Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4016 Identity exposed!


The cracked-tooth demon who was staring at Ling Feng was kicked away, but he stabilized his figure in an instant, kicked his legs on the ground, and pounced forward again.

After evolving, the physical strength of this monster has become even more terrifying.

Ling Feng frowned slightly and secretly cried out for misfortune. Facing the menacing monster, he did not dare to be careless. He quickly used the long sword that would destroy all directions and transformed into Kong Yan, and slashed it out with one strike.


The blade struck the monster's shoulder as if it were striking an iron plate, causing little sparks to fly.

And the monster resisted Ling Feng's knife, not only did it not move at all, but with a backhand claw, it tore Ling Feng's head apart.

Ling Feng's eyes were focused, and when there was no time to escape, he used the Sky Patrolling Fire Escape technique to retreat.

He is now pretending to be Kong Yan, who is from the Xuntian Fire Clan. It is reasonable to use Xuntian Fire Escape.

However, he retreated quickly, and the speed at which the cracked tooth evil caught up was even more terrifying.

Ling Feng had just retreated a thousand feet away, when the Cracked Tooth Demon appeared strangely on Ling Feng's retreat. He clapped his hands together, and in the palms of his two palms, the bloody mouth full of fangs bit him fiercely. Come over.

Ling Feng's expression changed greatly, and he sidestepped past the left hand of the cracked tooth evil spirit, but unexpectedly, his back was hit by the palm of the cracked tooth evil spirit, and a piece of flesh was bitten off.

Although this was not Ling Feng's own body, seeing the blood pouring out still made Ling Feng's scalp numb.

The place bitten by the cracked tooth demon has a power similar to the law of annihilation, which can continuously disintegrate its own magic power, so that the wound cannot be healed by its self-healing ability.

Moreover, the toxin from the Bone Soul River is still attached to the wound, which is also a huge hidden danger.

"How are you?"

When Cang Lan saw Ling Feng's injury, her expression changed, and she quickly pressed a piece of white bone flower petal onto Ling Feng's wound.

I have to say that Cang Lan is really good to his cousin.

It's a pity that Ling Feng is not the real Kong Yan.


Ling Feng felt a burning pain in his back, and a burst of black smoke rose from the place covered by the white bones. Then, the wound gradually healed.

With a solemn look on his face, he stared at the cracked tooth demon opposite him. With the monster's speed, he probably wouldn't be able to run away.

At this moment, a red light flashed, and a graceful figure was seen flying towards him.

Ling Feng took a closer look and saw that it was the Priest Yao Ji from the Temple of Lust.

Behind this woman, there are four crack-toothed demons!

These monsters are not only rough-skinned and thick-flesh, but once their bodies are divided, they will continue to divide and become a complete individual again.

At this moment, the original thirty-two cracked tooth demons have now split into more than two hundred heads!

The priest Yaoji was being chased by four cracked-tooth demons. Even with her priest-level strength, she could only run as fast as she could.

Fortunately, after seeing Ling Feng, the cracked tooth demons she brought actually changed their targets and all focused on Ling Feng.


With roars, the four cracked-tooth demons, together with the previous one, a total of five cracked-tooth demons rushed towards Ling Feng.

Damn it!

Ling Feng couldn't help but curse in his heart, should my meat be more fragrant? Is it necessary to come all towards yourself?

"It's your wound!"

Canglan hurriedly warned, but it turned out that these cracked teeth judged the quality of "food" based on blood.

Ling Feng's demon body was tempered from the prototype of a star core, and every drop of blood was comparable to heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

No wonder, it has a fatal attraction for the cracked tooth evil spirit.

Seeing the five crack-toothed beasts rushing towards him, Ling Feng was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

He clenched his fist and threw the sword fiercely. The blade penetrated the chest of one of the cracked tooth beasts, sending it flying directly.

Then, gritting his teeth and being cruel, he directly sacrificed the dragon and phoenix concentric ring.

Although Yu Bingqing's phoenix ring is gone, even a single dragon ring is still at the level of a great source device.


A strong smelly wind surged in, and a man with cracked teeth opened his mouth and bit him.

Ling Feng set up the dragon ring, stuffed it directly into the monster's mouth, and started beating it hard.

After all, the dragon ring is the source of the avenue and is indestructible. It hit the monster's teeth and smashed all its fangs into pieces.

"Good baby!"

Ling Feng secretly praised in his heart, but unexpectedly, another Crack-Tooth Demon jumped out from beside him and bit Ling Feng's arm fiercely.


Blood spurted out immediately. Ling Feng threw up the dragon ring, switched to his left hand, held the dragon ring, and hit the monster's Tianling Cap hard.

Hearing a "click", the head of the cracked-tooth monster split open. Ling Feng took the opportunity to break away from the monster, and three more cracked-tooth monsters came behind him, blocking all his escape routes.

When the Yaoji priest, who was originally being chased by four cracked-tooth demons, saw that the cracked-tooth demons had changed their targets, he was overjoyed and shouted in the direction of Ling Feng: "Thank you very much!"

Then, he was about to leave without looking back.

However, when she saw the concentric ring of dragon and phoenix offered by Ling Feng, her expression suddenly changed and her pupils seemed to tremble.

She actually turned back immediately and used the ribbon to pull away the cracked-tooth demons blocking Ling Feng's body.

The next moment, Yao Ji's figure appeared in front of Ling Feng, her eyes fixed on the dragon and phoenix concentric ring in Ling Feng's hand, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "Where did you get this thing?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, could this woman know the dragon and the phoenix?

But now, it seems that this is not the time to ask this question.


Ling Feng shouted, and Yao Ji also reacted, doing a backflip in the air and jumping behind Ling Feng.

The next moment, Yao Ji and Ling Feng stood with their backs facing each other, confronting the five-headed Cracked Tooth Demon.

"Tell me, where did the thing in your hand come from?!"

There was a hint of urgency in Yao Ji's voice, which was somewhat incompatible with her usual calm and charming appearance.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ling Feng carefully stared at the cracked tooth demons, not daring to be careless at all, and at the same time replied: "It's more important to save your life now! If you can survive, maybe I can tell you!"

Now he was also in crisis. Although he didn't know what the relationship was between Yao Ji and the Dragon and Phoenix Concentric Ring, he knew that Yao Ji was also a sin-offering priest.

Tie her to his warship first to have a greater chance of surviving.

"You better remember what you said!"

Yao Ji snorted coldly, even if she wanted to know why the dragon and phoenix concentric ring was in Ling Feng's hands, she would not run away easily and leave Ling Feng alone.

"Of course, I always keep my word!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, it seemed that this woman had taken the bait.

On the other side, Canglan did not run away directly, but summoned several other Gluttony Temple believers to attack the Cracked Tooth Fiends on the outside.

In this way, Ling Feng was finally not alone.

He stretched out his hand and summoned everyone from all directions. His eyes flickered and he looked towards Lan Yi.

The key to this battle still depends on the priests stationed in the palace.

As long as they can hold on, they still have a chance.

And after the Heavy Tooth Demon evolved into the Cracked Tooth Demon, in just a few dozen breaths, the ordinary believers among the Priests were already suffering heavy casualties.

"Damn it!"

The expression on the face of Master Zhu Xi of the Temple of Wrath suddenly became distorted, and his eyes were filled with blood.

However, he was also targeted by a Cracked Tooth Evil, and within a short period of time, he was unable to escape to rescue those ordinary believers.

At this moment, the Archbishop of the Arrogant Temple, Lan Yi, snorted coldly, wrapped his invisible hands around the several Toothless Fiends in front of him, rose into the air, and shouted at the resident Priests of the other temples: "No more Combined with the power of the evil god, the believers in each of your temples will soon be dead!"

The method of merging the evil god's power was also used by Lan Yi before in the Ruins of the Fallen.

However, in comparison, last time Lan Yi used strong methods to forcibly seize Qian Wu and Chong Ming's evil god power for his own use.

After the fusion of the power of the evil god, his strength has indeed risen to another level in a short period of time.

The last time, it was just the fusion of the power of the three evil gods.

For a moment, rage, gluttony, lust, jealousy, greed, the priests resident in the five palaces were unwilling to do so, but seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, they could only use their own evil power to transport them in the direction of Lan Yi. .

For a moment, evil light burst out in the sky, and all the power of the six evil gods merged into Lan Yi's body.

Behind him, the appearance of the arrogant evil god Lucifer quickly grew six wings, horns, and snake hair...

The characteristics of various evil gods appeared in his body.

Lan Yi's aura also continued to rise, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

"The power of sloth, come too!"

The next moment, three rows of strange blood-colored pupils opened on Lan Yi's forehead, and circles of blood-colored ripples spread out with him as the center.

Then, a dark red light rose into the sky in the distance.

After gathering the evil power of the six evil gods, Lan Yi could actually take the initiative to summon the power of the last evil god to return to his position.

"It's really not reassuring to sleep at all!"

In the distance, a complaining voice was heard. Although the resident priest of the Lazy Temple looked dissatisfied, he was forcefully dragged over from the river bank by a black tentacle.

That dark red light contained the power of Belial, the Evil God of Sloth.

The power of the seven evil gods finally merged, and the purple six wings behind Lan Yi suddenly opened. In an instant, a strong wind swept through, locking all the cracked tooth demons behind the battle circle.

Of course, this also includes the five cracked tooth demons that are besieging Ling Feng.

Under the illumination of the evil god's light, all the believers of the Sin Priest's bodies shone with light corresponding to the power of the corresponding evil god.

That light integrated into the body, and everyone's aura instantly increased a lot.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly activated the power of chaos, pretending to be enveloped by the brilliance of the Evil God of Gluttony, and hiding the truth.

Fortunately, that guy Faros wasn't here, otherwise, he might have been exposed immediately.


Under the radiance of the evil power of the fusion of the seven evil gods, the bodies of the cracked teeth were evaporated one after another, like ice and snow melting.

Finally, when the light gradually dissipated, only the last cracked-tooth beast was left.

It is its true essence!


Lan Yi gave a low shout, and the priests resident in the other six major temples used their methods at the same time, blasting out various sealed secret techniques at the same time.

The moment before the cracked tooth demon split again, it was directly frozen into a huge ice sculpture.


However, soon, cracks appeared on the ice sculpture, and the monster was not completely sealed so easily.

Lan Yi focused his gaze, activated the power of the evil god, and shot out invisible hands, wrapping the ice sculpture layer by layer.


The next moment, the ice sculpture exploded, and the cracked tooth demon let out a roar that shook the sky, and was about to split again.

However, Lan Yi was well prepared and instantly threw out the sealing altar that specifically sealed the evil spirit of ignorance and resentment.

Then, he used his invisible hand to pull the cracked tooth evil spirit and drag it into the evil sealing altar.

The other priests stationed in the temple also took action, constantly attacking the monster's body.

Under this push and pull, after a long stalemate, the cracked tooth demon was finally smashed into the sealing altar.

After Fengsha Altar collected the monster, it quickly shrunk and finally became the size of a wine jar, landing in Lan Yi's palm.

A sealing talisman with complex inscriptions was placed on the mouth of the altar, and then even the roar of the monster disappeared.

If nothing else goes wrong, the Cracked Tooth Evil will forever remain dormant within the evil altar and will no longer be able to pose any threat.


After dealing with this monster, the resident priests of the major temples all breathed a sigh of relief.

In this operation, even if the power of the evil god from any palace is missing, I am afraid that the monster will not be able to be sealed in the end, and a heavy price will be paid.

After all, the chief priest is the chief priest, and it is indeed a clever plan.

Ling Feng also let out a sigh of relief and felt that his back was soaked with sweat.

The feeling of being surrounded by five cracked tooth demons is like a sheep falling into a pack of wolves.

Although Ling Feng was not a sheep to be slaughtered, in this situation, he might not be much better.

Fortunately, Yao Ji took action, otherwise, he would have lost half his life even if he did not die.

Of course, it's just the small life of the demon's Yin body.

The crisis was over, and Yao Ji's voice came to my ears again, "Tell me quickly, where did your dragon and phoenix concentric ring come from?"

She really knows this thing!

Hearing Yao Ji call out the name of the treasure, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Yao Ji carefully.

"Tell me quickly!"

Yao Ji stared at Ling Feng, seemingly unable to contain her inner excitement.

However, at this moment, there was a cold gaze that locked Ling Feng firmly.

"Long time no see, brother Ling!"

This familiar tone, with a hint of sternness in it.

Ling Feng didn't need to turn around, he knew it was Lan Yi's voice.

Did this guy recognize himself?

How is this possible?

Ling Feng's head was a little confused. Could it be that just now, his power of chaos failed to deceive that guy?


Ling Feng coughed a few times, "Master Priest, what do you mean? Are you calling me?"

Canglan on the side also had a surprised look on her face and stared at Ling Feng. That surprised look seemed to be asking, what's going on with you kid?

"Are you still pretending to be stupid?"

Lan Yi raised his hand and put it on Ling Feng's shoulder, "Indeed, you hid everything well, but unfortunately, at the critical moment, you still revealed the aura of the Great Killing Technique. You are Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng's whole body suddenly stiffened, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Damn it! Did it turn out that this place was exposed?

"Brother Ling, we two brothers have a lot of old accounts to settle. Why don't you go back with me and talk about the past?"

Lan Yi pinched Ling Feng with his palm. Whenever Ling Feng made any change, his evil god's power would immediately detonate Ling Feng's Dantian.


Ling Feng could only smile bitterly, "I didn't expect to be recognized by Brother Lan! It doesn't matter, since Brother Lan misses me, let's just reminisce about the past! Brother Lan, just relax, there are so many people under their noses. , can I still run?"

"Then let's go!"

Lan Yi smiled coldly, but showed no intention of loosening his palms.

He had suffered losses at the hands of Ling Feng before and knew that this boy was very cunning, so he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

If Ling Feng were to run away, although he would not be able to escape from the place of exile, he would not be interested in playing this cat and mouse game any longer.

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