"Boy, think about it. In the usual competitions, those lunatics may still take the Archbishop into consideration. They will restrain themselves and dare not kill you. But in the final challenge, the Archbishop said that they are absolutely not allowed to hold back. In other words..."

Fallos took a deep breath and stared at Ling Feng with a serious face, "You may really die in their hands."

Although after Ling Feng's death, these people may have to wait for a thousand years before they can use the power of the Source of Time to break the ban of the Land of Exile and leave this place.

But as long as they can leave, no matter what method or how long it takes, it doesn't make much difference to them.

"I understand."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, and his expression was also heavy.

But time waits for no one.

In addition to the reason of the Cold-Eating Blood Burial, Ling Feng roughly calculated that the next three tidal days are likely to be the shortest tidal days in the near future.

In the final duel, Ling Feng not only had to face the joint siege of the seven archbishops of the deadly sins, but also the length of the tidal day was a very important variable.

If a very long tidal day was chosen, one tidal day was equivalent to several days in the outside world, then needless to say, it was basically a dead end.

But if you are lucky, one tidal day is only about an hour, or even less than an hour.

Then there is still a chance.

In the past three years, in addition to practicing, Ling Feng has been paying attention to the length of the tidal day in the White Bone Soul River.

I dare not say it is completely accurate, but there should not be too much deviation.

If his calculation is correct, then the next three tidal days are basically equivalent to about five hours in the outside world.

Ling Feng felt that he had no chance to resist the attacks of the seven archbishops of the deadly sins for several days and nights.

But if it is five hours, then there is still a glimmer of hope.

In the past three years, Ling Feng has not been idle for a moment.

He knows very well that the reason why the archbishop arranged such a trial is to enable him to be able to fight against the great calamity of the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, in addition to his own practice, Ling Feng also prepared a lot of back-up plans.

"Since you have made up your mind, I will not persuade you."

Falos stared at Ling Feng, "In the past few years, thanks to you, I have improved a lot. If I can leave this place and return to the Demon Realm, I think I may be able to advance to the Broken Level soon. In the end, I owe you a favor."

After a pause, Falos continued: "If you can really advance to the Broken Level, I can promise to do one thing for you. As long as it is not betrayal of the Demon Clan or betrayal of the Queen, anything, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you!"

"We are all brothers in distress, why say such things."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "We are all so familiar with each other, otherwise do three things for me."


Falos's forehead darkened, "You kid is really..."

"Just a joke."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, adjusted his own state, and then roared in the direction of the seven evil god statues.

"Seven seniors, I, Ling Feng, am here to challenge you all!"


As the words fell, the entire space suddenly became extremely gloomy and depressing.

Above the sky, blood clouds rolled and surged.

Then, evil spirits burst out, and the seven evil god statues seemed to come alive.

The terrible evil spirit filled every inch of space, making it almost impossible to breathe.

Farrows quickly opened the defense barrier, and was in a panic in the corner of the cave.

These lunatics, without any greeting, suddenly burst out with such a terrible aura.

Moreover, it was even more terrifying than before!

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to regret!"

On the top of the arrogant evil god statue, Wan Cheng stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of sharp and cold eyes, and said word by word: "Otherwise, today will be your death anniversary."

"Xiao Fengfeng, although the words of Bishop Wan Cheng are not pleasant to hear, you should still listen to his advice."

Behind Shan Ya, her snake hair danced wildly, and the power of the evil god merged with her, turning her originally fair skin into a strange green.

A pair of eyes also turned into a strange pink, and every word was filled with a kind of seductive breath that made people's blood boil.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and it felt good that these guys had hidden their tricks when they fought with him in the three years before!

When they used all their strength, they were able to directly control the evil god statue under their feet and use it for their own purposes.

Fortunately, Ling Feng was not a fool.

Before the real life-and-death battle, the trump card is always in hand.

"Hehehe..." The Bishop Yue Que of the Temple of Gluttony stared at Ling Feng with a fierce smile, "When you kill him later, remember to leave his body intact!" As he spoke, drool flowed directly from the corner of his mouth. Yan Chuan of the Temple of Sloth was still lying on the bed board he brought with him, yawning and staring at Ling Feng with dissatisfaction, "What a hassle! Why do we have to take action together? Obviously, Wan Cheng can do it alone!"

Wan Cheng snorted coldly and ignored Yanchuan. He just slowly took out a spear from the space magic weapon and pointed it at Ling Feng from a distance, "You still have a lot of time to continue practicing the mass killing technique. There is no need to seek death now. I'll count. By ten, if you don’t take back what you said before, I will treat you as ready. Even if you die, the Archbishop can’t blame us!”




Wan Cheng actually started counting, and every word contained an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

"No need!"

Ling Feng interrupted Wan Cheng directly, "I have decided to challenge the seven seniors right now!"

"good, very good!"

Wan Cheng suddenly laughed loudly, "Arrogant, how arrogant! Boy, you should join my Arrogance Temple!"


As Wan Cheng's words fell, thunder suddenly began to roll in the sky, which was already filled with blood clouds.

He was once a powerful member of the Xuntian Thunder Clan, and his power of thunder should have been the nemesis of all evil forces. But now, he has been trained into the evil Yin Thunder and Evil Thunder.

The dark red thunder pierced the sky and fell down from the sky.

The violent power of the evil god is suffocating.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and directly used Destruction in All Directions.

Next, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony, lust, sloth...

The six Sin Archbishops also released their evil god powers at the same time.

In an instant, the evil god statues under their feet opened their eyes at the same time.



The sky was filled with blood and thunder, and the evil gods seemed to have all awakened at this moment.

Then, an evil god rose from the ground, and his huge body began to rotate slowly.

Each evil god is tens of thousands of feet tall. The rocky body erupts with billowing evil energy, spreading endlessly to all directions.

And as the black energy enveloped them, those bulky-looking statues became more and more flexible.

This is simply the arrival of the evil god in the true sense!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, his scalp felt numb.

He thought that these lunatics had reservations before, but he didn't expect that there were so many reservations!

The deepest part of the Priest, in the underground palace.

"here we go!"

The Archbishop waved his sleeves, and a curtain of light appeared in the void. It was the scene where Ling Feng formally challenged the seven Sin Archbishops.

"Unexpectedly, this boy would actually choose to directly carry out the final challenge in such a short period of time."

There was a hint of worry on the Archbishop's brow.

Although Ling Feng is indeed very evil, his progress in the mass killing technique is even more rapid.

But how could the Archbishop of Sin be an ordinary person?

What's more, within that space, they can exert the power of the evil god arbitrarily, and it is almost inexhaustible.

"In your opinion, what chance does he have of winning?"

The Great Evil King stared at Ling Feng in the screen and asked calmly.


The Archbishop frowned, but finally sighed, "I'm afraid, less than 10%."

The Great Evil King smiled. He knew that although the Great Master was not in that space, he had been paying attention to Ling Feng's every move almost every day since Ling Feng practiced in the Evil God's Cave.

Although, not long ago, Ling Feng was able to fight back and forth with the cooperation of six sinners.

But in fact, they have not yet invoked the power in the evil god's statue.

Moreover, the strongest Wan Cheng did not join them.

Now, the seven of them have joined forces, and the power of the seven deadly sins has merged. The power that explodes is not a simple superposition.

That's almost a qualitative change.

"You underestimate him."

The Great Evil King took a deep breath and said slowly: "If he dares to challenge, I am afraid that all kinds of variables have been taken into account, and I am afraid that he has also prepared a lot of trump cards and back-ups."

After a pause, the Great Evil King continued: "However, with Wan Cheng's character, you have already said that you are not allowed to hold back, so he will definitely kill you."


The Archbishop frowned and said, "Master, at the critical moment, do you want your subordinates to take action..."


But the Great Evil King shook his head, "Can you help him this time? When he goes through the tribulation, can you go into that place and help him?"

"I..." The Archbishop was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "No."

"Everything can only be done by himself!"

The Great Evil King said in a deep voice: "If he can truly practice the Great Killing Technique to a transcendent level, he can completely restrain the power of the evil god. This power of restraint will also be indispensable when he overcomes the tribulation. Therefore. , No one can help him, and helping him at this time is equivalent to pushing him into the abyss, and he will definitely be in the catastrophe of the Immortal Emperor, and he will never recover. "

"My subordinate understands."

The chief priest nodded solemnly, "The Tiandao clan has only this last glimmer of hope left. I hope this kid will not perish like this."

"If this is really the case, it means that Yi Ting's Qi has not been exhausted."

The Great Evil King shook his head and sighed softly: "However, the inheritance of the Tiandao clan will not be cut off so easily. At least..."

"Master, do you think the mistress is still alive?"

"She is still alive, she must be alive! Otherwise, where do you think Ling Feng's great killing technique comes from? It can only be her, and it can only be her!"

The Archbishop was silent for a moment and said nothing.

In fact, the Tiandao clan was betrayed and almost the entire clan was slaughtered in a short period of time.

As the mistress has a noble status and outstanding strength, she must be the target of being "taken care of". The chance of her still being alive is probably very slim.

However, he would not dare to say this to the Great Evil King in person.

His eyes were fixed on the scene in the Evil God's Cave, and suddenly his eyelids twitched, and he exclaimed: "Huh? What kind of method is this kid?"

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