Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4017 The origin of the Archbishop!

Seeing that Lan Yi was about to take Ling Feng away, Commander Yao Ji frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "Lan Yi... Commander, he hasn't answered my question yet!"

Lan Yi glanced at her disdainfully, "Just don't ask about your trivial matters!"


Yao Ji gritted her teeth with hatred. She was indeed a member of the Arrogant Temple. She was indeed arrogant, rude and arrogant.

He was already arrogant enough when he was just an ordinary priest. Now that he has been promoted to the resident priest, he naturally doesn't take ordinary priests like them seriously.


Lan Yi changed the topic, seeming to remember something, and then said: "Nian, you brought back some useful information before, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to capture this kid so smoothly, okay, just give you some time. "

After saying that, Lan Yi patted Ling Feng's back gently, using the power of the evil god to seal Ling Feng's dantian, and then released the palm that had been pressing on his back.

Facing a guy like Ling Feng who was more cunning than a loach, Lan Yi was always cautious and didn't give him any chance.

Seeing that he relented, Yao Ji's expression softened slightly, but her usual charming look was no longer present in her brows and eyes.

She glanced at Ling Feng, then grabbed Ling Feng's arm and flew towards the mountain col.

Lan Yi stared at the two people's backs from a distance and sneered secretly. He also knew a little about Yao Ji's identity, but with his arrogance, he was not interested in Yao Ji's "secrets".

As long as these two people don't step out of their sight.

Ling Feng's Dantian was sealed, but he was secretly ecstatic in his heart.

Lan Yi was indeed very cautious, but unfortunately, what he sealed was only the Dantian of the demon's Yin body.

And Ling Feng's body is still "lying" in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

The main body is not affected, and the seal of this Dantian is also white.

"Tell me, where did you come from this concentric ring of dragon and phoenix?"

Yao Ji stared at Ling Feng, observing his expression, as if she wanted to see through him completely.

"Given by a senior."

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't hide it.

"But Dayu..."

Ling Feng nodded, "Yes, it is His Royal Highness Prince Su of Dayu Xianting."

"Why would he give this to you? What is your relationship with him? Is he... okay?"

The series of questions made Ling Feng feel at a loss for a while.

It seems that this woman is very interested in Prince Su's affairs?

Could it be that he is an old sweetheart?

He had heard Yu Bingqing mention it before that Prince Su seemed to have only one princess, and she seemed to have unfortunately passed away later.

After that, Prince Su remained alone and never married another princess.

In other words, this woman probably just has...unrequited love for Prince Su.

"answer me!"

Yao Ji shouted anxiously.

Ling Feng shook his head helplessly, "The relationship between him and me seems to have nothing to do with you, right? But I can answer your last question. Prince Su is doing well now, so you can rest assured."

"Yes, he is a prince, how can he be bad..."

Hearing that Prince Su was well, Yao Ji's eyes flashed with disappointment, and then she smiled foolishly and said: "I think he already has a group of wives and concubines like other royals."

"That's not true..."

Ling Feng shook his head, "As far as I know, Prince Su loved the late princess very much, and he has never married another since the death of that princess."


Yao Ji was stunned at first, with a trace of tears in her eyes, and she said inexplicably, "Why is he so stupid..."

At this moment, Lan Yi's urging voice came from not far away, "It's almost time, isn't it? How much longer will it take? I tell you, Bishop Yaoji, you won't fall in love with this pretty boy, will you?"

Yao Ji took a deep breath, held back her tears, turned around and glared at Lan Yi, "Clean your stinky mouth!"

And the moment she turned her head, Ling Feng's voice came to her ears, "I'm sorry!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng actually grabbed Yao Ji's neck with one claw, preparing to escape with Yao Ji as a hostage.

Now that his identity has been exposed, if he is caught by these guys, he will be passive.

He must seize this only chance.

Even if the means are a little despicable.

" is that possible?"

Lan Yi was the first to notice the abnormality. Seeing that Ling Feng could still restrain Yao Ji, his eyes widened, "I have obviously..."

"You just want to seal me off?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and put a little force on his palms, "Get out of my way. I will let this woman go after I leave safely!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ling Feng's words made Lan Yi laugh out loud, "Ling Feng, you are so naive. Where do you think the Priest Department is? What does this woman mean to me? A fellow disciple? A partner?"

He stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Just kill this woman, not to mention me. If you look at the Temple of Lust, even the believers in the same temple as her will not care about this woman's life."

As he spoke, he pressed forward step by step, and even the resident priests of the other six halls, except for the lazy priest who began to fall asleep again, surrounded them.

"Hehehe...what is this for?"

Ling Feng quickly let go of Yao Ji's neck, raised his hand and said with a smile: "I just saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, so I just wanted to relax it. It's okay, it's okay. Brother Lan, isn't he looking for me to reminisce about old times? Come on, come on, Yao Ji and I The instructor is done talking, let’s go back!”

No one noticed that when Ling Feng raised his hand, a ray of purple light fell from Ling Feng's sleeve and penetrated into Yao Ji's body in the blink of an eye.

Of course he knew what kind of guys the Sin Priests were, and he had seen with his own eyes how Lan Yi plundered the power of the evil gods from his companions and "killed" them to death.

The reason why he deliberately kidnapped Yao Ji was to deceive others and hide his true intentions.

He knew that Lan Yi had been staring at him, and any changes could not be hidden from his eyes.

Therefore, he needs to perform such a play to create opportunities for himself.

What he left on Yao Ji was a spiritual mark, which was also integrated with the laws of time and space of Taixu Zhoulong.

Once he finds an opportunity, he can directly use Yao Ji as a medium to "teleport" himself.

This was also the only way Ling Feng thought of to escape in his desperation.

Judging from Lan Yi's attitude, it seems that this guy's purpose is not to kill him directly.

In this case, he also wanted to know what the purpose of these guys was.

Maybe there is some room for cooperation.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Since the Great Evil King and the Priestess were both sealed and suppressed in the Exiled Land by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, then as a descendant of the Tiandao clan, he and the Great Evil King had a common enemy.

If we could meet the Great Evil King, we might be able to reach cooperation.

As for the mark left on Yao Ji, this is the escape route he has reserved for himself.

Ling Feng acted cautiously, and everything about the Great Evil King was just Ling Feng's own guess.

He didn't dare to put his life on these illusory things.

Putting your life on others is not Ling Feng's style.


Lan Yi smiled coldly, "You're a smart kid."

After saying that, he focused his eyes, let out an invisible hand, wrapped around Ling Feng's body, and pulled him over.

"You are really naughty, but you don't have to worry. For the time being, I don't want your life! Just follow me back."

Lan Yi's words also confirmed Ling Feng's guess.

If it weren't for his other uses, with Lan Yi's cruel methods, I'm afraid he would have been killed by him long ago.

"So, Brother Lan may have something to ask for, right?"

Ling Feng asked tentatively.

"Want to trick me?"

Lan Yi was not stupid, he just smiled coldly, then tightened his invisible hand and wrapped around Ling Feng.

"You don't have to play tricks with me, you will understand everything when the time comes."

After saying that, Lan Yi's figure rose into the sky, taking Ling Feng and flying directly towards the lair of the Sin Priest.

In other halls, they gathered and counted the remaining believers. After getting rid of those ignorant and resentful evil spirits, they quickly returned.

This sealing mission has been successfully completed. Without the interference of the Chongyasha, this river area has returned to a relatively safe state, and you can continue to collect bones and flowers.

After all the people in each palace left, Pharos emerged from a hole in the ground and murmured to himself: "That kid is really unreliable. His secrets were exposed so quickly. Damn it, I was also hit by that." The boy’s poison!”

When he thought of this, Faros gritted his teeth with hatred. Even if he was unwilling, he could only find a way to rescue Ling Feng.

After all, saving him means saving yourself.

Soon, Ling Feng was brought back to the Arrogance Temple by Lan Yi.

As soon as this guy came back, he first threw Ling Feng into a sealed cave, and then left.

There were several believers from the Pride Temple outside the cave, and Lan Yi had told them before leaving that they were not allowed to have any contact with Ling Feng, let alone talk to him.

After all, Ling Feng was too cunning. Even if he just said a few words to him, he might be fooled into lameness.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was calm this time. After returning, he has been sitting cross-legged in the cave to meditate.

Instead of wasting time, it is better to take the opportunity to practice and improve every point.

The white-bone flowers picked on the river bank before came in handy.

Using white bones and flowers to practice, the effect on the devil's Yin body was unexpectedly good.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lan Yi brought an old man with a head full of white hair.

White hair, white eyebrows, white beard...

The whole head was like a huge ball of white hair, and even the eyes were almost invisible.

This person is none other than the High Priest Priest, who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

And because Lan Yi has been in close contact with the Archbishop recently and can often meet with the Great Evil King, he seems to be on the verge of becoming the uncrowned king of the Arrogant Temple, and is about to replace the Archbishop of Sin.

"Ling Feng, why don't you kneel down and bow to the Chief Archbishop!"

Outside the cage, Lan Yi glared at Ling Feng and scolded him sternly.

Ling Feng just smiled coldly, "I'm not a member of the Priest Priest. It doesn't matter who you are, whether you are a big priest or a small priest. What does it have to do with me?"

"Boy!" Lan Yi frowned and was about to scold, but the chief priest raised his hand to stop him.


The chief priest laughed loudly, "As expected of a descendant of Heavenly Dao, heir to the great killing technique, it is really interesting!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Lan Yi recognized him before because of the Great Killing Technique.

In fact, he did not actively perform the Great Killing Technique, but when he used his magical power, the Great Killing Technique would operate on its own, thus achieving a certain increase.

Reminiscent of the time when Lan Yi saw himself performing a mass killing technique at the Ruins of Wuyue, he said some words that were very puzzling to him.

Now that I think about it, there may be an inextricable connection between the Great Killing Technique and the Sin Priest.

When Jie Yin Xianzun first taught this secret technique, he said that he only taught magical powers to himself on behalf of others. In other words, Jie Yin Xianzun himself had never practiced this secret technique.

So, the position of the person who can let Jieyin Xianzun come forward to pass on the secret skills in Tianzhi is probably very difficult, right?

Could it be the gentleman in white?

Heavenly Executor, Priest Priest...

Is there any connection between the two?

For a moment, Ling Feng was confused and confused.

"Come with me, the Great Evil King wants to see you."

The Archbishop gently raised his hand, and the heavy sealing formation that sealed the entrance of the cave disintegrated easily. Even the prison cage was melted instantly, turning into molten iron on the ground, and finally dissipated into a ball of black smoke.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Although he only showed a hint of strength in an understatement, he was certain that this person's cultivation level was far beyond his imagination.

If he wants to kill himself, he probably only needs one thought.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and nodded towards the high priest, "I heard that the exiles are all among the seven major forces in the Immortal Realm. They have committed major mistakes and were expelled. The seniors just melted the iron cage. His ability is hot and domineering, but it doesn’t seem to come from the Xantian Fire Tribe.”

The Archbishop smiled lightly and said, "You want to know my origin, so why do you need to test me like this? My name is Wan Guihai, and I am from the Xuntian Lei Clan and the main lineage of the Wan Family. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "Surveying the Thunder Clan?"

Moreover, his surname was Wan, so he was from the lineage of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

"The Great Evil King?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by the chief priest, "As for the matter about the Great Evil King, you should ask the Great Evil King yourself. Even I am not qualified to talk nonsense."

"I understand, thank you, senior."

Ling Feng nodded and bowed his hands to the high priest. Compared with other resident priests, this high priest was inexplicably "amiable".

Moreover, he was obviously a member of the Thunder Clan that patrolled the sky, but he was completely unmoved when he, the "remnant of heaven," stood in front of him.

It seems that even if they are also members of the Xantian Thunder Clan, not all of them are on the same path as Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

If this idea was known to Lan Yi, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Is the Archbishop "affable"?

This is an existence that can make the entire Priest tremble with the movement of a finger. Moreover, he is decisive and ruthless in killing. Otherwise, he would not have the status he has now.

If the people of the Sin Priest are all a bunch of madmen, just imagine that the person who can suppress all other madmen is himself a mad king!

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