Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4028 Taking risks!

Wangshu Fortress, inside the tent.

Prince Su sat on the main seat with a big horse and a golden sword, frowning slightly, looking a little unnatural, looking like he was suppressing some anger.

However, due to the accumulated prestige of the Thunder Clan, he did not get angry.

But with his personality, he would not take the initiative to please the other party, so it was only the Grand Commander Du Zhongwei who had been greeting the "visitors" of the Thunder Clan.

This time, the Thunder Clan sent a half-step strongman, named Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor.

As the battle in the extraterritorial battlefield continued to escalate, more and more half-step strongmen arrived in the extraterritorial battlefield.

Even in Wangshu Fortress, including Prince Su, there were as many as five half-step strongmen.

At this moment, four of them had already led their troops to garrison outside the fortress, or were fighting with the demon army.

In the past three years, the wars have become more and more frequent. Except for the Ghost Fortress in the center, all the major fortresses in the fairyland have paid a huge price to keep the fortress from being breached.

After such a long period of competition between the three upper demons, it seems that they have fallen into a state of near madness.

In order to attack the human fortress, they even sacrificed the elite legions of the higher demons.

This also led to the continuous increase in the number of casualties in both camps.

Immortal Lords, Immortal Venerables, and even Immortal Emperors.

No one dared to say that he would definitely survive this war.

This is why even Yu Qiubai and Huang Yuan, the two "double wastes of the imperial city", were able to grow rapidly.

Cruel wars can sharpen the mind the most.

Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor has a high seniority in the Xuntian Thunder Clan, and he is worldly-wise and shrewd, so it is more appropriate for him to be in charge of the marriage.

And the young Immortal Emperor he brought with him is also a proud son of heaven in the Xuntian Thunder Clan. His name is Wan Ting, and his honorific title is Dong Ting Immortal Emperor.

In terms of seniority, he is Wan Jun's cousin.

He has been promoted to the realm of the Immortal Emperor for about a hundred years, and is already a powerful person in the seventh level of the Moon Wheel Realm.

This person has a handsome face, outstanding temperament, and good talent and background. He is a good match for Yu Bingqing, the eldest princess of the Great Yu Immortal Court.

Obviously, the Thunder Tribe of the Sky Patrol values ​​Yu Bingqing, the "evil" who has attracted the giant statue of the gods.

If "Shui Han" had not appeared, Prince Su would have no objection to this candidate.

However, the other party used Emperor Yu to put pressure on him, which made Prince Su a little unhappy.

It turned out that before coming to Wangshu Fortress, the Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor had taken Wan Ting to the capital of the Great Yu Kingdom to meet Emperor Yu.

He even directly asked Emperor Yu to grant the marriage.

Although Emperor Yu did not express his position directly, it was not easy to directly refute the Thunder Tribe of the Sky Patrol, so he asked them to come directly to Yu Bingqing.

If Yu Bingqing had no objection, he, as the emperor's brother, would naturally be very satisfied with Wan Ting as his brother-in-law.

So, the Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor brought Wan Ting and his attendants directly to Wangshu Fortress, talking about how satisfied Emperor Yu was with Wan Ting, how their identities matched, and how beneficial it would be to unite the two sides.

This made Prince Su look down on Wan Ting.

Prince Su has always been very opposed to political marriages.

Moreover, Prince Su did not think that "Shui Han" had really fallen.

"Your Highness, why hasn't the Princess come out yet? Haha, is she looking down on me?"

The Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor smiled and looked at Prince Su, with a bit of pressure.

His old face is nothing, but behind him is the Thunder Clan of the Sky Patrol.

Prince Su snorted. He hated these old guys who beat around the bush the most. He just said in a deep voice: "This leg is on my niece. Can I tie her up?"

"Your Highness, you are joking."

The Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor smiled awkwardly, "What I mean is that if it is really inconvenient, it is better to let Wan Ting go to see her in person, which can also be regarded as a show of sincerity."

"No need."

At this moment, a cold voice came from outside the big tent.

"See Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

As the guard's voice sounded, everyone looked together and saw Yu Bingqing striding in, followed by Yu Qiubai and Huang Yuan.

Prince Su's eyes condensed and looked at Yu Bingqing, with a little heartache in his expression.

He was also an experienced person and knew the feeling of missing someone.

"This must be the Princess of Dayu Xianting, she is indeed a peerless beauty!" Elder Lei Jian laughed and hurriedly urged Wan Ting beside him: "Wan Ting, why don't you say hello to the Princess?" "I am Wan Ting, meet the Princess!" Wan Ting was a little dazed when he saw Yu Bingqing's beauty. When he heard Elder Lei Jian's voice, he reacted and bowed to Yu Bingqing. Yu Bingqing ignored Wan Ting, but walked straight to Prince Su and said lightly: "Uncle, I heard someone came to propose to me. Where is it?" "Here, here!" Wan Ting hurriedly walked to Yu Bingqing's side and pointed at himself and said: "Princess, it's me, it's me!" "So it's you." Yu Bingqing smiled gracefully, and it was a charming smile that made Wan Ting's heart beat faster. Thinking that this was his future Taoist partner, he couldn't help but feel a surge of blood boiling. Little did he know that when he stared at Yu Bingqing, a light pink light flashed slightly in Yu Bingqing's eyes.

Then, Wan Ting felt that he was in the clouds and mist, and his mind was filled with thoughts. The heat was so unbearable that he actually took off his clothes in public.

"Does Mr. Wan like to be naked in public? Take it off again, keep taking it off."

Yu Bingqing chuckled. Hearing her laughter, Wan Ting felt as if a cat was scratching his chest and actually started to take off his trousers.


Prince Su and many of the leaders of Dayu Immortal Court in the tent laughed loudly.

The expression of the Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor on the side changed, and he quickly slapped Wan Ting awake.

Wan Ting suddenly woke up and found that he had half of his pants off. He was immediately filled with shame and anger. He clenched his fists and stared at Yu Bingqing, "You are plotting against me!"

"Your Highness, Princess, what do you mean?"

Immortal Emperor Thunder Sword stopped Wan Ting and stared at Yu Bingqing with a frown.

For a time, the atmosphere between the two sides was tense.

Yu Bingqing's move was undoubtedly a public provocation.

"If you want to be my Yu Bingqing's husband, you can't be a wimp."

Yu Bingqing frowned and stared at Wan Ting, "You are not worthy enough!"

Wan Ting was so humiliated by Yu Bingqing, and immediately gritted his teeth, "What a joke, I'm not worthy? Do you dare to fight me openly? If you lose, I will turn around and leave, and I will never pester you again. If you win, you have to be obedient." marry me!"

"That's what I've been waiting for!"

Yu Bingqing smiled coldly, and before she finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from her body.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded throughout the entire tent, and then, the violent aura shattered the handsome tent that was filled with various barriers.

The Blood Prison Heavenly Dragon Dharma image rises into the air, circling and entwining in the air, and is as huge as a thousand feet!

The next moment, the giant dragon broke through the sky and crushed towards Wan Ting.

Wan Ting trembled all over, feeling the power of the rolling dragon, his legs softened, and he collapsed directly on the ground.

How can this aura be that of a Moon Wheel Realm Immortal Emperor who has only been promoted to Immortal Emperor for three years?

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the pinnacle of the sun!

After three years, Yu Bingqing's strength has actually become so strong!

The next moment, the dragon shadow dissipated, but Wan Ting's eyes were still a little dull.

The ancestral dragon dragon power of the Blood Prison Heavenly Dragon is so domineering and terrifying. Not to mention his Moon Wheel Realm, even a half-step strong man cannot say that he can handle it easily.

"It seems that you lost!"

Yu Bingqing smiled coldly, "Take your things and get out!"

Her words were devoid of any emotion. I believe it won't be long before all the major forces will know that Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is not only powerful but also has a fiery temperament.

Anyone who dares to come to propose marriage must think carefully about it.

"Okay, okay! What a Great Yu Xianting, what a eldest princess!"

Immortal Emperor Thunder Sword gave Yu Bingqing a cold look, then glared at Prince Su, said a few harsh words, and left with Wan Ting and other entourage.

"Uncle Emperor, if there's nothing going on here, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Yu Bingqing clapped her hands, turned around and left directly.

"This girl..."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he had dismissed the Xuntian Lei Clan, the Thunder Sword Immortal Emperor would definitely retaliate, so he would inevitably have some trouble in the future.

However, in the current troubled times, the demon clan's offensive is getting more and more intense, which is the real worry.

Come to think of it, even if these clowns wanted revenge, they wouldn't dare to mess around.

At the same time, deep in the Soul Burial Canyon, in the demon stronghold.

In a bottomless cave.

"My Lady Queen, the Hilgey and Bennett clans seem to be making big moves again, and they seem to be plotting to join forces."

A tall and burly man with a pair of long black horns on his head, his face full of sorrow, stared at Kavli closely, gritted his teeth and said: "What should we do now?"

"Hussein, you are good at everything. It's just a pity that you are a little too impatient."

Kvelli slowly opened her eyes, still looking calm, "Don't panic when something happens, otherwise, with your mentality, you will always be embarrassed."

"Having said that, if the two of them join forces and besiege a fortress, I'm afraid they will win the original bet. From now on, my Grando clan will have to surrender to them?"

Hussein clenched his fists, feeling uncomfortable all over when he thought of this.

The Gulando family is obviously the absolute royal family among the demon clan.

It was only because Kavli was suppressed by the seal that those two tribes were given the opportunity to rise.

"It's not that easy for them to get to the top."

Kweli snorted coldly, "Okay, I have my own plan. You can go down first and let the major legions stand still for the time being to accumulate strength."

"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen!"

Hussein nodded and then exited the devil's cave.

After Hussein's figure disappeared into the cave, Kweli sighed softly.

"If it weren't for Ebert's injury, which has yet to fully recover, how could it be the turn of the Silgai clan to be so arrogant!"

But it turns out that although Kavli escaped from the seal, her biggest trump card, the void beast Ebert, has never been able to fully recover.

It was precisely because of the lack of this trump card that she had no choice but to sit down and negotiate with the Hilgay and Bannick families.

That's all. According to the original plan, she and Ling Feng cooperated internally and externally, exchanged information, and could seize the opportunity.

But Ling Feng suddenly disappeared, and even the mental mark she left on Ling Feng was completely lost.

This loss of contact lasted three full years.

All her plans were completely disrupted.

"Three years, three whole years!"

A look of worry flashed in Keweili's eyes, "Ling Feng, Ling Feng, you haven't really fallen, have you! If so, one day, I will use Yi Ting's head to pay homage to the Tiandao clan. That's it. , a gift from me..."

"A sneeze, a sneeze!"

Ling Feng sat cross-legged on the platform at the top of the cliff and suddenly sneezed several times for no reason.

"I always feel like someone is talking about me lately..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but Falos's voice came to his ears.

"Boy, do you really want to formally challenge the seven deadly sin priests tomorrow?"

In the past few years, Falos and Ling Feng have become "dependent on each other."

Therefore, what he said just now was still full of worry.

"It's only been about three hundred tidal days since we came in. There's no need to be in such a hurry to challenge it."

"There are more than three hundred tidal days. Although I don't know the external time, in the past few days, the cold-eating blood burial in my body has begun to take effect."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "So, if converted into real time, about three years have passed."

"It's been three years..."

Pharos took a deep breath and his eyes became a little solemn, "I don't know how the Queen is progressing, and whether she has led the Gulando clan back to orthodoxy."

"That's not what we need to be concerned about right now."

Ling Feng sighed softly, "The attack of Cold-Devouring Blood Burial is more terrifying than I imagined. Although it can still be suppressed, the longer the time goes by, and the secret technique passed down to me by Senior Lan Yi will become worse. . I think that due to the influence of the Cold-Devouring Blood Burial, my progress in cultivation will be slower than that in the previous three years, and my strength will even decline due to the curse. Therefore, I cannot delay it any longer!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "I must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on and practice the power of the evil god."

"Having said that, although you have been able to resist with the cooperation of the six archbishops, the guy from the Arrogant Temple is too strong! I have a vague feeling that his strength is probably not much worse than that of the archbishop. That’s a lot.”

"Senior Wancheng is indeed very strong..."

Ling Feng nodded. In the past three years, he had been practicing hard and fighting day and night almost day and night.

Although the improvement of the great killing technique is beyond imagination, he is now able to fight against all six major priests.

However, once Wan Cheng from the Temple of Arrogance joins the battle, Ling Feng will soon be beaten to the point where he is unable to resist.

You must know that his Heavenly Demon Yin Body has already reached the peak level of the Moon Wheel Realm, plus the shattering power originally contained in the prototype of the star core.

He can now even defeat Shanya, who is relatively weak among the seven Sin Archbishops, in a single fight.

But whenever he faced Wan Cheng, let alone joining forces, Ling Feng felt that it was difficult to deal with him alone.

Not to mention, he needs to resist the attack of the seven sin priests for three consecutive tide days.

But he also knew that in this environment, it would be difficult for him to make any progress.

Even if he takes the risk, he must take a gamble and launch the final challenge to these seven priests!

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