Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4025 I would rather die than let my friend die!

As soon as the Archbishop left, the Archbishops of Sin obviously relaxed a lot and began to express themselves more and more.

"Hey, little brother, how do you want your sister to help you practice!"

The Sin Archbishop of the Temple of Lust twisted his waist like a water snake, as if he had no bones, and directly "wrapped" around Ling Feng's body.

Although her voice was charming and charming, and her figure was graceful, the evil god mask on her face was too scary. Ling Feng quickly used the Sky Patrol Fire Escape Technique to escape from her "entanglement".

"Xuntian Fire Escape?"

Priest Lust's eyes widened, and he glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, then turned to look at the man lying lazily on a heavy door panel next to him, and grinned: "He also knows the secret techniques of your Fire Tribe! "

The heavy door panel looks more like a bed board, inlaid with gems of different colors. Each gem is the energy core of a certain magic circle.

The function of these magic circles seemed to be to ensure that the man would not be disturbed while sleeping on the bed.

No need to ask, this guy must be the Sin Archbishop of the Temple of Sloth.

When the Archbishop was still there just now, he barely kept his eyes open. Now, he lay down directly on the bed and turned a deaf ear to the lustful Archbishop's question.

"Forget it, you're too lazy!"

The Priest of Lust rolled his eyes at him, but beside him, a lean Priest of Gluttony Temple with a skeleton-like body, the Archbishop of Sin, opened his mouth full of fangs and said with a strange smile: "Priest Shanya, look This guy looks smooth and smooth, he must be delicious!"

As he spoke, his saliva started to flow.

When the chief priest was there, this guy reached over to let Ling Feng chew it, and now he actually wanted to eat Ling Feng!

It seemed that if he didn't have some real skills, he would be "played" to death by these lunatics sooner or later.

"What a cute little brother, how can I eat it!"

The lust priest Shanya glared at the gluttony priest, and then looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "What's your little brother's name? My sister's name is Shanya!"

"Bah, what kind of sister do you, an old woman, still call yourself?"

A man next to him who was shirtless and carrying a giant ax on his back smiled coldly, "It's so funny!"

"Shan Kun, are you looking for death?"

Priest Shanya took off the evil god mask on his face and glared fiercely at the man named Shan Kun.

Then, the sin priests of the major temples also took off the masks on their faces.

They wear evil god masks not out of interest, but as the highest courtesy to welcome the high priest.

Now that the Archbishop has left, there is no need to wear this mask.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is the Sin Archbishop of the Temple of Sloth.

That guy couldn't even take off his mask.

And Archbishop Shanya, who revealed her true face, did indeed look extremely delicate and charming.


One of the men, with a gloomy face and an indifferent expression, glanced at Ling Feng with some disdain, then immediately spread his body and flew towards the statue of the arrogant evil god.

Although he didn't say anything, he obviously looked down upon such a boy who only had the immortal realm.

Just him, he still needs the seven major priests to work together to deal with him?

Let’s practice for another thousand years before we talk.

Thinking about it, there was no need for him to take action for a long time to come.

As expected, he was worthy of being a follower of the arrogant evil god. The degree of arrogance of this Archbishop of Sin was even greater than that of Lan Yi.

The man who had just pulled out his tongue was tall and strong, as strong as an ox. Although he had stopped bleeding, he still did not dare to speak.

He groaned and glared at Ling Feng for a few times, then turned and left.

But looking at his red eyes, he looked like an angry bull. He was obviously the Sin Archbishop of the Temple of Wrath.

The Angry Evil God believer was very angry. He could have vented some of his anger through words, but now he was "banned" and all his anger was bottled up in his stomach. It would probably drive him crazy.

Oh no, he was already crazy, and he will probably become even crazier.

Not long after, Ling Feng roughly got some information about these seven sin priests through some exchanges with the relatively talkative Sin Archbishop Shanya of Lust and the Sin Archbishop of Greed Temple.

Shanya of the Temple of Lust came from the exile of the Xantian Wind Clan.

Jingyuan, Temple of Greed, patrols the sky of the Ice Clan.

Yanchuan of the Temple of Sloth, the guy who sleeps with a bed board, patrols the sky fire tribe.

Jealous of Shankun in the temple, he patrols the Tianshan clan.

The unlucky guy who pulled out his tongue in the Temple of Fury is also an exile from the Xantian Mountain Clan, named Gu Chensha.

The guy in the Arrogance Temple who looked down on Ling Feng came from the Xantian Lei Clan, and his name was Wan Cheng (a polyphonic word, Sheng is used here).

But Yue Que in the Temple of Gluttony is actually the exile of Tian Zhi.

Among the seven sin priests, there are actually two from the Xantian Mountain Clan. Among the seven super-first-rate forces in the outside world, the Great Yu Immortal Court not only has no elders in the top ten seats in the Conquest Alliance, but also unexpectedly has no one among the sin priests. Can be ranked among the great sin priests.

This is not surprising.

The origin of the place of exile was actually the place where exiles were exiled from the five immortal courts after the ancient demon wars.

The original Five Directions Immortal Courtyard did not include Dayu Immortal Courtyard.

It was only after the war that the Xuntianshan Clan was counterattacked by the demons and suffered heavy losses, and was gradually replaced by the Great Yu Immortal Court.

During this period, the original exiles found the stone carvings of the evil god in the place of exile and gained the power of the evil god.

Subsequently, the Sin Priest Department was established, headed by the Great Evil King, and led the believers to counterattack the fairyland.

During this period of time, the Xuntian Mountain clan has gradually declined, becoming the last of the seven super-first-rate forces.

By the time Immortal Emperor Yi Ting gathered the seven major forces and completely suppressed the sealed and exiled land, the original structure of the Five Directions Immortal Court had completely changed.

Dayu Xianting replaced the Xuntianshan clan, and the original Xuntianshan clan could only live in a corner.

In other words, in fact, most of the original members of the Priests Department actually came from the original Five Directions Immortal Court and the Tianzhi Organization.

Later, the Sin Priests counterattacked the Immortal Realm. Basically, the major forces in the Immortal Realm seldom exiled their disciples to the place of exile.

People like Yao Ji are actually among the last group of people to be exiled in the final stage of suppression in the Exiled Land.

There are only a handful of people who have been exiled from Dayu Immortal Court.

After the Great Yu Immortal Court replaced the Xantian Mountain Clan, the high-level structure of the Sin Priests Division was basically formed. Even if there were still exiles from the Great Yu Immortal Court, they would of course not have the chance to become the Sin Archbishop.

Just when Ling Feng roughly learned the basic information about the seven Sin Archbishops from Shan Ya, Yue Que from the Gluttony Temple bared his fangs and stared at Ling Feng with green eyes. The corner of his mouth flowed, "Boy, didn't the Archbishop say that he wanted to put pressure on you? Let's have a fight first. As long as you can survive three moves in my hands, I will let you take a bite. Otherwise, you will How about giving me a bite?"

As he spoke, his whole body was shaking with excitement.

Looking at Ling Feng's thin skin and tender flesh, it was hard to control himself.

For so many years, I either ate raw flowers from the bones, gnawed on myself, or gnawed on the bones.

In this hellish place, apart from the bones and flowers, there is no grass root or tree bark to chew on. It’s no wonder that the entire temple of Gluttony is basically all skin and bones.

"How many times can you chew on my little arms and legs?"

Ling Feng was not stupid. Although he barely defeated Lan Yi, he also knew that there seemed to be a chasm between the half-step and the brokenness.

He is not so confident that he thinks he can deal with these monsters.

Not to mention three moves, one move is enough.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Pharos, who was fighting against the evil god's aura not far away. He laughed and said: "Otherwise, it's limited to one move. If I can take one of senior's moves, senior doesn't need to let me bite him." One bite, just pass me one and a half moves! If I lose, I'll let you take a bite."

After speaking, he pointed in the direction of Pharos.

"Gnaw him?"

Bishop Yue Que frowned, hesitated for a moment, and nodded, "Deal!"

Some gnawing is better than nothing.

"Wo nest!"

When Pharos heard Ling Feng's words, he almost couldn't help but jump up and curse.

Is this really human language!

You are noble, you are amazing, why the hell are you gambling with my life?

Seeing Falos, he was about to explode. Ling Feng quickly smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm sure!"

Seeing Ling Feng's vow, Faros felt a little relieved.

This kid does have two brushes. If he can take one move, he may be able to withstand it.

Seeing the bet between Ling Feng and Gluttony Bishop Yue Que, Greedy Bishop Jing Yuan also became interested, "You just came in from the outside world. You must have a lot of pills and treasures on you, right? Why don't we limit it to one move and bet on you?" 's treasure!”

"This is no problem!"

Ling Feng nodded and immediately looked at Yue Que, "First come, first served. Senior Yue Que, please enlighten me!"


Yue Que grinned ferociously, showing his fangs, "Boy, you're going to lose! I'm going to chew this mouthful of meat!"

As he spoke, his green eyes glanced coldly at Pharos, as if he was considering which bite to take first.

Faros was so scared that he stared at him and shouted at Ling Feng: "Show your emperor's eyes quickly and turn into a golden-haired monkey! Don't hold back!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. If he loses, he will get a bite, right?

If Pharos knew what Ling Feng was thinking at this moment, he would probably yell: "If I don't chew your flesh, of course you won't!"

However, Ling Feng didn't dare to be careless at all. He took a deep breath, the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes, and immediately above his eyebrows, the third vertical pupil opened.

The killing aura swept across with Ling Feng as the center.

Sen Leng's murderous aura directly turned into a killing field, locking the gluttonous priest Yue Que.

The best defense is offense!

Faced with such a huge gap in realm, Ling Feng knew that all his defenses were in vain.

Only by attacking with attack, there is still a three-point chance.

"Hmph, interesting!"

Yue Que grinned, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and the whole world seemed to rumble and tremble.

His spiritual thoughts were actually able to create some kind of connection with the statue of the evil god in the distance that shook the sky and shook the earth.

The violent aura of the Evil God of Gluttony filled the entire space, and even Ling Feng's killing field seemed to be completely distorted at this moment.


With a roar, a huge evil god's arm appeared from the sky, and it grabbed Ling Feng directly.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and without hesitation, he directly displayed his true form of chaos.

In an instant, Ling Feng's figure swelled against the storm, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a giant ape thousands of feet tall.

At the same time, the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation broke out, the demonic energy instantly ran rampant in the body, black energy surged, and the golden hair was replaced by black hair.

It is the form of the chaotic demon ape that merges the two qi of immortality and demonic energy.


Ling Feng raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and then he offered the Destruction in All Directions, turning into a thousand-foot giant sword and slashing hard at the devil's claws above the sky.


Yue Que smiled coldly, and with his cold snort, a bloody mouth opened in the sky and swallowed up the giant sword in one mouthful.

Click, click, click!

The sword blade was bitten into pieces and turned into debris falling all over the sky.

At the same time, the evil god's giant claw struck hard at the chaotic giant ape transformed by Ling Feng.


Ling Feng's thousand-foot-long body was actually knocked out hard, and even an entire area of ​​his chest was deeply dented.

Is this the power of the broken level?

Moreover, it also incorporates the power of the evil god, and its destructive power is even more terrifying.

With this claw, if Ling Feng was not dead, it was definitely because Yue Que had spared it.


Ling Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and his figure gradually shrank, turning back into a child.

The entire chest was completely sunken, and the severe pain made it difficult for Ling Feng to breathe.

What kind of monsters are they facing?

And this Yue Que is obviously only at the middle level among the seven.

With the joint efforts of the seven Sin Archbishops, he had to resist three tidal days.

ten years……

Ling Feng clenched his fists, could he really do it within ten years?

It seems that my last resort is to improve the realm of the demon's Yin body as soon as possible.

"It seems that you did not resist this blow."

Yue Que's mouth drooled, and then he rushed towards Faros like crazy.


Immediately afterwards, a heart-rending scream sounded, and Ling Feng couldn't bear to look directly at it.

I can only sigh secretly in my heart: Old Fa, I’m sorry for you!

Fortunately, although Yue Que may not be mentally normal and is quite a perverted person, he still keeps his word.

After taking a bite on Faros' thigh, he wiped his mouth and left with satisfaction.

On the other hand, Pharos seemed to have been ruined by someone, shrinking into a ball and looking like he had no love left.

In front of so many broken strong men, his half-step brokenness is nothing.

He could only stare at Ling Feng with a "hateful" face, and cursed in his heart: You kid, you are unreliable, you are unreliable!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said silently in his heart: Don't worry, Old Fa, I will never let this happen to him again!

If it must happen, then...

As the saying goes, if you are a dead Taoist friend or a poor Taoist, it is safer to bet with you.

Since you want to seek my asylum, it is only natural that you make a small sacrifice...

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