Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4026 Seven desperate situations!

In the blink of an eye, thirty tidal days passed.

During this period, Ling Feng fought against a sinner priest among the Seven Temples every day. Although he was basically beaten to the point of bloodshed, in such a high-pressure environment, he was able to stimulate his own potential.

And as early as the first battle, after being severely punished by Bishop Yue Que of the Temple of Gluttony, Ling Feng finally understood the gap between himself and these "lunatics".

After recovering from simple breath adjustment, he immediately changed into the devil's yin body.

The main body can no longer be improved any more, so turning to cultivating the devil's Yin body is another way.

In addition, the practice of the mass killing technique cannot be relaxed either.

With such high-intensity training, Ling Feng consumes his bones and produces flowers very quickly during the battle.

Fortunately, he is an alchemist, and there is an almost inexhaustible supply of various spiritual flowers and herbs in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, so he can continuously refine various elixirs.

However, in comparison, the effect of White Bone Flower on the Demon's Yin Body seems to be much better than ordinary elixirs.

Therefore, Ling Feng also began to try to exchange the elixirs he refined with these sinners for flowers.

As the top leaders of the Priests organization, these "old guys" should have a lot of inventory.

The elixir refined by Ling Feng quickly received unanimous praise from the sin priests.

Especially Yue Que from the Temple of Gluttony. In addition to chewing himself, this guy also eats bones and raw flowers. Now that he can take a few long-lost pills, he is so excited that he almost bursts into tears.

Even the most arrogant Wan Cheng began to trade elixirs with Ling Feng.

However, so far, he has not fought against Ling Feng.

Maybe in his eyes, Ling Feng was not qualified to be his opponent at all.

But it doesn't matter, for now, the daily "guidance" from the three major sin priests of Lust, Greed, and Gluttony has already benefited a lot.

It's just that thirty tidal days have passed, and Ling Feng has not been able to survive a single move in their hands.

Jing Yuan from the Temple of Greed was easy to get rid of. Every time he was given extra elixirs or some magic weapons that Ling Feng basically couldn't use, this guy wouldn't refuse anyone who came. Anyway, as long as it was something that was not available in the Exiled Land, he would give him everything. All.

As for Yue Wai of the Temple of Gluttony, every time he wins, he has to ask for some interest from Pharos.

Although he later got the elixir to change the taste, he still couldn't let Faros go.

Fortunately, as Faros is a high-level demon, as long as the original demonic energy is not seriously damaged, the ability to regenerate flesh and blood is still very overbearing.

So in the end, every time Ling Feng lost, he would just roll up his sleeves and cooperate with Yue Que.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you can't struggle, just lie down and accept it.

And Ling Feng doesn't know how many times he has sworn that there will be no next time, but it seems that Falos will have to "carry the burden forward" for Ling Feng for a while.

However, the more favors Ling Feng owed him, the more sense of security Fallows felt in his heart.

He has now figured out that the only one who can get him out of the place of exile is Ling Feng.

Now even the high priest seems to have very high expectations of him, which means that the priest is basically on his side.

He can sit back and relax without his so-called "ally".

Therefore, these small sacrifices in exchange for a chance to leave are not a loss.

Unless Ling Feng is really unconscionable and kicks himself away after using it.

As far as Falos's current judgment on Ling Feng's character is concerned, he should not be this kind of person.


There was another loud noise, and Ling Feng's body hit a huge statue of the evil god hard.

I don’t know how many bones in my body were broken.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. Although the devil's body was tough enough, it was too terrifying to be able to withstand the opponent's strength.

The one he had just fought was Gu Chensha, the Sin Priest of the Temple of Wrath.

This is also the first time that Gu Chensha has fought against Ling Feng in thirty tide days.

His strength seems to be on another level compared to Yue Que, Shan Ya and the others.

Ling Feng just punched him, and his entire arm was almost destroyed. Even though the arm was still connected to the body, all the bones inside had been crushed into powder.

"Gu Chensha, do you want to kill him?"

Shanya was the first to fly forward and helped Ling Feng up from the sunken stone pit. At the same time, she turned back to glare at Gu Chensha and angrily said: "If he dies, and the Grand Priest becomes angry, it will not only be you, but also us people, I’m afraid none of them will survive!”

Although Gu Chensha had lost his tongue, he could have used his spiritual consciousness to communicate, but the Archbishop forbade him from speaking, so he could only shrug his shoulders and glance at Ling Feng with some contempt.

The general meaning is that this guy is too weak.

"Senior Shanya..."

Ling Feng was supported by Shanya, but he couldn't help but coughed a few times, "I hurt my arm, why are you touching my chest?"

It turned out that this woman was helping Ling Feng up on the surface, but as soon as possible, she stuffed her white palms into Ling Feng's clothes and rubbed his solid chest muscles.

Ling Feng felt his body tremble. This woman was the one who gave Ling Feng the biggest headache.

This woman was originally the most talkative among the seven sinners.

And when Ling Feng changed into the devil's Yin body, she looked at Ling Feng with eyes drawn.

Not only was he the most cooperative with Ling Feng, he fought with him without even having any terms for the deal.

But every time Ling Feng was injured, this woman would come up to take advantage.

This left Ling Feng speechless. He was indeed a believer in the evil god of lust.

Looking at her eyes, he really wanted to "eat" himself.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's willpower was strong enough, otherwise the virginity of this devil's yin body would have been lost.

"Hey, I'm here to heal your injuries. How about it? Does the massage feel comfortable for you, sister?"

Shan Ya said, her eyes blurred and she came closer, wanting to kiss Ling Feng.

Ling Feng broke into a cold sweat and quickly pulled out, using the Immortal Golden Body to restore his arm, "Senior, please rest assured, I'm fine. I'm going to practice!"

After saying that, he flew back to the platform at the entrance of the cave.

After a long time, this place has become the temporary residence of Ling Feng and Falos.


Seeing Ling Feng escaping in a panic, Shanya did not pursue him. Instead, her figure flew back to the statue of the evil god of lust.

Ling Feng returned to the platform, let out a long breath, raised his right hand and looked at it. Although the arm quickly recovered, the punch he had fought with the angry evil god before had almost crushed his whole body with an incomparable domineering force. bones.

The power of the evil god is truly terrifying!

Ling Feng couldn't help but have the urge to study the evil god's stone carvings.

If he could obtain the power of the evil god, his strength would probably increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

But soon, Ling Feng gave up this idea.

I would rather spend more time than sell my soul to the devil.

Pharos saw that Ling Feng's face was a little pale, so he stepped forward and helped Ling Feng sit down on the stone pier in the corner, and said solemnly: "It seems that the strength of the angry priest today is much stronger than the previous ones. !”

"Not necessarily stronger, just the most ruthless."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned and had become a devil. Otherwise, it would not be easy to survive in the hands of these madmen.

"Thirty tidal days have passed, and you still can't survive even one move. I really don't know when you will be able to survive three tidal days with the cooperation of those seven monsters."

Pharos sighed lightly. According to this progress, if optimistically estimated, it would probably take hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years have passed, and earth-shaking changes have probably taken place on the battlefield outside the territory.

"So, I need you to do me a favor now."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, looking at Falos with evil intentions.

Feeling Ling Feng's "treacherous" gaze, Fallows felt a chill down his back, "You...what do you want to do?"

"Why don't you sacrifice your lust a little more? The Sin Priest of the Temple of Lust pesters me every day. Not only do I have to waste time dealing with it, but I also have to suppress myself. You know, I am a young man after all."

"Boy, be a human being!"

Pharos almost jumped up and cursed, "I have sold my 'body' for you, and now I have to sacrifice my lust? Can the women of the Temple of Lust be provoked? I don't want to be sucked dry!"


Ling Feng coughed a few times, but seeing the sad and angry look on Faros's face, he couldn't continue to mention this matter.

The rabbit bites people when he is anxious, not to mention that he is also a half-step demon emperor after all.

At this moment, there was a bright light at the entrance of the cave.

Then, a familiar figure appeared, and it was Lan Yi.

This guy took on the responsibility of delivering supplies. He would come in almost every fifteen tidal days and deliver some bones and flowers to Ling Feng.

However, this arrogant guy was obviously not very satisfied with this task, so he came and went in a hurry every time.

"Boy, your supplies!"

Lan Yi threw a box of bones and flowers on the ground, then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute..."

At this moment, Ling Feng stopped him.

Lan Yi turned around and glared at Ling Feng impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Senior, since he is a direct descendant of the Xantian Ice Tribe, does he know a woman named Shui Xirou?"

Shui Xirou is the name of Ling Feng's mother.

This is basically the only information Ling Feng knows about his mother.

"Which one is from the water system?"

When Lan Yi heard the name of Shui, without thinking about it, he snorted coldly and said, "I don't know you. If it's okay, I'll leave!"

"Wait a moment..."

"What's the matter? I told you I don't know you!"

Lan Yi glared at Ling Feng angrily. He now knew that Ling Feng also had part of the Xuntian Ice Clan bloodline, and it was most likely from the water lineage, so he naturally didn't have a good look towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng originally asked with the intention of giving it a try. It was unknown how long ago Lan Yi was exiled.

The probability that he knows his mother is extremely low, but since he is a direct descendant of the Xuntian Ice Tribe, some useful information should be able to be gleaned from him.

"Senior, have you ever heard of the Seven Impossible Realms?"

Ling Feng stared at Lan Yi with a hint of nervousness on his face.

This is the information Yan Jinghong found for himself after many years of undercover patrolling the Ice Clan.

His mother will most likely be imprisoned in the so-called "Seven Impossible Situations".


When Lan Yi heard this, he suddenly became interested, "You ask me if I have heard of it? Then I tell you, I fought my way out of that ghost place, otherwise, I would not be exiled here again. Oh! "

Suddenly, Lan Yi's eyes lit up, he held his chin and analyzed: "Yes, since you are half of the Xantian Ice Clan, your mother should be a descendant of the Ice Clan. She secretly married the Tiandao Clan and gave birth to a son. It is reasonable for such a serious crime to be suppressed under the desperate situation of Qiwu. "

"Senior, please tell me where Qi Wu's desperate situation is."

Ling Feng bowed to Lan Yi and gritted his teeth: "I must rescue my mother!"

"These things have been in the past for too long. My memory has long been blurred. I can no longer remember many things clearly."

Lan Yi shook his head, and then a cold look flashed in his eyes, "However, if you can take me out of the place of exile, I can promise that I will help you find your mother. Humph, as long as we are with Xantian If the Ice Tribe is an enemy, I, Lan Yi, will definitely stay with you until the end!"

I don't know what happened to him to make him hate his clan, especially the water lineage, so much.

However, with his help, finding Qi Wu's desperate situation should be much easier.

After all, he was once a direct descendant of the Xantian Ice Clan, and with his talent, he should be a highly regarded genius of the generation.

"In that case, I'd like to thank you in advance, senior!"

"Humph, please understand, I am not helping you, but I am still very interested in killing a few more Ice Tribe people!"

Lan Yi snorted softly, and then said: "Is everything okay now? I can go!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "Senior, please excuse me."

Lan Yi rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, then turned around and strode away.

Even though Ling Feng was now regarded as the "guest" of the Sin Priest, Lan Yi's attitude was still arrogant.

He is indeed a believer of the arrogant evil god...

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not caring.

He just sat down cross-legged, casually took out a few pieces of white bone flowers from the box, stuffed them into his mouth, and immediately started to practice the demon's Yin body.

He doesn't have much time, so he must race against time to practice and become stronger!

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