Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4032 Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Destroy the world!


As Fang Tian's painted halberd in Ling Feng's hand was thrown fiercely, the sky screamed and the void twisted, like a bloody rainbow, going straight through.

The terrifying sound of sonic boom exploded into layers of sound waves, attacking crazily in all directions.

In an instant, everyone's ears were filled with a buzzing sound.

The power exerted by Ling Feng's attack has completely reached the crushing level!

"This boy!"

Faros, who was huddled at the entrance of the cave, had a look of deep fear in his eyes.

Before entering the Exile Land, Ling Feng was chased all over the world by these Half-Step Demon Emperors.

In the end, there were dangers everywhere, and with the help of the demon's Yin body, the situation was finally reversed.

And now, if Ling Feng's statement is correct, in just three years, he has already reached this point!

Even if he successfully promoted to the Broken Realm after leaving, I'm afraid he wouldn't be this kid's opponent.

"What a monster!"

Falos took a deep breath. Fortunately, this boy seemed to have a good relationship with the Queen. To say the least, at least the Gulando family should not be considered his enemies.

And the seven great priests also showed solemn expressions one by one.

This was the first time that Ling Feng used the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques in front of them.

They hid something, but Ling Feng actually hid it deeper than them!

The Gluttony Priest Yue Que's eyes were fixed on Ah Jin in great shock.

He was horrified that there was someone in this world who could eat better than him, and his appetite was so big!

"So this thing is edible?"

His eyes were fixed on Ah Jin, and when he saw Ah Jin swallowing the "Medusa Snake Rain" from Bishop Shanya like a storm, his saliva couldn't help but water, and he actually wanted to eat it." Buffet” impulse.

"The slave family is really underestimated!"

Archbishop Shanya was directly locked by Ling Feng's halberd blade, and a faint pink light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

In an instant, endless desire surged into his heart, and Ling Feng's figure trembled slightly in the air.

If the mind is not firm enough, I am afraid that at that moment, I will completely sink into the sea of ​​desire.

However, the next moment, blood flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the emperor's eyes saw through all illusions.

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and the ghosts and gods behind him breathed out two golden mists at the same time, like the wrath of the gods.


In a flash of lightning, Ling Feng's "Throw of the Universe" was already approaching Archbishop Shanya.

Archbishop Shanya frowned, raised his hand, and manipulated the arm of the colossal statue of the Evil God of Lust, to forcefully stop Ling Feng's halberd.


The halberd penetrated deeply into the arm of the colossus, and then, there was a "clicking" sound, and a deep crack appeared on the arm of the evil god's colossus, which began to spread rapidly.


Countless huge fragments fell from the sky and turned into meteorites.


Ling Feng's eyes widened in anger, Ling Xu wielded his halberd, and Rehai's divine power exploded one after another, trying to penetrate the arm of the evil god's giant statue.


Archbishop Shanya snorted softly. The cracks in the Evil God's giant statue healed instantly, and Ling Feng's halberd was forcibly sealed in the Evil God's giant arm.

But it turned out that Archbishop Shanya was not trying to use the arm of the Evil God Colossus to resist Ling Feng's attack, but was actually trying to seal his weapon directly.

This woman is indeed not simple!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stared at Shanya from afar, and yelled: "Senior Shanya, you just hit me with the first blow, now take my second move!"

"Is there any next step?"

Shanya's eyelids twitched slightly, and she suddenly felt an extremely dull restlessness in the sky.



It was as if an extraterrestrial planet had fallen from the sky. The moment the roar erupted, the entire sky was filled with extremely dazzling golden light.

But it turns out that Ling Feng's ghost and god magic form actually summoned a halberd that was even bigger than the giant statue!

Ghost and God Faxiang held the halberd tightly with both hands, and used Fang Tian's painted halberd as a heavy hammer, hitting Shanya hard.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, destroy - destroy - the world!"


Ling Feng's roar shook the sky. The giant halberd was actually even bigger than the Evil God's Colossus. It hit him on the head, not even giving Shanya any time to react.


"how come?"

"When did you take action?"

"Too...too fast!"

A look of astonishment flashed across the eyes of each of the Sin Archbishops. Ling Feng's attack was so shocking that even strong men like them who were accustomed to big scenes were deeply shocked.

This move was also the first time Ling Feng used it.

This is also a move that he can control only after his spiritual consciousness and physical body have reached the shattering level one after another.

Of course, this is also due to the increase in holdings of Big Killing Technique.

Otherwise, Ling Feng's Dantian Qi Hai might have been completely drained before this move could be released.

Rao was Wan Cheng, and his eyes also burst with unprecedented fighting spirit.

For the first time, he regarded Ling Feng as an opponent he could fight with.

At the same time, deep in the underground palace, the expressions on the faces of the Great Evil King and the Great Priest also became extremely complicated.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques..."

The Great Evil King murmured in a low voice, "As expected of Taixu's descendant, this move already has a hint of Taixu's old style."

"It seems that this kid has also received part of Xu Zun's inheritance. He is actually able to transform his heavenly weapons into the form of the Ten Directions Heavenly Punishment, and can also perform the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques."

The Archbishop took a deep breath and said, "With the realm of Immortal Lord, you can use it to destroy the world. This kid is defying the heavens!"

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Evil King, and he immediately threw a fragment from his sleeve and threw it towards the Archbishop.

"Gui Hai, if he successfully passes this level, please hand over these fragments of the Heavenly Punishment to this boy."

The Archbishop took the fragment of Tianzhu with both hands and felt a ray of cold air burst out from the broken fragment, and his eyelids jumped suddenly.

" this a fragment of Xu Zun's Shifang Tianchu?"

The Great Evil King did not speak, but nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect that when Yi Ting tried so hard to get this thing, part of it is actually in your hands."

"Yi Ting...Yi Ting!!!"

When the Great Evil King heard Yi Ting's name, he suddenly became extremely irritable, with an almost cannibalistic look in his eyes.

The Archbishop quickly shut up and stepped aside. This name was taboo in front of the Great Evil King.

He was temporarily shocked by this fragment of Tianchu, and he became a little forgetful.

After a long while, the Great Evil King controlled his endless anger and gritted his teeth and said: "I have lost control more and more frequently recently. I hope... I hope that before I die, I can see... the descendants of Brother Taixu and revive the former Tiandao." pulse."

"Master, don't say these depressing words. You are so powerful that nothing will happen to you. What's more, didn't you say that the mistress is still alive? She must still be waiting for you, so no matter what, don't give up hope!"

"Weak water... weak water..."

The Great Evil King shook his head and showed a bitter smile. He immediately looked at the Chief Priest and said in a deep voice: "Guihai, these years have dragged you down. If you stayed in the Xantian Lei Clan, you should be a supreme elder at this moment. Have all the respect."

"Master, you are not yet..."

The Archbishop gritted his teeth and did not continue. He just took a deep breath and said: "My life was given by you, Master. If it were not for Master, I would have died on the battlefield. Everyone in the world can betray you, but I will never return to the sea!"


The terrifying sound waves shook the sky and filled the sky.

In panic, Archbishop Shanya could only raise the arms of the Evil God's colossus above his head, trying to grab the extremely huge halberd blade.

However, the moment the golden halberd collided with the evil god's giant arms, those arms shattered.

Among the endless dust and gravel, a golden light shot out, it was the sealed Shifang Tianchu!

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to grab it and retracted the Tianchu. The next moment, Ah Jin ate all the "Medusa Snake Rain", and his figure flashed and reappeared at Ling Feng's feet.

The man and the horse became one again, and Ling Feng's mana, which had been almost drained by that move, was replenished, and he instantly became energetic.

Originally, Ling Feng's Dantian space must have been incredible, but now coupled with Ah Jin's mobile "outer Dantian", it is equivalent to unlimited firepower!

Wan Cheng was still absorbing the power of the other six evil gods, but now he saw that Ling Feng wanted to destroy the fusion of the evil gods' power, and Shan Ya was actually unable to resist, so naturally he could no longer stand idly by.

Once Shanya is severely damaged and one of the seven sins is missing, it will not be complete.

"Don't even think about it!"

Wan Cheng shouted loudly, slapped the six wings behind his back, and his figure mysteriously disappeared from the place. The next moment, he appeared in front of Ling Feng again.

The mark he left on Destruction in All Directions has not disappeared.

In other words, as long as he wanted, he could appear in front of Ling Feng at any time.

He had to disrupt Ling Feng's attack so that Shanya would have time to react.


Ling Feng didn't understand Wan Cheng's intention and quickly signaled A Jin to take action...

Oh no, I should say it!


Ah Jin understood instantly, opened his mouth and fired several balls of light, which hit Wan Cheng fiercely.

But at this moment, Wancheng has integrated the power of the six evil gods, and his power has increased a lot.

One gun after another pierced A Jin's ball of light, and at the same time he twitched the gun barrel, like a poisonous dragon, and stabbed Ling Feng's previous wound again.

Ling Feng frowned and could only use his halberd to resist.

The killing move that destroyed the world instantly lost its indomitable momentum and its power was greatly reduced.

Shanya took a deep breath and finally found an opportunity to counterattack.

The next moment, from the broken arms of the evil god's giant statue, two giant pythons stretched out and directly wrapped around the halberd blade above the sky.

It is the use of softness to overcome hardness.

This kind of feminine power offset the domineering spirit of Shattering World to the greatest extent. Although Archbishop Shanya was blown away by the force of the counter-shock, he was not seriously injured.

The other priests looked on with cold eyes, but had no intention of lending a helping hand to this companion.

Shanya bit her silver teeth and threw out a giant snake from her sleeve. With a "swish" sound, it wrapped around the giant statue of the Sloth Evil God. Then, the giant snake shrank and Shanya's figure jumped onto the bed of the Sloth Archbishop.

The lazy Archbishop didn't even bother to raise his eyelids. This guy was fighting Ling Feng, and yet he was able to take a nap so comfortably.

Anyway, all you need to do is pour your own evil god's power into Wancheng continuously.

This style of play was his favorite.

Archbishop Shanya kicked him angrily. This guy was the closest, but he didn't help at all.

If Wan Cheng hadn't finally taken action, she would probably have died.

And the reason why Ling Feng killed him was because he had no choice but to kill him.

This battle is a battle of life and death.

He already had the upper hand, and if he showed mercy, he would be afraid that his life would be too long.

This move of his was considered a sure-fire way to attack the enemy, and it interrupted Wan Cheng's plan.

Now, although Shanya's injuries were not serious, she would have to wait at least half an hour before she could integrate the power of the Seven Sins again.

This is also the pattern that Ling Feng discovered when he played against them on weekdays.

"Even if you just fuse the six sins, it's more than enough to deal with you!"

Wan Cheng didn't understand Ling Feng's intention, but he still looked down at Ling Feng with an arrogant attitude.

"Come on, the move just now is a bit interesting!"

Wan Cheng pointed the spear in his hand, and the giant statue of the Arrogant Evil God flapped its wings and flew into the air.

Such a huge colossus seemed to be completely alive.

Not only that, the action was extremely fast.

The Evil God Colossus and Wan Cheng are two in one, and their cooperation is no less than that of Ling Feng and Ah Jin.


The arrogant evil god Lou Lou held a huge steel fork and stabbed Ling Feng fiercely.

Ling Feng's ghostly and magical appearance caused the giant halberd to return to defense. With a bang, the two ten thousand-foot-long divine weapons collided, and the mountains shook and the ground shook, as if the end was coming.

Wan Cheng laughed wildly, and then, Wan Zhang's thunder reappeared, and this time, Wan Cheng no longer used the secret space attack, but every thunder actually turned into Wan Cheng's clone.

Thousands of figures, each urging the power of the evil god, gathered into a sea of ​​people and surged towards Lingfeng.

Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. Even if he just fused the power of the six sins, was it already so terrifying?

He quickly drove Ah Jin to retreat violently, and so many clones of Wancheng all attacked with a deadly attack.

Such a dense sea of ​​people made it impossible for Ling Feng to escape.

Soon, Ling Feng was surrounded by countless "Wan Cheng" from all directions.

Ajin's front hooves stepped in the void, a pair of dark golden eyes stared at the clones of Wancheng, and let out a series of roars.

Then, he opened his big mouth, sucked in suddenly, and sucked all the clones into his belly.


Wan Cheng laughed crazily and said, "You are simply asking for your own death!"

Sure enough, when the clones of ten thousand times were gathered into Ajin's mouth, then there was a bright light, and the thunder clones all exploded under the detonation of the evil god's power.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Wan Cheng had long known that Ling Feng's mount had the ability to swallow almost everything, so he sucked all the clones into his mouth and detonated them before they were completely swallowed.

Such destructive power exploded directly from Ajin's mouth, and the destructive power can be imagined.


In an instant, Ah Jin was roaring like crazy because of the explosion. He, who had always dared to eat anything, suffered for the first time because of "eating".

"Ajin, spit it out!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This little guy was still too innocent and was plotted by that guy Wan Cheng.

However, Ah Jin also had a stubborn temper. Even though he was blown to pieces, he forcefully swallowed the clone that had been rolled into his mouth, along with the power of thunder and the power of the evil god.

But I don't dare to smoke the remaining part.

"Whatever comes into your mouth must be swallowed. Haha, that strange beast looks more like a follower of the Evil God of Gluttony than me! He should be the priest of our Temple of Gluttony!"

In the distance, Bishop Yueque screamed like crazy, as if he had regarded Ah Jin as his "life confidant."

At this moment, Ah Jin's mouth was bloody and riddled with holes. He was almost out of shape and his breath had become much weaker.

At least for a short period of time, Ah Jin can no longer spit out light balls to help him repel Wan Cheng.

Ling Feng clenched the halberd in his hand, his palms sweating slightly, and frowned deeply as he looked at the increasing number of Wancheng clones.

This battle is more difficult than I imagined!

There is still almost half the time, but my trump cards are almost exhausted. Can I really survive this level?

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