Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4021 Why hold the sword, why kill!

Am I just a failure?

Ling Feng's self-awareness seemed to be disintegrating bit by bit.

The extremely heavy killing force made Ling Feng unable to breathe.

He felt as if he was too tired.

Maybe, the other self can really do better, and he can accomplish what he can't do.

Maybe I really shouldn't exist...

My eyelids are so heavy.

I feel really, really sleepy.

"What...what's going on?"

Outside the blood pool, Faros sensed Ling Feng's aura, which seemed to disappear completely at this moment, and couldn't help but look back at the Archbishop.


The Archbishop opened his eyes, but couldn't help but shook his head and sighed softly.

He stood up slowly and walked towards the blood pool. It seemed that after all, no one could perfectly inherit the great killing technique.

The two people who originally created this great killing technique were both geniuses of the world. One of them only practiced half of it, but they still suffered from its backlash, which will last a lifetime.

Nowadays, it is still too risky to let an Immortal Lord who has never crossed the threshold of the Immortal Emperor practice the complete mass killing technique.

As soon as his figure flashed, the Archbishop had appeared in front of the blood pool, raising his hand slightly, ready to lift Ling Feng out of the blood pool.

However, at this moment, the water surface that was originally as calm as a mirror actually became extremely restless.

Bloody storms rolled up on the water, intertwined and twisted like dragons.


A roar like a ferocious beast exploded, and waves of sound swept through the entire cave.

The expressions of Pharos and Lan Yi on the side changed.

This momentum has already made them all a little scared.

The chief priest was also surprised.

"What a powerful slayer of inner demons!"

An extremely solemn look appeared on the chief priest's face. If he took action forcefully, he would have to completely destroy this blood pool.

But he couldn't save Ling Feng without destroying the blood pool.

For a time, the Archbishop was in a dilemma.

The complete inheritance of the Great Killing Technique only exists in the blood pool. Destroying the blood pool is equivalent to destroying the Great Killing Technique.

But if he doesn't take action, I'm afraid Ling Feng will be completely devoured by those killers and turn into a monster who only knows how to kill.

When the time comes, I'm afraid I will have to kill him personally.

"We don't have much to worry about. If the descendants of the Heavenly Dao are completely cut off, all hope will be ruined!"

The Archbishop gritted his teeth, and thunder exploded on his right hand. The violent arc surged and jumped, as if a violent thunder beast was about to crash into the blood pool.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng's already sluggish life aura actually began to strengthen little by little.

The Archbishop then withdrew the power of thunder, stared at the blood pool, and murmured to himself: "It seems that this kid successfully survived the first level, but it is not easy to completely suppress the murderous inner demon... … Descendants of Heaven, what will you do?”

And at the same time.

Ling Feng's consciousness was indeed about to fall into a deep sleep.

But at this critical moment, the burning pain in his chest made Ling Feng wake up suddenly.

No matter how indecisive I am, no matter how powerless I am, I am who I am!

Losing those memories, losing those bonds, am I still me?

If I can't personally rescue my parents, personally rescue my grandfather, and reunite with them, even if the murderous personality can do all this, what's the point?

Also, deep in my memory, there is clearly something that I don’t want to forget no matter what!


I can never give up!

"To hell with your lies!"

Ling Feng suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the murderous personality, "You, not me! You can never replace me! I am me, I am the descendant of Heaven, Ling Feng!"

As soon as the words fell, the murderous seal and the Eye of Shura that originally belonged to Ling Feng disappeared little by little from the murderous personality.

In Ling Feng's spiritual sea, the unattainable and majestic figure of the murderous personality began to shrink, and finally became the same as Ling Feng.

"This is impossible!"

The killing personality, or the inner demon of killing, stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, "You should be swallowed up by killing! A waste like you cannot bear the endless killing! You will never be able to be perfected. Great killing technique!”

"Killing is indeed heavy, but I know in my heart why I hold the sword and why I kill!"

The moment of realization made Ling Feng's mood rise again.

The figure of the evil demon seemed to disappear at this moment.


However, before dissipating, the murderous inner demon let out a ferocious laugh like a ghost.

"You can never get rid of me! Never, I am the real owner of this body-"

The sound stopped suddenly, and the storm that was set off in the blood pool in the outside world finally dissipated.

Ling Feng's figure gradually appeared.

His head also surfaced from the pool of blood.

The next moment, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, and his whole aura seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

"It seems that you have passed this first test."

In front of him was the great priest with white beard, white hair and white eyebrows, and his whole head was like a white ball of hair, Wan Guihai.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, why did this old man come to him?

"This sin of killing is really heavy. It almost made this junior breathless."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and realized that he had just escaped from the gate of hell.

"It is indeed valuable to have such a state of mind at such a young age. However, since you practice the mass killing technique, you should not be careless. Once the murderous inner demon takes shape, it is not so easy to get rid of it. The more powerful your mass killing technique, the more powerful your mass killing technique will be. The power of killing evil spirits will also increase accordingly. Even the Great Evil King, the founder of the Great Killing Technique, has not yet found the most correct answer to this problem. Perhaps, you can only rely on the way of heaven. Descendants."


Ling Feng's head went dark. The great killing technique of emotion, from the beginning of practice, will this "side effect" be with him for life?

Recalling the last words of Killing Personality, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a shudder.

"Being able to compete with the inner demon of killing evil also proves that you have the qualifications to practice the mass killing technique."

The Archbishop pointed to the sword mark above the blood pool, "The great killing technique you practiced before is more of a secret technique to increase one's own spiritual thoughts, mana, and physical body. And the other half of the Great Evil King passed on to you The killing technique is a more powerful attack method. It can be sword technique, sword technique, or boxing technique, it all depends on your own perception."

After Ling Feng passed the test of killing evil, the chief priest began to talk more.

He was actually instructing Ling Feng on how to practice the mass killing technique.

Ling Feng nodded towards him, "Thank you, senior!"

The chief priest nodded slightly, then flew back to the entrance of the cave and sat down cross-legged.

Ling Feng was still soaked in the pool of blood, but his right hand touched the necklace hanging on his chest.

When his consciousness was about to sink completely, it was this star stone necklace that saved his life.

And the figure that flashed through his mind seemed to be imprinted in the depths of his soul, indelible.

Because he had already met Rufeng in Wuluo City, Ling Feng knew that he once had a wife named Mu Qianxue.

There was even a daughter named Rufeng between them.

However, because of the Spring Spring, Mu Qianxue's existence has been erased by this powerful force of cause and effect.

"Did you save me..."

Mu Qianxue's figure flashed through Ling Feng's mind, and he immediately held the Star Stone Necklace tightly.

It also has another more romantic name, the Stone of Three Lives.

Perhaps, this stone of three lives contains a trace of the bond between himself and Mu Qianxue that has been erased long ago.

Ling Feng shook his head and collected his mind again. Now was not the time to think about these things.

He must master the great killing technique as soon as possible and break through the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible.

Then, get out of this damn place!

Foreign battlefield, Wangshu Fortress.

"What? How could this happen?"

In the big tent, Prince Su heard the bad news about "Shui Han" and almost smashed the entire sand table in front of him with a slap.

"Damn it, I was just executing a secret order from the Black Dragon, how could it end up like this!"

Although he didn't get along with Ling Feng for a long time, he already regarded Ling Feng as Yu Bingqing's husband-in-law, that is, his niece-in-law.

In addition, he passed on the dragon and phoenix concentric rings to Ling Feng. In a sense, he also passed on the emotional sustenance that had been sealed in his heart for many years to the new owners of the dragon and phoenix concentric rings.

He didn't want to see that Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing's ending would end tragically like his and Gu Yao's.

But unexpectedly, fate made people go there together, but in the end, only Yu Bingqing was left.

"Hey, the matter has come to this. No matter how angry His Highness the Prince is, it is irreversible."

The Grand Governor Du Zhongwei shook his head and sighed: "I only hate that God is jealous of talented people!"

Although there are some conflicts between Ling Feng and the juniors of the Du family, sitting in his position, he also knows that this Shuihan War God is of great significance to the entire Wangshu Fortress.

In a sense, Shui Han has become the spiritual belief of the soldiers.

Now, he has fallen into Longyuan Gorge, and I am afraid that his entire morale will be greatly affected.

"The most urgent task is to boost the morale of the army. The danger of the demon clan is far from being resolved." The Grand Governor sighed lightly.

Within the big tent, the generals and commanders of each battalion also nodded repeatedly.

Shui Han's death is certainly heartbreaking, but fortunately, the eldest princess Yu Bingqing is back.

She is the unparalleled evildoer who inspired the giant statue of the gods. If she is still alive, the morale of the army will not be completely weakened.

"How is Bingqing doing now?"

Prince Su took a deep breath and asked a female official in charge of Yu Bingqing's daily life.

"Although Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has been back for several days, she is still the same as before. She stays locked up and practices in the practice room all day long. I am really scared. Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess will hurt herself if she practices like this."

"Hey, this silly girl..."

Prince Su shook his head. As someone who had experienced this, how could he not understand this feeling.

"By the way, I heard that this time Shuihan War God captured Yuna, the inner ghost lurking in the Alliance, and made another meritorious service. Although his life and death are uncertain, the Alliance still added to War God Shuihan's achievements and promoted him to a five-star level. Mars."

Du Zhongwei said in a deep voice.

"If three stars jump to five stars, everyone will be gone. Does it make sense?"

The Grand Governor snorted coldly, "On the contrary, those losers in the Conquest Alliance were actually able to promote the demon clan's insiders to elders! What a bunch of idiots and trash!"


For a time, all the generals in the big tent could only cough to cover up, but they did not dare to denounce the war alliance like Prince Su.

"It is said that the second seat of Elder Beiming was also affected this time. The second seat is considered vacant. In addition, Elder Jianxin also died in Longyuan Gorge. There are two more seats in the top ten seats. If I were If Yu Xianting can take advantage of this opportunity and win a seat, it will not be so difficult to obtain supplies in the future. "

The Grand Governor said, looking at Prince Su, "Your Highness, with your military exploits and strength, you can try to compete."

"Humph, those old guys only want to fight for power and gain all day long!"

Prince Su snorted coldly, "I am not interested!"


The Grand Governor couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if it weren't for Prince Su's character, he would probably be the current Emperor Yu.

Even ten cows couldn't bring him back what he decided.

However, it would be very beneficial if there was an elder from the Great Yu Immortal Court sitting among the top ten seats.

Since Prince Su is unwilling, he can only report it to Emperor Yu and send other half-step experts to compete for this position.

After all, such an opportunity is very rare. Don’t miss it. If you miss it, it will never come back!

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