Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4024: Sin Archbishop!

After Ling Feng understood the sword marks on the blood pool, the Archbishop did not delay any longer and led Ling Feng to the entrance of another cave deep in the Sacrifice Department's cave.

"It's here."

The Archbishop pointed to the cave in front of him and said expressionlessly: "Inside is the place where the Archbishops of the Seventh Hall of Great Sin guard the stone carvings of the evil god. It is also the place with the most seals and the most strict guards in the entire Sacrifice Department. You can perform the Great Killing Technique in it without any scruples."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and his eyes looked at the cave. He only felt a faint light emanating from the cave.

Indistinctly, there was a hint of evil and strangeness.

"Archbishop Lan Yi."

Just as Ling Feng was looking at the cave, the Archbishop spoke again and said lightly: "You can go back first. Just send some supplies every once in a while."


Lan Yi was stunned for a moment, and then bowed to the Great Evil King, "Yes, Archbishop!"

The so-called supplies are actually just bones blooming.

Whether Ling Feng is practicing the Great Killing Technique or fighting against the seven archbishops of the Great Sin, it takes a lot of mana and energy. In a place like the Land of Exile where there is almost no spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is necessary to consume a lot of mana and energy.


The Archbishop nodded slightly, and Lan Yi could only turn around and leave.

As the resident archbishop of the Temple of Pride, he has now "fallen" to a runner who delivers supplies to Ling Feng. Even so, Lan Yi dare not complain.

With the power of the Archbishop, it is completely a matter of killing. Although he is kind to Ling Feng, his methods make the "crazy people" of the seven major temples all obedient.

It can be imagined that these crazy people are already deeply afraid of the Archbishop.

"As for you..."

The Archbishop glanced at Falos again, and seemed to be hesitating about how to deal with this guy.

He came from the era of the ancient war of demons. Although he did not hate the demons, he definitely did not have a good impression of them.

But for Ling Feng's sake, it's not good to kill him directly.

Faros naturally saw the hostility and disgust of the Archbishop towards their demons, and hurriedly said: "I want to stay with Ling Feng. After all... he and I are now, ahem, allies. Right, Ling Feng?"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart. This old guy is also afraid sometimes.

But he is really out of place in the Sin Temple alone.

I may have to stay in this ghost place for several years. It's not bad to keep him around and have someone to talk to.

After all, in the Land of Exile, besides himself, there is only one "normal person" named Faros.

"It is indeed a temporary ally."

Ling Feng nodded, tacitly agreeing with Faros' words.

From the moment he rescued Keweili, he and the Gulando clan have been allies.

"Okay." The Archbishop nodded, "Then you can come in too. However, the stone carvings of the evil god are sealed inside. For the believers of the evil god, it is the source of power, but you are not a member of the Sin Priest, so it is difficult to resist the power of the evil god for a long time." "Young friend Ling Feng can resist, so should I." Falos said with a stiff face. After all, he is also a half-step! "Hehe! Since you have decided, let's go." The Archbishop smiled and said nothing more. Ling Feng has the origin of the broken soul, and has comprehended the mystery of the Great Killing Technique. His state of mind is far beyond the half-step broken, and even stronger than the general broken strong. How can he be compared with the half-step demon emperor like Falos. However, he has already reminded that the life and death of the demon clan has nothing to do with him. So, under the leadership of the Archbishop, a group of people flew into the cave. As soon as they stepped into the cave, it was as if they had directly entered another space. The entrance to the cave was a dark and narrow passage.

On both sides of the passage, there were reliefs of the Seven Evil Gods.

Those evil god reliefs were lifelike, as if they all had life and could come alive at any time.

Feeling the extreme evil spirit emanating from the reliefs, even Ling Feng felt a chill on his back.

As for Falos, he was nervous and uneasy, and began to regret entering this place.

But once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. It would be too cheap for him to retreat now as a half-step demon emperor.

Not long after, a group of people walked out of the passage, and there was a different world inside the cave.

The world inside suddenly became clear.

It was a twilight world like dusk.

When they walked out of the cave, they found that this was actually an empty platform similar to a cliff.

What came into view was a huge statue towering into the sky in the endless distance.

It was the Seven Evil Gods!

The Greedy Evil God, Mammon.

Asmodeus, the God of Lust.

Beelzebub, the God of Gluttony.

Leviathan, the God of Envy.

Belial, the God of Sloth.

Samael, the God of Rage.

Lucifer, the God of Pride.

Are those statues a thousand feet or ten thousand feet?

Ling Feng could no longer tell, but as the Archbishop said, in such a space, he had nothing to worry about. At least, his Chaos True Body could be released without reservation to the thousand-foot level!

And they seemed to be at the end of the endless and distant sky, out of reach.

But when you look carefully, it seems that you are very close. Those evil and strange eyes, filled with endless desire, are looking at you and scrutinizing you.

The evil spirit of the Seven Deadly Sins seems to inspire desires deep in the heart, trying to pull people into the endless abyss.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and in the sea of ​​​​spirit, powerful spiritual thoughts burst out, dispelling the evil god's bewitchment, and his eyesight instantly returned to clarity.

Looking at Pharos on the side, a look of obsession began to appear on his face, and he flew away from the statue of the Evil God of Greed.

This old boy, it turned out that the biggest desire hidden deep in his heart was greed.

Ling Feng grabbed Faros and slapped him directly on the face.


With a crisp sound, Faros suddenly woke up, then covered his face and felt a burst of burning pain.

"Why did you hit me?"

Faros stared at Ling Feng, a little angry.

"If I don't hit you, you will have been swallowed up by the evil god's bewitchment."

Ling Feng glared at him angrily.

Falos's eyelids twitched, and he realized that he had flown out of the platform, and even the devil's wings had opened automatically.

Only then did he realize that it was Ling Feng who saved him.

Otherwise, he would have become a believer of the evil god now.

Pharos's face was a little hot. He said he could withstand it just now, but he almost died just after he came in!

This face slaps loudly!

He gritted his teeth and did not dare to look at those evil god statues easily again. He kept his mind tight and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Ling Feng shrugged, ignored Falos, and continued to check the surrounding environment.

At this moment, black shadows shot out from the horizon.

These people all wear devil-like masks on their faces, corresponding to the characteristics of the Seven Evil Gods.

Immediately afterwards, I saw these seven figures lined up in a row, bowing deeply in the direction of the Archbishop.

"See the Archbishop!"

These seven should be the Archbishops of Sin mentioned earlier.

They guard here all year round, not only to protect the stone carvings of the evil god, but also to obtain the purest and most powerful power of the evil god from the stone carvings.

It can be said that among the Priests, except for the Great Evil King and the Archbishop, the strength of these few people is the ceiling.

Judging from the speed of the few people just now, among the seven, the Archbishop of Sin, who represents the arrogant evil god, is probably the most powerful and brings the strongest sense of oppression to him.

But even these seven tyrannical beings were still respectful and obedient to the Archbishop.

It can be seen that the strength of the Archbishop may actually be more terrifying than Ling Feng imagined.

The Archbishop nodded slightly towards the few people, and then slowly said: "The Great Evil King has ordered that from now on, the seven of you will assist this son in practicing the Great Killing Technique until he achieves great success."

"Great killing technique?"

These seven people obviously all knew that the Great Killing Technique was created by the Great Evil King. When they heard the Chief Priest's words, they all fixed their eyes on Ling Feng.

Is this kid a descendant trained by the Great Evil King?

I've never seen him before, and he looks like a child of only a few years old?

Could it be the second clone created by the Great Evil King?

However, no one dared to ask any more questions and could only look at Ling Feng with suspicion.

"No need to make wild guesses."

The Archbishop directly announced Ling Feng's identity, "He is a descendant of the Tiandao clan."

"Tiandao Clan!"

Among the seven people, the only woman couldn't help but exclaimed, "It turns out that the Tiandao clan has not been completely extinct yet!"

"Hmph, considering the relationship between the Great Evil King and the Tiandao Clan, it is reasonable to find a Tiandao Clan as his successor. After all, he..."

Another tall and majestic man suddenly trembled in the middle of his words and quickly closed his mouth, not daring to say anything.

But it turned out that when he mentioned the Great Evil King, the Archbishop's eyes had already stared at him.

Just one look made the Sin Archbishop tremble all over with fear, and he even had difficulty breathing.

"My subordinates spoke uncontrollably for a moment and made arrogant remarks about the Great Evil King. I hope that the Chief Priest will forgive me!"

The Archbishop of Sin trembled and begged for mercy.

The Archbishop snorted coldly, "Since you are speaking freely, there is no need to speak in the future."

"Thank you, Archbishop, thank you, Archbishop!"

The Archbishop of Sin felt as if he was being pardoned when he heard the Archbishop's words. Then, he actually opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and then yanked his tongue out with a sharp tug.

Ling Feng's head felt numb at the sight, but even though the Archbishop's mouth was bleeding, he still nodded and bowed in the direction of the Archbishop, speaking vaguely and hesitatingly, as if to thank him for not killing.

The chief priest nodded slightly and said nothing. The matter was considered to have been revealed.

The rest of the Sin Archbishops were so silent that they didn't even dare to let out a single fart, for fear of being implicated as well.

Only then did Ling Feng understand why everyone from Lan Yi to these sinners were so afraid of him.

The Archbishop was expressionless and calm from beginning to end. Even the Archbishop of Sin was like an ant in front of him, let alone other ordinary believers.

"You will assist this boy in his cultivation, and he will not be able to leave here until he can persist for three tidal days with your joint efforts."

The chief priest said calmly.


The seven sin priests responded in unison. As for the sin priest who had just pulled out his tongue, he could only nod his head.

Even though a strong man of his level can speak even after his tongue is removed, and can even regenerate it, but since the Archbishop has asked him to "silence", he may not dare to say another word in his life.

"Whether this son can succeed is related to when our priest can leave the place of exile. You must be more careful."

"Leaving the Land of Exile?"

Hearing these words, the eyes of those sin priests suddenly flashed with extremely fanatical colors.

In this hellish place, no matter how powerful you are, it's useless.

Only by going out can we take revenge, complain, and vent all the desires in our hearts!

"Yes, the reason why this boy was able to come in must be because he possesses the Source of Time! He has the Source of Time and can take us out together!"

The female Sin Archbishop stared at Ling Feng with great excitement.

Even though she was wearing the mask of an evil god, her autumn-like eyes still exuded a kind of soul-stirring charm.

"Therefore, you still need to do your best to help him and don't neglect it."

"How can I help?"

"Yes, do you want him to understand the evil god's stone carvings?"

"Still teaching him what he has learned his whole life?"

"It's a pity that there's nothing to eat in this damn place, otherwise I'd let you take two bites of me every day!"

"How about dual cultivation? No, no, it looks too young. When you grow up, haha..."

All the sinner priests were asking questions.

Among them, the Sin Archbishop of the Temple of Lust even cast a flirtatious look at Ling Feng.

The gluttonous priest, on the other hand, directly extended his arm and asked Ling Feng to "taste" it.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. As expected, these sinner priests were even crazier than the ordinary believers below.

"Just put enough pressure on him every day and fight with him, and for the rest, just listen to his arrangements!"

The Archbishop said calmly: "You just need to remember that when he is about to leave, you must not hold anything back in the final battle with him!"

They can hold back, but they will not hold back in the final catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, Ling Feng must rely on his true strength to get out of here.

After the chief priest said this, he raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently, "Okay, little friend, I'm afraid you will have to stay here for a long time. I hope we can meet again soon!"

After saying that, the figure of the high priest gradually became ethereal and transparent, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared from where he was.

But it turns out that the Archbishop who has been "accompanying" Ling Feng since a long time ago is actually just a wisp of his spiritual thoughts.

Ling Feng looked at the seven sinners. Next, he would have to deal with these madmen.

Pharos, on the other hand, huddled on the platform near the entrance of the cave, not daring to go deeper.

In this ghost place filled with the power of evil gods, just staying awake almost exhausted all his energy.

What awaits him next is a long-term mental struggle.

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