Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4023 The final test!

Boom boom boom!

Deep in the cave of the Priest, two figures collided wildly, and the violent energy vented wildly to the surroundings, blasting the thick rock wall to pieces.

Fortunately, the rock walls of the Blood Pool Cave have already been covered with layers of barriers. Otherwise, with Ling Feng and Lan Yi's strength comparable to that of the Broken Level, the place would have been completely blown away long ago.

Even so, the entire Priest's lair still shook violently, so much so that believers in the major temples fled, thinking that an earthquake had erupted.

"I don't believe it, it's impossible!"

Lan Yi has pushed his evil god's power to the extreme. With the evil god's power possessing him, he has also changed from a normal person to a green-faced and fanged monster.

However, despite this, he was still suppressed by Ling Feng and fell completely at a disadvantage.

Even if Ling Feng sacrificed the demon's Yin body, Lan Yi could accept it somewhat.

But now, he was suppressed by Ling Feng, who only had the peak immortal realm.

This feeling is like a lump in the throat.

As a believer of the arrogant evil god, he felt that all his pride would be completely crushed by Ling Feng.

"Judgement of Pride! Failure of Lucifer!"

Following Lan Yi's violent and hoarse roar, the evil god behind him actually sacrificed a long bow burning with sinful fire.

Take the bow!


The power of the evil god was added to the tools and arrows, and the arrows were shot out, as if a demon suppressed under the abyss was awakening.

Ling Feng only felt as if he was locked by a pair of huge blood-colored pupils, and a suffocating sense of oppression followed the arrow that was shot, swallowing him completely.

This power no longer belongs to Lan Yi, but borrows the evil power of the arrogant evil god Lucifer.

There is bound to be a price to pay.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he activated the Great Killing Technique to the extreme. At the same time, the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes, and the third vertical pupil suddenly opened.


Lucifer's loss shot out like thunder, and in an instant, it hit Ling Feng's eyes.

And in this flash of lightning, blood light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and in an instant, he transformed into the eyes of the blood-wrathed emperor.

"Eternal annihilation!"

In an instant, the time and space in front of Ling Feng seemed to be distorted, and even Lucifer's loss was involved in the chaotic space, being distorted and swallowed up bit by bit.

However, Lan Yi roared again and shot three "Lucifer's Arrows" in succession, one arrow faster than the other, and one arrow stronger than the last.

Even the trajectory of the arrows was torn open by terrifying void cracks by the power of the overbearing evil god.

"Is this really just a half-step level?"

Faros, who was also at the half-step broken level, started to sweat slightly on his forehead at this moment.

If an arrow of this magnitude were shot at him, he would probably lose half his life even if he didn't die.

What kind of monsters are these guys from the Priest?

And Ling Feng's expression changed slightly when he faced the Lucifer's attacks that came one after another.

No wonder Da Si Guo asked Lan Yi to be his opponent. His strength cannot be underestimated.

In other words, the power of the evil god is an extremely terrifying force. Otherwise, even a being like Immortal Emperor Yi Ting would not be afraid of it.


The next moment, Ling Feng let out an extremely deep roar, and then his body quickly grew in size, transforming into a golden-haired giant ape that was seven to eight feet tall.

I saw his two huge palms grabbing two of the Lucifer Arrows, and the violent heat of the heat in the body exploded, crushing the Lucifer Arrows to pieces.

With the last arrow left, Ling Feng suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a burst of electricity, which collided with the arrow.


The violent law of thunder turned into a giant dragon, and the shadow of the arrogant evil god Lucifer was fighting crazily in the void.

Along with a burst of extremely dazzling white light, two forces completely exploded between the two.


The next moment, Lan Yi's body hit the rock wall hard, spurting out several mouthfuls of blood. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

Ling Feng was also knocked back dozens of steps, and the hair all over his body was burnt with terrible scorch marks.

The energy and blood in his body were boiling, and the power of the evil god seemed to want to invade his spiritual sea, but it was easily suppressed by Ling Feng's powerful soul source.


Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his body returned to the appearance of a child. He looked at the unconscious Lan Yi across from him, and then said in the direction of the chief priest: "It seems that I won by luck."

"Not bad!"

The chief priest stroked his long beard and nodded slightly, "Being able to defeat Lan Yi, your great killing technique is indeed quite capable."

"Then can I go to the place that Senior Evil King mentioned before to survive the tribulation?" Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he blurted out.


But the Archbishop shook his head, "Do you think Lan Yi is your final test?"


Ling Feng was stunned, not knowing how to respond.

"I can tell you directly, if the difficulty for you to overcome the tribulation in the outside world is one, then the difficulty of breaking through in the Exiled Land is at least ten. And you are the son of heaven, with a profound background, and the thunder you attract The calamity is already terrible. If the difficulty is increased ten times, do you think you can withstand it now? "

Ling Feng remained silent, the answer was no.

In fact, if you want to overcome the tribulation in the outside world, you can also arrange many magic circles and various magic weapons in advance, and you can even rely on Yu Bingqing's power to let the immortal emperors of the Great Yu Immortal Court, in half a step, even arrange to the broken level to fight for you.

But in this place of exile.

He looked at the Archbishop, if he was willing to help him...

"Stop your childish thoughts."

However, the Archbishop saw through Ling Feng at a glance and said expressionlessly: "No one can help you to overcome the tribulation in the Exiled Land. Even if the Great Evil King and I are willing to help you, they are powerless. You can only rely on yourself."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but groan secretly. It seemed that his escape route was completely blocked.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "So, what is the final test that Senior Evil King mentioned before?"

"Under the joint siege of seven sin priests, we survived three tidal days."

"Priest of Sin?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, "I wonder how powerful this Sin Archbishop is compared to Lan Yi..."

"Lan Yi is only half a step away, and they are all truly broken level."


Ling Feng's head went dark and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Broken level, or seven broken levels!

He has to survive three tidal days in the hands of seven broken strong men! ! !

Even if he is lucky and catches up with the short tide day, the lowest minimum is probably equivalent to several hours in the outside world.

"This is not something that can be done overnight."

The Archbishop said calmly: "However, with your talent and understanding, it should be shorter than a thousand years."

The thousand years he mentioned was the time it would take for the Source of Time to recognize its master again if he killed Ling Feng directly.

As long as Ling Feng passes this final test within a thousand years, it will be acceptable to the Archbishop.

"A thousand years……"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, he couldn't wait a thousand years!

"Five hundred, no, I think you should have the opportunity to reach this level within three hundred years."

His deep eyes stared at Ling Feng, "Although your realm cannot be improved, your demon body is not restricted. In three hundred years, you should be able to pass the test of the seven sin priests."

Three hundred years is indeed not a long time for a powerful person of the level of Immortal Lord and Immortal Emperor.

They have an extremely long lifespan, three hundred years, almost in a blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, what Ling Feng lacks most is time.

Let alone three hundred years...

He is cursed by the Xuantian Ice Clan's Cold-Devouring Blood Burial. If he does not go to the Xuantian Ice Clan's holy land within three years to lift the curse, once the curse breaks out, there will be no cure.

This curse cannot be lifted even by a broken and strong person like Empress Qingluo.

In addition, he has been in the Exiled Land for a while, and the time left for him is actually less than three years.

"Three hundred years is still too long."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. If the Cold-Devouring Blood Burial broke out and he gave up his body in advance, he might have a chance to survive, but he would have to give up too many things for this.

"The length of time depends on you."

The Archbishop said calmly: "However, you'd better be steady and steady, otherwise, even if you pass the test of the Sin Archbishop, you will ultimately be unable to withstand the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe, and you will still be dead."

Ling Feng sighed softly and immediately told the chief priest about the cold-blooded burial in his body.

"Is it a cold-blood burial..."

The Archbishop raised a finger, and the laws of lightning gathered together and turned into an arc of electricity, shooting directly in Lan Yi's direction.


The arc of electricity flowed through Lan Yi's body, and Lan Yi's whole body trembled and he jumped up suddenly.

"Lan Yi, you can be considered a direct bloodline of the Xantian Ice Tribe. Please tell us about the situation of this Cold-Devouring Blood Burial."

Although Lan Yi was still a little confused at the moment, when he heard the chief priest's question, he quickly replied: "This is indeed a secret technique that casts a curse on the enemy when the direct descendants of my Xuantian Ice Clan are in danger of life, and directly locks them. The origin of the opponent's soul can be regarded as a secret method of mutual destruction. As long as the person who is cursed is not completely superior to the one who cast the spell, it is almost impossible to remove it. "

The Archbishop nodded and said, "It seems that you have also been cursed by the Cold-Devouring Blood Burial."


A cold and stern look flashed in Lan Yi's eyes, "When I rebelled against the Sky Patrol Ice Clan, I killed six of my companions and received six curses at the same time!"

"Sixfold Curse!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "Won't the curse break out in three years?"

"Indeed, it is true, but that is for foreigners. I am originally from the Xantian Ice Tribe, and I have the Xantian bloodline. I can delay the outbreak of the curse by paying some price. However, even if it is like this, the feeling is not pleasant."

Lan Yi stared at Ling Feng and looked at it carefully, "Oh? It seems that you have also been cursed by the cold-eating blood burial? Have you killed people from the Sky Patrol Ice Tribe?"

"Uh..." Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

However, the next moment, I heard Lan Yi say with a ferocious smile: "Good killing! What a wonderful killing! Is the surname Lan or the one surnamed Shui?"

"Water system lineage."

"Well done!"

Hearing Ling Feng say his surname was Shui, Lan Yi gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "Boy, I'm starting to like you now!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "Senior hasn't said yet how to remove the Cold-Devouring Blood Burial?"

"This thing is difficult to remove. You have to go to the Xantian Ice Tribe Holy Land and wash it in the Soul Cleansing Pond to remove the curse. However, as long as you understand the contents of the evil god's stone carvings and gain the power of the evil god, this cold-devouring blood burial Curse, for you, is not a bad thing."

Ling Feng was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Unless absolutely necessary, Ling Feng didn't want to become a believer of an evil god.

This kind of power, after all, does not belong to oneself. Not only will it make people abnormal, but the hidden dangers are probably not small.

Among the Priests, except for the Archbishop, who seemed normal, even the Great Evil King, who sealed himself in the deepest underground palace of the Priests, was probably not just because of the backlash of practicing the Great Killing Technique. .

"What about another way?"

Ling Feng asked in a deep voice: "How to delay the outbreak of the curse."

"Only those with the bloodline of the Xuntian Ice Clan can..."

As Lan Yi was talking, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

In Ling Feng's body, he actually released the aura that can only be possessed by the direct bloodline of Xantian Ice Clan.


Lan Yi's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

"My mother is from the Xantian Ice Clan."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said calmly.


Lan Yi stared at Ling Feng and was silent for a long time before throwing a jade slip into Ling Feng's hand, "This is a secret technique to suppress the outbreak of the curse. If it is delayed for ten or eight years, it should not be a problem. However, there will still be Some cursed ice energy will burst out, and every time it bursts out, life would be worse than death. It would be better to just practice the power of the evil god!"

"I will think about it."

Ling Feng nodded towards him and put the jade slip away.

Even Faros is not willing to easily cultivate the power of the evil god, and he is not stupid either.

Once contaminated by the evil god's power, it is equivalent to becoming the evil god's puppet and slave.

Ling Feng would not easily dedicate his soul to the devil unless there was no way out.

ten years!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

At most, if you give yourself another ten years, you must pass the test of the Sin Archbishop, and then go to the place mentioned by the Great Evil King to survive the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor.

If it takes longer, I'm afraid the situation on the battlefield outside the territory will become even more uncontrollable.

There are too many constraints from the outside world, making it impossible for him to stay in this place to practice with peace of mind.

Yu Bingqing, that silly woman, must never do anything stupid!

Si Chen's situation also made him very worried. She was tortured because of his own fault.

No matter what, we must get out as soon as possible to help her get rid of this painful torture as soon as possible!

I owe her this!

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