Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4031 Come out! Ah Jin!

"This iron box looks much stronger than my bed board. It will be very comfortable if you use it to sleep!"

"It's a beautiful thought, this is mine, mine!"

"He can actually have such a treasure, damn it!"

"What a hard turtle shell! I like hard things like this the best!"

"It's a pity that I can't eat it!"

"That's it? Break it! Break it! Break it!!!"

The Seven Sin Archbishops, facing Ling Feng's silver coffin, all started chattering incessantly. Only Gu Chensha, the Archbishop of Sins from the Temple of Wrath, could only let out a furious roar because he could not speak, and immediately controlled the Evil God's colossus to face it. Ling Feng's Xuanyou ancient coffin launched a bombardment like a violent storm!

"Ho ho ho!"

Amidst Gu Chensha's roar, the other Sin Archbishops also stopped arguing and began to attack with all their strength.

If Ling Feng was allowed to survive this final test with this silver coffin, then wouldn't they, the so-called Archbishops of Sin, all become a joke?

Seven people joined forces and couldn't even break a broken coffin!

Boom boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Each of the seven giant statues of evil gods has terrifying power that can almost destroy the world.

Every time a punch landed, time and space were almost distorted.

Ling Feng was lying in the ancient coffin of Xuanyou, and he could feel the violent force, venting it wildly, as if it was going to crack the coffin wall.

If it hadn't been for the transformation of the tentacle monster, this ancient Xuanyou coffin would have been completely scrapped after being attacked by dozens of times at most.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and frantically put the fairy crystal into the core reactor.

At this moment, he had no time to worry about the loss of these immortal crystals.

The longer the Xuanyou ancient coffin can hold up, the greater his chance of successfully passing this final test.

One breath!

Two breaths!

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Time passed bit by bit, and in the midst of intense anxiety and worry, Ling Feng heard a crisp "click" sound.

Then, the tentacle monster's voice sounded, "Sorry, Master, the defense module is seriously damaged. If it is attacked more than ten times, it is likely to be completely destroyed. If it needs to be repaired, it will probably take at least a year."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he said in a deep voice: "How long has it been?"

"Almost, an hour and a half."

Ling Feng's face darkened, and it took half an hour longer than expected.

But if the Xuanyou ancient coffin is damaged, he will be missing an important trump card when he faces the Immortal Emperor's great calamity.

It seems that from now on, I can only bear it on my own!

"Tentacle monster, try your best to repair the ancient Xuanyou coffin, and then continue to strengthen it. The Immortal Emperor's catastrophe will only be more violent than an offensive of this level!"

Ling Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, his eyes focused, and the next moment, he directly took the Xuanyou Ancient Coffin back into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

With a flash of blood, Ling Feng appeared in front of the Seven Sins Archbishop with a sword in hand.

At the same time, seven huge fists fell towards Ling Feng's body almost simultaneously.

These punches were originally intended to hit Xuanyou Ancient Coffin, but Ling Feng suddenly appeared, almost at the last moment.

There was no time to react!

"Time stands still!!!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Just when Ling Feng was about to bear the punches of these seven giant statues with his flesh and blood, the Eye of Shura on Ling Feng's forehead burst out with extremely blazing light.

Then, time seemed to stop, and in Ling Feng's eyes, the violent evil god's giant fist also seemed incredibly slow.

But soon, Ling Feng felt a terrible backlash, so that before time stopped, everything he saw with the Eye of Shura began to become extremely blurry.

Immediately afterwards, blood surged from all three eyes at the same time, and all the mana in the body seemed to be drained out in an instant.

It turns out that the price to pay for suspending the time of seven Broken-level experts at the same time is actually so terrible!

But fortunately, it was just a momentary pause, and Ling Feng had already escaped from the blockade of seven terrifying fists.

Boom boom boom boom!

The seven fists struck together. Without the buffer of the Xuanyou Ancient Coffin, the terrifying force was equivalent to the seven people punching each other.

Then, the seven evil god colossi began to recede and tremble to varying degrees.

Among them, the colossi of the Evil God of Lust and the Evil God of Gluttony even had cracks on their arms.

But the giant statue of the arrogant evil god remained motionless.

It also confirmed Ling Feng’s previous conjecture.

The arrogant commander Wan Cheng could almost crush the other six with his strength alone.

This is the most terrifying opponent he will face next!

Although the brief pause allowed Ling Feng to escape a near-fatal attack, it also consumed too much mana.

He was breathing heavily, staring at Wan Cheng who stood proudly on top of the evil god's giant statue, and clenched his fists tightly.

In that blow just now, the other six Archbishops were more or less damaged by the counter-shock force, but he was the only one who was still at his peak.

"You Wancheng, where are you fighting?"

Greedy Archbishop Jing Yuan cursed loudly.

"I don't know how to show mercy at all!"

Shanya raised the right hand of the evil god's colossal statue and frowned to express her dissatisfaction when she saw the cracks on it.

"Huh, what a bunch of trash!"

Wan Cheng did not regard the other Sin Archbishops as companions at all, showing his arrogance and arrogance, "Get out of here!"

There was a roar, and in an instant, a violent hurricane raged.

The other Sin Archbishops frowned and backed away.

And with a sweep of Wan Cheng's spear, the storm, mixed with dark red thunder, swept towards Ling Feng.

Without the protection of Xuanyou Ancient Coffin, Ling Feng's scalp felt numb when he faced the violent offensive of the Sin Archbishop.

He took a deep breath and finally used his second trump card!

"Come out, Ajin!"

Just as Ling Feng shouted, a dazzling golden light erupted from Ling Feng's body.

Then, a strange beast that looked like a unicorn appeared around Ling Feng.

The whole body is covered with golden light, which cannot be looked at closely.

At this moment, Ah Jin was already the size of a foal, circling around Ling Feng, with thunder flames under his four hooves, and a pair of coral-like dragon horns sticking out above his head.

An unparalleled terrifying coercion erupted from his whole body, which was extremely similar to the might of the ancestral dragon.

Ever since Ah Jin "stolenly ate" half of the body fragment of Taixu Zhoulong in the Burial Sky Wind Plain, he fell into a long sleep.

Finally, not long ago, he woke up again.

"What is this?"

"Does this kid actually hide such a powerful ancient beast?"

"looks very tasty!"

The sinners of each palace once again began to talk about it.

Ling Feng jumped up and landed accurately behind Ah Jin.

One person and one animal are as one, and even their breaths fit together perfectly.

But it turns out that Ajin is a strange beast born in the ruined battlefield of the ancient demon war, a seed of immortality and demonism.

His body originally possessed the power of various bloodlines from all races in the heavens and from both the immortal and demon realms.

And Ling Feng's demon body is also a gathering of immortal and demon energy, and the immortal and demon practitioners are the same.

The combination of the two, the power of immortals and demons merged into one, and the man and the horse became one. In an instant, the tiredness on Ling Feng's face was wiped away.

Blessed by the pure and majestic spiritual power in Ah Jin's body, Ling Feng's spirit suddenly lifted.

This amplification effect has completely surpassed the previous dual beast soul fusion!

"This kid is really hiding deep!"

Deep horror flashed in Faros's eyes.

Even when faced with the siege of their three half-step demon emperors, Ling Feng didn't sacrifice this strange beast!

As everyone knows, Ah Jin was still sleeping at that time. It wasn't Ling Feng who wanted to hide it, but he really couldn't scream out!


Ah Jin, who was extremely powerful, raised his head and neighed, staring at the arrogant commander Wan Cheng with a pair of sharp eyes.

I mean, are you good at fighting? Then come and try it!

Wan Cheng was actually provoked by a "beast", and a trace of anger suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the six wings behind him flapped, and he jumped down from the top of the evil god's colossal statue.

The spear swept across, aimed at Ling Feng's throat, and stabbed straight at him.

Ling Feng swung the sword in his hand, and Ah Jin reacted half a step faster than Ling Feng.


With a flash of thunder, Ah Jin turned into a golden thunder, carrying Ling Feng and speeding towards Wan Cheng.

Under his terrifying speed, even Ling Feng's indifferent sword seemed to turn into Lei Ji, cutting off everything.

Wan Cheng's eyelids twitched, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The speed of this beast has actually surpassed him!

Under this situation, it would have been the wisest choice for the other six Sin Priests to join forces to surround Ling Feng and Ah Jin and restrict their movements.

But he had just scolded the others away, not to mention, with his arrogance, how could he have the nerve to call them back.


Wan Cheng snorted coldly, "So what if it's fast?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then, with him as the center and a radius of thousands of miles, thunder began to fall on a large area!

Ling Feng smiled coldly, swung his sword to destroy all the enemies in all directions, and with one sweep of his sword, he actually cut off all of Luo Lei's creatures.

However, a sneer appeared on Wan Cheng's lips, and then his figure disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, a strange person appeared in front of Ling Feng.

With one sweep of the spear, there was a "chi" sound and it pierced Ling Feng's left shoulder.

It was because Ah Jin reacted quickly enough that the spear tip missed a few points.

Otherwise, it would probably be Ling Feng's heart that was pierced.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and then he realized that Wan Cheng's large-scale lightning strike just now was not an attack method, but a locked magic technique.

He raised the sword and saw a complex mark on the blade.

Wan Cheng's secret technique is to be able to automatically teleport to the vicinity of the imprinted object regardless of distance.

This is a space secret technique, somewhat similar to Ling Feng's time and space displacement, but it is faster and consumes less.

Ling Feng frowned. In such a situation where lightning was covering a large area, no matter how fast Ah Jin was, he could not completely avoid it.

Moreover, these lightning strikes also have certain destructive power, and if they are not blocked, they will also be harmed.

This Wancheng's arrogance really comes from his great strength!

Even without the help of the evil god, just relying on his own strength, he is probably a giant capable of dominating an area.

"Hmph, just accept your death. No matter how fast your mount is, you can't completely escape the extermination thunderbolt of this commander!"

Wan Cheng pulled out the gun fiercely, pulling out a large piece of Ling Feng's flesh and blood.

Even the entire shoulder blade was directly shattered by the terrifying release of power.

Ling Feng drove Ah Jin back quickly. At the same time, Ah Jin spit out crimson light balls from his mouth and hit Wan Cheng hard.

Wan Cheng held a spear and flew the ball of light, but he was shaken by the terrifying power and retreated violently.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I finally realized that Ling Feng's "mountain" might not only be fast, but his strength might even surpass that of his master!

While Wan Cheng was forcibly repelled by Ah Jin with a ball of light, Ling Feng looked at the wound on his shoulder. A large piece of flesh and blood had turned into pitch black.

The power of the evil god was raging crazily, trying to invade his body.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and activated the mass killing technique to forcibly suppress the aura of the evil god.

After Wan Cheng realized A Jin's power, he no longer held up his arms. While raising his spear, the giant statue of the arrogant evil god behind him held Wan Cheng's body up high with his hands flat.

Then, Wancheng's body seemed to take root on the giant statue.

Invisible hands completely entangled his body with the evil god's colossus.

The next moment, Wan Cheng's form became even more weird and ferocious, which also meant that he had completely activated the power of the evil god to the extreme.

"What are you still doing?"

Wan Cheng snorted coldly, "Have you forgotten the Archbishop's order?"

This old boy didn't even ask for others to help him, but directly quoted the Archbishop's order.

Even if the others were reluctant, they could only snort and activate the power of the evil god.

Then, strands of evil energy erupted and began to gather in the direction of Wancheng.

This is not the first time Ling Feng has seen this method.

When the power of the seven sins is united, the power of the evil god is at its most terrifying.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and couldn't care less about his injuries.

Even if the power of the evil gods is unified and unstoppable, he still has to delay as much time as possible.

Once the power of the Seven Sins is merged, the pressure he will face will be ten times, or even a hundred times, what it is now!


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he patted Ah Jin's back gently.

At this moment, A Jin and Ling Feng connected with each other, and with a flash of their figures, they immediately shot towards the weakest Priest Shanya among the Seven Sins Priests.

To prevent the fusion of the seven sins, the simplest and crudest way is to defeat them one by one!

Ling Feng let out a low roar, and everything in his hand was destroyed, turning into a square-shaped halberd.

Then, Ling Feng stepped on Ah Jin's back and jumped up high.

The eyes of the emperor shine with divine light, and the blood-wrathed light shines on thousands of people!

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Senbai Zhiya!"

Just when Archbishop Shanya was about to inject the evil spirit of the evil god of lust in the direction of Wan Cheng, Ling Feng swiped his halberd and attacked Shanya fiercely.

A strange light flashed in Shanya's eyes.

Then, the snake hair behind him surged crazily.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless black snakes spitting out snake letters turned into a rain of snakes and swept towards Lingfeng.

The Medusa Snake Rain of Archbishop Shanya was like heaven and earth compared to what Yao Ji displayed.

In an instant, those black snakes directly wrapped around the Forest White Fang that Ling Feng slashed out. Even though they were strangled into bones in an instant, blood rained down from the sky.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, but he knew that these snake blood had the terrifying power of petrification.

Ling Feng pulled away and wanted to retreat, but at this moment, Ah Jin roared up to the sky and rushed towards the black snakes.

"be careful!"

Ling Feng's expression changed. Has this guy committed the habit of gluttony again?

Sure enough, he saw Ah Jin open his mouth wide and directly stir up a whirlwind, sucking all those black snakes and the rain of blood into his bloody mouth.

Ling Feng's scalp was numb when he saw it. This little guy really refused to refuse anyone who came and dared to eat anything!

Even though it has changed into countless forms, it is still as greedy as ever!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, knowing that Ah Jin would buy him some more time, so he immediately did not dare to delay. Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand once again gathered the power of the Heavenly Punishment and used the Great Killing Technique to activate the supreme power of the Hot Sea Divine Spring.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Throw the Universe!!"

With a loud shout, he threw Fang Tian's painted halberd fiercely and shot towards Archbishop Shanya!

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