Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4022 Bullying children?

The place of exile, the Priest of Sin.

Because in the place of exile, it was completely impossible to sense the passage of time, so Ling Feng didn't know how long he had been sitting quietly in the blood pool.

Ever since he began to understand the sword mark with the word "kill" on the top of the grotto, he had been sitting in the pool of blood numbly, as if he had turned into a stone sculpture.

According to the timing method of the Exiled Land, about three tidal days have passed since Ling Feng entered the blood pool.

Pharos didn't dare to break in, so he could only watch quietly at the entrance of the cave.

As for Lan Yi, he had already started to become a little impatient.

But because the chief priests were all here, he didn't dare to leave. He could only stare coldly in Ling Feng's direction, the resentment in his heart getting deeper and deeper.

"Damn boy, when you come out, I will let you know what the wrath of the Arrogant Evil God is!"

At this moment, in the blood pool, Ling Feng, who was originally like a sculpture, suddenly flashed a ray of light in his eyes.

Then, an astonishing momentum erupted with him as the center.

The unparalleled murderous aura turned into a domain and spread across the field, stirring up a terrifying bloody storm throughout the blood pool.

Lan Yi's eyelids twitched and he stared at Ling Feng closely.

"Are you finally done practicing?"

Pharos also widened his eyes. This boy was only at the Immortal Realm, but he already had the strength to fight half a step.

If he is allowed to practice that "big killing technique" again, is it possible that he can still compete with the broken level?

Faros couldn't bear to imagine that some kind of genius monster would be nothing in front of Ling Feng.

Feeling Ling Feng's terrifying murderous aura, the Archbishop slowly opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on Ling Feng.

"Descendant of Heaven, to what extent can you comprehend the Great Killing Technique?"

The next moment, Ling Feng was seen rising from the blood pool.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of flame ignited in his hand, which was the fire of swallowing flames.

Along with the surge of swallowing flames, a sharp long sword stretched out from the flames.

It is the destruction of all directions!


In an instant, the sword energy surged and sword shadows appeared!

Ling Feng waved his long sword and slashed towards the top of the cave.

No, in that instant, Ling Feng clearly slashed out thousands of swords, ten thousand swords!

Even more, more...

However, the sword energy that filled the sky was actually compressed into a blood line in an instant, hitting the sword mark, and the entire cave began to tremble violently.

Cracks actually appeared on the sword marks with the word "kill" originally left by the Great Evil King.

Break and then stand!

When Ling Feng's sword energy broke through the shackles left by the Great Evil King, it meant that he had completely mastered the great killing technique and created his own killing strategy!

However, just when everyone thought that Ling Feng's sword would definitely break through the sword mark with the word "kill", there was a sudden flash of blood on the top wall.

A terrifying momentum directly crushed Ling Feng's sword energy and crushed it into pieces.

Although Ling Feng was defiant, it was a pity that the will to kill left by the Great Evil King was not so easy to fully understand.

Ling Feng was not discouraged when his sword was ineffective, he just took it back and wiped out all directions, and sat back in the blood pool again.

Then, just like before, it seemed to be transformed into a sculpture again, staring at the word "kill" on the top wall.


Lan Yi couldn't help but cursed secretly, and finally saw Ling Feng finally making a move, only to sit back after a few twists and turns.

On the contrary, the chief priest narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"He is neither impatient nor impatient, and he is not greedy for success. This little guy's character is probably the biggest support for him to reach such a state."

Whether it’s martial arts or immortality.

The improvement of one's state of mind is sometimes even more important than the improvement of one's cultivation.

And Ling Feng's state of mind has completely surpassed that of his peers. His growth is inseparably related to the state of mind of a powerful person at the peak.

In the blink of an eye, three tidal days passed.

Then, there were three more tide days.

Ling Feng didn't know how many tidal days he had been sitting in the blood pool, but every once in a while, when he had some insights, he would test the sword with the sword mark with the word "kill".

This top wall contains the killing will of the Great Evil King. No matter how hard he exerts his full strength, he cannot break this layer of will, and the top wall will continue to recover.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not waste such a perfect "wooden mannequin".

As he tried again and again, Ling Feng gained a deeper understanding of the mass killing technique.

He can even perfectly integrate the many magical powers, swordsmanship, and even the secret skills of the soul that he has practiced before.

Moreover, with the increase of the Great Killing Technique, it explodes into even more terrifying power.

Ling Feng believed that as he advanced to the realm of Immortal Emperor, the truly heaven-defying nature of the Great Killing Technique would gradually be revealed.

"Thirty tidal days..."

Lan Yi sighed softly. His angry complaints at the beginning were now numb.

As for Falos, this old boy has accepted his fate, knowing that his life is now "tied" to Ling Feng.

If he can get out, he will have a chance to get out.

Therefore, I stopped having other random thoughts and just waited.

Out of boredom, he also imitated Ling Feng and understood the sword mark with the word "kill". Although he could not get in, resisting the will of the Great Evil King every time was quite beneficial to him in sharpening his spiritual consciousness.

He has been stagnant in the half-step realm for who knows how many years.

To advance to brokenness in half a step is not just a matter of stacking time.

Chance, good fortune, understanding.

The right time, the right place, the right people.

Many factors are indispensable.

Those who can achieve half-step cultivation will not be inferior in understanding and talent, but among a hundred and a half steps, there are only one or two who can truly advance to the broken level.

Most of the existing broken warriors survived the ancient war between immortals and demons, and only a few were promoted later.

It has to be said that although that tragic battle lasted for several epochs, it was precisely because of that tragic battle that both the immortal and demon clans gave birth to countless top powerhouses.

Pharos originally didn't have much hope for his promotion to Shattered, but at this moment, after being tempered by the evil king's killing will, the origin of his soul has strengthened a lot in a short period of time, making his mind somewhat active. Woke up.

It seems that getting involved in the Exiled Land is not all bad.


Faros slowly exhaled a breath and looked at Ling Feng again.

Not far away, Lan Yi snorted coldly, "How about it? The killing will of the Great Evil King is terrifying, isn't it?"

Faros nodded slightly. Even after such a long time, it was still almost difficult to breathe every time he fought against this will.

And every time after it ends, the whole person feels like he has been fished out of the sea.

"Seeing as you still have some qualifications, why don't you try to understand the evil god's stone carvings? Maybe you can get the evil god's power."

Lan Yi smiled coldly, "If you can succeed, you will be the first demon cultivator among the Sin Priests."

"It's still unnecessary."

Pharos shook his head. The power of the evil god was indeed powerful, but he did not want to turn himself into a "madman" like the monsters of the Priest.

After all, he still firmly believed that Ling Feng could lead them out of this hellish place.

"I don't know how to praise!"

Lan Yi snorted coldly, and at this moment, Ling Feng stood up again and stood up from the blood pool.

Lan Yi and Faros were used to it, thinking that Ling Feng was just like before, just testing the sword.

However, this time, Ling Feng did not even summon Shi Fang Destruction, but a sharp purple light burst out from his eyes.


Along with the whole cave, there was a violent shaking, and the sword mark with the word "kill" on the top wall was completely penetrated by Ling Feng's gaze.


The entire top wall exploded, and the killing will left by the Great Evil King was completely defeated by Ling Feng.

What replaced it was Ling Feng’s will to kill!

In the center of his eyebrows, the killing mark shone brightly, like a cloud of fire, exuding a domineering and fiery aura.


Falos and Lan Yi stared at each other with big eyes. Obviously, no one expected that Ling Feng would completely cover the sword marks with the word "kill" in this way and so lightly.


With a splash of water, Ling Feng's figure jumped up from the blood pool.

Then, it slowly landed in front of the two Falos.

He finally broke through!

On the devil's yin body, blood-colored tendons suddenly appeared. With the red light flashing, the traces of those tendons gradually disappeared and disappeared into the body.

Then, the Killing Seal also dissipated, and Ling Feng, who had been so sinister just now, now all the sharpness dissipated, the path was reduced to simplicity, and he returned to his original nature.

"Not bad!"

The chief priest stroked his long beard and strode over.

He looked around Ling Feng's body, but finally frowned and said lightly: "It's a pity that I forgot to remind you before that every drop of blood in the blood pool is gathered with the power of killing evil. You are in the pool." Every minute and every second of soaking, every muscle in your body is being tempered and baptized by this evil-killing power. Now that you have come out, do you feel refreshed and your body lighter?"

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded and raised his arm slightly, "It does feel like my body is as light as white paper."

"This should have been a great opportunity to temper yourself, but it's a pity, it's a pity."

The Archbishop shook his head, such a good opportunity was finally used to temper the demon's Yin body.

"It's not a pity."

Ling Feng smiled, directly summoned his own body, and then put away the demon's Yin body.

Soul and body merged into one, and Ling Feng returned to his childlike appearance.


Lan Yi couldn't help but sneer, "Why did you become a child?"

Ling Feng shook his head and ignored Lan Yi. However, the chief priest's eyelids twitched with a look of disbelief, "This... your body has clearly not been baptized by the blood pool. Why does it seem to be inferior to the tempered Demon Yin?" The body needs to be more perfect?”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "It's just that I had some luck and tempering before."

Yes, if it weren't for the tempering of the Broken Star Core, which eliminated all the impurities in his body and concentrated it several times, how could he become the child he is now?

When Lan Yi heard the chief priest's words, he couldn't help but look at Ling Feng's body.

Although he looks like a three-year-old child on the outside, there is not even a trace of impurities in his body.

It can be described with the word "perfect".

What kind of creation is this? It is actually more heaven-defying than the evil-killing blood pool laid down by the Great Evil King!

"Interesting, interesting!"

The chief priest nodded and smiled, "Since you have mastered the great killing technique, then..."

He turned to look at Lan Yi and said in a deep voice: "Prince Lan Yi."

"My subordinate is here!"

Lan Yi immediately started gearing up.

I have been waiting for this moment for so long!

Although this kid has indeed mastered the mass killing technique, his strength must have increased dramatically.

But his evil god power is not just a decoration.

When he was in the City of No Fall before, his clone was defeated by this kid.

This time, he didn't believe that he would lose to Ling Feng if he took action!

A mere peak immortal, no matter how defiant he is, can he still defeat him, a half-step strong man who controls the power of the evil god?

That is simply a fantasy.

At most, he can only deal with half-step strong men without the power of evil gods, such as the half-step demon emperor Falos next to him. This is his limit.

"You should practice with little friend Ling Feng and see how well he practices his mass killing technique."

"Don't worry, Lord Archbishop, my subordinates will definitely be careful and show mercy."

Lan Yi snorted coldly, but there was no intention of holding back in those cold eyes.

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "Then please enlighten me."


Lan Yi rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, "Boy, you'd better change your demon body back, lest others think that I'm bullying children!"

After all, the demon's Yin Shen is at the Immortal Emperor level, so it won't be too boring if they fight for a while.

"No need, if I use the devil's Yin body, I will bully you too much."


Ling Feng's words almost made Lan Yi so angry that he vomited blood.

Lan Yi's character was not bad, and his endurance was strong enough, but he was still so angry at Ling Feng that he almost went from an arrogant priest to a furious priest.

"You asked for this!"

Lan Yi snorted coldly, made a hand gesture, and the arrogant evil god's appearance suddenly rose to the sky.

The power of the evil god gathered together, and invisible hands shot out from behind him.

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes.

For others, these invisible hands cannot catch it, but the eyes of the emperor are enough to see through everything!

With a thought, Ling Feng tapped one foot slightly on the ground, and the figure jumped up. Stepping on the top tentacles of those invisible hands, the figure appeared in front of Lan Yi after several moves.

Then, he punched out, hitting Lan Yi directly in the face.

Atami's divine power exploded at the same time, and combined with the big killing technique, he punched hard.

Compared with the previous pure Atami divine power, the absolute power has increased by at least three times!


Lan Yi was struck by the punch and his mind was buzzing. He stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, "This is impossible!"

Ling Feng's speed and strength were completely superior to his!

And the restraint and suppression of him by the power of the evil god is almost infinitely close to zero!


The chief priest's eyes narrowed, and Ling Feng had already integrated the mass killing technique into his own body skills, boxing skills, and even the origin of his soul.

This kid's understanding is truly astonishing.

In a short period of time, one can penetrate the Great Slaughter Technique to this level.

I originally thought that it would take a hundred tidal days at the earliest.

But Ling Feng shortened this time by three times.

It seemed that he might really be able to successfully survive the catastrophe and be promoted to Immortal Emperor in that place.

The day when the Sin Priest will return to the Immortal Realm is not far away!

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