Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4020 Billions of Killers!

Fallows felt confused at the moment.

Inexplicably, he met Ling Feng, a descendant of Tiandao, in Longyuan Gorge.

Inexplicably, that guy also practiced the secret skill of the Gulanduo clan, the Demonic Yin Body.

Inexplicably, he seems to be the benefactor who rescued Queen Keveli.


He was somehow involved in this damn place of exile, he was somehow infiltrated into the Priest, and his identity was revealed again somehow.

Inexplicable, inexplicable...

Pharos's mind was filled with confusion.

What's even more inexplicable is that he has to go into the dragon's pond and tiger's den alone to save this damn descendant of heaven!

"I wonder if I owed him something in my previous life!"

In a mountain col about a few thousand feet away from the Priest's lair, Pharos was lying on a low mound. Looking at the gloomy skull-like lair from a distance, he felt like Scalp numbness.

Go rescue Ling Feng, it seems like there is no way back.

If you don’t save me, you will die from the poison!

Either way, it's death!

Just when Pharos was hesitant, dozens of figures flew out from the cave of the Sin Priest, and the leader was none other than Lan Yi from the Temple of Arrogance.

"Damn it, why are you taking action again?"

Faros cursed secretly in his heart and murmured: "You're not here to arrest me, are you? Damn it, that kid is so careless that he even confessed to me?"

Seeing the men of the Priestess being so aggressive and moving out in full force, Pharos' scalp felt a little numb.

"That kid must not be able to withstand the torture. Grandma Te. Do you think the Tiandao clan has such hard bones? That's it?"

Pharos cursed in his heart and hurriedly hid his aura and was about to run away.

However, just when Pharos stood up to escape, he suddenly felt stiff all over, as if he was entangled in something.

Invisible hand!

Falos' eyelids twitched, and when he raised his eyes suddenly, he saw a gloomy face appearing in front of him.

"Hmph, that boy really predicted it well. If you want to get the antidote, you will definitely lurk near the Priest and wait for an opportunity to sneak into the Priest to rescue him."

Lan Yi's voice made Pharos feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Immediately afterwards, several powerful men at the priest level gathered around, which made Faros shout in his heart: My life is at stake!

"As expected, none of his grandma's fellows from the Immortal Realm are reliable!"

Pharos cursed loudly, "It's the Tiandao clan, bah! You greedy bastards who are afraid of death! Cowards!"

Faros cursed for a long time, but he saw that Lan Yi just looked at him with a smile and did not make a move, which made Faros a little worried.

What is this guy doing?

How about watching a monkey show?

"Keep scolding, keep scolding, why stop? Keep going!"


Pharos was stunned for a moment, what does this mean?

"Did he offend you too?"

"Hey, how am I qualified to be offended by him now!"

Lan Yi snorted softly. Seeing that Faros stopped cursing, he let go of his invisible hand and said coldly: "Come with me! The boy said, come back with me to get the antidote."

Falos' eyelids twitched and he glanced at Lan Yi with some doubt.

This time, he was even more confused.

What on earth did that kid do? How long did it take? The attitude of the sin priest towards him was a complete 180-degree turn.

Is it possible that there is some relationship between the Great Evil King of the Priests and the Tiandao Clan?

"Let's go!"

Lan Yicai didn't bother to pay any more attention to Faros, so he turned around and said coldly: "Come if you love me, forget it if you don't come. Anyway, it's not me who was poisoned to death."

Seeing Lan Yi's attitude, which didn't seem to be hostile, Faros could only feel relieved and follow him.

at the same time.

Ling Feng was spinning around the huge pool of blood.

No matter what angle you look at it from, the word "kill" reflected in the water seems to always maintain the same shape, as if it is rotating with itself.

Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the sword marks above the cave, but they were clearly motionless, three-quarters of the way into the stone.

This made Ling Feng wonder. Is the reflection in the blood pool really the shadow of these sword marks?

When the sword marks and shadows overlapped in Ling Feng's sight, the suffocating beast seemed to appear again.

Amidst the roar, Ling Feng felt like a speck of dust when facing the huge alien beast that stretched across the galaxy.

The feeling of oppression cannot be described in words.

"Your understanding is pretty good!"

The Archbishop nodded secretly, then found an open space on the platform outside the cave entrance and sat down cross-legged.

As for Yao Ji, after asking some more questions about Prince Su from Ling Feng, she left in a daze.

It would be a joy to be able to leave the place of exile and see the love in my heart again.

But in the past, she was a saint from the Xantian Mountain Clan, pure and flawless, like a jade treasure.

But now, she has become an evil heretic and has fallen into a state of depravity.

If she could never leave the place of exile, at least in Prince Su's heart, what he would miss forever would be the innocent Gu Yao.

But if she appeared in front of Prince Su as the priest of sin and the priest of lust.

By that time, will he be able to accept himself like this?

Yao Ji's heart was a little confused.

Ling Feng also saw Yao Ji's concerns, but unfortunately, it seemed that he was not qualified to persuade Yao Ji on emotional matters.

I just sigh, God’s will plays tricks on people, and fate plays tricks on people.

But Prince Su could give up the throne of the emperor for the sake of Yao Ji. How could his feelings for Yao Ji be understandable by an outsider like himself?

"Report to the Chief Archbishop, he has been brought back!"

At this moment, Lan Yi's voice came from outside the cave entrance.

Ling Feng looked back and saw Pharos following Lan Yi obediently. Especially after seeing the high priest, his head was as low as a quail, and he didn't even dare to look directly into his eyes.

This old boy doesn't have the aloof attitude of a "half-step strong man" at this moment.

Half a step?

In front of the Archbishop, his half step was nothing.

If he saw the Great Evil King, this guy wouldn't be so frightened that his legs would go weak.

"Ling Feng!"

Seeing Ling Feng coming out of the cave, Pharos was overjoyed, and felt like a fellow villager had tears in his eyes when he saw a fellow villager.


Pharos was finally relieved and almost burst into tears.

The sense of oppression given to him by the Chief was really terrifying. A being of this level could crush him to death with one finger.

At this moment, Faros even had the urge to hold Ling Feng's thigh and cry bitterly.

"Hey, isn't this the old way? I'm still more used to your arrogant attitude!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows at him, which made Faros blush. He couldn't help but pick up the pot.

How can you still be arrogant in front of a serious broken strong man?

Can't be prouder!

Lan Yi snorted softly and saw Ling Feng still standing at the edge of the blood pool. He couldn't help but mocked: "Why, you still don't dare to go down to practice? Are you scared?"

He also has another task now, which is to "train" Ling Feng.

He didn't believe that taking a "bath" in the blood pool would completely transform him.

When he comes out, I must "practice" with him!

Ling Feng ignored Lan Yi. The best way to deal with such an arrogant person was to be more arrogant than him.

This guy will feel as uncomfortable as having ants crawling around him.

Sure enough, Ling Feng's attitude made Lan Yi a little uneasy. After all, he is also a resident priest, but you actually treat me like nothing?

If the fear of the Archbishop hadn't penetrated deep into his bones, he would have rushed forward to start training with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng walked up to Pharos and threw a porcelain bottle to him. "Here is the antidote. After taking it and adjusting your breath for about half an hour, the poison in your body will be completely resolved."


Pharos took the porcelain bottle and couldn't believe it. He was given the antidote so easily?

However, Ling Feng's thoughts had changed at this moment.

If he completely masters the complete mass killing technique and needs to use poison to control Pharos, then he will be a loser in the mass killing technique.

What's more, he has already seen the hope of being promoted to Immortal Emperor.

Once promoted, just half a step, what does it mean?

"Is this for me?"

Falos stared at Ling Feng, "It can't be fake, right?"

"If you don't want it, you can return it to me."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand towards him, and Faros quickly swallowed the elixir into his stomach, "I believe it, I believe it!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. In fact, whether the immortal clan or the demon clan, there may be ways to peacefully coexist.

Based on some clues Ling Feng had, he could vaguely deduce that the war between immortals and demons in the past might have been controlled by the "Celestial Clan" behind the scenes.

The real initiators are actually the so-called gods.

It was they who took away his father!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. His biggest enemy was not Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, but an even more terrifying existence above the Immortal Dao.

The road I have to take is still long and arduous!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng didn't hesitate any more and turned towards the blood pool.

The earlier you master the mass killing technique and the earlier you are promoted to Immortal Emperor, the sooner you can save your parents from suffering.


The next moment, Ling Feng jumped into the blood pool.

The blood did not splash around like ordinary liquid.

They seemed to be alive and started to wrap around Ling Feng's body.

After a while, Ling Feng's entire body was covered in blood, with only his head exposed.

He felt that his body was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

"This is just the first step in practicing the mass killing technique."

The Archbishop didn't even open his eyes, he just sat there and said slowly: "If you hold the Sword of Slaughter, you will have to bear the sin of hundreds of millions of murders! If you can't bear this sin of murder, you are not qualified to inherit the Great Slaughter Technique!" "

Kill evil!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth.

What is killing?

Killing one person, taking another life, the power of cause and effect has been added to one's body, it is a sin.

And the great killing technique, the great evil and great evil, achieves enlightenment through killing.

To master this technique, what kind of terrible evil must be endured?

If one cannot understand one's heart and keep one's integrity, and sinks into killing, one will surely be swallowed up by the sin of killing.

Sure enough, after a while, Ling Feng felt an extremely hot breath bursting out of his body!

Not only that, even the drop of killing blood in the body is ready to move.

The mana he had accumulated from practicing the Great Killing Technique before seemed to have all turned into what the chief priest called "evil killing" at this moment.

These killings merged with the blood in the blood pool and became heavier.

After a while, Ling Feng felt as if his body was being dragged into purgatory by this extremely heavy sin of killing.

His head was also completely swallowed by the blood in the blood pool.

The blood pool seemed to be only a few feet deep, but it seemed to be connected to a bloody purgatory below. It kept dragging Ling Feng's body, as if it was about to fall into an abyss, and there would be no recovery.

"How is this going?"

Lan Yi's eyelids twitched, "Why does it feel like this kid is... getting cold?"

He carefully looked in the direction of the Archbishop, and his voice became weaker and weaker, because he felt that Ling Feng's breath seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, almost disappearing.

"If you can't bear the sin of killing, in the end, it will just be..."

The Archbishop stopped mid-sentence. He just shook his head slightly and said calmly: "The Tiandao clan has its own special features. Please be patient and continue reading."

Faros on the side sounded a little confused, but he probably knew that Ling Feng seemed to be accepting some kind of inheritance.

Is it because this inheritance is too dangerous that he left the antidote to himself in advance?

This guy is quite nice...

Pharos couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He had scolded him for being unjust before.

I really deserve to die!

At this moment, under the blood pool.

Ling Feng only felt that his consciousness was getting blurry.

In the spiritual sea, there is another shadow, which is becoming more and more clearly visible.

Could it be that this is the killing personality condensed by practicing the great killing technique?

I can't bear this murderous sin, and this murderous personality will take its place?

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. Although this body at the moment was just the devil's body, if he was really swallowed by the murderous personality, then everything that belonged to him would be replaced by this personality bit by bit.

This is what Blood Hell Tianlong said back then, the biggest hidden danger in practicing the mass killing technique.

And this blood pool seems to be able to completely trigger this hidden danger in advance.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and saw another version of himself in the depths of his spiritual sea.

"Give up struggling, you are too weak. Everything you fail to do will be achieved by me!"

The other 'Ling Feng', although he looked exactly like Ling Feng, his eyes were shining with a dark red light, and his whole body exuded a suffocating and terrifying evil aura.

"You can't even think of succeeding!"

Ling Feng's willpower has been tempered many times and is so tenacious.

Even though he was overwhelmed by the endless killings and couldn't breathe, he still stared at the killing personality opposite him, gritted his teeth and let out an angry roar!

"Hahaha! I am you, and you are me. The difference is that you are a weak me, but I am a truly powerful existence! Why should you resist?"

The killer personality laughed ferociously, "The Eye of Shura, the Blood of Killer, the Divine Seal of Killer...all of this, how wonderful! It should be something that belongs to me!"

As he spoke, the murderous personality opened his third vertical pupil as expected. Then, even the murderous seal formed by refining the blood of murder was occupied by this murderous personality.

Under the pressure of the murderous personality, in this spiritual sea that was supposed to be Ling Feng's home court, the origin of Ling Feng's soul actually became smaller and insignificant.

"Your indecisiveness has made your sword weak! You are destined to be unable to change anything and achieve nothing! You don't deserve any of this!"

The murderous personality laughed wildly, "Be obedient and be devoured by the killer. You are just a failure! And I am the real Ling Feng, the real owner of this body!"

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