracked tooth demons and pulled them away, giving the priests stationed in the temple a chance to breathe.

Everyone looked at each other and knew that the situation was critical now. They dared to hold back. They all used their trump cards to resist the clones of the cracked tooth evil.

The most important thing at the moment is to find out the true form of the cracked tooth demon first.

Otherwise, every time a clone is defeated, it will split again, and the number will increase.

One Cracked Tooth Shall is almost as powerful as an army of ten thousand people.

This is one of the reasons why the exiles of the Priests are so afraid of the Split Tooth Sha.

And the number of these thirty-two clones of the Cracked Tooth Sha was too much, and it was no longer possible for the priests stationed in the temple to stop them all.

After a while, casualties began to appear among ordinary believers in major temples, and even ordinary powerful priests.

Soon, Ling Feng was also targeted by a cracked-tooth evil spirit.


A fishy wind blew towards his face, and then sharp claws fell from the sky, almost tearing Ling Feng's head to pieces.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Cang Lan grabbed Ling Feng and pulled him back half a step to avoid the fatal blow.

"Be careful!"

Cang Lan regards Ling Feng as her cousin and takes good care of him.

Of course, with Ling Feng's reaction, it was impossible to dodge the attack just now. Even if he resisted, it wouldn't be a big deal given the tenacity of his demon body.


Ling Feng nodded towards Cang Lan, and the cracked-toothed demon's remains were torn apart with another claw.

In the palm of his hand, there was a huge mouth full of fangs.

If you were hit by a palm, even if it was a slight touch, you would probably get a piece of flesh bitten off.

Ling Feng frowned, not expecting that the situation would develop like this.

The strength of the cracked tooth demon was so terrifying that Ling Feng frowned and did not care about hiding his strength.

Ling Feng used 120% of his strength and kicked the cracked tooth evil with his whip leg, sending it flying away. He then pulled Cang Lan and quickly retreated.

For now, it's better to find a place to hide and wait and see what happens.

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